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Last active May 1, 2018 13:59
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missed first part due to laptop being dumb


pod "ready++" allow external systems (load-balancers, policies etc) to participate in rolling updates. External system decorates pod with ready status


  • lowest common denominator api
  • very limited with with current configuration
  • annotation model of markup limits portability
  • ingress survey reports:
  • people want portability
  • everyone uses non-portable features..
  • 2018 L7 requirements are dramatically higher than what they were and many vendors don't support that level of functionality.
  • Possible Solution? Routes
    • openshift uses routes
    • heptio prototyping routes currently
  • All things considered, requirements are driving it closer and closer to istio
    • Possibility, poach some of the ideas and add them to kubernetes native.

Topology and node-local services

  • clear need for node-local network and service discovery
    • e.g. "I want to talk to the logging daemon on my current host"
  • These types of services should not be a service proper.


certain scenarios demand multi-network

  • example: NFV
  • Problem: pods were not designed with multiple interfaces
    • Need to ensure that old mistakes are not repeated
    • developers don't want to think about routing and subnets etc, they just want it to work

net plugins vs device plugins

  • gpu that is also an infiniband device
  • causes problems because network and device are very different with verbs etc
  • problems encountered with having to schedule devices and network together at the same time.
    • "I want a gpu on this host that has a gpu attached and I want it to be the same deviec"
    • PoC available to make this work, but its rough and a problem right now.
  • difficult to work around, no right answer yet

net plugins, grpg, services

  • tighter coupling between net plugins and kube-proxy might be useful
  • grpc is awesome for plugins, why not use a grpc network plugin
  • pass services to network plugin to bypass kube-proxy, give more awareness to the network plugin and enable more functionality.


  • beta now, NO support for dual-stack (v4/v6 at the same time)
  • need deeper changes like multiple pod ips, a problem as it impacts the pod API

service v3

  • services + endpoints "grew organically"

  • kind of a grab bag of features

  • need to start segmenting the "core" api group

    • move core apis to their own apigroup.
  • opportunity to rethink and refactor

    • endpoints -> endpoint
    • split the grouping construct from the "gazintas"
      • virtualIP, network, dns name moves into the service
    • EOL troublesome features
      • port remapping

DNS Reboot

  • kubernetes abuses DNS

  • Screwed up the schema for DNS and doesn't reflect the schema of the system

  • Have a few ideas on migrating to a new better DNS schema over a few years current issues with schema:

  • problem: its possible to write queries in dns that write over names

    • create a namespace called "com" and an app named "google" and it'll cause a problem
  • "svc" is an artifact and should not be a part of dns

  • issues with certain underlying libraries

  • "Enlighted DNS server"

    • Smart proxies on behalf of pods that do the searching and become a "better" dns
  • External DNS

  • Creates DNS entries in external system (route53)

  • Currently in incubator, not sure on status, possibly might move out of incubator, but unsure on path forward


  • Feel like things are going in a circle on net/device plugins

    • Resource management on device/net plugin, feels like things are going in a spiral, but progress is being made, it is a very difficult problem and hard to keep all design points tracked. Trying to come to consensus on it all.
  • Would CoreDNS be the best place for the plugins and other modes for DNS proxy etc.

    • Possibly, seems extensible and likely the right choice. DNS itself is still a problem, couple other solutions would be do something like use UDP to communicate with DNS on localhost and TCP to a DNS server not on host. Lots of possibilities that can be solved with tools that are already controlled.
  • With the issues talked about earlier, why can't istio be integrated natively?

    • istio is still a little green and has its own issues, its an external project. Eventually its likely everyone will run something like it.
  • Thoughts on k8s v2?

    • Things will not just be turned off, things must be phased out and over the course of years, especially for services which have been core for some time.
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