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Last active May 1, 2018 10:40
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client-go and API extensions

client-go and API extensions

Goals for the Session

  • What is currently painful when building a controller
  • Questions around best practices
  • After this week
  • As someone new:
    • What is hard to grasp?
  • As someone experienced:
    • What important bits of info do you think are critical

Pain points when building controller

  • A lot of boilerplate
    • Work queues
    • HasSynced functions
    • Re-queuing
  • Lack of deep documentation in these areas
    • Some documentation exists, bot focused on k/k core
  • Securing webhooks & APIServers
  • Validation schemas
  • TLS, the number of certs is a pain point
    • It is hard right now, the internal k8s CA has been used a bit.
    • OpenShift has a 'serving cert controller' that will generate a cert based on an annotation that might be able to possibly integrate upstream.
    • Election has been problematic and the Scaling API is low-level and hard to use.
  • Registering CRDs, whats the best way to go about it?
    • No best way to do it, but has been deployed with application
  • Declarative API on one end that has to be translated to traslated to a transactional API on other end (e.g. ingress). Controller trying to change quite a few things.
    • You can do locking, but it has to be built.
  • Follow-up where a CRD has to work with an external or third party system, unsure on how to roll-back or undo.
    • Need a record that keeps track of things in progress. e.g. status. Need more info on how to properly tackle this problem.

Best Practices - questions

  • How many times to update status per sync
    • based on type of object

  • Conditions vs fields
    • "don't use conditions too much", status is unsure
    • "What Does condition mean in this context
      • Additional field that can have ready with a msg, represents state.
      • Limit on states that the object can be in.
      • Use conditions to reflect the state of the world, is something blocked etc.
      • Conditions were created to allow for mixed mode of clients, old clients can ignore some conditions while new clients can follow them.
  • Validating webhooks vs OpenAPI schema
  • How are people testing extensions?
    • Anyone reusing upstream dind cluster?
    • People looking for a good way to test them.
    • kube-builder uses the sig-testing framework to bring up a local control plane and use that to test against.
    • Spin up a full cluster with kubeadm and run tests against that
    • Mirtantis has a tool for a multi-node dind cluster for testing
  • When to use subresources?
    • Are people switching to api agg to use this today?
    • Really just for status and scale

Moving Forward

  • How can we best disseminate this knowledge?
    • Shaed among many areas, most SIGs maintain controllers
    • Wiki? Developer Docs working group?
    • Existing docs focus on in-tree development. Dedicated 'extending kubernetes' section?
  • How to generate reference style documentation?
  • Can use kube-builder to generate better documentation - kube-builder 'book' in the works -
  • How many versions of kubernetes do people test against?
    • auidence poll: 2-3

API Extension Authors meetings or summits?

  • sig-platofmr-dev


  • Client-go generated listers, what is the reason for two separate interfaces to retrieve from client and cache?
    • historical, but some things are better done local vs on the server.
  • What is the best question going forward for now?
    • most goes to sig-api-machinery right now
    • Controller related stuff would probably be best for sig-apps
  • Staleness of data, how are people dealing with keeping data up to date with external data?
    • Specify sync period on your informer, will put everything through the loop and hit external resources.
  • With strictly kubernetes resources, should your sync period be never? aka does the watch return everything.
    • The watch should return everything and should be used if its strictly k8s in and k8s out, no need to set the sync period.
  • What about controllers in other languages than go?
    • metacontroller
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