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Created May 29, 2012 15:09
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basic hlsl shader used with 16bit depth texture from kinect as a way of thresholding
//@author: vvvv group
//@help: this is a very basic template. use it to start writing your own effects. if you want effects with lighting start from one of the GouraudXXXX or PhongXXXX effects
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
float4x4 tW: WORLD; //the models world matrix
float4x4 tV: VIEW; //view matrix as set via Renderer (EX9)
float4x4 tP: PROJECTION;
float thresh = 0;
texture Tex <string uiname="Texture";>;
sampler Samp = sampler_state //sampler for doing the texture-lookup
Texture = (Tex); //apply a texture to the sampler
MipFilter = LINEAR; //sampler states
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
//texture transformation marked with semantic TEXTUREMATRIX to achieve symmetric transformations
float4x4 tTex: TEXTUREMATRIX <string uiname="Texture Transform";>;
//the data structure: "vertexshader to pixelshader"
//used as output data with the VS function
//and as input data with the PS function
struct vs2ps
float4 Pos : POSITION;
float2 TexCd : TEXCOORD0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vs2ps VS(
float4 PosO : POSITION,
float4 TexCd : TEXCOORD0)
//declare output struct
vs2ps Out;
//transform position
Out.Pos = mul(PosO, tWVP);
//transform texturecoordinates
Out.TexCd = mul(TexCd, tTex);
return Out;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
float4 PS(vs2ps In): COLOR
float4 col = tex2D(Samp, In.TexCd);
if (col.r < thresh)
col.r =0;
return col;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
technique TSimpleShader
pass P0
//Wrap0 = U; // useful when mesh is round like a sphere
VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 VS();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PS();
technique TFixedFunction
pass P0
WorldTransform[0] = (tW);
ViewTransform = (tV);
ProjectionTransform = (tP);
Sampler[0] = (Samp);
TextureTransform[0] = (tTex);
TexCoordIndex[0] = 0;
TextureTransformFlags[0] = COUNT2;
//Wrap0 = U; // useful when mesh is round like a sphere
Lighting = FALSE;
VertexShader = NULL;
PixelShader = NULL;
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