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Last active June 28, 2016 19:44
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PCF Stop/Start (including services)
# bosh setup
alias bosh='BUNDLE_GEMFILE=/home/tempest-web/tempest/web/bosh.Gemfile bundle exec bosh'
# extract list of all deployments
echo "# Running 'bosh deployments'"
echo "#"
deployments=$(bosh deployments 2>/dev/null | grep 'bosh-vsphere' | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' | sed -E 's/\s//g')
echo "# The following deployments exists:"
echo "# $(printf "%s " $deployments)"
echo "#"
# download deployments
echo "# Creating download instructions for deployment manifests"
for deployment in $deployments; do
bosh download manifest ${deployment} ${deployment}
echo "#"
# bosh setup
alias bosh='BUNDLE_GEMFILE=/home/tempest-web/tempest/web/bosh.Gemfile bundle exec bosh'
# extract list of all deployments
echo "# Running 'bosh deployments'"
echo "#"
deployments=$(bosh deployments 2>/dev/null | grep 'bosh-vsphere' | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' | sed -E 's/\s//g')
echo "# The following deployments exists:"
echo "# $(printf "%s " $deployments)"
echo "#"
# seperate deployments between CF and services
cf_deployment=$(printf "%s\n" $deployments | grep 'cf-')
srv_deployments=$(printf "%s\n" $deployments | grep -v 'cf-')
echo "# Generating stop commands of PCF jobs to be stopped:"
echo "#"
# filter so that we only get the running ones, extract the name only
# extract list of vms
echo "bosh deployment ${cf_deployment}"
cf_vms=$(bosh vms $cf_deployment 2>/dev/null | grep 'running' $vms_all | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' | sed -E 's/\s//g' | awk -F"/" '{print $1}' | sort -u)
# stop order for PCF - see:
pcf_stop_order_before_services="loggregator_trafficcontroller- doppler- dea- diego_cell- diego_brain- uaa- collector-"
for comp in $pcf_stop_order_before_services; do
for comp_indexed in $(printf "%s\n" $cf_vms | grep $comp); do
prefix=$(printf "%s" "$comp_indexed" | egrep -o "^[^-]+")
case $prefix in
"dea" | "diego_cell")
echo "bosh stop --skip-drain $comp_indexed"
echo "bosh stop $comp_indexed"
echo "#"
# extract list of all services
# stop order for service
# -> stop the broker (no new services can be provisioned)
# -> stop the ha proxy (no communication to the nodes possible)
# -> stop the instances ()
echo "# Generating stop commands for service deployments"
for deployment in $srv_deployments; do
echo "bosh deployment ${deployment}"
deployment_vms=$(bosh vms $deployment 2>/dev/null | grep 'running' | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' | sed -E 's/ //g' | awk -F"/" '{print $1}' | sort -u)
# stop broker
for comp_indexed in $(printf "%s\n" $deployment_vms | grep "broker"); do
echo bosh stop $comp_indexed
# stop (ha) proxy
for comp_indexed in $(printf "%s\n" $deployment_vms | grep "proxy"); do
echo bosh stop $comp_indexed
# stop rest
for comp_indexed in $(printf "%s\n" $deployment_vms | grep -v "proxy" | grep -v "broker"); do
echo bosh stop $comp_indexed
echo "#"
# stop order for PCF - see:
# stopping rest of PCF components after services. Some service may rely upon PCF service like the cc or uaa. also without nats running stopping via BOSH doesn't make sense.
echo "bosh deployment ${cf_deployment}"
pcf_stop_order_after_services="cloud_controller_worker- clock_global- health_manager- ha_proxy- cloud_controller- consoledb- uaadb- ccdb- mysql- mysql_proxy- router- nfs_server- diego_database- etcd_server- consul_server- nats-"
for comp in $pcf_stop_order_after_services; do
for comp_indexed in $(printf "%s\n" $cf_vms | grep $comp); do
echo bosh stop $comp_indexed
echo "#"
# bosh setup
alias bosh='BUNDLE_GEMFILE=/home/tempest-web/tempest/web/bosh.Gemfile bundle exec bosh'
# extract list of all deployments
echo "# Running 'bosh deployments'"
echo "#"
deployments=$(bosh deployments 2>/dev/null | grep 'bosh-vsphere' | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' | sed -E 's/\s//g')
echo "# The following deployments exists:"
echo "# $(printf "%s " $deployments)"
echo "#"
# seperate deployments in CF and services
cf_deployment=$(printf "%s\n" $deployments | grep 'cf-')
srv_deployments=$(printf "%s\n" $deployments | grep -v 'cf-')
echo "# Generating start commands of PCF jobs to be started:"
echo "#"
# filter so that we only get the running ones, extract the name only
# extract list of vms
echo "bosh deployment ${cf_deployment}"
cf_vms=$(bosh vms $cf_deployment 2>/dev/null | grep 'running' $vms_all | awk -F '|' '{print $2}')
# start order for PCF - see:
pcf_stop_order_before_services="nats- consul_server- etcd_server- diego_database- nfs_server- router- mysql_proxy- mysql- ccdb- uaadb- consoledb- cloud_controller- ha_proxy- health_manager- clock_global- cloud_controller_worker-"
for comp in $pcf_stop_order_before_services; do
for comp_indexed in $(printf "%s\n" $cf_vms | grep $comp); do
echo bosh start $(echo $comp_indexed | sed -E 's|/| |g')
echo "#"
# extract list of all services
# start order for service
# -> start the nodes
# -> start the ha proxy
# -> start the broker
echo "# Generating start commands for service deployments"
for deployment in $srv_deployments; do
echo "# running bosh vms $deployment"
echo "bosh deployment ${deployment}"
deployment_vms=$(bosh vms $deployment 2>/dev/null | grep 'running' | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' | sed -E 's/ //g')
# start actual nodes
for comp_indexed in $(printf "%s\n" $deployment_vms | grep -v "proxy" | grep -v "broker"); do
echo bosh start $(echo $comp_indexed | sed -E 's|/| |g')
# start (ha) proxy
for comp_indexed in $(printf "%s\n" $deployment_vms | grep "proxy"); do
echo bosh start $(echo $comp_indexed | sed -E 's|/| |g')
# start broker
for comp_indexed in $(printf "%s\n" $deployment_vms | grep "broker"); do
echo bosh start $(echo $comp_indexed | sed -E 's|/| |g')
echo "#"
# start order for PCF - see:
# start rest of PCF components after services. Collector, applications running in DEAs and Diego rely on PCF services.
pcf_stop_order_after_services="collector- uaa- diego_brain- diego_cell- dea- doppler- loggregator_trafficcontroller-"
for comp in $pcf_stop_order_after_services; do
for comp_indexed in $(printf "%s\n" $cf_vms | grep $comp); do
echo bosh start $(echo $comp_indexed | sed -E 's|/| |g')
echo "#"

Login to OpsMgr via SSH

Create a directory e.g.

  mkdir 20160501_pcf_stop_start

Copy, and into the previously created directory.

Important: The commands will only be generated for jobs ins running state. Please make sure everything is running before executing using

  bosh vms | grep -v running

Run the following commands on the OpsMgr console (being logged via SSH)

  sh 01_download_deployment_manifest
  sh > stop_commands
  sh > start_commands

Validate the content of the files stop_commands and start_commands. It is recommened that when executing you have two sessions open.

  • Session 1: run the 'meta' commands in this session and keep *_commands open.
  • Session 2: run the actual bosh commands here.
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