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Forked from evanw/Main.hx
Last active November 25, 2015 17:30
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Save mrcdk/f76bb65c5e04a9a5355c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

This is a comparison of Skew ( to Haxe ( Skew is a programming language I've been working on. Haxe is a great language and ecosystem but the JavaScript code that the Haxe compiler generates isn't as good as it could be and the language itself could be better. Here's a quick list of some things that Skew is better at:

Things the Skew compiler has that Haxe doesn't:

  • Actual integers (Haxe uses doubles) Haxe has haxe.Int32
  • Automatic inlining (Haxe needs "inline" everywhere)
  • Dead code elimination (the Haxe compiler emits unused inlined getters) Haxe has a DCE
  • Property minification (must manually specify minified names with @:native in Haxe)
  • Comment preservation (the Haxe compiler strips all comments from the debugging output)
  • Local constant folding (can't specify a local variable as "inline" in Haxe) Haxe has an static analyzer
  • Smaller output (7x in this case, 2.8x with minification using uglify)

Things the Skew language has that Haxe doesn't:

  • Function overloading
  • Top-level functions
  • Much lighter syntax

Obviously Skew has a long way to go, but it's just getting started and it already generates much better JavaScript than Haxe!

# This demonstrates using type wrapping to make an efficient color API. Colors
# are stored directly as 32-bit integers and don't cause any allocations.
type Color : int {
def r int {
return (self as int) >> 16 & 255
def g int {
return (self as int) >> 8 & 255
def b int {
return (self as int) & 255
def a int {
return (self as int) >>> 24
def withAlpha(a int) Color {
return new(r, g, b, a)
def toString string {
return "Color(\(r), \(g), \(b), \(a))"
namespace Color {
const TRANSPARENT = new(0, 0, 0, 0)
const BLACK = new(0, 0, 0)
const WHITE = new(255, 255, 255)
const RED = hex(0xFF0000)
const GREEN = hex(0x00FF00)
const BLUE = hex(0x0000FF)
def new(r int, g int, b int) Color {
return new(r, g, b, 255)
def new(r int, g int, b int, a int) Color {
assert(r >= 0 && r <= 0xFF)
assert(g >= 0 && g <= 0xFF)
assert(b >= 0 && b <= 0xFF)
assert(a >= 0 && a <= 0xFF)
return (r << 16 | g << 8 | b | a << 24) as Color
def hex(rgb int) Color {
return hex(rgb, 255)
def hex(rgb int, a int) Color {
assert(rgb >= 0 && rgb <= 0xFFFFFF)
assert(a >= 0 && a <= 0xFF)
return (rgb | a << 24) as Color
# This API works well with inlining and constant folding in release mode
def test {
var red Color = .RED
var green Color = .GREEN
var yellow =, green.g, 0).withAlpha(127)
dynamic.console.log("yellow: \(yellow)")
var test = 1
for i in 0..64 {
test = test * 1103515245 + 12345
assert(test == (test | 0))
(function() {
var __imul = Math.imul ? Math.imul : function(a, b) {
var ah = a >> 16 & 65535;
var bh = b >> 16 & 65535;
var al = a & 65535;
var bl = b & 65535;
return al * bl + (ah * bl + al * bh << 16) | 0;
function assert(truth) {
if (!truth) {
throw Error('Assertion failed');
// This API works well with inlining and constant folding in release mode
function test() {
var red = Color.RED;
var green = Color.GREEN;
var yellow = Color.withAlpha(Color.new1(Color.r(red), Color.g(green), 0), 127);
console.log('yellow: ' + Color.toString(yellow));
var test = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < 64; i = i + 1 | 0) {
test = __imul(test, 1103515245) + 12345 | 0;
assert(test == (test | 0));
// This demonstrates using type wrapping to make an efficient color API. Colors
// are stored directly as 32-bit integers and don't cause any allocations.
var Color = {};
Color.r = function(self) {
return self >> 16 & 255;
Color.g = function(self) {
return self >> 8 & 255;
Color.b = function(self) {
return self & 255;
Color.a = function(self) {
return self >>> 24;
Color.withAlpha = function(self, a) {
return Color.new2(Color.r(self), Color.g(self), Color.b(self), a);
Color.toString = function(self) {
return 'Color(' + Color.r(self).toString() + ', ' + Color.g(self).toString() + ', ' + Color.b(self).toString() + ', ' + Color.a(self).toString() + ')';
Color.new1 = function(r, g, b) {
return Color.new2(r, g, b, 255);
Color.new2 = function(r, g, b, a) {
assert(r >= 0 && r <= 255);
assert(g >= 0 && g <= 255);
assert(b >= 0 && b <= 255);
assert(a >= 0 && a <= 255);
return r << 16 | g << 8 | b | a << 24;
Color.hex1 = function(rgb) {
return Color.hex2(rgb, 255);
Color.hex2 = function(rgb, a) {
assert(rgb >= 0 && rgb <= 16777215);
assert(a >= 0 && a <= 255);
return rgb | a << 24;
Color.RED = Color.hex1(16711680);
Color.GREEN = Color.hex1(65280);
{"version":3,"sources":["<native-js>",""],"sourcesContent":["\nconst __extends = (derived dynamic, base dynamic) => {\n derived.prototype = dynamic.Object.create(base.prototype)\n derived.prototype.constructor = derived\n}\n\nconst __imul fn(int, int) int = dynamic.Math.imul ? dynamic.Math.imul : (a, b) => {\n const ah dynamic = (a >> 16) & 65535\n const bh dynamic = (b >> 16) & 65535\n const al dynamic = a & 65535\n const bl dynamic = b & 65535\n return al * bl + ((ah * bl + al * bh) << 16) | 0\n}\n\nconst __isInt = (value dynamic) => value == (value | 0)\nconst __isBool = (value dynamic) => value == !!value\nconst __isDouble = (value dynamic) => value == +value || dynamic.isNaN(value)\nconst __isString = (value dynamic) => dynamic.typeof(value) == \"string\"\n\ndef assert(truth bool) {\n if !truth {\n throw dynamic.Error(\"Assertion failed\")\n }\n}\n\n@import\nnamespace Math {}\n\nclass double {\n def isFinite bool {\n return dynamic.isFinite(self)\n }\n\n def isNaN bool {\n return dynamic.isNaN(self)\n }\n}\n\nclass string {\n def <=>(x string) int {\n return ((x as dynamic < self) as int) - ((x as dynamic > self) as int)\n }\n\n def startsWith(text string) bool {\n return count >= text.count && slice(0, text.count) == text\n }\n\n def endsWith(text string) bool {\n return count >= text.count && slice(count - text.count) == text\n }\n\n def replaceAll(before string, after string) string {\n return after.join(self.split(before))\n }\n\n def in(value string) bool {\n return indexOf(value) != -1\n }\n\n def count int {\n return (self as dynamic).length\n }\n\n def [](index int) int {\n return (self as dynamic).charCodeAt(index)\n }\n\n def get(index int) string {\n return (self as dynamic)[index]\n }\n\n def repeat(times int) string {\n var result = \"\"\n for i in 0..times {\n result += self\n }\n return result\n }\n\n def join(parts List<string>) string {\n return (parts as dynamic).join(self)\n }\n\n def codeUnits List<int> {\n var result List<int> = []\n for i in 0..count {\n result.append(self[i])\n }\n return result\n }\n}\n\nnamespace string {\n def fromCodeUnit(codeUnit int) string {\n return dynamic.String.fromCharCode(codeUnit)\n }\n\n def fromCodeUnits(codeUnits List<int>) string {\n var result = \"\"\n for codeUnit in codeUnits {\n result += string.fromCodeUnit(codeUnit)\n }\n return result\n }\n}\n\nclass StringBuilder {\n var buffer = \"\"\n\n def new {\n }\n\n def append(x string) {\n buffer += x\n }\n\n def toString string {\n return buffer\n }\n}\n\n@rename(\"Array\")\nclass List {\n @rename(\"shift\") {\n def removeFirst\n def takeFirst T\n }\n\n @rename(\"pop\") {\n def removeLast\n def takeLast T\n }\n\n @rename(\"unshift\")\n def prepend(x T)\n\n @rename(\"push\")\n def append(x T)\n\n @rename(\"every\") if TARGET == .JAVASCRIPT\n def all(x fn(T) bool) bool\n\n @rename(\"some\") if TARGET == .JAVASCRIPT\n def any(x fn(T) bool) bool\n\n @rename(\"slice\") if TARGET == .JAVASCRIPT\n def clone List<T>\n\n @rename(\"forEach\") if TARGET == .JAVASCRIPT\n def each(x fn(T))\n\n def in(value T) bool {\n return indexOf(value) != -1\n }\n\n def isEmpty bool {\n return count == 0\n }\n\n def count int {\n return (self as dynamic).length\n }\n\n def first T {\n return self[0]\n }\n\n def last T {\n return self[count - 1]\n }\n\n def prepend(values List<T>) {\n var count = values.count\n for i in 0..count {\n prepend(values[count - i - 1])\n }\n }\n\n def append(values List<T>) {\n for value in values {\n append(value)\n }\n }\n\n def insert(index int, values List<T>) {\n for value in values {\n insert(index, value)\n index++\n }\n }\n\n def insert(index int, value T) {\n (self as dynamic).splice(index, 0, value)\n }\n\n def removeAt(x int) {\n (self as dynamic).splice(x, 1)\n }\n\n def takeAt(x int) T {\n return (self as dynamic).splice(x, 1)[0]\n }\n\n def takeRange(start int, end int) List<T> {\n return (self as dynamic).splice(start, end - start)\n }\n\n def appendOne(value T) {\n if !(value in self) {\n append(value)\n }\n }\n\n def removeOne(value T) {\n var index = indexOf(value)\n if index >= 0 {\n removeAt(index)\n }\n }\n\n def removeRange(start int, end int) {\n (self as dynamic).splice(start, end - start)\n }\n\n def removeIf(callback fn(T) bool) {\n var index = 0\n\n # Remove elements in place\n for i in 0..count {\n if !callback(self[i]) {\n if index < i {\n self[index] = self[i]\n }\n index++\n }\n }\n\n # Shrink the array to the correct size\n while index < count {\n removeLast\n }\n }\n\n def equals(other List<T>) bool {\n if count != other.count {\n return false\n }\n for i in 0..count {\n if self[i] != other[i] {\n return false\n }\n }\n return true\n }\n}\n\nnamespace List {\n def new List<T> {\n return [] as dynamic\n }\n}\n\nnamespace StringMap {\n def new StringMap<T> {\n return dynamic.Object.create(null)\n }\n}\n\nclass StringMap {\n def {...}(key string, value T) StringMap<T> {\n self[key] = value\n return self\n }\n\n def count int {\n return keys.count\n }\n\n def isEmpty bool {\n for key in self as dynamic {\n return false\n }\n return true\n }\n\n def get(key string, defaultValue T) T {\n var value = self[key]\n return value != dynamic.void(0) ? value : defaultValue # Compare against undefined so the key is only hashed once for speed\n }\n\n def keys List<string> {\n return dynamic.Object.keys(self)\n }\n\n def values List<T> {\n var values List<T> = []\n for key in self as dynamic {\n values.append(self[key])\n }\n return values\n }\n\n def clone StringMap<T> {\n var clone = new\n for key in keys {\n clone[key] = self[key]\n }\n return clone\n }\n\n def remove(key string) {\n dynamic.delete(self[key])\n }\n\n def each(x fn(string, T)) {\n for key in self as dynamic {\n x(key, self[key])\n }\n }\n}\n\nnamespace IntMap {\n def new IntMap<T> {\n return {} as dynamic\n }\n}\n\nclass IntMap {\n def {...}(key int, value T) IntMap<T> {\n self[key] = value\n return self\n }\n\n def count int {\n return values.count\n }\n\n def isEmpty bool {\n for key in self as dynamic {\n return false\n }\n return true\n }\n\n def get(key int, defaultValue T) T {\n var value = self[key]\n return value != dynamic.void(0) ? value : defaultValue # Compare against undefined so the key is only hashed once for speed\n }\n\n def keys List<int> {\n var keys List<int> = []\n for key in self as dynamic {\n keys.append(key as int)\n }\n return keys\n }\n\n def values List<T> {\n var values List<T> = []\n for key in self as dynamic {\n values.append(self[key])\n }\n return values\n }\n\n def clone IntMap<T> {\n var clone = new\n for key in keys {\n clone[key] = self[key]\n }\n return clone\n }\n\n def remove(key int) {\n dynamic.delete(self[key])\n }\n\n def each(x fn(int, T)) {\n for key in self as dynamic {\n x(key as int, self[key])\n }\n }\n}\n","# This demonstrates using type wrapping to make an efficient color API. Colors\n# are stored directly as 32-bit integers and don't cause any allocations.\ntype Color : int {\n def r int {\n return (self as int) >> 16 & 255\n }\n\n def g int {\n return (self as int) >> 8 & 255\n }\n\n def b int {\n return (self as int) & 255\n }\n\n def a int {\n return (self as int) >>> 24\n }\n\n def withAlpha(a int) Color {\n return new(r, g, b, a)\n }\n\n def toString string {\n return \"Color(\\(r), \\(g), \\(b), \\(a))\"\n }\n}\n\nnamespace Color {\n const TRANSPARENT = new(0, 0, 0, 0)\n\n const BLACK = new(0, 0, 0)\n const WHITE = new(255, 255, 255)\n\n const RED = hex(0xFF0000)\n const GREEN = hex(0x00FF00)\n const BLUE = hex(0x0000FF)\n\n def new(r int, g int, b int) Color {\n return new(r, g, b, 255)\n }\n\n def new(r int, g int, b int, a int) Color {\n assert(r >= 0 && r <= 0xFF)\n assert(g >= 0 && g <= 0xFF)\n assert(b >= 0 && b <= 0xFF)\n assert(a >= 0 && a <= 0xFF)\n return (r << 16 | g << 8 | b | a << 24) as Color\n }\n\n def hex(rgb int) Color {\n return hex(rgb, 255)\n }\n\n def hex(rgb int, a int) Color {\n assert(rgb >= 0 && rgb <= 0xFFFFFF)\n assert(a >= 0 && a <= 0xFF)\n return (rgb | a << 24) as Color\n }\n}\n\n# This API works well with inlining and constant folding in release mode\n@entry\ndef test {\n var red Color = .RED\n var green Color = .GREEN\n var yellow =, green.g, 0).withAlpha(127)\n dynamic.console.log(\"yellow: \\(yellow)\")\n\n var test = 1\n for i in 0..64 {\n test = test * 1103515245 + 12345\n dynamic.console.log(test)\n assert(test == (test | 0))\n }\n}\n"],"names":[],"mappings":";AAMM,eAA0B,YAAoB,YAAoB,SAAC,GAAG,EAAM;AAChF,aAAmB,KAAM,KAAM;AAC/B,aAAmB,KAAM,KAAM;AAC/B,aAAmB,IAAI;AACvB,aAAmB,IAAI;AACvB,WAAO,KAAK,KAAK,CAAC,KAAM,KAAK,KAAK,MAAO,MAAM;;;AAQ7C,kBAAO;AACT,QAAG,CAAC,MAAM;AACR,YAAM,MAAc;;;;AC0CpB;;AACF,cAAgB;AAChB,gBAAkB;AAClB,iBAAa,2BAAU,cAAO,gBAAS,IAAa;AACpD,gBAAoB,aAAW;AAE/B,eAAW;;AACX,iBAAS,OAAG,kBAAG;AACb,aAAO,aAAO,cAAa;AAC3B,kBAAoB;AACpB,aAAO,QAAQ,CAAC,OAAO;;;;AAvEtB;;;;AACC;AACF,WAAQ,QAAgB,KAAK;;;AAG3B;AACF,WAAQ,QAAgB,IAAI;;;AAG1B;AACF,WAAO,OAAgB;;;AAGrB;AACF,WAAO,SAAkB;;;AAGvB,mCAAU;AACZ,WAAO,WAAI,eAAG,eAAG,eAAG;;;AAGlB;AACF,WAAO,WAAS,2BAAC,OAAK,2BAAC,OAAK,2BAAC,OAAK,2BAAC;;;AAcjC,wBAAI,GAAO,GAAO;AACpB,WAAO,WAAI,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG;;;AAGlB,wBAAI,GAAO,GAAO,GAAO;AAC3B,WAAO,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK;AACtB,WAAO,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK;AACtB,WAAO,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK;AACtB,WAAO,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK;AACtB,WAAO,KAAM,KAAK,KAAK,IAAI,IAAI,KAAK;;;AAGlC,wBAAI;AACN,WAAO,WAAI,KAAK;;;AAGd,wBAAI,KAAS;AACf,WAAO,OAAO,KAAK,OAAO;AAC1B,WAAO,KAAK,KAAK,KAAK;AACtB,WAAO,MAAO,KAAK;;;AAvBf,cAAM,WAAI;AACV,gBAAQ,WAAI"}
(function(){var i=Math.imul||function(a,b){var c=a>>16&65535,f=b>>16&65535,d=a&65535,e=b&65535;return d*e+(c*e+d*f<<16)|0};function j(){var a=g(-256,127);console.log('yellow: '+h(a));for(var b=1,c=0;c<64;c=c+1|0)b=i(b,1103515245)+12345|0,console.log(b)}function g(b,a){return b&16777215|a<<24}function h(a){return 'Color('+(a>>16&255)+', '+(a>>8&255)+', '+(a&255)+', '+(a>>>24)+')'}j()})();
class Assert {
public static inline function assert(truth: Bool) {
#if debug
if (!truth) {
trace('assert failed');
// This demonstrates using type wrapping to make an efficient color API. Colors
// are stored directly as 32-bit integers and don't cause any allocations.
abstract Color(Int) from Int {
public var r(get, never): Int;
public var g(get, never): Int;
public var b(get, never): Int;
public var a(get, never): Int;
public inline function get_r(): Int {
return this >> 16 & 255;
public inline function get_g(): Int {
return this >> 8 & 255;
public inline function get_b(): Int {
return this & 255;
public inline function get_a(): Int {
return this >>> 24;
public inline function withAlpha(a: Int): Color {
return createRGBA(r, g, b, a);
public inline function toString(): String {
return 'Color($r, $g, $b, $a)';
public static inline function createRGB(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int): Color {
return createRGBA(r, g, b, 255);
public static inline function createRGBA(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, a: Int): Color {
Assert.assert(r >= 0 && r <= 0xFF);
Assert.assert(g >= 0 && g <= 0xFF);
Assert.assert(b >= 0 && b <= 0xFF);
Assert.assert(a >= 0 && a <= 0xFF);
return r << 16 | g << 8 | b | a << 24;
public static inline function hexRGB(rgb: Int): Color {
return hexRGBA(rgb, 255);
public static inline function hexRGBA(rgb: Int, a: Int): Color {
Assert.assert(rgb >= 0 && rgb <= 0xFFFFFF);
Assert.assert(a >= 0 && a <= 0xFF);
return rgb | a << 24;
public static inline var TRANSPARENT = createRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0);
public static inline var BLACK = createRGB(0, 0, 0);
public static inline var WHITE = createRGB(255, 255, 255);
public static inline var RED = hexRGB(0xFF0000);
public static inline var GREEN = hexRGB(0x00FF00);
public static inline var BLUE = hexRGB(0x0000FF);
// This API works well with inlining and constant folding in release mode
class Main {
public static function main(): Void {
var red = Color.RED;
var green = Color.GREEN;
var yellow = Color.createRGB(red.r, green.g, 0).withAlpha(127);
trace('yellow: $yellow');
var test:haxe.Int32 = 1;
for (i in 0...64) {
test = test * 1103515245 + 12345;
Assert.assert(test == (test | 0));
(function (console) { "use strict";
var Main = function() { };
Main.main = function() {
var red = -65536;
var green = -16711936;
var yellow;
var this1;
var r = red >> 16 & 255;
var g = green >> 8 & 255;
this1 = (function($this) {
var $r;
if(!(r >= 0 && r <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
if(!(g >= 0 && g <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
$r = r << 16 | g << 8 | 0 | -16777216;
return $r;
var r1 = this1 >> 16 & 255;
var g1 = this1 >> 8 & 255;
var b = this1 & 255;
if(!(r1 >= 0 && r1 <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
if(!(g1 >= 0 && g1 <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
if(!(b >= 0 && b <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
yellow = r1 << 16 | g1 << 8 | b | 2130706432;
console.log("yellow: " + ("Color(" + (yellow >> 16 & 255) + ", " + (yellow >> 8 & 255) + ", " + (yellow & 255) + ", " + (yellow >>> 24) + ")"));
var test = 1;
var _g = 0;
while(_g < 64) {
var i = _g++;
var a = haxe__$Int32_Int32_$Impl_$.mul(test,1103515245);
test = a + 12345 | 0;
if(!(test == (test | 0))) console.log("assert failed");
var haxe__$Int32_Int32_$Impl_$ = {};
haxe__$Int32_Int32_$Impl_$.mul = function(a,b) {
return a * (b & 65535) + (a * (b >>> 16) << 16 | 0) | 0;
})(typeof console != "undefined" ? console : {log:function(){}});
(function (console) { "use strict";
var Assert = function() { };
Assert.assert = function(truth) {
if(!truth) console.log("assert failed");
var _$Main_Color_$Impl_$ = {};
_$Main_Color_$Impl_$.get_r = function(this1) {
return this1 >> 16 & 255;
_$Main_Color_$Impl_$.get_g = function(this1) {
return this1 >> 8 & 255;
_$Main_Color_$Impl_$.get_b = function(this1) {
return this1 & 255;
_$Main_Color_$Impl_$.get_a = function(this1) {
return this1 >>> 24;
_$Main_Color_$Impl_$.withAlpha = function(this1,a) {
var r = this1 >> 16 & 255;
var g = this1 >> 8 & 255;
var b = this1 & 255;
if(!(r >= 0 && r <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
if(!(g >= 0 && g <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
if(!(b >= 0 && b <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
if(!(a >= 0 && a <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
return r << 16 | g << 8 | b | a << 24;
_$Main_Color_$Impl_$.toString = function(this1) {
return "Color(" + (this1 >> 16 & 255) + ", " + (this1 >> 8 & 255) + ", " + (this1 & 255) + ", " + (this1 >>> 24) + ")";
_$Main_Color_$Impl_$.createRGB = function(r,g,b) {
return (function($this) {
var $r;
if(!(r >= 0 && r <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
if(!(g >= 0 && g <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
if(!(b >= 0 && b <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
$r = r << 16 | g << 8 | b | -16777216;
return $r;
_$Main_Color_$Impl_$.createRGBA = function(r,g,b,a) {
if(!(r >= 0 && r <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
if(!(g >= 0 && g <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
if(!(b >= 0 && b <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
if(!(a >= 0 && a <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
return r << 16 | g << 8 | b | a << 24;
_$Main_Color_$Impl_$.hexRGB = function(rgb) {
return (function($this) {
var $r;
if(!(rgb >= 0 && rgb <= 16777215)) console.log("assert failed");
$r = rgb | -16777216;
return $r;
_$Main_Color_$Impl_$.hexRGBA = function(rgb,a) {
if(!(rgb >= 0 && rgb <= 16777215)) console.log("assert failed");
if(!(a >= 0 && a <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
return rgb | a << 24;
var Main = function() { };
Main.main = function() {
var red = -65536;
var green = -16711936;
var yellow;
var this1;
var r = red >> 16 & 255;
var g = green >> 8 & 255;
this1 = (function($this) {
var $r;
if(!(r >= 0 && r <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
if(!(g >= 0 && g <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
$r = r << 16 | g << 8 | 0 | -16777216;
return $r;
var r1 = this1 >> 16 & 255;
var g1 = this1 >> 8 & 255;
var b = this1 & 255;
if(!(r1 >= 0 && r1 <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
if(!(g1 >= 0 && g1 <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
if(!(b >= 0 && b <= 255)) console.log("assert failed");
yellow = r1 << 16 | g1 << 8 | b | 2130706432;
console.log("yellow: " + ("Color(" + (yellow >> 16 & 255) + ", " + (yellow >> 8 & 255) + ", " + (yellow & 255) + ", " + (yellow >>> 24) + ")"));
var test = 1;
var _g = 0;
while(_g < 64) {
var i = _g++;
var a = haxe__$Int32_Int32_$Impl_$.mul(test,1103515245);
test = a + 12345 | 0;
if(!(test == (test | 0))) console.log("assert failed");
var haxe__$Int32_Int32_$Impl_$ = {};
haxe__$Int32_Int32_$Impl_$.mul = function(a,b) {
return a * (b & 65535) + (a * (b >>> 16) << 16 | 0) | 0;
_$Main_Color_$Impl_$.TRANSPARENT = 0;
_$Main_Color_$Impl_$.BLACK = -16777216;
_$Main_Color_$Impl_$.WHITE = -1;
_$Main_Color_$Impl_$.RED = -65536;
_$Main_Color_$Impl_$.GREEN = -16711936;
_$Main_Color_$Impl_$.BLUE = -16776961;
})(typeof console != "undefined" ? console : {log:function(){}});
(function (console) { "use strict";
var Main = function() { };
Main.main = function() {
var red = -65536;
var green = -16711936;
var tmp;
var this1 = (red >> 16 & 255) << 16 | (green >> 8 & 255) << 8 | 0 | -16777216;
tmp = (this1 >> 16 & 255) << 16 | (this1 >> 8 & 255) << 8 | this1 & 255 | 2130706432;
var yellow = tmp;
console.log("yellow: " + ("Color(" + (yellow >> 16 & 255) + ", " + (yellow >> 8 & 255) + ", " + (yellow & 255) + ", " + (yellow >>> 24) + ")"));
var test = 1;
var _g = 0;
while(_g < 64) {
var tmp1;
var a = haxe__$Int32_Int32_$Impl_$.mul(test,1103515245);
tmp1 = a + 12345 | 0;
test = tmp1;
var haxe__$Int32_Int32_$Impl_$ = {};
haxe__$Int32_Int32_$Impl_$.mul = function(a,b) {
return a * (b & 65535) + (a * (b >>> 16) << 16 | 0) | 0;
})(typeof console != "undefined" ? console : {log:function(){}});
!function(n){"use strict";var o=function(){};o.main=function(){var o,l=-65536,u=-16711936,i=(l>>16&255)<<16|(u>>8&255)<<8|0|-16777216;o=(i>>16&255)<<16|(i>>8&255)<<8|255&i|2130706432;var t=o;n.log("yellow: "+("Color("+(t>>16&255)+", "+(t>>8&255)+", "+(255&t)+", "+(t>>>24)+")"));for(var a=1,c=0;64>c;){c++;var e,f=r.mul(a,1103515245);e=f+12345|0,a=e,n.log(a)}};var r={};r.mul=function(n,o){return n*(65535&o)+(n*(o>>>16)<<16|0)|0},o.main()}("undefined"!=typeof console?console:{log:function(){}});
skewc --target=js --js-source-map
skewc --target=js --release
haxe -main Main -js Main.hx.debug.js -debug
haxe -main Main -js Main.hx.debug-dce.js -debug -dce full
haxe -main Main -js Main.hx.release.js -dce full -D analyzer
test -e node_modules || npm install
node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs Main.hx.release.js --screw-ie8 --compress --mangle > Main.hx.release.min.js
"dependencies": {
"uglify-js": "2.6.1"
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