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Created January 15, 2024 08:18
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my current list of bookmarked events, created via the excellent Sojourner PWA


11:30-11:55 | H.2213 | Wolfgang Silbermayr
OpenTalk - Video conferencing secure and GDPR compliant

11:55-12:25 | K.4.401 | Joschka Bischoff
MATSim at SBB: Using and contributing to the open-source transport simulation for advanced passenger demand modeling.

12:00-12:15 | H.2214 | Nitish Bharambe
Power Grid Model: Open source high performance power systems analysis

12:25-12:45 | K.4.401 | Alexis Jacomy
Bending geographic maps for enhanced railway space-time diagrams

12:45-13:05 | K.4.401 | Alex Rolland
MARECO algorithm: how to drive a train using the least amount of energy

13:00-13:15 | H.2214 | Jonita Ruiter
OpenSTEF: Opensource Short Term Energy Forecasting

14:05-14:50 | K.3.201 | Hugo Gonzalez Labrador, Richard Bachmann
CERN's Open Source Storage Systems

14:30-14:55 | H.2214 | Vivien Barnier, Martin Jäger
Power to the People - Technology for Access to Energy

14:55-15:25 | K.3.201 | Ruben S. Montero
Deploying a hyper-converged infrastructure with Ceph across the Cloud-Edge Continuum

15:00-15:25 | H.2214 | Peter Mitri
Sharing the operational cost of the EU electricity grid: optimization and transparency through open source

15:15-15:45 | AW1.120 | Sean Marcia
Sustainable Open Source Development

15:30-15:55 | AW1.126 | Alexander Soto
Reimagining Personal Computing with E ink: Community Insights and Design Challenges

15:45-16:15 | AW1.120 | Marco
Some updates on Public Code in Germany

15:50-16:35 | H.2213 | Mike Gifford
Web Accessibility and Environmental Sustainability and with Popular CMS

16:00-16:25 | H.2214 | Ekaterina Fedotova
Can open source development drive energy transition? PyPSA-Earth experience

16:30-16:40 | H.2214 | Aditya Manglik
Carbon measurement and energy attribution for processes and hardware devices in the Linux kernel

16:40-16:50 | H.2214 | Didi Hoffmann
Continuous Measurement and Visualization of Software's Environmental Impact

16:45-17:05 | UB5.230 | Alessandro Arcieri
I want my own cellular network! Having fun with LTE networks and Open5Gs.

17:00-17:10 | H.2214 | Rudraksh Karpe
Emulation Tools for Sustainable Software Development: Simulating Real-World Usage Scenarios

17:05-17:10 | AW1.120 | Fernando Nubla
Legislation Editing Open Software (LEOS) - an innovative open-source solution for drafting legislation​

17:05-17:25 | UB5.230 | Jakub Duchniewicz
OpenRAN & Open Source: The Cool Kids of Telecom - Shaking Up 5G/LTE Networks

17:10-17:15 | AW1.120 | Florent FAYOLLE, Vincent Viers
From Excel to Grist: the example of a massive transition towards open-source software and contribution by a French government agency

17:10-17:20 | H.2214 | Marco Berta
How can Open-Source help the Wind Power industry?

17:30-17:55 | H.2214 | Benoit PETIT, David Ekchajzer
Boavizta: Life Cycle Assessment of Digital Technologies for Humanity and the Future of the Planet

17:30-18:10 | K.3.201 | Alex Auvolat
Advances in Garage, the low-tech storage platform for geo-distributed clusters

17:45-17:50 | AW1.120 | Mike Gifford
What can digital open source projects do to reduce our environmental footprint

18:00-18:25 | H.2214 | Florian Quèze
Power profiling my entire house with the Firefox Profiler

18:30-18:55 | AW1.126 | Pablo Ruiz-Múzquiz
Penpot 2.0 is here!

18:30-19:00 | AW1.120 | Loic HAMELIN
Open Source Railway Designer (OSRD): why SNCF Réseau start an open source project ?
09:00-09:30 | H.2214 | Bas Schouten
The importance of Web Performance to Information Equity

09:50-10:15 | UA2.220 (Guillissen) | Pavol Loffay
When Prometheus Met OpenTelemetry

10:00-10:20 | H.1308 (Rolin) | Joey Castillo
Comprehensible Open Hardware: Building the Open Book

10:50-11:00 | H.2214 | Dave Hunt, Peter Hedenskog
Web Performance at Mozilla and Wikimedia

11:30-11:55 | UD2.218A | Denny Biasiolli
Django migrations, friend or foe? Optimize them for testing

12:20-12:45 | H.2214 | Robin Marx
Insights from the RUM Archive

12:20-12:40 | H.2215 (Ferrer) | Tarek TOUATI
Attempt at building a transit app in Africa

12:35-13:00 | H.1308 (Rolin) | Alexander Soto
Modos: Building an Ecosystem of Open-Hardware E Ink Devices

13:30-13:45 | H.1302 (Depage) | Marco Castelluccio, Calixte Denizet
Diving into PDF.js: the advantages of the web platform

14:50-15:15 | H.1302 (Depage) | Stephen Hood
llamafile: Collapsing the complexity of open source AI down to a single file

15:00-15:25 | UD2.218A | Kemal Akkoyun
Profiling Python with eBPF: A New Frontier in Performance Analysis

15:20-15:45 | H.1302 (Depage) | Chris Mills
The MDN Curriculum: Better web developers for a better web

15:30-15:55 | UD2.218A | Johannes Bechberger
Python 3.12's new monitoring and debugging API

16:05-16:30 | H.1302 (Depage) | Simeon Vincent, Rob Wu, Luca Greco
Firefox, Android, and Cross-browser WebExtensions in 2024

16:25-16:45 | H.2215 (Ferrer) | Richard "RichiH" Hartmann, Sebastian Schubert
FOSDEM infrastructure review


09:00-09:30 | H.2214 | Bas Schouten
The importance of Web Performance to Information Equity

09:50-10:15 | UA2.220 (Guillissen) | Pavol Loffay
When Prometheus Met OpenTelemetry

10:00-10:20 | H.1308 (Rolin) | Joey Castillo
Comprehensible Open Hardware: Building the Open Book

10:50-11:00 | H.2214 | Dave Hunt, Peter Hedenskog
Web Performance at Mozilla and Wikimedia

11:30-11:55 | UD2.218A | Denny Biasiolli
Django migrations, friend or foe? Optimize them for testing

12:20-12:45 | H.2214 | Robin Marx
Insights from the RUM Archive

12:20-12:40 | H.2215 (Ferrer) | Tarek TOUATI
Attempt at building a transit app in Africa

12:35-13:00 | H.1308 (Rolin) | Alexander Soto
Modos: Building an Ecosystem of Open-Hardware E Ink Devices

13:30-13:45 | H.1302 (Depage) | Marco Castelluccio, Calixte Denizet
Diving into PDF.js: the advantages of the web platform

14:50-15:15 | H.1302 (Depage) | Stephen Hood
llamafile: Collapsing the complexity of open source AI down to a single file

15:00-15:25 | UD2.218A | Kemal Akkoyun
Profiling Python with eBPF: A New Frontier in Performance Analysis

15:20-15:45 | H.1302 (Depage) | Chris Mills
The MDN Curriculum: Better web developers for a better web

15:30-15:55 | UD2.218A | Johannes Bechberger
Python 3.12's new monitoring and debugging API

16:05-16:30 | H.1302 (Depage) | Simeon Vincent, Rob Wu, Luca Greco
Firefox, Android, and Cross-browser WebExtensions in 2024

16:25-16:45 | H.2215 (Ferrer) | Richard "RichiH" Hartmann, Sebastian Schubert
FOSDEM infrastructure review
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