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Last active March 13, 2023 11:42
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The steps I followed to setup AWS Cognito for a React AWS Amplify project using the hosted UI with sign in/sign up by email and also social sign in

Steps to setup the AWS Cognito hosted UI with email sign up/sign in for a React AWS Amplify Project

This was done using the amplify cli v0.2.2-multienv.1.

The goal was to:

  1. Create an auth setup for my React AWS Amplify project
  2. Use email as the sign up/sign in id and make sure it's unique
  3. Offer social sign in with Facebook and Google (and have those users also end up in the Cognito user pool—this appeared to only be possible using the hosted UI)

Amplify CLI add auth setup

  1. From the terminal: amplify add auth
  2. No, I will set up my own configuration
  3. User Sign-Up, Sign-In, connected with AWS IAM controls...
  4. friendly name: - NOTE: this will be the identifier in your AWS console for this Cognito setup, I like to namespace everything in my Amplify projects with the same prefix for my project, so they’re easier to identify
  5. identity pool: _identitypool
  6. Allow unauthenticated logins: Yes
  7. 3rd party: Yes
  8. Facebook & Google
  9. See step 2 & 3 of "Cognito - hosted UI setup"
  10. User pool: _userpool
  11. Multifactor: OFF
  12. Email based user reg: Enabled
  13. Verify subject: [default]
  14. Verify message: [default]
  15. Override password policy: Y
  16. [default:8]
  17. password requirements: default or whatever you want
  18. required attrs (none)
  19. refresh token: [default:30 days] or longer, depending on what you want
  20. read and write attrs: name, given name
  21. NOW DO "Cognito - unique email" step

Cognito - unique email

Before running amplify push go to amplify/backend/auth/<authname>/<authname>-cloudformation-template.yml and under UserPool: > Properties:, if it doesn’t exist yet, add:

# HACK - add these to see if I can make email unique!
UsernameAttributes: ['email']

Now you can run amplify push

AWS Cognito - hosted UI manual setup

NOTE: there are now settings for configuring this using the amplify-cli.

The hosted UI still needs to be setup:

  1. AWS Console > Cognito > Manage user pools > click on a specific user pool

  2. App integration > Domain name: https://<domain_prefix> OR setup your own custom domain

  3. Federation > Identity providers > Facebook - go to > My Apps > Settings > Basic to find app id, secret, and set Authorize scope to "public_profile,email"

  4. Federation > Identity providers > Google - go to Google dev console and get client_id, secret, and set Authorize scope to "profile email openid"

  5. Federation > Attribute mapping > Facebook: email -> email, name -> name, first name -> given name, verified -> email verified

  6. Federation > Attribute mapping > Google: email -> email, name -> name, given name -> given name, email verified -> email verified

  7. App client settings (for both clients)

    1. Select all identity providers
    2. Sign in and sign out URLs:
      • <url_in_your_app_that_hosted_ui_loads_after_signing_in>
      • <url_in_your_app_that_hosted_ui_loads_after_signing_out>
    3. Allowed OAuth Flows: "Authorized code grant"
    4. Allowed OAuth Scopes: email, openid, aws.cognito.signin.user.admin, profile
  8. Update the redir for both FB and Google apps to support the URL from step 1, e.g., "https://<domain_prefix>" OR your own custom domain

    1. Facebook:
      • Products > Facebook Login > Settings > Valid Oauth Redirect URIs: https://<domain_prefix>
    2. Google:
      • Authorized JavaScript origins: https://<domain_prefix>
      • Authorized redirect URIs: https://<domain_prefix>
  9. Update App.js or wherever the App.configure({ oauth }) call is performed such that the oauth object has:

    • domain: https://<domain_prefix> OR your own custom domain

Next steps

  1. Emails are case-sensitive, there is no way to change this. This matches the official spec for email, but it does not match how every popular websites works on the Internet. Add a preSignUp lambda trigger that does a Cognito listUsers query for { Filter: 'email = "' + email + '"', UserPoolId: userPoolId } to prevent people from signing up with variants of the same email. This also means user's could get into a funny state with a case they don’t expect for their email (you’ll have to edit it for them ). Additionally, I don’t see a way to merge a social login with an email login.
  2. Setup application to handle the sign in and sign out URLs, e.g., React component (maybe a provider) that has a Hub listener (onHubCapsule) to listen for "auth" channel and events "signIn" or "signIn_failure" to know to set whether the current user is signed in or not.
  3. Do the UI customization. (NOTE: the get-ui-customziation and set-ui-customization API offers some extra options beyond what the AWS console UI offers)
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