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Rebelstar Raiders (ZX Spectrum) TZX data exporter: BASIC, screens (PNG), level data, assembly code
// extract.go is a small script for extracting data from the Rebelstar Raiders
// video game TZX tape files; BASIC, game level data, screens (PNG), the
// ZAPCODE disassembly, etc.
// Dependencies:
// - tzxcat (
// - Rebelstar Raiders ZX Spectrum TZX tape files, side 1 & side 2
// Copyright 2023 Michael R. Cook
// License: MIT
package main
import (
var (
// if the command can not be found, you may need to specify the full path here
tzxcatCommand = "tzxcat"
// location of TZX files, relative to root
tapes = map[int]string{
1: "tzx/rebelstar-raiders-side1.tzx",
2: "tzx/rebelstar-raiders-side2.tzx",
// working directories -- you shouldn't need to change these
rootDirectory = ""
screensDir = "screens" // relative to root
sourceDir = "source" // relative to root
func main() {
// Automatically get the current directory for the root.
// If this script is in the source dir, go up one level.
if dir, err := os.Getwd(); err != nil {
} else {
rootDirectory = strings.TrimSuffix(dir, sourceDir)
// create the directories if they don't exist
if len(screensDir) > 0 {
_ = os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(rootDirectory, screensDir), 0755)
if len(sourceDir) > 0 {
_ = os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(rootDirectory, sourceDir), 0755)
// extract all the data!
// Extracts the BASIC program: "MAIN-COMP"
func extractBASIC() {
var cat tzxcat
var contents strings.Builder
contents.WriteString("REM : REBELSTAR Program\n")
contents.WriteString("REM : Load RAIDERS machine code and display splash screen\n")
contents.WriteString("REM : Load the MAIN-COMP BASIC program\n")
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 2, kind: BASIC}
saveSource("rebelstar.bas", []byte(contents.String()))
contents.WriteString("REM : MAIN-COMP Program\n")
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 6, kind: BASIC}
saveSource("main-comp.bas", []byte(contents.String()))
// Extracts the assembly source code from the RAIDER machine code block.
func extractRaiders() {
var contents strings.Builder
contents.WriteString("; RAIDERS disassembly\n\n")
cat := tzxcat{side: 1, block: 4, skip: 8000, limit: 24, base: 51000, kind: ASSEMBLER}
asm := unmarshallASM(cat.execute())
for i := 0; i < len(asm.lines); i++ {
line := &asm.lines[i]
if line.newlinePrefix {
if len(line.comment) > 0 {
contents.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("; %s\n", line.comment))
contents.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%04X %s\n", line.address, line.code))
saveSource("raiders.asm", []byte(contents.String()))
// Extract all screens a PNG files.
func extractScreens() {
var cat tzxcat
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 4, limit: 6912, kind: SCREEN, target: filepath.Join(rootDirectory, screensDir, "rebelstar-raiders.png")}
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 8, skip: 768, limit: 6912, kind: SCREEN, target: filepath.Join(rootDirectory, screensDir, "credits.png")}
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 29, kind: SCREEN, target: filepath.Join(rootDirectory, screensDir, "screen-1-moonbase.png")}
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 20, kind: SCREEN, target: filepath.Join(rootDirectory, screensDir, "screen-2-starlingale.png")}
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 41, kind: SCREEN, target: filepath.Join(rootDirectory, screensDir, "screen-3-final-assault.png")}
// Extract data from the ZAPCODE machine code block of "Side 1".
func extractZapCode() {
var cat tzxcat
var contents strings.Builder
// custom character set
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 8, limit: 768, kind: DUMP}
charSet := unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
charSet.formatAndWriteSprite(false, "ZAPCODE custom character set", &contents)
saveSource("character-set.asm", []byte(contents.String()))
// disassembly routines
contents.WriteString("; ZAPCODE disassembly\n")
contents.WriteString("; Some helper routines for updating the screen/attrs and a SFX generator.\n")
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 8, skip: 7680, limit: 320, base: 65041, kind: ASSEMBLER}
asm := unmarshallASM(cat.execute())
for i := 0; i < len(asm.lines); i++ {
line := &asm.lines[i]
if line.newlinePrefix {
if len(line.comment) > 0 {
contents.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("; %s\n", line.comment))
contents.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%04X %s\n", line.address, line.code))
// SFX data
contents.WriteString("; SFX data (address 65361)\n")
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 8, skip: 8000, base: 65361, kind: DUMP}
sfx := unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
for _, line := range sfx.format(10, true, false, false) {
saveSource("zapcode.asm", []byte(contents.String()))
// Extract all level data from both sides of the tape
func extractLevelData() {
levelHeading := " - DIM(2,10). Indicates the order of operatives/raiders, which\n; corresponds to how level data is organised in CHARS block"
movePointsHeading := " - DIM(20,32,8). Screen: 20 rows, 32 columns, 8 bytes per tile"
weaponHeading := " - DIM(10,19). Available weapons for each operative/raider"
deployHeading := " - DIM(20,32). Deployments areas for each player\n; Hex values correspond to the 3-bit PAPER(?) colour attributes"
attrHeading := " - DIM(20,32). Colour attribute map of the original screen image (as loaded from tape)"
charsHeading := " - DIM(160,28). Character data; %s followed by %s (max 80 per side); each side is deployed in order listed"
occupyHeading := " - DIM(20,32). Preset positions for various operatives"
victoryHeader := " - 5-bytes per number (Little Endian), plus 3-bytes"
var cat tzxcat
var data defb
var contents strings.Builder
contents.WriteString("; Level #1: Moonbase\n")
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 11, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(10, false, true, "BLK#11: MOONBASE"+levelHeading, &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 13, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(19, false, true, "BLK#13: 1-WEAPONS"+weaponHeading, &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 15, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSprite(true, "BLK#15: 1-UDGs", &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 17, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(32, false, false, "BLK#17: 1-DEPLOY"+deployHeading+" ($02=RED/raiders, $03=MAGENTA/operatives)", &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 19, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(32, false, false, "BLK#19: 1-ATTR"+attrHeading, &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 21, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(28, false, true, "BLK#21: 1-CHARS"+fmt.Sprintf(charsHeading, "Raiders", "Operatives"), &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 23, skip: headerLength + headerDim3d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(256, false, false, "BLK#23: 1-MOVE Pts"+movePointsHeading, &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 25, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(32, false, false, "BLK#25: 1-OCCUPY"+occupyHeading+"\n; 3x Sentry Robots (LASER GUN), 2x Mining Robots (GRAPPLER), 2x Auto-Guns (LASER GUN)", &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 1, block: 27, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(5, false, false, "BLK#27: 1-VICTORY"+victoryHeader, &contents)
saveSource("level-1-moonbase.asm", []byte(contents.String()))
contents.WriteString("; Level #2: Starlingale\n")
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 2, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(10, false, true, "BLK#02: STARLING"+levelHeading, &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 4, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(19, false, true, "BLK#04: 2-WEAPONS"+weaponHeading, &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 6, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSprite(true, "BLK#06: 2-UDGs", &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 8, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(32, false, false, "BLK#08: 2-DEPLOY"+deployHeading+" ($01=BLUE/operatives, $03=MAGENTA/raiders)", &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 10, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(32, false, false, "BLK#10: 2-ATTR"+attrHeading, &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 12, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(28, false, true, "BLK#12: 2-CHARS"+fmt.Sprintf(charsHeading, "Operatives", "Raiders"), &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 14, skip: headerLength + headerDim3d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(256, false, false, "BLK#14: 2-MOVE Pts"+movePointsHeading, &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 16, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(32, false, false, "BLK#16: 2-OCCUPY"+occupyHeading+"\n; 2x Nav-Comp, 3x Pilots (LAS-PISTOL), 3x Pilots (LAS-RIFLE)", &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 18, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(5, false, false, "BLK#18: 2-VICTORY"+victoryHeader, &contents)
saveSource("level-2-starlingale.asm", []byte(contents.String()))
contents.WriteString("; Level #3: The Final Assault\n")
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 23, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(10, false, true, "BLK#23: ASSAULT"+levelHeading, &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 25, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(19, false, true, "BLK#25: 3-WEAPONS"+weaponHeading, &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 27, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSprite(true, "BLK#27: 3-UDGs", &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 29, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(32, false, false, "BLK#29: 3-DEPLOY"+deployHeading+" ($01=BLUE/operatives, $03=MAGENTA/raiders)", &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 31, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(32, false, false, "BLK#31: 3-ATTR"+attrHeading, &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 33, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(28, false, true, "BLK#33: 3-CHARS"+fmt.Sprintf(charsHeading, "Raiders", "Operatives"), &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 35, skip: headerLength + headerDim3d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(256, false, false, "BLK#35: 3-MOVE Pts"+movePointsHeading, &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 37, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(32, false, false, "BLK#37: 3-OCCUPY"+occupyHeading+"\n; 4x Sentry Robots (LASER GUN), 6x Service Robots (CRUSHER), 8x Main-Comp brain elements", &contents)
cat = tzxcat{side: 2, block: 39, skip: headerLength + headerDim2d, kind: DUMP}
data = unmarshallDEFB(cat.execute())
data.formatAndWriteSection(5, false, false, "BLK#39: 3-VICTORY"+victoryHeader, &contents)
saveSource("level-3-final-assault.asm", []byte(contents.String()))
type assembly struct {
lines []asmCode
type asmCode struct {
address uint16
code string
comment string
newlinePrefix bool
func unmarshallASM(data []byte) assembly {
asm := assembly{}
// NOTE: if a line is blank, still add an entry
for _, lineBytes := range bytes.Split(data, []byte{'\n'}) {
if len(lineBytes) == 0 {
line := asmCode{}
// set address
n := new(big.Int)
addr, ok := n.SetString(strings.TrimSpace(string(lineBytes[0:4])), 16)
if ok {
line.address = uint16(addr.Uint64())
} else {
fmt.Printf("error getting ASM address for %s\n", lineBytes)
// assign code
line.code = strings.TrimSpace(string(lineBytes[25:]))
asm.lines = append(asm.lines, line)
return asm
func (asm *assembly) addZapcodeComments() {
for i := 0; i < len(asm.lines); i++ {
switch asm.lines[i].address {
case 0xFE11:
asm.lines[i].comment = "Address 65041"
asm.lines[i].newlinePrefix = true
case 0xFE12:
asm.lines[i].comment = "Load screen pixels (address 65042)"
asm.lines[i].newlinePrefix = true
case 0xFE24:
asm.lines[i].comment = "Load screen attributes (address 65060)"
asm.lines[i].newlinePrefix = true
case 0xFE3B:
asm.lines[i].comment = "Load screen pixels (address 65083)"
asm.lines[i].newlinePrefix = true
case 0xFE4C:
asm.lines[i].comment = "Load screen attributes (address 65100)"
asm.lines[i].newlinePrefix = true
case 0xFE58:
asm.lines[i].comment = "Load screen attributes (address 65112)"
asm.lines[i].newlinePrefix = true
case 0xFE64:
asm.lines[i].newlinePrefix = true
case 0xFE6F:
asm.lines[i].comment = "Possibly the SFX routine (address 65135)"
asm.lines[i].newlinePrefix = true
case 0xFEDD:
asm.lines[i].newlinePrefix = true
case 0xFEFC:
asm.lines[i].newlinePrefix = true
case 0xFF0D:
asm.lines[i].newlinePrefix = true
// noop
func (asm *assembly) addRaidersComments() {
for i := 0; i < len(asm.lines); i++ {
switch asm.lines[i].address {
case 0xC738:
comment := "Routine at $C738=51000\n"
comment += "; Looks like a helper routine for the developer.\n"
comment += "; Copy the SCREEN/ATTR data at $4000 to $A7F8, ready for saving to tape."
asm.lines[i].comment = comment
case 0xC744:
comment := "Routine at $C744=51012\n"
comment += "; Move the loaded SCREEN/ATTR data from $A7F8 to the SCREEN memory at $4000."
asm.lines[i].comment = comment
asm.lines[i].newlinePrefix = true
// noop
type defb struct {
address uint16 // start address
data []uint8 // all HEX data values
func unmarshallDEFB(data []byte) defb {
d := defb{}
lines := bytes.Split(data, []byte{'\n'})
for i, lineBytes := range lines {
if len(lineBytes) == 0 {
parts := bytes.Split(lineBytes, []byte(" | "))
if len(parts) < 2 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected data line: %s", lineBytes))
// set start address
if i == 0 {
n := new(big.Int)
addr, ok := n.SetString(strings.TrimSpace(string(parts[0])), 16)
if ok {
d.address = uint16(addr.Uint64())
} else {
fmt.Printf("error getting address for %s\n", lineBytes)
hexData := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(parts[1])), " ")
for _, val := range hexData {
n := new(big.Int)
addr, ok := n.SetString(val, 16)
if ok { = append(, uint8(addr.Uint64()))
} else {
fmt.Printf("error converting HEX data for: %s\n", lineBytes)
return d
func (d *defb) formatAndWriteSection(width int, address bool, ascii bool, heading string, writer *strings.Builder) {
writer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("; %s\n", heading))
for _, line := range d.format(width, address, ascii, false) {
// Format and write the character data + ASCII art for the sprite.
func (d *defb) formatAndWriteSprite(headingPrefix bool, heading string, writer *strings.Builder) {
if headingPrefix {
writer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("; %s\n", heading))
charCounter := 0
for i, line := range d.format(1, false, false, true) {
if i == 0 || i%8 == 0 {
writer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("; CHR %02d\n", charCounter))
// formats the defb data.
// width : is the number of bytes to include per line
// address : includes the address for each line
// ascii : includes the ASCII representation at the end of the line
func (d *defb) format(width int, address, ascii, binary bool) []string {
var output []string
currentAddress := d.address
hexData := d.chunkData(, width)
for _, data := range hexData {
var line strings.Builder
if address {
line.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%04X ", currentAddress))
hexLine := d.commaSeparatedHexValues(data)
line.WriteString("db ")
if ascii || binary {
// *4 = hex values are: $ + 2 chars + comma
// -1 = because no comma after last hex value
diff := width*4 - 1 - len(hexLine)
if diff > 0 {
spaces := make([]byte, diff)
for i := 0; i < diff; i++ {
spaces[i] = ' '
line.WriteString(" ; ")
for _, datum := range data {
if ascii {
} else if binary {
bin := fmt.Sprintf("%08b", datum)
bin = strings.ReplaceAll(bin, "0", " ")
bin = strings.ReplaceAll(bin, "1", "█")
output = append(output, line.String())
currentAddress += uint16(len(data))
return output
func (d *defb) commaSeparatedHexValues(data []byte) string {
var hexValues []string
for _, datum := range data {
hexValues = append(hexValues, fmt.Sprintf("$%02X", datum))
return strings.Join(hexValues, ",")
func (d *defb) chunkData(data []byte, size int) [][]uint8 {
var chunks [][]uint8
for i := 0; i < len(data); i += size {
end := i + size
// necessary check to avoid slicing beyond
// slice capacity
if end > len(data) {
end = len(data)
chunks = append(chunks, data[i:end])
return chunks
// tzxcat data types to extract
const (
BASIC = "-B"
DUMP = "-d"
const (
headerLength = 3 // tzxcat length of array block header: 16-bit data length, flag byte
headerDim2d = 2 // DIM(a,b) length bytes: a is inferred, b = 2-bytes
headerDim3d = 4 // DIM(a,b,c) length bytes: a is inferred, b = 2-bytes, c 2-bytes
type tzxcat struct {
side int // which side of the tape to use: 1 or 2
block int // -b NR, --block NR block number to cat
skip int // -s BYTES, --skip BYTES skip the given number of bytes before output
limit int // -l BYTES, --length BYTES limit output to the given number of bytes
base int // -O BASE, --org BASE base address for disassembled code
target string // -o TARGET, --to TARGET target file, stdout if omitted
// kind of data to extract:
// -t, --text convert ZX Spectrum text to plain text
// -B, --basic convert ZX Spectrum BASIC to plain text
// -A, --assembler disassemble Z80 code
// -S, --screen convert a ZX Spectrum SCREEN$ to PNG
// -d, --dump convert to a hex dump
kind string
func (cat *tzxcat) execute() []byte {
args := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("-b=%d", cat.block), // block number to cat
fmt.Sprintf("-s=%d", cat.skip), // skip the given number of bytes before output
// limit data to the given number of bytes
if cat.limit > 0 {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("-l=%d", cat.limit))
// if base address is given
if cat.base > 0 {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("-O=%d", cat.base))
// if a target file given
if len( > 0 {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("-o=%s",
// type of data to extract: -S, -B, etc.
args = append(args, cat.kind)
// add the tape filename
if cat.side < 1 || cat.side > 2 {
panic("invalid tape side")
args = append(args, filepath.Join(rootDirectory, tapes[cat.side]))
// create the `tzxcat` command to run
cmd := exec.Command(tzxcatCommand, args...)
// run the command and capture the output
data, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return data
func saveSource(filename string, data []byte) {
file, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(rootDirectory, sourceDir, filename))
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()
_, err = file.Write(data)
if err != nil {
// Converts a Sinclair ASCII to a printable character.
func sinclairAsciiToPrintable(ascii byte) string {
char, ok := mappableCharacters[ascii]
if !ok {
return "."
return char
// Sinclair ASCII / printable character mapping
var mappableCharacters = map[byte]string{
// Normal ASCII set
0x20: " ", 0x21: "!", 0x22: "\"", 0x23: "#", 0x24: "$", 0x25: "%", 0x26: "&", 0x27: "'",
0x28: "(", 0x29: ")", 0x2A: "*", 0x2B: "+", 0x2C: ",", 0x2D: "-", 0x2E: ".", 0x2F: "/",
0x30: "0", 0x31: "1", 0x32: "2", 0x33: "3", 0x34: "4", 0x35: "5", 0x36: "6", 0x37: "7", 0x38: "8", 0x39: "9",
0x3A: ":", 0x3B: ";", 0x3C: "<", 0x3D: "=", 0x3E: ">", 0x3F: "?", 0x40: "@",
0x41: "A", 0x42: "B", 0x43: "C", 0x44: "D", 0x45: "E", 0x46: "F", 0x47: "G", 0x48: "H", 0x49: "I", 0x4A: "J", 0x4B: "K", 0x4C: "L", 0x4D: "M",
0x4E: "N", 0x4F: "O", 0x50: "P", 0x51: "Q", 0x52: "R", 0x53: "S", 0x54: "T", 0x55: "U", 0x56: "V", 0x57: "W", 0x58: "X", 0x59: "Y", 0x5A: "Z",
0x5B: "[", 0x5C: "\\", 0x5D: "]", 0x5E: "↑", 0x5F: "_", 0x60: "£",
0x61: "a", 0x62: "b", 0x63: "c", 0x64: "d", 0x65: "e", 0x66: "f", 0x67: "g", 0x68: "h", 0x69: "i", 0x6A: "j", 0x6B: "k", 0x6C: "l", 0x6D: "m",
0x6E: "n", 0x6F: "o", 0x70: "p", 0x71: "q", 0x72: "r", 0x73: "s", 0x74: "t", 0x75: "u", 0x76: "v", 0x77: "w", 0x78: "x", 0x79: "y", 0x7A: "z",
0x7B: "{", 0x7C: "|", 0x7D: "}", 0x7E: "~", 0x7F: "©",
// Block graphics without shift
0x80: " ", 0x81: "▝", 0x82: "▘", 0x83: "▀", 0x84: "▗", 0x85: "▐", 0x86: "▚", 0x87: "▜",
// Block graphics with shift
0x88: "▖", 0x89: "▞", 0x8A: "▌", 0x8B: "▛", 0x8C: "▄", 0x8D: "▟", 0x8E: "▙", 0x8F: "█",
// UDGs
0x90: "Ⓐ", 0x91: "Ⓑ", 0x92: "Ⓒ", 0x93: "Ⓓ", 0x94: "Ⓔ", 0x95: "Ⓕ", 0x96: "Ⓖ", 0x97: "Ⓗ", 0x98: "Ⓘ", 0x99: "Ⓙ", 0x9A: "Ⓚ",
0x9B: "Ⓛ", 0x9C: "Ⓜ", 0x9D: "Ⓝ", 0x9E: "Ⓞ", 0x9F: "Ⓟ", 0xA0: "Ⓠ", 0xA1: "Ⓡ", 0xA2: "Ⓢ", 0xA3: "Ⓣ", 0xA4: "Ⓤ",
func introTextMoonbase() string {
return `
; The Operatives deploy first on the MAGENTA areas.
; The Raiders deploy second on the RED areas and move first.
; 3x Sentry Robots (LASER GUN)
; 2x Mining Robots (GRAPPLER)
; 2x Auto-Guns (LASER GUN)
; 4x Technicians (PISTOL)
; 8x Security Guards (LAS-PISTOL)
; 4x Sentry Robots (LASER GUN)
; 1x Mining Robot (GRAPPLER)
; 4x Photon Commanders (PHOTON)
; 4x Raiders (GRENADE)
; 16x Raiders (LASER GUN)
func introTextStarlingale() string {
return `
; The Raiders deploy first on the MAGENTA areas.
; The Operatives deploy second on the BLUE areas and move first.
; Raider reinforcements arrive on game turn four.
; 2x Nav-Comp
; 3x Pilots (LAS-PISTOL)
; 3x Pilots (LAS-RIFLE)
; 2x Photon Commanders (PHOTON)
; 3x Raiders (LASER GUN)
; 9x Raiders (LAS-RIFLE)
; 8x Raiders (LAS-RIFLE)
; 4x Zorbotrons (GAS BOMB)
; 13x Fly-Bots (ZEEKER)
; 4x Slavers (LAS-WHIP)
; 1x Mining Robot (GRAPPLER)
; 2x Security Guards (LAS-PISTOL)
func introTextAssault() string {
return `
; The Operatives deploy first on the BLUE areas.
; The Raiders deploy second on the MAGENTA areas and move first.
; 4x Sentry Robots (LASER GUN)
; 6x Service Robots (CRUSHER)
; 8x Main-Comp brain elements
; 6x Fly-Bots (ZEEKER)
; 15x Guards (LAS-RIFLE)
; 2x Sentry Robots (LASER GUN)
; 2x Photon Commanders (PHOTON)
; 6x Raiders (LASER GUN)
; 6x Raiders (STARBOLT)
; 15x Raiders (LAS-RIFLE)
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mrcook commented May 21, 2023

This small program will extract all the game source code (BASIC), level data, and graphics from the 1984 ZX Spectrum game Rebelstar Raiders:

Run the program with:

go run rebelstar-raiders.go

The files created are:

- credits.png
- rebelstar-raiders.png
- screen-1-moonbase.png
- screen-2-starlingale.png
- screen-3-final-assault.png
- character-set.asm
- level-1-moonbase.asm
- level-2-starlingale.asm
- level-3-final-assault.asm
- main-comp-reformatted.bas
- main-comp.bas
- raiders.asm
- rebelstar.bas
- zapcode.asm

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