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Created July 20, 2022 12:15
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Azelea (Ravana) --- 01/02/2022


Before you get started, I'd highly recommend popping to the market board and picking up two Cryptic Seals if you're a non-caster, or three Damascene Cloth if you're a caster. These can be turned into an NPC near the Pier #1 aetherite in Kugane called Nostalgic Fellow. He'll give you a chestpiece with Elemental Bonus on it, which increases your damage done and decreases your damage taken in all Eureka zones. Note for Materia players: Prices for these materials are extremely high currently due to lack of supply. Prices will come down as people progress through Eureka and start running Baldesion Arsonal but for now, if you're not rolling in gil, I'd suggest skipping it. The bonus is nice, and the chest-piece you get remains Best in Slot for all Eureka content, but it's absolutely not essential.

You can get two more pieces of magicite, but that involves a lot of farming, luck or gil. If you're chasing just the armour for glam, forget about this.

Eureka Tracker

Upgrading your Anemos weapon

This is pretty straightforward, you just keep handing Proteon crystals to the blacksmith and he'll keep upgrading it. Eventually he'll ask for Pazuzu feathers as well, but you don't actually need to kill Pazuzu; you can just hand 300 crystals per feather to the Expedition Birdwatcher in the main base. Once you have your weapon fully upgraded and your Krile quests finished, you can move to Pagos.

Step 1: Anemos

Find mobs typically +1 level to you and start grinding. You'll notice that you get two kinds of special crystal in Anemos; Proteon Crystals and Anemos Crystals. Proteon crystals are rewarded just from killing mobs, especially when getting chains. Anemos crystals come from Notorious Monster fates. Notorious Monsters spawn from particular mobs being killed, and have a cooldown before they can be summoned again. Some also will only spawn when particular weather is happening (e.g. Gales, Blizzard, Heat-Wave etc). Check for a list in each zone of what spawns NMs. Note on Anemos crystals: You can exchange these for Proteon crystals at Geralt, and if you're not planning on running the Baldesion Arsonal, and just want the glamour, go ahead and do this to speed up your weapon upgrades. If you are planning on doing BA, you might want to hang onto them, simply because they can be helpful getting into BA. Don't sweat too much about this; they're not actually required for BA. You'll also be getting your magica board online. Each piece of magicite you get allows you to slot it into the board. There's a really basic trick here: just shove the five magicite you get into a single element. It doesn't matter which one. Then, when fighting a particular group of mobs, right click on one of them, and select "rotate to offensive" or "rotate to defensive". Most of the time you'll use offensive.

Step 2: Pagos

Welcome to Cliffs and Dragons. Both will hinder your journey. Your first step will be getting to level 25. Do this before anything else basically, unless a Fate pops up nearby. Then talk to the blacksmith, and he'll give you a Kettle. This Kettle slowly fills up with "light" as you kill stuff in Pagos. Certain mobs, such as those that mutate or adapt, and Fate monsters, give more light. You want to unlock it as soon as possible because you need to fill the kettle 31 times to finish your Pagos weapon. The Kettle however can only hold 9 levels of light. You need to turn them into Frosted Proteon Crystals at a forge. Now, Pagos is notoriously difficult to navigate, especially for a newcomer. The place has tons of cliffs, and several places where you have to actually jump off a cliff to reach necessary places. You'll also encounter high level dragons sleeping throughout the zone. To avoid aggroing them and shortly afterwards shouting for a raise, simply walk your character past them. If you haven't remapped the key, it's "/" on your keyboard. Back to the kettle. You need to make your way to the north-western aethercite, "Geothermal Studies". I'll put a picture up showing the best way for you to reach the aethercite, and what you should do afterwards.

Once you go south from the aethercite, you'll have to fall down a cliff and walk past a dragon to reach the forge. You must do this numerous times too, emptying your kettle whenever it's full, or close to full. Collect the crystals until you have 31. You will also need pagos crystals. These are rewarded from completing Notorious Monster Fates. It will be fairly common to see "Fate trains" in Eureka zones; a group that goes around spawning Fates and afterwards, killing the spawned boss. If a NM boss spawns, it's considered polite to announce it in Shout chat for the zone so people can congregate and all get the reward. Typically, people will start attacking a NM at "2800" or "2700". This is a reference to the countdown timer on the Fate, which starts at 30:00 and counts down. So when the timer hits 28:00, a group would start attacking if they'd said "2800". A simple macro for announcing a NM spawn is /sh whilst you have the NM targeted. This will announce your position and the target's name to the zone. Often people will say o/ in chat, which is simply a request to join a group. Many players will join up for a NM, only to leave the group afterwards. This is just standard, and shouldn't concern you. Bunnies. From Pagos onwards, you'll notice some Fates that are more or less continuously up. In Pagos, these are the Fates "Down the Rabbit Hole" and "Curiouser and Curiouser" If you are just going for glam, ignore these completely They do not have sufficient rewards for you to bother doing them if you are just focused on progression.

Upgrading your weapon

As stated before, you'll need to get 31 Frosted Proteon crystals from the forge to fully upgrade your weapon. You'll also need 500 Pagos Crystals from NM fates. At the end step, you'll also need 5 Louhi Ice from the end boss of the zone, Louhi. However, like in Anemos, you can skip actually killing Louhi by just farming more Pagos crystals. Each Louhi Ice costs 50 Pagos Crystals and can be bought from the Expedition Birdwatcher in the base. Don't be afraid to just farm these up; Louhi is actually rarely spawned due to the relative difficulty of spawning him. If you're lucky enough to get on a train that kills him, then you can save yourself some crystals. Once you have your weapon fully upgraded, and your Krile quests finished, you can move onto Pyros.

Step 3 - Pyros

For a zone that's supposed to be attuned to fire, you might be puzzled to see a heck of a lot of snow. Don't worry, the fire comes later. Pyros introduces a brand new mechanic: logograms. These seem confusing at first but are actually quite simple once you grasp the basics. These will be an extremely important part of your Eureka progress through Pyros and beyond. What logograms provide for you are whole new abilities that only function in Pyros, Hydatos and Baldesion Arsenal. Think of them like potions though; once you use them, they have to be replaced. This site shows you the entire 56 abilities you can get. Now, to be honest, most aren't used most of the time. You'll typically have one of the "Wisdom" logos running; Wisdom of the Platebearer or Wisdom of the Aetherweaver for instance. Looking at these two abilities, you can easily see whilst you're usually running one; Platebearer gives +3000 physical defense and +50% hp! Tanks, eat your heart out. Meanwhile Aetherweaver gives you +60% magical damage if you're a healer. aoe farming intensifies So, aside from the power spike, why bother with logograms? Because you need to unlock all 56 of them if you want to upgrade your armour. Heck, before you unlock 50, you can't even buy the base armour. How to unlock logos actions. First step, get some logograms. By far the fastest and easiest way is to head over to the market board and buy them. Most are cheap as chips, the exceptions being Obscure and Protective, both because they're a little harder to find and provide powerful logos actions. It's important to note that there's no way of knowing how many of each logogram you'll need. This is because when you turn in a logogram, you get a random result.

Eureka Tracker

Note for Materia players: Just like the chest armour materials, logograms are a bit pricey right now. Prices are dropping however, since more and more people are doing Eureka. How much you want to spend is entirely up to you. If you're chasing glam however, you're going to need to fill out your logograms. The other way to get Logograms is to simply run Eureka content. once again shows where particular logograms drop. Some drop from NMs, others from sprites, others from chains, others from Bunny chests. Basically, if you're doing Eureka, you'll get logograms. Be prepared to do some specific stuff to get some of the rarer ones however. Second step, talk to Drake in the main base. He'll have an option to "appraise" logograms. When he does, you'll get a mneme. Mnemes are what provide logos actions. Which mneme you get is both random and dependent on the logogram appraised. For example, look at the table on This shows you what each logogram provides, and what each mneme is used in. I'll post a picture that explains it better:

Once you have mnemes to work with, you can combine them to get logos actions. Some actions just require a single mneme, making them easy and cheap to use. Initially, you'll only be able to use one logos action, but after doing some Krile quests, you'll be able to have two abilities. In order to unlock your armour, you'll need to "discover" each logos action at least once. This will basically require combining mnemes like mad and discarding them. This is wasteful, but necessary. Once you have discovered 50 logos actions, you can buy your Eureka armour for 40 Pyros crystals per piece (200 total). 56 logos actions will allow you to upgrade your armour in Hydatos. Upgrading your weapon: Pyros is fairly similar to Pagos, with one difference we'll discuss later. There's bunny fates you can safely ignore, NM trains and Pyros crystals to collect. Like Pagos, you'll need 5 items from the end-zone boss for your final weapon upgrade, and just like Pagos, you can buy these items for 50 crystals each from the Expedition Birdwatcher. If you've unlocked all your logos actions, then all you need to do is farm crystals. 650 are needed, with a further 250 if you can't get any kills on Penthesilea. Like Pagos, only NM Fates provide crystals. Pyros Kettle. *This step can be completely skipped if you're just looking for glamour. It is for power purposes only. * Once you fully upgrade your Pyros weapon, you will notice that it has no sub-stats. These can only be placed on the item by filling your kettle, just like you did in Pagos. The kettle however only starts filling after you've hit the final upgrade, i.e. once you've basically finished in Pyros. To make matters worse, most Fates in Pyros give very little light and most mobs give very little too. Your best bet if you want to fill your kettle is killing mobs that adapt or mutate, as these give feeble light. The Fate NMs Dux and Glauopkis also give a fair bit of light.

You can turn your kettle in at the Pyros forge for Smoldering Protean Crystals. Once you have two of these, you can use the mnemetic station next to the blacksmith to get some substats on your weapon. Once again I must stress, this is for power purposes only. You do not need to do this to get the final glamour. The substats you get are random, but specific to your class. So your Scholar won't roll Tenacity on their weapon for example. There are up to 5 rows of stats you can get, and each time you roll for stats, you have a chance to get an extra row. You then can choose to transfer these stats to your weapon, where they completely replace any previous sub-stats you put on. There is a metric ton of RNG and a whole mess of farming needed for this step. I would strongly recommend only doing this if you are planning to run Baldesion Arsenal. And even then, it's not required, just nice to have. Whether you chose to take this step or not, once you have your final weapon upgrade and have your armour purchased, it's time to move onto the final zone, Hydatos.

Step 4: Hydatos

Ah Hydatos. No more sleeping dragons, no more annoying cliffs. Hydatos is a breath of fresh air when it comes to moving around. It's all open, mobs are more spread out, and navigation is therefore a breeze. Breathe in deeply Warrior of Light and then start slaughtering the local wildlife. Hydatos is quite straightforward for your upgrades. Your armour can be upgraded to +1 simply by collecting Hydatos Crystals from NM Fates. Hydatos Fates aren't especially generous with crystals; the lowest gives five and the highest gives....ten. But you also need fewer than in previous zones, so I guess it evens out. Upgrading your armour all to +1 will require 190 crystals (50 for chest and legs each, 30 for each other piece). If you are just chasing the glamour, congratulations! This is the final stage of the Eureka armour appearance, with all those lights that let you save on electricity bills. Put it on hero. You've earned it. Your weapon's final glamour can be earned here too. It'll cost you 350 Hydatos crystals all up, plus five Crystalline Scales from the final boss in the zone, Provenance Watcher. (Well, ok, he's not the final final boss, but more on that later) Unlike the previous three zones, you can't just farm more crystals and buy these scales, you'll have to kill the Provenance Watcher twice to get three scales per kill. You'll also have to be level 60 so if you see him spawn and you're not level 60, don't bother trying to head over. Just keep grinding.

With all your crystals and five scales, you'll have the final stage of your weapon's appearance! Marvel at it's shininess and pat yourself on the back. But wait, you might be saying. Isn't there one more step? Well, that's another matter altogether.

Step 5: Baldesion Arsenal (optional)

Ok, so remember earlier when I said Provenance Watcher wasn't quite the final boss in Hydatos? Well, during your time in Hydatos, you might notice the sky suddenly turn a strange colour, and a new Fate pop up in the south of the zone called I Don't Want to Believe, without anyone killing mobs to spawn it. This is Ovni, and he's your ticket into the Baldesion Arsenal, the final stage of Eureka. It's important to note: if you are doing Eureka for glamours, BA is entirely unnecessary. It is purely done for power purposes. If you still want to do it, then you need to have finished Krile's questline in Hydatos. Then, you have to kill Ovni. Wait a second, how do we spawn Ovni, I hear you say. Well it's quite simple. When enough players are in Hydatos who are eligable for BA (level 60, finished Krile's questline) Ovni will just spawn. This can be quite handy even if you're not planning a BA run, since he gives ten crystals, so if he shows up, you might as well kill him. If you're part of the Ovni kill (and you must participate, not just be in the zone), you'll get a ten minute buff, Aetherically Primed. Shortly after Ovni dies, blue portals will open all throughout the zone. If a BA run is not currently planned, ignore these portals. You can use these portals to access BA, but blue portals require a key, the Aetheric Stabilizer. Getting this key takes an Aetherially Conductive Plate, which can be obtained from the treasure chests from Happy bunnies, a Hydatos Crystal, which can be obtained by completing FATES, and a Sharlayan Oil, which can be obtained from Moisture-Warped Lockbox. Alternatively, you could farm 100 Anemos, Pagos, and Pyros Crystals each, which also rewards a stabilizer. This tends to be the fastest and easiest option. Regardless of how you get one, using a stabilizer on a portal (referred to as "stabbing") uses it up. Enjoy the spare inventory space.

"So getting to BA is really expensive!" I hear you say. Well, yes and no. See, when there's 3 minutes left on your Aetherically Primed buff, those blue portals turn red. And you can just enter a red portal without using a key. You use a key if you want to make sure you get into BA. Because after someone uses a portal, it closes. One portal per person. You need to get to a portal and claim it quickly if there's a BA run happening and you want in. Regardless of whether you have a key or not, you cannot enter the portals unless you have the Aetherically Primed buff from killing Ovni. So if you weren't there for the kill, forget it. That gets you into BA, but what comes next you ask? Well that's beyond the scope of this guide. Keep an eye on the Eureka chat area for when a run is planned, and check out some Youtube videos.


Additional Eureka Information. There's a few more little things to talk about with Eureka, especially if you're looking for an opportunity to make some gil. Happy Bunnies. The bunny fates I mentioned earlier can actually be a decent source of gil, since the treasure chests you get from them give either 10,000, 25,000 or 100,000 gil. Sure, for veterans, they probably spend this on their local catgirl dancing club in five minutes, but for newer players like myself, it can be a nice little boost. Bunny fates also drop some expensive minions you can sell on the AH. Gold chests can also drop Protective Logograms, which sell for a pretty penny, since they provide some well-nigh essential mnemes for BA. Aside from gil, completing the Bunny fate in Hydatos and getting a Silver treasure chest can also reward you with Aethertight Flask, which can be turned into the Expedition Alchemist for an extra logos action slot. Up to three can be handed in for a total of six logos action slots. This is considered very beneficial for BA, so if you're planning to plunge in there, get saving some carrot munchers. "So how do I do them?" Bunny Fates are different to all other Eureka Fates in that they spawn by themselves. No kills to trigger them, they just pop. If you get a gold rating, which is very easy, you'll get a little bunny following you around, and a pop-up on the right of your screen with a little carrot on it. Click the carrot. Follow the directions. It will lead you to a chest.

"So which ones do I do?"

Well, the most popular ones are the southern Pyros fate, and the single fate in Hydatos. The Pagos bunnies don't tend to be done because, well, it's Pagos. Getting around the place is just frustrating. Hydatos on the other hand is really open, so it's easy to get the chests. The southern Pyros fate also is easy to navigate. The Northern Fate is almost never done, not only because the southern Fate respawns quickly, but also because the northern fate sends you into high level areas. Not only is navigating them hard, but the mobs put down aoes, and your happy bunny will happily blunder right into them and happily die. No bunny, no chest. It's not worth the effort. Magicite Upgrades. You get five crystals for your Magicite board just by doing the Krile quests, and this is certain adequate, but you can actually get two more magicite if you're either extremely lucky or extremely rich. You can't put more than five into a single element, so sorry Reaper mains but this won't give you even more damage. But it does allow you to have say, some defense if you're currently using offense, or vice versa, so from a power perspective, this is an obvious boost. To get each additional magicite, you need three items that drop from specific NM Fates. These items have an extremely low droprate and can be sold on the Market Board This is why when certain bosses spawn (usually the ones mentioned in the "nm-pings" channel), people join that zone just to get the kill. The bosses are Pyros - Lamebrix Strikebocks - Ying-Yang - Skoll (requires Blizzard) Hydatos - Molech - King Goldemar (requires night) - Ceto Notice how two require specific weather to spawn? Now guess which items are the most valuable. Yeah. If you get one of these items, you can either save it to get the other two drops you need, or sell it. Either way, congratulations!

Valuable drops There's two more NM Fates that drop valuable items. King Arthro (requires Fog) and Copycat Cassie (requires Blizzard) in Pagos both drop an accessory that gives a Eureka buff. Highly sought after by those looking to maximize their performance in Eureka, and thus easy gil for you if you get one. Cassie drops an earring, and Arthro drops a ring. Expect to see lots of people flood into Pagos when either of these bosses can be coaxed out of hiding.


Useful links

  1. Item Upgrades

Steps for Eureka items upgrades from Anemos to Physeos (note: the final stages require going through multiple Baldesion Arsenal runs in order to collect enough fragments)

  1. Eureka bestiary

categorises all Eureka monsters + mutation/adaptation criteria (applies from Pagos onwards) - not fully complete, but still a good reference nonetheless as covers a lot of science already done (~90-95% complete)

  1. Eureka trackers

Handy timers you can set up for your Eureka instance to keep track of which NMs have spawned and cooldown time remaining

  1. Logograms

Logos actions are a feature introduced in Pyros and can be used in Pyros and Hydatos

  1. Baldesion Arsenal guides

See ba-readme-first for the FAQs, visual guide (JP DC version) and video guides Note: the visual and video guides reflect how BA is run on Elemental DC and pug BA on Materia DC. Bibbidi Bobbidi-boo (Ele/Mat) — 06/12/2022

Fundamentals of Eureka

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