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Last active July 7, 2022 12:16
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Enna Gust - Bio and Background

Ennä Güst

Enna Gust


Ennä Güst is a 122 year old female Wood Elf Druid. She has very long, wavy, auburn hair and blue eyes. She has soft green/golden skin. She stands a lofty (for a Wood Elf) 4' 10" tall and has an average, but slightly muscular build. Her face is classical with no distinctive markings or features. A tattoo adorns her left leg, from ankle to wasit, of a vine.

Her personality is paranoid but approachable. She is very competitive, very obstinate, and very much (secretly) captivated by dwarves. She's never late, speaks rarely and to the point, and loves to read.


Ennä was born to Wood Elves, who later became what you might call "working class". Her mother, Nimlalwe, was caring and kind, having been born into a well respected family of Druids. She excelled at magic, language and history. Her father was quite different. Named Erwel, he was from a troublesome family who never quite took the whole Druid thing very seriously. Many described him as selfish and stuborn, but very intelligent. He didn't care much for Ennä, but stood by his wife regardless. He was an odd sort of honourable trouble maker.

By the time Ennä had reached the age of 23, the magical anomalies left over from The Giant's Dance began to take their toll on Bramble Wood. Strange beasts began to appear, wondering and attacking seemingly at random. Many a Wood Elf were displaced, and wanting better for Ennä, her parents decided to flee along with several other families. Travelling north east, they moved onwards to find a new home, and were eventually met by The Cliff. Looking eastwards, Erwel declared that his family would settle in Ferrenport. Other decided on going elsewhere, trying their luck in Bramble Woods. Some agreed with Erwel and they continued their journey together.

One day, whilst moving slowly down the cliff's steep decline and making their way closer to Drimore Mines, they decided on a short break. Setting up camp and letting the kids run wild, Ennä heard something deeper into the woods, closer to the Mines. Moving in to investigate, she was ambushed. "Help, mother!"

Nimlalwe, Erwel, and many others, dropped everything and ran into the woods. Nimlalwe, being small and nibble like most female Wood Elves, was incredibly fast. She came face to face with Ennä and her ambusher within minutes, and lunged at the human trying to rip the clothes form her daughter. Erwel was only feet away when he saw the dagger come through the back of Ninlalwe's dress, causing her whole body to stiffen and then, as the life left it, surrender to death. Enraged, Erwel slaughtered the bandit in front of Ennä, holding back not a single blow, Cantrip or ounce of energy.

Ninlalwe was laid to rest and the families moved on.

By the time Ennä was 25, they had finally settled in the working class district of Ferrenport. Their rundown, small home was closest to the trading quarters, which proved quite convenient for her father, who would regularily scout for "opportunities." Sometimes Ennä would join her father, learning to sneak past guards, pick pocket, and run like the wind when the occasion called for it.

But Ennä's heart was still that of a Wood Elf, and her mother's Druid bloodline flowed through her. So much so, that by 46, Ennä had a vine tattoo drawn from her left ankle to the wasit - just like her mother's.

Over the years Ennä learned how-to steal, lie, cheat and play poker with the best of them. And although she had inherited her father's intelligence and keen sense for (illegal) adventure, she had also inherited her mother's connection with nature. At the age of 90, she was casting Cantrips and changing forms (which helped with those industrious adventures), and she caught the eye of Jori.

Her street smarts, underground associations, and her connection with nature was just what Jori, and The Sanctuary, was looking for. He asked her to join their cause, "Come along, little one. Perhaps we can teach yer more than simply to nick stuff and put all that shape shifting and Druid stuff to good use."

Ennä accepted immediatley.

At the age of 105, as Ennä approached adulthood, Erwel left Ferrenport. He wanted to be closer to Ninlalwe's place of rest where he, too, would eventually be laid to rest on Ennä's 115th birthday.

Today, at the age of 122, Ennä spends her days adventuring through The Sanctuary. She continues to "nick stuff" from time to time (attracting the attention of The Silver Tongues), because it's fun and is mostly passed on to those in need. She also continues her studies of magic, religion, and "Druid stuff".

Plot Hook

She has recently woken up with an unidentified magical rune on her left hand. It glows slightly as she moves in the direction of her mother's grave.

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