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Example of using vuex-type to create strongly-typed vuex store access
// path: store/basket/basket.ts (module)
import { RootState } from "../../store"
import inventory, { Product } from "../inventory/inventory"
export interface Item { productId: string, quantity: number }
export interface DisplayItem { product: Product, quantity: number }
export interface BasketState { items: Item[], isLoading: boolean }
const initialBasketState: BasketState = { items: [], isLoading: false }
const b = getStoreBuilder<RootState>().module("basket", initialBasketState)
// getters
const numberOfItemsGetter = => state.items.length, "numberOfItems")
const itemsGetter = =>
const displayItems: DisplayItem[] = =>
return {
product: inventory.getProductById(item.productId),
quantity: item.quantity
return displayItems
// mutations
function appendItem(state: BasketState, payload: { productId: string, quantity: number })
productId: payload.productId,
quantity: payload.quantity
function setIsLoading(state: BasketState, payload: { isLoading: boolean })
state.isLoading = payload.isLoading
// action
async function restoreSavedBasket(context: BareActionContext<BasketState, RootState>)
const savedBasketId = localStorage["basketId"]
basket.commitSetIsLoading({ isLoading: true })
const { data: savedBasket } = await axios.get(`//${savedBasketId}`, { responseType: "json" })
const items: Item[] = savedBasket.items
items.forEach(item => basket.commitAppendItem(item))
basket.commitSetIsLoading({ isLoading: false })
// state
const stateGetter = b.state()
// exported "basket" module interface
const basket = {
// state
get state() { return stateGetter() },
// getters (wrapped as real getters)
get items() { return itemsGetter() },
get numberOfItems() { return numberOfItemsGetter() },
// mutations
commitAppendItem: b.commit(appendItem),
commitSetIsLoading: b.commit(setIsLoading),
// actions
dispatchRestoreSavedBasket: b.dispatch(restoreSavedBasket)
export default basket
// path: store/inventory/inventory.ts (module)
import { getStoreBuilder, BaseActionContext } from "vuex-typex"
import { Store } from "vuex"
import { RootState } from "../../store"
import axios from "axios"
export interface InventoryState { productsById: { [productId: string]: Product } }
export interface Product { id: string, name: string }
const initialInventoryState: InventoryState = {
productsById: {
"fritos": { id: "fritos", name: "Fritos Corn Chips, Chili Cheese" },
"doritos": { id: "doritos", name: "Doritos Nacho Cheese Flavored Tortilla Chips" },
"cheetos": { id: "cheetos", name: "Cheetos Crunchy Cheese Flavored Snacks" },
"tostitos": { id: "tostitos", name: "Tostitos Original Restaurant Style Tortilla Chips" }
const p = getStoreBuilder<RootState>().module("product", initialInventoryState)
const getProductByIdGetter = => (id: string) => state.productsById[id], "getProductById")
// state
const stateGetter = p.state()
// exported "inventory" module interface
const inventory = {
// state
get state() { return stateGetter() },
// getter as method
getProductById(id: string)
return getProductByIdGetter()(id)
export default inventory
// path: store/store.ts (root store definition)
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex, { Store } from 'vuex'
import inventory from "./inventory/inventory"
import basket from "./basket/basket"
export interface RootState
basket: BasketState
inventory: InventoryState
const store: Store<RootState> = getStoreBuilder<RootState>().vuexStore()
export default store // <-- "store" to provide to root Vue
// path: app.ts (root Vue)
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import store from './store/store'
import app_html from './app.html'
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
template: app_html,
export default app
// path: components/basket/basketDisplay.ts (component)
import basket from "../../store/basket/basket"
@Component({ template: basket_display_html })
export class BasketDisplay extends Vue
get isLoading() { return basket.state.isLoading }
get items() { return basket.items }
get numberOfItems() { return basket.numberOfItems }
addToBasket(productId: string, quantity: number = 1)
basket.commitAppendItem({ productId, quantity })
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b12f commented Mar 6, 2018

For anyone trying this out at home; @d1820 correctly identified the imports being somewhat off. Since you're only using the interfaces from the imports, all runtime relevant code in basket.ts and inventory.ts gets treeshaked out of existence by the typescript compiler at build time.

One possible solution could be to export a initInventory and initBasket function from both files, then calling those in store.ts. That way the the code actually gets included and run.

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There appears to be another issue with this sample in that it uses fat arrow syntax for what ultimately become the vuex handler methods, which vuex complains about as they are unnamed. A method name is provided for the 'numberOfItems' getter function, but not for the 'itemsGetter' method. I haven't run the sample but I imagine this would fail.

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import { getStoreBuilder } from "vuex-typex"; is missing in store.ts. Without this import TypeScript throw this error: TS2304: Cannot find name 'getStoreBuilder'.

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christopher-kiss commented Mar 27, 2018

@b12f, I ran into the same issue with the modules being shaken out by typescript. Trying to use the module in the router, caused issues since it wasn't defined.

One solution I came up with, since I'm not using the module in the store.ts, was to import the module for side-effects. This stops typescript from shaking them out.

This means changing

// store.ts
import inventory from "./inventory/inventory"
import basket from "./basket/basket"


// store.ts
import "./inventory/inventory"
import "./basket/basket"

If you check here: and look for "Import a module for side-effects only"

Hope this helps others.

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dmarg commented Apr 24, 2018

I'm getting the following error:

"Can't add module after vuexStore() has been called"

Anybody else getting that? Any suggestions on how to get passed that?

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Kosqe commented Jul 31, 2018

Wow! This works like magic to me. Good work!

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SvenPam commented Aug 22, 2018

@dmarg, did you ever solve this?

Trying to migrate to VueCLI 3, and I am seeing the same error on the same codebase which makes me think the issue is with the CLI -- or more the upgrade to Typescript 3.x.

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tqwewe commented Sep 2, 2018

@SvenPam also having this issue.. any ideas?


I fixed this by changing my store.ts file from:

import { AuthState } from './modules/auth'


import { AuthState } from './modules/auth'
import './modules/auth'

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Mart-Bogdan commented Oct 22, 2018

It don't work with SSR!

All sessions gets same store!

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jp8998 commented Dec 14, 2018

In this example I get the error:

70:44 Argument of type '(context: ActionContext<BasketState, RootState>) => Promise<void>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ActionHandler<BasketState, RootState, {}, void>'. when I try to use your basket state as you have it setup. Any thoughts?

@Gregoyle I ran into the same error, did you ever find out why you got this error?

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jp8998 commented Dec 14, 2018

Figured it out context: ActionContext<BasketState, RootState> needs changing to context: BareActionContext<BasketState, RootState>

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mrcrowl commented Jan 22, 2019

It don't work with SSR!

All sessions gets same store!

Yes, sorry. Never tried this with SSR tbh.

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mrcrowl commented Jan 22, 2019

@Schteele.. thanks. I've updated it to use BareActionContext now.

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bishopsmove commented Mar 19, 2019

@SvenPam also having this issue.. any ideas?


I fixed this by changing my store.ts file from:

import { AuthState } from './modules/auth'


import { AuthState } from './modules/auth'
import './modules/auth'

Thanks for that, @acidic9. That worked nicely.

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