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Created February 17, 2011 05:34
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Save mrdaemon/831050 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(** BuyPhone.muf [c] Nilesta, 2000 **)
$def PPROG #277 (** DBREF of Phones.muf **)
(** The following are for costs. If you don't want costs, set them all **)
(** to 0. Per-month cost is added up and stored on the phone object **)
(** under '@phone/upkeep' **)
(** This /does not/ actually charge them the per-month costs. You'll **)
(** need to program something to do that if you want it done. **)
$def CW-COST 25 (** Upfront cost of Call-waiting **)
$def CW-CPM 10 (** Per month cost of Call-waiting **)
$def CC-COST 25 (** Upfront cost of Conference calling **)
$def CC-CPM 10 (** Per month cost of conference calling **)
$def CID-COST 25 (** Upfront cost of caller ID **)
$def CID-CPM 10 (** Per month cost of caller ID **)
$def VM-COST 25 (** Upfront cost of voice mail **)
$def VM-CPM 10 (** Per month cost of voice mail **)
$def BASE 50 (** Upfront cost for basic phone **)
$def BASE-CPM 20 (** Per month cost for phone service **)
(** End Customization **)
$include $lib/middleman
$include $lib/strings
: print-screen
"Option Taken? Cost Per Month" .tell
"------------------------------------------" .tell
"Basic Phone Service YES " BASE intostr 4 .right strcat " "
strcat BASE-CPM intostr strcat .tell
"Call Waiting " CW @ if "YES " else "NO " then strcat
CW @ if CW-COST else 0 then intostr 4 .right strcat " " strcat
CW @ if CW-CPM else 0 then intostr strcat .tell
"Conference Calling " CC @ if "YES " else "NO " then strcat
CC @ if CC-COST else 0 then intostr 4 .right strcat " " strcat
CC @ if CC-CPM else 0 then intostr strcat .tell
"Caller ID " CID @ if "YES " else "NO " then strcat
CID @ if CID-COST else 0 then intostr 4 .right strcat " " strcat
CID @ if CID-CPM else 0 then intostr strcat .tell
"Voice Mail " VM @ if "YES " else "NO " then strcat
VM @ if VM-COST else 0 then intostr 4 .right strcat " " strcat
VM @ if VM-CPM else 0 then intostr strcat .tell
"------------------------------------------" .tell
" "
BASE CW @ if CW-COST + then
CC @ if CC-COST + then
CID @ if CID-COST + then
VM @ if VM-COST + then intostr 4 .right strcat " " strcat
BASE-CPM CW @ if CW-CPM + then
CC @ if CC-CPM + then
CID @ if CID-CPM + then
VM @ if VM-CPM + then intostr strcat .tell " " .tell
"Commands: [CC] - Toggle Conference Calling; [CW] - Toggle Call Waiting;" .tell
" [VM] - Toggle Voice Mail; [CID] - Toggle Caller ID;" .tell
" [C] - Cancel without buying; [Q] - Buy this phone" .tell
: make-number
random 9 % 1 + intostr
random 10 % intostr strcat
random 10 % intostr strcat
random 10 % intostr strcat
PPROG "@phone/phones/" 3 pick strcat getprop not if
then pop repeat
: make-phone
me @ "Phone" newobject
dup me @ setlink
PPROG "@phone/phones/" 3 pick strcat 4 pick setprop
over "@phone/code" 3 pick atoi setprop
swap dup "@phone/CW?" cw @ if "YES" else "NO" then setprop
dup "@phone/CC?" cc @ if "YES" else "NO" then setprop
dup "@phone/CID?" cid @ if "YES" else "NO" then setprop
dup "@phone/VM?" vm @ if "YES" else "NO" then setprop
dup "call;answer;talk;cid;vmail;click;discon;status;sd" newexit PPROG setlink
dup "@phone/upkeep"
BASE-CPM CW @ if CW-CPM + then
CC @ if CC-CPM + then
CID @ if CID-CPM + then
VM @ if VM-CPM + then setprop
"Enter an ID for this phone, now:" .arg
over "@phone/ID" rot setprop
pop "Your phone number is " swap strcat .tell
"See 'call #help' for information on how to use your phone." .tell
: main
0 CW ! 0 CC ! 0 CID ! 0 VM !
read strip dup not if pop "Invalid option." .tell continue then
dup "Q" stringcmp not if 1 break then
dup "C" stringcmp not if 0 break then
dup "CW" stringcmp not if pop CW @ if 0 else 1 then CW ! continue then
dup "CC" stringcmp not if pop CC @ if 0 else 1 then CC ! continue then
dup "CID" stringcmp not if pop CID @ if 0 else 1 then CID ! continue then
dup "VM" stringcmp not if pop VM @ if 0 else 1 then VM ! continue then
pop "Invalid option." .tell repeat
not if "Aborting." .tell exit then
BASE CW @ if CW-COST + then
CC @ if CC-COST + then
CID @ if CID-COST + then
VM @ if VM-COST + then
"Buying this phone will cost " over intostr strcat " credits. Continue?" strcat .confirm
not if "Aborting." .tell exit then
me @ pennies over < if "You don't have that much money." .tell exit then
me @ swap -1 * addpennies make-phone
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