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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Ship wp-stream data to

##Install After installing the WP-Stream plugin tested with - this version, replace wp-content/plugins/stream/classes/class-wp-stream-api.php with the modified file below to have WP-Stream also ship its data to so it can be seen in the WP-Stream dashboard

See diff for details of the changes; basically one function and one call to that function

##Firewall rules The source IP of the WP host needs to be added to the TrustedIngestion Security Group. If you are running WP locally and are connected to the vpn.meta VPN; then you are already added to this group. Other WP host's IPs can be added as required.

class WP_Stream_API {
* API Key key/identifier
const API_KEY_OPTION_KEY = 'wp_stream_site_api_key';
* Site UUID key/identifier
const SITE_UUID_OPTION_KEY = 'wp_stream_site_uuid';
* Site Retricted key/identifier
const RESTRICTED_OPTION_KEY = 'wp_stream_site_restricted';
* The site's API Key
* @var string
public $api_key = false;
* The site's unique identifier
* @var string
public $site_uuid = false;
* The site's restriction status
* @var bool
public static $restricted = true;
* @var string
public $api_url = '';
* The API Version
* @var string
public $api_version = '0.0.2';
* Error messages
* @var array
public $errors = array();
* Total API calls made per page load
* Used for debugging and optimization
* @var array
public $count = 0;
* Public constructor
* @return void
public function __construct() {
$this->api_key = get_option( self::API_KEY_OPTION_KEY, 0 );
$this->site_uuid = get_option( self::SITE_UUID_OPTION_KEY, 0 );
self::$restricted = get_option( self::RESTRICTED_OPTION_KEY, 1 );
* Check if the current site is restricted
* @param bool Force the API to send a request to check the site's plan type
* @return bool
public static function is_restricted( $force_check = false ) {
if ( $force_check ) {
$site = WP_Stream::$api->get_site();
self::$restricted = ( ! isset( $site->plan->type ) || 'free' === $site->plan->type );
return self::$restricted;
* Used to prioritise the streams transport which support non-blocking
* @filter http_api_transports
* @return bool
public static function http_api_transport_priority( $request_order, $args, $url ) {
if ( isset( $args['blocking'] ) && false === $args['blocking'] ) {
$request_order = array( 'streams', 'curl' );
return $request_order;
* Get the details for a specific site.
* @param array Returns specified fields only.
* @param bool Allow API calls to be cached.
* @param int Set transient expiration in seconds.
* @return mixed
public function get_site( $fields = array(), $allow_cache = true, $expiration = 30 ) {
if ( ! $this->site_uuid ) {
return false;
$params = array();
if ( ! empty( $fields ) ) {
$params['fields'] = implode( ',', $fields );
$url = $this->request_url( sprintf( '/sites/%s', urlencode( $this->site_uuid ) ), $params );
$args = array( 'method' => 'GET' );
$site = $this->remote_request( $url, $args, $allow_cache, $expiration );
if ( $site && ! is_wp_error( $site ) ) {
$is_restricted = ( ! isset( $site->plan->type ) || 'free' === $site->plan->type ) ? 1 : 0;
if ( self::$restricted !== (bool) $is_restricted ) {
self::$restricted = $is_restricted;
update_option( self::RESTRICTED_OPTION_KEY, $is_restricted );
return $site;
* Get a specific record.
* @param string A record ID.
* @param array Returns specified fields only.
* @param bool Allow API calls to be cached.
* @param int Set transient expiration in seconds.
* @return mixed
public function get_record( $record_id = false, $fields = array(), $allow_cache = true, $expiration = 30 ) {
if ( false === $record_id ) {
return false;
if ( ! $this->site_uuid ) {
return false;
$params = array();
if ( ! empty( $fields ) ) {
$params['fields'] = implode( ',', $fields );
$url = $this->request_url( sprintf( '/sites/%s/records/%s', urlencode( $this->site_uuid ), urlencode( $record_id ) ), $params );
$args = array( 'method' => 'GET' );
return $this->remote_request( $url, $args, $allow_cache, $expiration );
* Get all records.
* @param array Returns specified fields only.
* @param bool Allow API calls to be cached.
* @param int Set transient expiration in seconds.
* @return mixed
public function get_records( $fields = array(), $allow_cache = true, $expiration = 30 ) {
if ( ! $this->site_uuid ) {
return false;
$params = array();
if ( ! empty( $fields ) ) {
$params['fields'] = implode( ',', $fields );
$url = $this->request_url( sprintf( '/sites/%s/records', urlencode( $this->site_uuid ) ), $params );
$args = array( 'method' => 'GET' );
return $this->remote_request( $url, $args, $allow_cache, $expiration );
* Create new records.
* @param array $records
* @param bool $blocking
* @return mixed
public function new_records( $records, $blocking = false ) {
if ( ! $this->site_uuid ) {
return false;
$url = $this->request_url( sprintf( '/sites/%s/records', urlencode( $this->site_uuid ) ) );
$args = array( 'method' => 'POST', 'body' => json_encode( array( 'records' => $records ) ), 'blocking' => (bool) $blocking );
return $this->remote_request( $url, $args );
protected function ship_to_logsearch($data) {
$fp = fsockopen("tls://", 443, $errno, $errstr);
$syslog_msg = "<14>1 ".date(DateTime::ISO8601)." localhost WP_Stream - - [WP_Stream@1 type=\"json\"] ".json_encode($data);
if ($fp)
fwrite($fp, $syslog_msg."\n");
} else {
error_log("ERROR: $errno - $errstr");
* Search all records.
* @param array Elasticsearch's Query DSL query object.
* @param array Returns specified fields only.
* @param bool Allow API calls to be cached.
* @param int Set transient expiration in seconds.
* @return mixed
public function search( $query = array(), $fields = array(), $sites = array(), $search_type = '', $allow_cache = false, $expiration = 120 ) {
if ( empty( $sites ) && $this->site_uuid ) {
$sites[] = $this->site_uuid;
$url = $this->request_url( '/search' );
$body = array();
if ( ! empty( $query ) ) {
$body['query'] = $query;
if ( ! empty( $fields ) ) {
$body['fields'] = $fields;
if ( ! empty( $sites ) ) {
$body['sites'] = $sites;
if ( ! empty( $search_type ) ) {
$body['search_type'] = $search_type;
$args = array( 'method' => 'POST', 'body' => json_encode( (object) $body ) );
return $this->remote_request( $url, $args, $allow_cache, $expiration );
* Helper function to create and escape a URL for an API request.
* @param string The endpoint path, with a starting slash.
* @param array The $_GET parameters.
* @return string A properly escaped URL.
public function request_url( $path, $params = array() ) {
return esc_url_raw(
untrailingslashit( $this->api_url ) . $path
* Helper function to query the marketplace API via wp_remote_request.
* @param string The url to access.
* @param string The method of the request.
* @param array The headers sent during the request.
* @param bool Allow API calls to be cached.
* @param int Set transient expiration in seconds.
* @return object The results of the wp_remote_request request.
protected function remote_request( $url = '', $args = array(), $allow_cache = true, $expiration = 300 ) {
if ( empty( $url ) ) {
return false;
$defaults = array(
'headers' => array(),
'method' => 'GET',
'body' => '',
'sslverify' => true,
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
$args['headers']['Stream-Site-API-Key'] = $this->api_key;
$args['headers']['Accept-Version'] = $this->api_version;
$args['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if ( WP_Stream::is_development_mode() ) {
$args['blocking'] = true;
add_filter( 'http_api_transports', array( __CLASS__, 'http_api_transport_priority' ), 10, 3 );
$transient = 'wp_stream_' . md5( $url );
if ( 'GET' === $args['method'] && $allow_cache ) {
if ( false === ( $request = get_transient( $transient ) ) ) {
$request = wp_remote_request( $url, $args );
set_transient( $transient, $request, $expiration );
} else {
$request = wp_remote_request( $url, $args );
remove_filter( 'http_api_transports', array( __CLASS__, 'http_api_transport_priority' ), 10 );
// Return early if the request is non blocking
if ( isset( $args['blocking'] ) && false === $args['blocking'] ) {
return true;
if ( ! is_wp_error( $request ) ) {
$data = apply_filters( 'wp_stream_api_request_data', json_decode( $request['body'] ), $url, $args );
// Loose comparison needed
if ( 200 == $request['response']['code'] || 201 == $request['response']['code'] ) {
return $data;
} else {
// Disconnect if unauthorized or no longer exists, loose comparison needed
if ( 403 == $request['response']['code'] || 410 == $request['response']['code'] ) {
$this->errors['errors']['http_code'] = $request['response']['code'];
if ( isset( $data->error ) ) {
$this->errors['errors']['api_error'] = $data->error;
} else {
$this->errors['errors']['remote_request_error'] = $request->get_error_message();
WP_Stream::notice( sprintf( '<strong>%s</strong> %s.', __( 'Stream API Error.', 'stream' ), $this->errors['errors']['remote_request_error'] ) );
if ( ! empty( $this->errors ) ) {
delete_transient( $transient );
return false;
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