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Created March 19, 2020 17:49
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YES Bernard's secret revealed. # His name was an anagram.
NO Man in black pays a visit to Dolores.
YES Host gets repaired. # Bernard
YES There's a flashback. # Bernard has a flashback
? Radiohead's song played.
? The maze is referenced.
NO Maeve uses her powers.
YES A character gets redemption. # Dolores gets redemption on some of the wealthy men.
? "Wake up, Dolores".
? A new host storyline is presented (perhaps by Sizemore).
YES Dolores turn a human into a host. # Connells
YES Dolores hacks a machine (not another host). # The bike.
YES Dolores loses conciousness. # She gets zapped.
YES Bernard switches personalities.
YES Bernard resentfully fights someone.
? "Who you really are".
NO Maeve escapes a persecutor.
YES Charlotte pitches a business idea.
? Ford's ghost appears.
YES Caleb takes a gig.
? There's a four-legged animal (dog, elephant, horse, buffalo, etc.).
YES Same scene plays out more than once. # Caleb is on a loop.
? A host has a glitch.
? "That doesn't look like anything to me".
YES A human finds out another human is actually a host. # With Dolores and Jerry.
? A host finds out they are actually a host, and not human.
? "Freeze all motor functions".
YES A character has a fast wardrobe change. # Dolores yellow dress.
YES A character is seen in more than 3 outfits in one episode. # Dolores.
YES Someone swims. # Dolores.
YES A religious reference is made by a character (e.g. comparing hosts to higher beings). # Dolores regarding angry gods.
? A non-fiction historical reference is made by a character (e.g. discussing a past war).
? A literary reference is made by a character (e.g. quoting shakespeare).
? Code appears on screen.
? Scene from Park 1: Westworld.
? Scene from Park 2: Shogunworld.
YES Scene from Park 3: Warworld. # Maeve scene.
? Scene from Park 4: ?.
? Scene from Park 5: ?.
? Scene from Park 6: The Raj.
? A human who we thought was dead (e.g. Emily) appears in a host's body.
? Rehoboam predicts the future.
NO Dolores goes back to a theme park.
NO Francis makes a corporeal appearance.
YES Francis's voice is heard.
NO The audience finds out a human is actually a host.
? A host gets unauthorized access to Rehoboam.
NO A host returns from the Valley Beyond to the real world.
NO More than 100 hosts are shown in a single scene.
? A staff or cast member from Game of Thrones makes a cameo.
? A celebrity (not main-cast) makes a cameo.
? Jon Nolan or Lisa Joy make a cameo.
NO The identity of one of the mystery hosts Dolores brought along is revealed.
NO A faceless drone makes an appearance.
YES New gadget is introduced (such as the tool Ash used to prevent being tracked or the augmented reality glasses).
YES A host drives a car or flying vehicle. # Dolores.
YES A character references the special value of the Delos corporation. # Charlotte.
? A character drinks coffee.
? A host makes a joke.
YES A human or host questions if a host is lying. # Bernard to himself.
YES Someone takes an implant (limbic sedative).
YES There's fire. # Jerry's house.
YES There's opera. # Jerry's house.
YES A host talks about the "books". # Dolores
YES There's a callback to another sci-fi show: "I'm afraid I can't do that". # Jerry's house
YES There's a slow-mo aerial cinematic shot (a la Bladerunner).
? There's a scene in an elevator.
? A host cornerstone is referenced.
NO Stubbs makes an appearance.
YES There's a hologram phone call. # Charlotte.
NO The man in black (William) does something business related.
NO Reverie's are mentioned or the song Reverie by Debussy is played.
NO Maeve denies being controlled.
? Someone tries to "break out of their loop" (such as Felix wanting to be something besides a butcher).
? There's a bird.
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