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Last active December 16, 2015 13:39
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Save mrdwab/5443094 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rough concept of `readSOfwf`
readClip <- function(){
OS <-["sysname"]
cliptext <- switch(OS,
Darwin = {
con <- pipe("pbpaste")
text <- readLines(con)
Windows = readClipboard(),
readSOfwf <- function(dropFirst = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
header = TRUE,
out = "mydf") {
myStrings <- gsub("^\\s+", "",
gsub("^#|^##", "",
gsub("^\\s+", "",
myStrings <- gsub("\\s\\s+", ",", myStrings)
temp <- read.csv(text = myStrings, header = header,
stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors)
if (isTRUE(dropFirst)) temp <- temp[-1]
else temp <- temp
assign(out, temp, envir = .GlobalEnv)
message("data.frame ", dQuote(out), " created in your workspace")
# Test Cases
Copy the following examples to clipboard and read in with `readSOfwf()`. To drop the rows that might result, set `dropFirst = TRUE`.
NYC1 1/1/2013 2/1/2013 Open
NYC1 2/2/2013 2/3/2013 Closed for Inspection
Boston1 1/1/2013 2/5/2013 Open
# heat.J.
# 1995-07-01 02:00:00 1000
# 1995-07-01 03:00:00 1150
## Other potential cases
The following are more appropriately read using `readSO()`.
V2 V1 V3 V4 polarity emotion
1 342521635332_318304224958367 FB 2013-03-15 6:43 PM positive <NA>
2 342521635332_325506614238815 FB 2013-03-08 8:23 PM neutral sad
3 342521635332_347654842010216 FB 2013-02-22 8:13 PM positive <NA>
4 342521635332_567940913224072 FB 2013-02-22 6:27 PM neutral <NA>
5 342521635332_318826431554118 FB 2013-02-22 2:22 PM positive joy
6 342521635332_215298638612191 FB 2013-02-20 8:09 PM negative angry
7 342521635332_407970722630311 FB 2013-02-15 8:48 PM neutral joy
## c1 c2
## 1 a 1
## 2 b 2
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