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Created January 24, 2017 22:51
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Analytical solution to Logistic Kernel Ridge Regression problem, optimized to reduce alpha to within argument 'tol'. Arguments: K = Gram or kernel matrix, y = response, lambda = regularizing coefficient, maxiter = maximum number of iterations, tol = tolerance for reducing alpha parameters
KRR_logit_optim <- function(K, y, lambda, maxiter = 100, tol = 0.01){
# LOGISTIC - optimize alpha
# example: KRR_logit_optim(K, y, 0.1, 100, 0.01)
N = nrow(K)
alpha = rep(1/N, N) # initialize alpha value
iter = 1
while (TRUE) {
Kalpha = as.vector(K %*% alpha)
spec = 1 + exp(-Kalpha)
pi = 1 / spec
diagW = pi * (1 - pi)
e = (presence - pi) / diagW
q = Kalpha + e
theSol = try(solve(K + lambda * Diagonal(x=1/diagW), q))
if (class(theSol) == "try-error") {
alphan = as.vector(theSol)
if (any(is.nan(alphan)) || all(abs(alphan - alpha) <= tol)) {
else if (iter > maxiter) {
else {
alpha = alphan
iter = iter + 1
log_pred <- 1 / (1 + exp(-as.vector(K %*% theSol)))
return(list(pred = log_pred, alphas = theSol))
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