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Last active November 9, 2015 15:41
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Save mrecos/6a7297bf444e7586f14b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Function and code for comparing drive times from multiple origins to multiple destinations; with charting
# Driving distance from multuple starts to multilpe destinations
# modified from the code of gmapsdistance package by Rodrigo Azuero Melo
gdist2 <- function (origin, destination, mode, key)
typeKEY = class(key)
if (typeKEY != "character") {
stop("Key should be string")
if (mode != "driving" & mode != "walking" & mode != "bicycling" &
mode != "transit") {
stop("Mode of transportation not recognized. Mode should be one of 'bicycling', 'transit', 'driving', 'walking' ")
url0 = ""
modeT = paste0("|&mode=", mode, "&language=en-EN")
urlfin = paste0(url0, origin, "|&destinations=", destination,
modeT, "&key=", key)
# urlfin <- "|Philadelphia+PA&destinations=Burlington+NJ|&mode=driving&language=en-EN&key=AIzaSyBCkmICVDoIkV055x6l-gM-1Le82A3VsEI"
webpageXML <- getURL(urlfin)
webpageXML2 <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(webpageXML))
webpageXMLA <- xmlParse(webpageXML2)
root = xmlRoot(webpageXMLA)
first = xmlChildren(root)
# for multi origin
initstatus = first$status[[1]]
initstat = as(initstatus, "character")
length_origin <- strsplit(origin,"|",fixed=TRUE)
length_origin <- length(length_origin[[1]])
origins_xml <- first[c(2:(length_origin+1))]
origins <- NULL
for(i in 1:length_origin){
origin_parse <- as(origins_xml[[i]][[1]], "character")
origin_parse <- strsplit(origin_parse,",")[[1]][1]
origins <- c(origins, origin_parse)
dest <- as(first[[length_origin+2]][[1]], "character")
rows = first[c((length_origin+3):(length_origin*2+3))]
for(i in 1:length_origin){
row_xml <- rows[[i]]
Status = xmlChildren(row_xml[[1]])
Status = Status$status[1]
Status = Status$text
Status = as(Status, "character")
Time = xmlChildren(row_xml[[1]])
Time = Time$duration[1]
Time = Time$value[1]$text
Time = round(as(Time, "numeric")/60,1)
Distance = xmlChildren(row_xml[[1]])
Distance = Distance$distance[1]
Distance = Distance$value[1]$text
Distance = round(as(Distance, "numeric")*0.000621371,1) # convert meter to mile
MPH <- round(Distance/(Time/60),2)
output = data.frame(Time, Distance, MPH, Status)
TDS <- rbind(TDS, output)
TDS <- cbind(origins, TDS)
key <- "YOUR KEY HERE!!!"
mode <- "driving"
towns <- c("Wayne", "Plymouth+Meeting", "Germantown", "Flourtown","Oreland",
"Phoenixville", "Ambler", "Horsham", "King+of+Prusia", "Royersford",
"Erdehiem", "Wyndmoor", "Lafayette+Hill", "Ardmore", "Willowgrove",
"Blue+Bell", "Trooper", "Audubon", "Trappe", "Skippack", "Collegeville",
"Landsdale", "North+Whales", "Pottstown", "Fort+Washington", "East+Norriton")
origin <- paste(towns, collapse="+PA|")
origin <- paste(c(origin, "+PA"), collapse = "")
destination1 <- "Burlington+NJ"
destination2 <- "Conshohocken+PA"
results_burl <- gdist2(origin, destination1, mode, key)
results_conchy <- gdist2(origin, destination2, mode, key)
both_locals <- cbind(results_burl[,1:4], results_conchy[,1:4])
both_locals$joint <- (both_locals[,2] + both_locals[,6])/2
both_locals <- (both_locals[,c(1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9)])
colnames(both_locals) <- c("Origin", "Burl-Time", "Burl-Miles", "Burl-MPH",
"Conchy-Time", "Conchy-Miles", "Conchy-MPH",
both_locals$`Weighted-Avg` <- apply(both_locals[,c("Burl-Time","Conchy-Time")],1,
both_locals <- both_locals[order(both_locals$`Weighted-Avg`),]
bcost <- both_locals$`Burl-MPH`
ggplot(both_locals, aes(x = Origin, y = `Weighted-Avg`, fill = `Weighted-Avg`)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity") +
scale_x_discrete(limits=rev(both_locals$Origin)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = both_locals[which(both_locals$Origin == "Germantown"),"Weighted-Avg"],
size = 1, color = "red", linetype="dashed") +
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