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Matt Harris mrecos

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mrecos / statebins test.r
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
Qucik setup to produce statebins choropleth-like map
mrecos / parking_violation.R
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
Data preparation for Philadelphia Parking Violations data. Part of Philly Transportation Hackathon
# I started to play with the data and used this to get it a bit cleaned up and prepared for analysis
# I am sure my code is not the most efficient or prettiest, but if there are errors, please let me know
# Perhaps you will find this usefull in saving a few minutes getting the data ready for the fun part; analysis!
# DATA :
setwd(<<YOUR DIRECTORY>>) # Set WD if desired
data <- fread("Parking_Violations.csv")
dat <- data.frame(data) # convert to a data.frame from data table
mrecos / Temp_graphic.Rd
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
A ggplot2 implementation of Tufte and Olson's city temperature charts
# Here is my attempt to use ggplot2 to recreate Randy Olson's (@randal_olson), recreation of the famous Tufte New York City Weather chart.
# The original Tufte chart is here:
# Randy Olson recreated this chart for a post on 538 ( linked here:
# and Randy posted his data and Python code here:
# This is a ggplot implementation of Randy's basic design, but without the top and right side axis and legend
# I think the legend in Randy's plot may be added in Illustrator of something
# The only real hard-code (aside from .csv location) here is the y-axis labels that show the data is from July '14 to June '15,
mrecos / density_plot.r
Created October 13, 2015 02:18
Attempt at model plot
# The original plot in question appears to be the results of a model
# based on scores and age, a distribution is predicted for score on
# each age class. The range of predicted scores is visualized as a
# normal'ish density over each age class. There is also a point which is the
# mean observation of the raw score at each age class. This does not need to
# be at the mean of the distribution depending on fit of the model.
# There is also a line that is the predicted response of model over age classes.
# I did not have the data or model from this example, so I improvised.
# I first created sythetic model data based on the example, and from the
mrecos / loader.r
Created October 20, 2015 14:55
R Package Loader <- function(x) {
x <- as.character(x)
if(isTRUE(x %in% .packages(all.available=TRUE))) {
eval(parse(text=paste("require(", x, ")", sep="")))
print(paste(c(x, " : already installed; requiring"), collapse=''))
} else {
if(x == "twitteR"){
print(paste(c(x, " : not installed; installing"), collapse=''))
install_github("twitteR", username="geoffjentry")
print(paste(c(x, " : installed and requiring"), collapse=''))
mrecos / Multi point drive times and compare.r
Last active November 9, 2015 15:41
Function and code for comparing drive times from multiple origins to multiple destinations; with charting
# Driving distance from multuple starts to multilpe destinations
# modified from the code of gmapsdistance package by Rodrigo Azuero Melo
gdist2 <- function (origin, destination, mode, key)
typeKEY = class(key)
if (typeKEY != "character") {
stop("Key should be string")
mrecos / Test_vs_Train_error.R
Created February 17, 2016 03:02
Code from my blog post on model overfitting. Code generates simulated data, has an inner loop that fits that data given a range of polynomials in lm(), and nests that in a loop that does it over a bunch of simulated data sets. There are two plots, 1) an animated gif of the fit line for each polynomial on the train and test set and 2) a overall c…
# function to generate samples of data
get_data <- function(n, exp_i, intercept, beta1, sigma, plot = TRUE){
x <- sample(seq(1,100,0.1), n, replace = TRUE)
gen_model <- intercept + beta1 * x^(exp_i)
y <- rnorm(n, gen_model, sigma)
dat <- data.frame(x, y)
print(xyplot(y~x, type=c("smooth", "p"),col.line = "darkorange", lwd = 2))
mrecos / Zubrow Pop Change ggplot2.r
Created March 16, 2016 10:09
Used Zubrow (1974) data on population change over time in Pueblos of New Mexico to illustrate new features in ggplot2: subtitles and caption. More details on these new features can be found here:
library("ggplot2") # Must be dev version, use: devtools::install_github("hadley/ggplot2")
library("extrafont") # Need to follow steps here:
# create data frame
year <- c(1760, 1790, 1797, 1850, 1860, 1889, 1900, 1910, 1950)
sites <- c("Isleta", "Acoma", "Laguna", "Zuni", "Sandia", "San Felipe",
"Santa Ana", "Zia", "Santo Domingo", "Jemez", "Cochiti",
"Tesuque", "Nambe", "San Ildefonso", "Pojoaque", "Santa Clara",
"San Juan", "Picuris", "Toas")
library("ggplot2") # Must use Dev version as of 03/18/16
library("extrafont") # for font selection
library("dplyr") # for data preperation
library("cowplot") # for combining plots
# Prepare data for plotting
# data from Zubrow, E.B.W. (1974), Population, Contact,and Climate in the New Mexican Pueblos
# prepared as a long format to facilitate plotting
year <- c(1760, 1790, 1797, 1850, 1860, 1889, 1900, 1910, 1950)
mrecos / DF string split and concatenate.r
Created February 8, 2016 21:53
Two R functions; 1) recode values in a vector based on a look up table including replacement for NA and no matching codes; 2) take a vector of concatenated codes, split based on a character, recode, and concatenate back together.
lut_match <- function(LUT, code_field, desc_col = 2, is_NA = "NA", no_code = "N/A"){
# this loops through all unique codes in code_field. Potentially slow
code_field[which(code_field == "")] <- NA
unique_code <- unique(code_field)
coded <- code_field
for(i in seq_along(unique_code)){
coded[] <- is_NA # set this to whatever works