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Last active January 22, 2019 12:47
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Example of build.gradle where the signing config comes from system environment variables
android {
signingConfigs {
release {
// export these as environment variables like ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_FILE
// (prefix 'ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_' is needed for Gradle project properties)
storeFile rootProject.file('app/' + project.findProperty('MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_FILE'))
storePassword project.findProperty('MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD')
keyAlias project.findProperty('MYAPP_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS')
keyPassword project.findProperty('MYAPP_RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD')
buildTypes {
release {
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'
task failIfSigningConfigMissing << {
if (!project.hasProperty('MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_FILE')) {
throw new GradleException('release signing config missing')
gradle.projectsEvaluated {
assembleRelease.dependsOn failIfSigningConfigMissing
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