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Last active September 2, 2016 17:53
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# coding: utf-8
# # Process Socorro crash data with Spark
# We want to be able to store Socorro crash data in Parquet form so that it can be made accessible from re:dash.
# This is just a test per [Bug 1299183]( to ensure that the data can be read. So far so good!
# In[10]:
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
from pyspark.sql.types import *
crash_schema = StructType([
StructField("additional_minidumps", ArrayType(StringType(), containsNull = False), nullable = True),
StructField("addons", ArrayType(StringType(), containsNull = False), nullable = True),
StructField("addons_checked", BooleanType(), nullable = False),
StructField("address", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("app_notes", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("build_id", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("classifications", StructType([
StructField("jit", StructType([
StructField("category", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("category_return_code", StringType(), nullable = True)
]), nullable = True),
StructField("skunk_works", StructType([
StructField("classification", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("classification_data", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("classification_version", StringType(), nullable = True)
]), nullable = True),
StructField("support", StructType([
StructField("classification", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("classification_data", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("classification_version", StringType(), nullable = True)
]), nullable = True)
]), nullable = True),
StructField("cpu_arch", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("cpu_info", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("crash_id", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("date", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("flash_version", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("hang_type", IntegerType(), nullable = True),
StructField("install_age", IntegerType(), nullable = True),
StructField("java_stack_trace", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("json_dump", StructType([
StructField("crash_info", StructType([
StructField("address", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("crashing_thread", IntegerType(), nullable = True),
StructField("type", StringType(), nullable = True)
]), nullable = True),
StructField("crashing_thread", StructType([
StructField("frames", ArrayType(StructType([
StructField("file", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("frame", IntegerType(), nullable = True),
StructField("function", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("function_offset", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("line", IntegerType(), nullable = True),
StructField("module", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("module_offset", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("offset", StringType(), nullable = True)
])), nullable = True),
StructField("threads_index", IntegerType(), nullable = True),
StructField("total_frames", IntegerType(), nullable = True)
]), nullable = True),
StructField("largest_free_vm_block", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("main_module", IntegerType(), nullable = True),
StructField("status", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("system_info", StructType([
StructField("cpu_arch", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("cpu_count", IntegerType(), nullable = True),
StructField("cpu_info", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("os", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("os_ver", StringType(), nullable = True)
]), nullable = True),
StructField("thread_count", IntegerType(), nullable = True),
StructField("threads", ArrayType(StructType([
StructField("frame_count", IntegerType(), nullable = True),
StructField("frames", ArrayType(StructType([
StructField("file", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("frame", IntegerType(), nullable = True),
StructField("function", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("function_offset", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("line", IntegerType(), nullable = True),
StructField("module", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("module_offset", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("offset", StringType(), nullable = True)
])), nullable = True)
])), nullable = True),
StructField("tiny_block_size", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("write_combine_size", StringType(), nullable = True)
]), nullable = True),
StructField("last_crash", IntegerType(), nullable = True),
StructField("memory_report", StructType([
StructField("hasMozMallocUsableSize", BooleanType(), nullable = False),
StructField("reports", ArrayType(StructType([
StructField("amount", IntegerType(), nullable = True),
StructField("description", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("kind", IntegerType(), nullable = True),
StructField("path", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("process", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("units", IntegerType(), nullable = True)
])), nullable = True),
StructField("version", IntegerType(), nullable = True)
]), nullable = True),
StructField("platform", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("platform_pretty_version", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("platform_version", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("plugin_filename", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("plugin_name", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("plugin_version", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("process_type", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("processor_notes", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("product", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("productid", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("proto_signature", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("reason", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("release_channel", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("signature", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("topmost_filenames", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("uptime", IntegerType(), nullable = True),
StructField("user_comments", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("uuid", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("version", StringType(), nullable = True),
StructField("winsock_lsp", StringType(), nullable = True)
# In[11]:
bucket = "org-allizom-telemetry-crashes"
prefix = "v1/crash_report/20160830/"
s3path = "s3://{}/{}".format(bucket, prefix)
# Note that we pass an explicit schema to use for the data, rather than allowing Spark to automatically infer it.
# More details at
get_ipython().magic(u'time dataset =, schema=crash_schema)')
# And what does the resulting schema look like?
# In[12]:
# In[13]:
get_ipython().magic(u'time dataset.count()')
# In[14]:
sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(dataset, "crashes")
# In[15]:
by_version = sqlContext.sql("select version, count(*) as count from crashes group by version order by count(*) desc")
# In[16]:
# ### Store data as parquet
# Now that we have a DataFrame, it is trivial to save it in parquet form.
# In[ ]:
# ### Backfill some more data
# In[22]:
from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta, date
source_s3path = "s3://org-allizom-telemetry-crashes/v1/crash_report"
dest_s3path = "s3://net-mozaws-prod-us-west-2-pipeline-analysis/mreid/crash/v4"
num_partitions = 5
start_date = dt.strptime("20160818", "%Y%m%d")
end_date = dt.utcnow() - timedelta(1) # yesterday
def daterange(start_date, end_date):
for n in range(int((end_date - start_date).days) + 1):
yield (end_date - timedelta(n)).strftime("%Y%m%d")
for d in daterange(start_date, end_date):
print "Processing {}, started at {}".format(d, dt.utcnow())
cur_source_s3path = "{}/{}".format(source_s3path, d)
cur_dest_s3path = "{}/crash_date={}".format(dest_s3path, d)
df =, schema=crash_schema)
df.repartition(num_partitions).write.parquet(cur_dest_s3path, mode="overwrite")
except Exception as e:
print "ERRROR: ", e
# In[ ]:
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