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Last active July 21, 2019 02:59
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A simple implementation of the LZ77 algorithm, as described in §13.4 of Cover and Thomas' "Information Theory" book. (Note: python is not my first choice of language so this code is probably non-idiomatic).
# LZ77 Encoding
# Simple implementation of Lempel-Ziv 77 (a.k.a. "Sliding Window") coding
# as described in Section 13.4 of Cover & Thomas' "Information Theory".
# EXAMPLE (from lectures):
# $ python abbababbababbab
# (0,a)
# (0,b)
# (1,1,1)
# (1,3,2)
# (1,5,10)
# AUTHOR: Mark Reid
# CREATED: 2013-10-13
import sys
import logging
# Coding
def encode(stream):
"""Encode the input stream using a hard-coded window size"""
window = "" # Buffer of last MAX_WINDOW_SIZE symbols
s = "" # Suffix of stream to be coded
n = 0 # Index into stream
while n < len(stream):"----- n = " + str(n) + " | window = " + window + " | s = " + s)
x = stream[n]"READ: x = " + x)
if (window + s).find(s + x) < 0:
# Suffix extended by x could not described by previously seen symbols.
if s == "":
# No previously seen substring so code x and add it to window
window = grow(window, x)
# Find number of symbols back that s starts
i = lookback(window, s)
window = grow(window, s)
# Reset suffix and push back last symbol
s = ""
n -= 1
# Append the last symbol to the search suffix
s += x
# Increment the stream index
n += 1
# Stream finished, flush buffer"READ: <END>")
if s != "":
i = lookback(window,s)
def code_symbol(x):
"""Write a single symbol out"""
print "(0," + x + ")"
def code_pointer(i,s):
"""Write a pointer out"""
print "(1," + str(i) + "," + str(len(s)) + ")"
# Window management
# Hard-coded maximum window size
def lookback(window, s):
"""Find the lookback index for the suffix s in the given window"""
return len(window) - (window + s).find(s)
def grow(window, x):
"""Update a window by adding x and keeping only MAX_WINDOW most recent symbols"""
window += x
if len(window) > MAX_WINDOW_SIZE:
window = window[-MAX_WINDOW_SIZE:] # Keep MAX_WINDOW last symbols
return window
# Main
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Uncomment line below to show encoding state
# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
input_string = sys.argv.pop()
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