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Last active December 26, 2015 20:18
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Save mreid/7207103 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python implementation of a simple version of LZ78 encoding.
# LZ78 Encoding
# Performs LZ78 encoding on the standard input and writes result to standard output
# using algorithm described in MacKay textbook.
# Note:
# - All input symbols are encoded using 7-bit ASCII.
# - Pointer index is encoded using logarithmically increasing number of bits
# USAGE: python
# $ echo "aaabbb" python
# 01100001111000010011000101111000100001100010
# AUTHOR: Mark Reid <>
# CREATED: 2013-10-21
import sys
import math
import logging
def encode(stream):
"""Converts and writes out LZ78 encoded version of s as 0 and 1 characters"""
tree = {"": 0}
s = ""
for n, x in enumerate(stream):"READ: '"+x+"'")
if (s+x) in tree:
s = s + x
# Write out the code for the new substring s+x and update tree
tree[s+x] = pointer(tree, s, x)
s = ""
# Write out the last recorded prefix, pushing the last symbol out of the prefix s, if it is not empty.
if s != "":
x, s = s[-1], s[:-1]
pointer(tree, s, x)
def pointer(lookup, prefix, symbol):
"""Write out the code for the substring prefix+symbol and return size of lookup"""
n = len(lookup)
i = int_to_bin(lookup[prefix], bits_for(n))"("+str(lookup[prefix])+","+symbol+") ["+str(bits_for(n))+" bits]")
sys.stdout.write(i + symbol_to_bin(symbol))
return n
def bits_for(n):
"""Compute number of bits to encode n"""
if n == 1:
return 1
return int(math.ceil(math.log(n,2)))
def symbol_to_bin(c):
"""Convert an ASCII character c to 7 bits"""
return int_to_bin(ord(c),7)
def int_to_bin(x,d):
"""Convert an integer x to d bits"""
return ('{0:0'+str(d)+'b}').format(x)
# Main
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Uncomment line below to show encoding state
# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
input_string =
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