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Created May 11, 2020 09:52
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  • Save mreider/af043c19ead8711893f85af67744a4eb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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  1. Go to the Fargate Task Definition page and choose Create new Task Definition
  2. Choose Fargate and Next Step
  3. After naming the task, setting optional oles and sizes (optional) scroll to the Volumes section. We need to create a volume before creating container definitions in order to set the shared volume in each container.
  4. In the Volumes section choose Add volume
  5. Name the volume OneAgent with Volume type Bind Mount
  6. Scroll up to the Container Definition section
  7. Choose Add container and complete the Standard section as follows:

Container name: install-oneagent Image: alpine:3.8 (or later) Memory Limits: Soft limit 128 (this is recommended but adjust as needed)

  1. Scroll to the Volume section and complete as follows:

Essential: (uncheck) Entry point: /bin/sh,-c Command: ARCHIVE=$(mktemp) && wget -O $ARCHIVE "$DT_API_URL/v1/deployment/installer/agent/unix/paas/latest?Api-Token=$DT_PAAS_TOKEN&$DT_ONEAGENT_OPTIONS" && unzip -o -d /opt/dynatrace/oneagent $ARCHIVE && rm -f $ARCHIVE

  1. Scroll to the Environment section and complete as follows: (his step 4.4...)

  2. Scroll to the Storage and Logging section and complete as follows: (his step 5.

  3. When you are finished entering these settings click Add to create the container definition.

  4. Choose Add container one more time for your application and complete the Standard section according to your app requirements.

  5. Scroll to the Environment section and complete the form as follows:

Essential: checked Key: LD_PRELOAD Value: Container name: install-oneagent Condition: Complete

  1. Scroll to Startup Dependency and Ordering section and complete the form as follows:

Container name: install-oneagent Condition: Complete

  1. Scroll to Storage and Logging and complete the form as follows:

Mount points: Source volume: oneagent Container path: /opt/dynatrace/oneagent

13, Click the Update button to update your container definition.

Same from step 11 onward...

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