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Matthew Reidsma mreidsma

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mreidsma / all_full_text.js
Last active March 6, 2020 15:55
Simple script to add link to link resolver in Summon results
setTimeout(function() {
libMyScope = angular.element('html').scope();
libScope( );
}, 1000);
function libScope(){
libMyScope.$watchCollection('feed', function(){
var errMsg = document.getElementById('search_error').innerText;
if(errMsg.trim() === 'NO ENTRIES FOUND') {
var searchQuery = document.getElementById('st1').value;
document.getElementById('search_error').innerHTML = '<div class="alert alert-warning"> <h1 class="h2 center">Your search returned 0 results</h1> <hr /> <div class="span1 col-8 col-md-12 col-sm-12"> <h3>Revise your search</h3> <ul> <li>Broaden your search below, or remove search terms</li> <li>Check your spelling</li> <li>If searching for a title or author, select the title or author search</li> </ul><!--/div><div class="span1 col-5 col-md-6 col-sm-12"--> <h3>Search other libraries</h3> <p>Free access to over 400 Michigan libraries, with materials delivered quickly to GVSU through MeLCat:<br /> <a href="' + encodeURIComponent(searchQuery) + '&SORT=D&backlink=' + encodeURIComponent(searchQuery) + '&SORT=D" id="melLink" target="_blank"> <span class="btn btn-defaul
mreidsma / mdtech_connect.markdown
Created August 6, 2018 13:44
Title and abstract for upcoming keynote talk at Maryland Tech Connect

Accurate, Objective, Relevant, and Other Lies We Tell About Library Search

In the past four years we've seen search engines—and Google in particular—make racist, sexist, and homophobic search results into headlines about algorithmic bias in our everyday tools. Library search tools—from discovery to catalogs to research databases—are often called more accurate, relevant, and objective than general search engines like Google. But is library search better? Think again. Our expensive, exclusive tools are just as full of bias and hate as Google, but the stories we tell ourselves about their objectivity keep their problems hidden from us—but not from our users.

mreidsma / README.markdown
Last active March 22, 2018 18:24
Clone Course Workflow Improvements in Ares

Function to improve course cloning workflow for Ares Course Reserve system


Usability testing of faculty as well as historical support requests show that faculty do not understand the distinction that Atlas Systems has created between "Adding a new class" and "Cloning a class." Often, faculty choose to Add a new class rather than clone a class, and then find themselves too late with an empty class. This results either in faculty manually adding all of the items they meant to copy over to the new class, creating yet another new class through cloning, or calling Course Reserves staff to intervene and move the items over.

Testing and prototyping show that inserting a little friction into the course adding process can help direct faculty to the best way to get their new course created. This code adds a modal window to the "Add a new class" action that pulls up to the most recent 3 courses the instructor has created in course reserves (if they have used the service before) and offers to opportunity

mreidsma / 1.Sabbatical_Proposal.markdown
Last active March 11, 2018 00:44
Stablizers of Trust: A critical study of the algorithms behind library discovery systems (2018 Sabbatical Proposal)

Sabbatical Leave Request

You must address the following criteria in your Sabbatical Leave Request. Type on this form, save as a PDF document, and upload in the electronic sabbatical leave request system under the proposal section. The proposal shall not exceed ten (10) pages, excluding references and other supporting documents.

1. Descriptive Title for the Project

Stabilizers of Trust: A critical study of the algorithms behind library discovery systems

2. Goals and Objectives

mreidsma / weave_job_ad.markdown
Created June 20, 2017 18:49
Professional Service Opportunity: Dialog Box Editor at Weave, the Journal of Library User Experience

Professional Service Opportunity: Dialog Box Editor at Weave, the Journal of Library User Experience

Weave: the Journal of Library User Experience seeks a creative editor to join our editorial staff.

You’ll be responsible for on all non-peer-reviewed content in the journal. You will work with authors to develop their pitches and ideas into publishable articles that help improve the profession, and shape the direction of the only open-access, peer-reviewed publication dedicated to User Experience research in libraries.

Our past Dialog Box publications have included:

  • Symposia on topics of professional interest Book reviews
  • Interviews
mreidsma / libguides_streamline.js
Last active February 22, 2017 19:10
Force single linked parents to take user directly to LibGuide on home page
// Make sure you are on the homepage
if($('#s-lg-index-list').length > 0) {
// Loop through all the subjects
$('#s-lg-index-cols').find('div.panel.panel-default').each(function() {
// Get the number of guides in this subject
var guides = $(this).find('.badge').text();
// console.log('Number of guides: ' + guides);
mreidsma / LTC2017_Pitch.markdown
Created September 9, 2016 19:49
Library Technology Conference 2017 Pitch

Ethical UX

Libraries are embracing user experience (UX) design--testing our tools and services for usability, accessibility, and how well they meet our users' needs. Our library websites are easier to use, and our spaces and services are more efficient and inviting than ever before. We've become adept at incorporating user-centered design techniques into our work, making design and content choices that help shape our users' behaviors. We stockpile volumes of data on how users interact with us online and in-person, and our analysis drives our changes to reduce user pain points. These changes have been a boon to library users--or have they?

The social critic Paul Goodman once wrote that "technology is a branch of moral philosophy, not of science." His point was that decisions on how to shape the world through technology were inherently moral choices, concerned with how we ought to live. Our library UX work is no different. Our user research methods are moral choices that affect our users; The data we colle

mreidsma / index.html
Created May 24, 2016 19:29
Availability Code Demo for Infopeople Course
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
span { display: inline-block; margin-left: 1em; }
.holdings { padding: .5em 1em; }
.avail_yes { background-color:green; color: white; }
.avail_no { background-color: red; color: white; }
mreidsma / eBook-to-https.js
Created April 29, 2016 19:58
Short script to switch catalog 856 fields to https connections
$('table.bib_links').find('a').each(function() {
var eBookArray = Array('');
// Get part of URL after ezproxy
var ezpUrl = $(this).attr('href');
var providerArray = ezpUrl.split('/');
if(eBookArray.indexOf(providerArray[5]) !== -1) {