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Forked from zeroasterisk/benchmark-loops.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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* Simple Benchmarker for PHP While Loops
* USES pcntl_fork() to split to different processes,
* so we assure RAM utilization doesn't "bleed"
* Usage:
* We are using php files for the large test, just to get a bunch of "random"
* content --- feel free to change how you generate your large lists
* cd <path>
* curl '<URL-to-this-script>' > benchmark-loops.php
* php -f benchmark-loops.php
* ========================
* == Benchmarking Loops
* ========================
* on PHP: 5.5.22
* on: Darwin AlanMacBook.local 14.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.1.0: Thu Feb 26 19:26:47 PST 2015; root:xnu-2782.10.73~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
* ------------------------
* -- array: small
* -- test array: 5000 nodes, 67789 approx size
* ------------------------
* for
* took 0.003 sec
* increased memory by 312 bytes (to 1048552)
* foreach
* took 0.002 sec
* increased memory by 96 bytes (to 1048648)
* foreach-with-keys
* took 0.003 sec
* increased memory by 144 bytes (to 1048672)
* foreach-array-keys
* took 0.002 sec
* increased memory by 96 bytes (to 1048672)
* while-iterator
* took 0.002 sec
* increased memory by 96 bytes (to 1048672)
* while-shifter
* took 0.172 sec
* increased memory by 65840 bytes (to 1114416)
* ------------------------
* -- array: mid
* -- test array: 50000 nodes, 2388900 approx size
* ------------------------
* for
* took 0.025 sec
* increased memory by 144 bytes (to 10427320)
* foreach
* took 0.029 sec
* increased memory by 96 bytes (to 10427320)
* foreach-with-keys
* took 0.031 sec
* increased memory by 144 bytes (to 10427368)
* foreach-array-keys
* took 0.035 sec
* increased memory by 96 bytes (to 10427368)
* while-iterator
* took 0.023 sec
* increased memory by 96 bytes (to 10427368)
* while-shifter
* took 20.764 sec
* increased memory by 524656 bytes (to 10951928)
* ------------------------
* -- array: large
* -- test array: 7748 nodes, 56266678 approx size
* ------------------------
* for
* took 0.005 sec
* increased memory by 144 bytes (to 57722224)
* foreach
* took 0.006 sec
* increased memory by 96 bytes (to 57722224)
* foreach-with-keys
* took 0.006 sec
* increased memory by 144 bytes (to 57722272)
* foreach-array-keys
* took 0.008 sec
* increased memory by 96 bytes (to 57722272)
* while-iterator
* took 0.006 sec
* increased memory by 96 bytes (to 57722272)
* while-shifter
* took 0.507 sec
* increased memory by 67536 bytes (to 57789712)
* ------------------------
* -- array: huge
* -- test array: 2399 nodes, 251826261 approx size
* ------------------------
* for
* took 0.004 sec
* increased memory by 144 bytes (to 252498512)
* foreach
* took 0.005 sec
* increased memory by 96 bytes (to 252498512)
* foreach-with-keys
* took 0.009 sec
* increased memory by 144 bytes (to 252498560)
* foreach-array-keys
* took 0.010 sec
* increased memory by 96 bytes (to 252498560)
* while-iterator
* took 0.007 sec
* increased memory by 96 bytes (to 252498560)
* while-shifter
* took 0.195 sec
* increased memory by 50760 bytes (to 252549224)
class Benchmarker {
public $pid = null;
public $startTime = null;
public $startMemory = null;
public $stopTime = null;
public $stopMemory = null;
public function init() {
echo "\n";
echo "\n========================";
echo "\n== Benchmarking Loops";
echo "\n========================";
echo "\non PHP: " . phpversion();
echo "\non: " . php_uname('a');
public function runTestsOnArray($label, $array) {
echo "\n";
echo "\n------------------------";
echo "\n-- {$label}";
echo sprintf(
"\n-- test array: %s nodes, %s approx size",
echo "\n------------------------";
// initialize a "ghost" variable to do nothing...
$devnull = null;
// For
$report_output = [];
$length = count($array);
for($i=0;$i<$length;++$i) {
$array[$i] = strrev($array[$i]);
$report_output[] = $array[$i];
// Foreach keyless
$report_output = [];
foreach($array as $a) {
$a = strrev($a);
$report_output[] = $a;
// Foreach with keys
$report_output = [];
foreach($array as $k => $a) {
$a = strrev($a);
$report_output[] = $a;
// Foreach array-keys
$report_output = [];
foreach(array_keys($array) as $k) {
$array[$k] = strrev($array[$k]);
$report_output[] = $array[$k];
// While iterator
$report_output = [];
$i = 0;
$length = count($array);
while($i<$length) {
$array[$i] = strrev($array[$i]);
$report_output[] = $array[$i];
/* -- commented out because it was so ridiculously slow and bad w/ RAM
/* -- * /
// While shifter (destructive)
while(!empty($array)) {
$devnull = array_shift($array);
/* -- */
public function start() {
$this->pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($this->pid == -1) {
die('could not fork');
} else if ($this->pid) {
// we are the parent
// no start/stop data/testing on parent, test management
pcntl_wait($status); //Protect against Zombie children
// we are the child
$this->startTime = microtime(true);
$this->startMemory = memory_get_usage();
public function stop() {
if ($this->pid == -1) {
die('could not fork');
} else if ($this->pid) {
// we are the parent
// no start/stop data/testing on parent, test management
// we are the child
$this->stopTime = microtime(true);
$this->stopMemory = memory_get_usage();
public function output($label) {
if ($this->pid == -1) {
die('could not fork');
} else if ($this->pid) {
// we are the parent
// no start/stop data/testing on parent, test management
// we are the child
$seconds = $this->stopTime - $this->startTime;
$memoryDelta = $this->stopMemory - $this->startMemory;
echo sprintf(
"\n%s\n took %s sec \n increased memory by %s bytes (to %s)",
number_format($seconds, 3, '.', ''),
// we are the child
// exit after every output
* Convenience function to recursivly find files in a path
* @param string $path
* @param string $find glob pattern eg: *.php
* @return array $filenames (with paths, starting at $path)
public function globRecursive($path, $find) {
$output = [];
$dh = opendir($path);
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') {
$rfile = "{$path}/{$file}";
if (is_dir($rfile)) {
$output = array_merge(
$this->globRecursive($rfile, $find)
} else {
if (fnmatch($find, $file)) {
$output[] = $rfile;
return $output;
$Bench = new Benchmarker();
// initialize our "test array"
// Generating test array: small
$n = 5000;
$array = [];
$i = 0;
while($i < $n) {
$array[] = $i++;
$Bench->runTestsOnArray('array: small', $array);
// Generating test array: mid
$n = 50000;
$array = [];
$i = 0;
while($i < $n) {
$array[] = md5(uniqid());
$Bench->runTestsOnArray('array: mid', $array);
// Generating test array: large
$array = [];
foreach ($Bench->globRecursive('.', "*.ctp") as $filename) {
//echo "\n - $filename";
$array[] = file_get_contents($filename);
foreach ($Bench->globRecursive('.', "*.php") as $filename) {
//echo "\n - $filename";
$array[] = file_get_contents($filename);
$Bench->runTestsOnArray('array: large', $array);
// Generating test array: huge
$array = [];
foreach ($Bench->globRecursive('.', "*.ctp") as $filename) {
$data = file_get_contents($filename);
// lots of manipulations of the source data trying to get "randomish" text
$array[] = base64_encode($data) .
serialize(str_split($data, 5)) .
serialize(array_flip(str_split($data, rand(5, 50)))) .
serialize(array_unique(str_split($data, rand(5, 50)))) .
serialize(array_reverse(str_split($data, rand(5, 50)))) .
json_encode(str_split($data, 5)) .
json_encode(array_flip(str_split($data, rand(5, 50)))) .
json_encode(array_unique(str_split($data, rand(5, 50)))) .
json_encode(array_reverse(str_split($data, rand(5, 50)))) .
serialize(str_split(base64_encode($data), 5)) .
serialize(array_flip(str_split(base64_encode($data), rand(5, 50)))) .
serialize(array_unique(str_split(base64_encode($data), rand(5, 50)))) .
serialize(array_reverse(str_split(base64_encode($data), rand(5, 50)))) .
json_encode(str_split(base64_encode($data), 5)) .
json_encode(array_flip(str_split(base64_encode($data), rand(5, 50)))) .
json_encode(array_unique(str_split(base64_encode($data), rand(5, 50)))) .
json_encode(array_reverse(str_split(base64_encode($data), rand(5, 50))));
$Bench->runTestsOnArray('array: huge', $array);
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