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Created November 13, 2015 22:55
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Great .xinitrc
## mReschke .xinitrc/.xsession X11 control file ##
## See for help on .xinitrc/.xsession ##
## Run before window manager loads ##
# Fix to make QT apps look like GTK theme
# Turn off screen blanking and turn on energy star features
xset s off
# Screen stanbdy,suspend,off times in seconds
xset dpms 1600 1600 1600
# Keyboard Repeat Rate
xset r rate 250 50
# For xmonad
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
#xrdb -merge .Xresources
# Screensaver
#/usr/bin/xscreensaver -no-splash &
# synergy
#/usr/bin/synergys -c /home/mreschke/.config/.synergy.conf --daemon --restart &
# lxpanel
lxpanel &
## Launch Window Manager ##
#ck-launch-session enlightenment_start & wmpid=$!
#ck-launch-session xmonad & wmpid=$!
xmonad-session & wmpid=$!
#ck-launch-session startxfce4 & wmpid=$!
#DISPLAY=:0.0 ck-launch-session xmonad & wmpid=$!
#DISPLAY=:0.1 ck-launch-session xmonad & wmpid=$!
#DISPLAY=:0.2 ck-launch-session xmonad & wmpid=$!
#ck-launch-session dwm & wmpid=$!
#ck-launch-session wmii & wmpid=$!
#ck-launch-session i3 --force-xinerama & wmpid=$!
#ck-launch-session gnome-session & wmpid=$!
## Run after window manager loads ##
#feh --bg-fill /home/mreschke/Pictures/Wallpaper/OSLionBackground.jpg &
#DISPLAY=:0.0 feh --bg-fill /home/mreschke/pictures/wallpaper/oslionbackground.jpg &
#DISPLAY=:0.1 feh --bg-fill /home/mreschke/pictures/wallpaper/oslionbackground.jpg &
#DISPLAY=:0.2 feh --bg-fill /home/mreschke/pictures/wallpaper/oslionbackground.jpg &
#feh --bg-fill /home/mreschke/Pictures/Wallpapers/galaxy.jpg /home/mreschke/Pictures/Wallpapers/outerspace.jpg &
#nitrogen --restore &
## Hang here until window manager closes ##
wait $wmpid
## Run after window manager closes ##
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