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Created January 9, 2020 17:13
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Sample API
import os
from typing import List
from starlette.staticfiles import StaticFiles
from fastapi import FastAPI, Query, Body, Form, File, UploadFile, HTTPException
from crf_service.settings.paths import TRAINSETS_DIR
from crf_service.sentence_labeler.crf_handler import crf_handler
from crf_service.sentence_labeler.feature import feature_manager
from crf_service.models import FeatureData, LookupFeature
app = FastAPI(title='CRF Service')
app.mount('/trainset', StaticFiles(directory=TRAINSETS_DIR), name='trainset')
def save_trainset(file_name: str, content: bytes) -> str:
save trainset. This will overwrite the trainset with the same name if it already exists.
:param file_name: name of the trainset
:param content: content of the trainset
:return: path to the trainset
trainset_path = os.path.join(TRAINSETS_DIR, file_name)
with open(trainset_path, 'wb') as f:
return trainset_path
@app.get('/models', summary='get list of CRF models', tags=['CRF models'])
async def get_models(detailed: bool = Query(False, title='show accuracy reports')):
get list of the CRF models loaded to CRF handler which can be used for tagging.
- **detailed**: whether to show details or not
return crf_handler.get_models_list(with_stats=detailed)
@app.get('/models/{model_name}/reports', summary='get accuracy reports of a model', tags=['CRF models'])
async def get_reports(model_name: str):
get accuracy reports generated when the `model_name` is trained
- **model_name**: name of the model
if model_name not in crf_handler.get_models_list():
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f'model not found: {model_name}')
return crf_handler.get_model_stats(model_name=model_name)
@app.get('/models/{model_name}/configs', summary='get model configs', tags=['CRF models'])
async def get_configs(model_name: str):
get the configs which a model is trained with
- **model_name**: name of the model
if model_name not in crf_handler.get_models_list():
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f'model not found: {model_name}')
configs = crf_handler.get_config(model_name=model_name)
configs['paths_to_trainsets'] = [f'/trainset/{os.path.basename(item)}' for item in configs['paths_to_trainsets']]
return configs'/models/{model_name}/tag', summary='tag a sentence', tags=['CRF models'])
async def tag_sentence(model_name: str, sentence: str = Body(..., embed=True)):
tag a sentence using a given model.
- **model_name**: name of the model
- **sentence**: the string to tag
tagged_sentence = crf_handler.tag_sentence(model_name=model_name, sentence=sentence)
return {'sentence': sentence, 'tagged_sentence': tagged_sentence}'/models/{model_name}/train', summary='train a model', tags=['CRF models'])
async def train_model(model_name: str, trainset: List[UploadFile] = File(...), features: str = Form(None)):
train a model using the given trainset and features. If the model already exists, this will replace the model with
the new one.
- **model_name**: name of the model
- **trainset**: a csv file formatted for CRF model training. The request can have many `trainset` fields
(if you want to use multiple trainsets)
- **features**: a comma-separated list of feature names e.g. city | city,number,currency
paths_to_trainsets = []
for file in trainset:
trainset_path = save_trainset(file_name=file.filename, content=await
if features:
features = features.split(',')
crf_handler.train_model(model_name=model_name, paths_to_trainsets=paths_to_trainsets, features=features)
return {
'configs': crf_handler.get_config(model_name=model_name),
'reports': crf_handler.get_model_stats(model_name=model_name)}
@app.get('/features/data', summary='show features data', tags=['Features'])
async def get_features_data():
"""get features data used in feature_manager"""
return feature_manager.feature_data'/features/data/add', summary='add feature data', tags=['Features'])
async def add_features_data(feature_info: FeatureData):
"""add a set of phrases under a label to features data"""
feature_manager.add_feature_data(label=feature_info.label, phrases=set(feature_info.phrases))
return {'response': f'added {feature_info.label!r} to the features data'}'/features/add/lookup', summary='add lookup feature', tags=['Features'])
async def add_lookup_feature(feature: LookupFeature):
adds a lookup feature to the feature manager
Note: you must add feature data before adding a lookup feature
if feature.label not in feature_manager.feature_data:
raise HTTPException(
status_code=404, detail=f'{feature.label!r} not found in feature data. Consider adding them first')
feature_manager.add_lookup_handler(label=feature.label, phrase_max_length=feature.phrase_max_length)
return {'response': f'added a handler to handle {feature.label!r} lookup feature'}
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