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Created April 25, 2011 20:57
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A fully-commented demo showing execution flow in the fibers+eventmachine => linear asynchronous code pattern
>> load './RUNME-demo_of_async_fibers.rb'
/Users/flip/ics/backend/son_of_a_batch/RUNME-demo_of_async_fibers.rb:4: warning: already initialized constant FIBER_IDXS
814e5e90 0 f_0 beg main top level
814e5e90 1 f_0 beg em setup this block sets up the eventmachine execution, but no execution-order shenanigans yet
814e5e90 2 f_0 beg fiber stp the end-the-reactor block won't be called for 1.5s, so we get here immediately.
814e5e90 3 f_0 end fiber stp nothing from inside the{} block has run yet.
814e5e90 4 f_0 end fiber stp kick off the fiber...
80d829a0 5 f_1 beg fiber when my_fiber.resume is called, this runs. Now in a new fiber
80d829a0 6 f_1 beg get_result get_result is called from within fiber_1
80d829a0 7 f_1 setup callback set up some code to run 1.5s from now
80d829a0 8 f_1 bef Fiber.yiel EM.add_timer just stashed the block away, so this runs next.
814e5e90 9 f_0 end em setup the line after my_fiber.resume, picks up when 'ret = Fiber.yield' is called. Now we go into the reactor loop and twiddle our thumbs for 1.5s
814e5e90 10 f_0 beg callbk Executed *by the main fiber* 1.5 seconds from now; all non-deferred code from the{} setup block has happened
80d829a0 11 f_1 end get_result f.resume picks up here when the timer goes off.
80d829a0 12 f_1 got it: 'bob' the line after get_result wast called -- this isn't run until f.resume(:bob) from inside the method.
80d829a0 13 f_1 end fiber the get_result function returned; from here, picks up at the line following 'f.resume(:bob)'
814e5e90 14 f_0 end callbk We come back here from the *end of the fiber*: we're now back in the root fiber for good.
814e5e90 15 f_0 stop runner this will be the *next to last* thing in the program... 2.5s into the future, stop the Eventmachine reactor
814e5e90 16 f_0 end main done.
require 'fiber'
require 'eventmachine'
# don't worry about this code at the top. It's ugly code to make pretty log lines.
# Start reading in the eventmachine block at bottom, then the method 'get_results'.
def fiber_idx(); FIBER_IDXS[Fiber.current.object_id] ||= FIBER_IDXS.length ; end
$order = 0
def ll indent, where, guess, *desc
info = "#{" "*indent} #{where}"
puts "%8s %3d\t%-15s\t%-7s\t%-30s\t%-30s\t%s" % [ Fiber.current.object_id.to_s(16), $order, guess, fiber_idx, *(fiber_idx == 0 ? [info, " "*30] : [" "*30, info]), desc.join("\t") ]
$order += 1
# Start reading in the eventmachine block below, then come back here
def get_result()
ll(4, 'beg get_result', " 6 fiber_1", "get_result is called from within fiber_1")
f = Fiber.current
ll(4, 'setup callback', " 7 fiber_1", "set up some code to run 1.5s from now")
EM.add_timer(1.5) do
ll(5, 'beg callback', "10 fiber_0", "Executed *by the main fiber* 1.5 seconds from now; all non-deferred code from the{} setup block has happened")
f.resume(:bob) # fiber_0 -- Ha! pick up where the fiber left off, the 'ret = Fiber.yield' line; 'ret' will get the value ':bob'
ll(5, 'end callback', "14 fiber_0", "We come back here from the *end of the fiber*: we're now back in the root fiber for good.")
ll(4, 'bef Fiber.yield', " 8 fiber_1", "EM.add_timer just stashed the block away, so this runs next.")
ret = Fiber.yield # fiber_1 -- Watchout! this suspends action.
ll(4, 'end get_result', "11 fiber_1", "f.resume picks up here when the timer goes off.")
return ret
# Start here:
ll(0, 'beg main', " 0 fiber_0", "top level") do
ll(1, 'beg em setup', " 1 fiber_0", "this block sets up the eventmachine execution, but no execution-order shenanigans yet")
ll(2, "stop runner", "15 fiber_0", "this will be the *next to last* thing in the program... 2.5s into the future, stop the Eventmachine reactor")
ll(2, 'beg fiber setup', " 2 fiber_0", "the end-the-reactor block won't be called for 1.5s, so we get here immediately.")
my_fiber ={
ll(3, 'beg fiber', " 5 fiber_1", "when my_fiber.resume is called, this runs. Now in a new fiber")
res = get_result() # fiber1 -- get_result is called, but the last thing it does is pause execution
ll(3, "got it: '#{res}'", "12 fiber_1", "the line after get_result wast called -- this isn't run until f.resume(:bob) from inside the method.")
ll(3, "end fiber", "13 fiber_1", "the get_result function returned; from here, picks up at the line following 'f.resume(:bob)'")
ll(2, 'end fiber setup', " 3 fiber_0", "nothing from inside the{} block has run yet.")
ll(2, 'end fiber setup', " 4 fiber_0", "kick off the fiber...")
ll(1, 'end em setup', " 9 fiber_0", "the line after my_fiber.resume, picks up when 'ret = Fiber.yield' is called. Now we go into the reactor loop and twiddle our thumbs for 1.5s")
ll(0, 'end main', "16 fiber_0", "done.")
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