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Last active May 20, 2021 07:24
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Feathers JS Mongo/Mongoose distinct hook. (modernised) (secured)
// Updated by mrfrase3, MIT license blah blah:
// Referenced from:
const { checkContext } = require('feathers-hooks-common');
const { filterQuery } = require('@feathersjs/adapter-commons');
const errors = require('@feathersjs/errors');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
// exta operators to allow, remove any you want to restrict
const operators = [
'$eq', '$not', '$nor', '$and', '$elemMatch', '$all', '$size', '$exists', '$type',
'$geoIntersects', '$geoWithin', '$near', '$nearSphere',
'$geometry', '$minDistance', '$maxDistance', '$box', '$polygon', '$center', '$centerSphere',
'$regexp', '$regex', '$options',
'$text', '$search', '$language', '$caseSensitive', '$diacriticSensitive',
'$month', '$year', '$hour', '$minute', '$seconds', '$milliseconds', '$week',
'$dayOfYear', '$dayOfMonth', '$dayOfWeek'
const defaultLimit = null; // no pagination
// const defaultLimit = 10;
const isoReg = /^(\d{4}-[01]\d-[0-3]\dT[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d\.\d+)|(\d{4}-[01]\d-[0-3]\dT[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d)|(\d{4}-[01]\d-[0-3]\dT[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d)/;
// mongoose doesn't auto cast strings into ObjectIds in aggregate $match
const castObjectIds = (val) => {
if(Array.isArray(val) && val.length !== 24) return;
const stringVal = (val && val.toJSON && val.toJSON()) || `${val}`;
if(isoReg.test(stringVal)) return new Date(stringVal);
if(/^[abcdefABCDEF\d]{24}$/.test(stringVal)) return mongoose.Types.ObjectId(stringVal);
if(Array.isArray(val)) return;
if (!val) return val;
if(typeof val === 'object') return Object.keys(val).reduce((a, i) => ({...a, [i]: castObjectIds(val[i])}), {});
return val;
// check if can be number or string with number, null should be false
const isValidNum = (val) => typeof val === 'number'
|| (typeof val === 'string' && val && !isNaN(Number(val)));
// This should be the last hook on a service's find.
module.exports = function (excludeFields = []) {
return async (context) => {
// Throw if the hook is being called from an unexpected location.
checkContext(context, 'before', ['find']);
const { query, filters } = filterQuery(context.params.query || {}, {
filters: { $distinct: (v) => v, $limit: (v) => v },
const { $distinct, $sort, $skip, $limit = defaultLimit } = filters;
// Throw error when no field is provided - eg. just users?$distinct
if ($distinct === '') {
throw new errors.BadRequest('Missing $distinct: Which field should be distinct?');
if (!$distinct) return context;
// Throw error if field is restricted
if (excludeFields.some(field => {
return field === $distinct
|| (/\*$/.test(field) && $distinct.indexOf(field.replace(/\*$/, '')) === 0);
})) {
throw new errors.Forbidden('Forbidden $distinct: You are not allowed to query that field.');
const args = [
{ $match: castObjectIds(query) },
$group: {
_id: typeof $distinct === 'string' ? `$${$distinct.replace(/^\$/, '')}` : $distinct,
total: { $sum: 1 },
// default sort by total
{ $sort: $sort || { total: -1 } },
let count = null;
if (isValidNum($skip) || isValidNum($limit)) {
// get the total count if paginating
count = (await context.service.Model.aggregate([
{ $count: 'count' },
if (isValidNum($skip)) args.push({ $skip: Number($skip) });
if (isValidNum($limit)) args.push({ $limit: Number($limit) });
const data = !isValidNum($limit) || Number($limit) !== 0
? await context.service.Model.aggregate(args)
: [];
const distinctKey = typeof $distinct === 'string' ? $distinct : 'distinctRef';
context.result = {
total: count !== null ? count : data.length,
skip: isValidNum($skip) ? Number($skip) : 0,
limit: isValidNum($limit) ? Number($limit) : null,
distinct: true,
// map to field value, using _id will mess with client caching like feathers-vuex
data:{ _id, total }) => ({ [distinctKey]: _id, total })),
return context;
const commonHooks = require('feathers-hooks-common');
const { authenticate } = require('@feathersjs/authentication').hooks;
const distinct = require('../../hooks/distinct');
const hasRelation = require('../../../hooks/has-relation');
const filterRelation = require('../../../hooks/filter-relation');
const populateExampleData = require('../hooks/populate-example-data');
const { iff, discard } = commonHooks;
let moduleExports = {
before: {
all: [
find: [
// prevent leaking sensitive fields by specifying them
// you can wildcard with a * on the end
distinct(['passwordHash', 'secrets*']), // always last
get: [
create: [
update: [
patch: [
remove: [
after: {
all: [
// check that we are not returning a distinct query before operating on the result
iff(ctx => !ctx.result.distinct, [
find: [],
get: [],
create: [],
update: [],
patch: [],
remove: []
module.exports = moduleExports;
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Distinct By Date:

$distinct: {
  year: { $year: { date: '$createdAt', timezone: timezoneVariable } },
  month: { $month: { date: '$createdAt', timezone: timezoneVariable } },
  date: { $dayOfMonth: { date: '$createdAt', timezone: timezoneVariable } },

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