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Created September 6, 2015 10:22
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2d perlin noise in clojure
(ns perlin.core
(:require [seesaw.core :as ss])
(:import [java.awt.image BufferedImage]))
(defn gray-to-rgb [g]
(int (bit-or
(bit-shift-left g 16)
(bit-shift-left g 8)
(bit-shift-left g 0))))
(defn float-to-rgb [f]
(gray-to-rgb (int (* 255 (/ (+ 1 f) 2)))))
(defn float-to-rgb-array [float-array]
(let [z (alength ^doubles float-array)
rgb-array (int-array z)]
(doseq [i (range z)]
(aset-int rgb-array i
(float-to-rgb (aget ^doubles float-array i))))
(defn create-java-image [w h rgb-array]
(let [type BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_RGB
image (BufferedImage. w h type)]
(.setRGB image 0 0 w h rgb-array 0 w)
(defn vec-len [v]
(Math/sqrt (reduce + (map #(Math/pow % 2) v))))
(defn vec-norm [v]
(let [l (vec-len v)]
(map #(/ % l) v)))
(defn vec-dot [^doubles v1 ^doubles v2]
(+ (* (aget v1 0) (aget v2 0))
(* (aget v1 1) (aget v2 1))))
(defn p5b [^double t]
(+ (* 6 (Math/pow t 5))
(* -15 (Math/pow t 4))
(* 10 (Math/pow t 3))))
(defn blend [^double v1 ^double v2 ^double k]
(+ (* v1 (- 1 k))
(* v2 k)))
(defn gen-grad-set [n]
(repeatedly n #(vec-norm [(- (* (Math/random) 2) 1)
(- (* (Math/random) 2) 1)])))
(defn gen-grad-field [grad-set w h factor]
(let [wi (int (inc (* w factor)))
hi (int (inc (* h factor)))
gf (make-array Double/TYPE hi wi 2)]
(doseq [y (range hi)
x (range wi)]
(aset ^objects gf y x (double-array (rand-nth grad-set))))
(defn get-grad [^objects grad-field x y]
(let [^objects r (aget grad-field y)]
(aget r x)))
(defn sample-grad-field [grad-field ^double x ^double y]
(let [i (int x)
j (int y)
u (- x i)
v (- y j)
ii (inc i)
jj (inc j)
uu (- u 1)
vv (- v 1)
uv (double-array [u v])
uuv (double-array [uu v])
uvv (double-array [u vv])
uuvv (double-array [uu vv])
g00 (get-grad grad-field i j)
g10 (get-grad grad-field ii j)
g01 (get-grad grad-field i jj)
g11 (get-grad grad-field ii jj)
n00 (vec-dot g00 uv)
n10 (vec-dot g10 uuv)
n01 (vec-dot g01 uvv)
n11 (vec-dot g11 uuvv)
uk (p5b u)
vk (p5b v)]
(blend (blend n00 n10 uk)
(blend n01 n11 uk)
(defn perlin-2d-octaves [w h factor octaves persistence n]
(let [grad-set (gen-grad-set n)
buf (double-array (* w h))]
;; for each octave
[[a p] (take octaves (iterate
(fn [[a p]] [(* a 2)
(* p persistence)])
[factor 1]))
:let [grad-field (gen-grad-field grad-set w h a)]
;; for each row
row (range h)
:let [stride (* row w)
y (* row a)]
;; for each pixel
col (range w)
:let [offset (+ stride col)
x (* col a)]]
(let [g (sample-grad-field grad-field x y)
acc (aget ^doubles buf offset)]
(aset-double buf offset (+ acc (* p g)))))
(defn init-win! []
(def frame (ss/frame :title "perlin noise"))
(-> frame ss/pack! ss/show!)
(def lbl (ss/label :text ""))
(ss/config! frame :content lbl))
(defn show-image [lbl w h float-array]
(ss/config! lbl :icon
w h (float-to-rgb-array float-array))))
(defn time-noise []
(let [w 256
h 256
factor (/ 6 w)
octaves 3
persistence 0.5
n 16]
(show-image lbl w h
(time (perlin-2d-octaves w h factor octaves persistence n)))))
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