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Created September 6, 2021 06:34
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All Brian TTS characters
Character code (character) Duration (ms) Alias to Pronounced as
27 (�) 656 None Escape
33 (!) 1333 None Exclamation mark
35 (#) 409 None Hash
36 ($) 425 None Dollar
37 (%) 631 None Percent
38 (&) 329 None And
43 (+) 396 None Plus
45 (-) 706 None Dash
46 (.) 464 None Dot
47 (/) 579 None Slash
49 (1) 540 None One
50 (2) 415 None Two
51 (3) 513 None Three
52 (4) 629 None Four
53 (5) 680 None Five
54 (6) 612 None Six
55 (7) 377 None Seven
56 (8) 479 None Eight
57 (9) 587 None Nine
58 (:) 656 None Colon
59 (;) 1029 None Semicolon
60 (<) 713 None Less than
61 (=) 779 None Equals
62 (>) 855 None Greater than
63 (?) 1161 None Question mark
64 (@) 370 None At
65 (A) 528 None A
66 (B) 488 None B
67 (C) 553 None C
68 (D) 407 None D
69 (E) 457 None E
70 (F) 453 None F
71 (G) 471 None G
72 (H) 631 None H
73 (I) 478 None I
74 (J) 548 None J
75 (K) 505 None K
76 (L) 390 None L
77 (M) 528 None M
78 (N) 540 None N
79 (O) 368 None O
80 (P) 411 None P
81 (Q) 495 None Q
82 (R) 485 None R
83 (S) 543 None S
84 (T) 358 None T
85 (U) 493 None U
86 (V) 411 None V
87 (W) 574 None W
88 (X) 672 None X
89 (Y) 404 None Y
90 (Z) 528 None Z
92 (\) 836 None Backslash
94 (^) 633 None Carrot
95 (_) 732 None Underscore
97 (a) 528 65 (A) A
98 (b) 488 66 (B) B
99 (c) 553 67 (C) C
100 (d) 407 68 (D) D
101 (e) 457 69 (E) E
102 (f) 453 70 (F) F
103 (g) 471 71 (G) G
104 (h) 631 72 (H) H
105 (i) 478 73 (I) I
106 (j) 548 74 (J) J
107 (k) 505 75 (K) K
108 (l) 390 76 (L) L
109 (m) 528 77 (M) M
110 (n) 540 78 (N) N
111 (o) 368 79 (O) O
112 (p) 411 80 (P) P
113 (q) 495 81 (Q) Q
114 (r) 485 82 (R) R
115 (s) 543 83 (S) S
116 (t) 358 84 (T) T
117 (u) 493 85 (U) U
118 (v) 411 86 (V) V
119 (w) 574 87 (W) W
120 (x) 672 88 (X) X
121 (y) 404 89 (Y) Y
122 (z) 528 90 (Z) Z
126 (~) 551 None Tilde
127 (�) 650 None Delete
161 (¡) 1864 None Inverted exclamation mark
162 (¢) 602 None Cent
163 (£) 662 None Pound
164 (¤) 671 None Currency
165 (¥) 573 None Yen
166 (¦) 952 None Broken bar
167 (§) 677 None Section
168 (¨) 942 None Diaeresis
169 (©) 842 None Copyright
170 (ª) 1208 None Superscript A
172 (¬) 761 None Negation
174 (®) 787 None Registered
175 (¯) 616 None Macron
176 (°) 643 None Degree
177 (±) 965 None Plus minus
178 (²) 744 None Squared
179 (³) 635 None Cubed
181 (µ) 513 None Miu
182 (¶) 626 None Pilcrow
183 (·) 774 None Middle dot
184 (¸) 532 None Cedilla
185 (¹) 1006 None Superscript one
186 (º) 643 176 (°) Degree
188 (¼) 864 None One quarter
189 (½) 374 None Half
190 (¾) 1005 None Three quarters
191 (¿) 1538 None Inverted question mark
192 (À) 485 82 (R) R
193 (Á) 121 None a (very short)
194 (Â) 121 193 (Á) a (very short)
195 (Ã) 681 None A tilde
196 (Ä) 1032 None A Diaeresis
197 (Å) 616 None A ring
198 (Æ) 340 None Ash
199 (Ç) 759 None C cedilla
200 (È) 457 69 (E) E
201 (É) 457 69 (E) E
202 (Ê) 457 69 (E) E
203 (Ë) 1076 None E diaeresis
204 (Ì) 743 None I grave
205 (Í) 457 69 (E) E
206 (Î) 1240 None I circumflex
207 (Ï) 985 None I diaeresis
208 (Ð) 464 None F
209 (Ñ) 643 None N tilde
210 (Ò) 938 None O grave
211 (Ó) 368 79 (O) O
212 (Ô) 368 79 (O) O
213 (Õ) 686 None O tilde
214 (Ö) 368 79 (O) O
215 (×) 711 None Times
216 (Ø) 368 79 (O) O
217 (Ù) 919 None U grave
218 (Ú) 720 None U acute
219 (Û) 1301 None U circumflex
220 (Ü) 1032 None U diaeresis
221 (Ý) 896 None Y acute
222 (Þ) 732 None Thorn
223 (ß) 660 None Sharp S
224 (à) 485 82 (R) R
225 (á) 121 193 (Á) a (very short)
226 (â) 121 193 (Á) a (very short)
227 (ã) 681 195 (Ã) A tilde
228 (ä) 1032 196 (Ä) A Diaeresis
229 (å) 616 197 (Å) A ring
230 (æ) 340 198 (Æ) Ash
231 (ç) 759 199 (Ç) C cedilla
232 (è) 457 69 (E) E
233 (é) 457 69 (E) E
234 (ê) 457 69 (E) E
235 (ë) 1076 203 (Ë) E diaeresis
236 (ì) 743 204 (Ì) I grave
237 (í) 457 69 (E) E
238 (î) 1240 206 (Î) I circumflex
239 (ï) 985 207 (Ï) I diaeresis
240 (ð) 464 208 (Ð) F
241 (ñ) 643 209 (Ñ) N tilde
242 (ò) 938 210 (Ò) O grave
243 (ó) 368 79 (O) O
244 (ô) 368 79 (O) O
245 (õ) 686 213 (Õ) O tilde
246 (ö) 368 79 (O) O
247 (÷) 963 None Divided by
248 (ø) 368 79 (O) O
249 (ù) 919 217 (Ù) U grave
250 (ú) 720 218 (Ú) U acute
251 (û) 1301 219 (Û) U circumflex
252 (ü) 1032 220 (Ü) U diaeresis
253 (ý) 896 221 (Ý) Y acute
254 (þ) 732 222 (Þ) Thorn
255 (ÿ) 1177 None Y diaeresis
256 (Ā) 482 None A
257 (ā) 482 256 (Ā) A
258 (Ă) 482 256 (Ā) A
259 (ă) 482 256 (Ā) A
260 (Ą) 482 256 (Ā) A
261 (ą) 482 256 (Ā) A
262 (Ć) 553 67 (C) C
263 (ć) 553 67 (C) C
264 (Ĉ) 553 67 (C) C
265 (ĉ) 553 67 (C) C
266 (Ċ) 553 67 (C) C
267 (ċ) 553 67 (C) C
268 (Č) 553 67 (C) C
269 (č) 553 67 (C) C
270 (Ď) 407 68 (D) D
271 (ď) 407 68 (D) D
272 (Đ) 407 68 (D) D
273 (đ) 407 68 (D) D
274 (Ē) 457 69 (E) E
275 (ē) 457 69 (E) E
276 (Ĕ) 457 69 (E) E
277 (ĕ) 457 69 (E) E
278 (Ė) 457 69 (E) E
279 (ė) 457 69 (E) E
280 (Ę) 457 69 (E) E
281 (ę) 457 69 (E) E
282 (Ě) 457 69 (E) E
283 (ě) 457 69 (E) E
284 (Ĝ) 471 71 (G) G
285 (ĝ) 471 71 (G) G
286 (Ğ) 471 71 (G) G
287 (ğ) 471 71 (G) G
288 (Ġ) 471 71 (G) G
289 (ġ) 471 71 (G) G
290 (Ģ) 471 71 (G) G
291 (ģ) 471 71 (G) G
292 (Ĥ) 631 72 (H) H
293 (ĥ) 631 72 (H) H
294 (Ħ) 631 72 (H) H
295 (ħ) 631 72 (H) H
296 (Ĩ) 478 73 (I) I
297 (ĩ) 478 73 (I) I
298 (Ī) 478 73 (I) I
299 (ī) 478 73 (I) I
300 (Ĭ) 478 73 (I) I
301 (ĭ) 478 73 (I) I
302 (Į) 478 73 (I) I
303 (į) 478 73 (I) I
304 (İ) 478 73 (I) I
306 (IJ) 635 None Ij
307 (ij) 635 306 (IJ) Ij
308 (Ĵ) 548 74 (J) J
309 (ĵ) 548 74 (J) J
310 (Ķ) 505 75 (K) K
311 (ķ) 505 75 (K) K
313 (Ĺ) 390 76 (L) L
314 (ĺ) 390 76 (L) L
315 (Ļ) 390 76 (L) L
316 (ļ) 390 76 (L) L
317 (Ľ) 390 76 (L) L
318 (ľ) 390 76 (L) L
319 (Ŀ) 390 76 (L) L
320 (ŀ) 390 76 (L) L
321 (Ł) 390 76 (L) L
322 (ł) 390 76 (L) L
323 (Ń) 540 78 (N) N
324 (ń) 540 78 (N) N
325 (Ņ) 540 78 (N) N
326 (ņ) 540 78 (N) N
327 (Ň) 540 78 (N) N
328 (ň) 540 78 (N) N
329 (ʼn) 540 78 (N) N
332 (Ō) 368 79 (O) O
333 (ō) 368 79 (O) O
334 (Ŏ) 368 79 (O) O
335 (ŏ) 368 79 (O) O
336 (Ő) 368 79 (O) O
337 (ő) 368 79 (O) O
338 (Œ) 533 None Oe
339 (œ) 533 338 (Œ) Oe
340 (Ŕ) 485 82 (R) R
341 (ŕ) 485 82 (R) R
342 (Ŗ) 485 82 (R) R
343 (ŗ) 485 82 (R) R
344 (Ř) 485 82 (R) R
345 (ř) 485 82 (R) R
346 (Ś) 543 83 (S) S
347 (ś) 543 83 (S) S
348 (Ŝ) 543 83 (S) S
349 (ŝ) 543 83 (S) S
350 (Ş) 543 83 (S) S
351 (ş) 543 83 (S) S
352 (Š) 543 83 (S) S
353 (š) 543 83 (S) S
354 (Ţ) 358 84 (T) T
355 (ţ) 358 84 (T) T
356 (Ť) 358 84 (T) T
357 (ť) 358 84 (T) T
358 (Ŧ) 358 84 (T) T
359 (ŧ) 358 84 (T) T
360 (Ũ) 493 85 (U) U
361 (ũ) 493 85 (U) U
362 (Ū) 493 85 (U) U
363 (ū) 493 85 (U) U
364 (Ŭ) 493 85 (U) U
365 (ŭ) 493 85 (U) U
366 (Ů) 493 85 (U) U
367 (ů) 493 85 (U) U
368 (Ű) 493 85 (U) U
369 (ű) 493 85 (U) U
370 (Ų) 493 85 (U) U
371 (ų) 493 85 (U) U
372 (Ŵ) 574 87 (W) W
373 (ŵ) 574 87 (W) W
374 (Ŷ) 404 89 (Y) Y
375 (ŷ) 404 89 (Y) Y
376 (Ÿ) 404 89 (Y) Y
377 (Ź) 528 90 (Z) Z
378 (ź) 528 90 (Z) Z
379 (Ż) 528 90 (Z) Z
380 (ż) 528 90 (Z) Z
381 (Ž) 528 90 (Z) Z
382 (ž) 528 90 (Z) Z
383 (ſ) 543 83 (S) S
384 (ƀ) 488 66 (B) B
385 (Ɓ) 488 66 (B) B
386 (Ƃ) 488 66 (B) B
387 (ƃ) 488 66 (B) B
391 (Ƈ) 553 67 (C) C
392 (ƈ) 553 67 (C) C
394 (Ɗ) 407 68 (D) D
395 (Ƌ) 407 68 (D) D
396 (ƌ) 407 68 (D) D
401 (Ƒ) 453 70 (F) F
402 (ƒ) 453 70 (F) F
403 (Ɠ) 471 71 (G) G
407 (Ɨ) 478 73 (I) I
408 (Ƙ) 505 75 (K) K
409 (ƙ) 505 75 (K) K
410 (ƚ) 390 76 (L) L
413 (Ɲ) 540 78 (N) N
414 (ƞ) 540 78 (N) N
415 (Ɵ) 368 79 (O) O
416 (Ơ) 368 79 (O) O
417 (ơ) 368 79 (O) O
420 (Ƥ) 411 80 (P) P
421 (ƥ) 411 80 (P) P
427 (ƫ) 358 84 (T) T
428 (Ƭ) 358 84 (T) T
429 (ƭ) 358 84 (T) T
430 (Ʈ) 358 84 (T) T
431 (Ư) 493 85 (U) U
432 (ư) 493 85 (U) U
434 (Ʋ) 411 86 (V) V
435 (Ƴ) 404 89 (Y) Y
436 (ƴ) 404 89 (Y) Y
437 (Ƶ) 528 90 (Z) Z
438 (ƶ) 528 90 (Z) Z
452 (DŽ) 675 None Dz
453 (Dž) 675 452 (DŽ) Dz
454 (dž) 675 452 (DŽ) Dz
455 (LJ) 631 None Lj
456 (Lj) 631 455 (LJ) Lj
457 (lj) 631 455 (LJ) Lj
458 (NJ) 753 None Nj
459 (Nj) 753 458 (NJ) Nj
460 (nj) 753 458 (NJ) Nj
461 (Ǎ) 482 256 (Ā) A
462 (ǎ) 482 256 (Ā) A
463 (Ǐ) 478 73 (I) I
464 (ǐ) 478 73 (I) I
465 (Ǒ) 368 79 (O) O
466 (ǒ) 368 79 (O) O
467 (Ǔ) 493 85 (U) U
468 (ǔ) 493 85 (U) U
469 (Ǖ) 493 85 (U) U
470 (ǖ) 493 85 (U) U
471 (Ǘ) 493 85 (U) U
472 (ǘ) 493 85 (U) U
473 (Ǚ) 493 85 (U) U
474 (ǚ) 493 85 (U) U
475 (Ǜ) 493 85 (U) U
476 (ǜ) 493 85 (U) U
478 (Ǟ) 482 256 (Ā) A
479 (ǟ) 482 256 (Ā) A
480 (Ǡ) 482 256 (Ā) A
481 (ǡ) 482 256 (Ā) A
482 (Ǣ) 482 256 (Ā) A
483 (ǣ) 482 256 (Ā) A
484 (Ǥ) 471 71 (G) G
485 (ǥ) 471 71 (G) G
486 (Ǧ) 471 71 (G) G
487 (ǧ) 471 71 (G) G
488 (Ǩ) 505 75 (K) K
489 (ǩ) 505 75 (K) K
490 (Ǫ) 368 79 (O) O
491 (ǫ) 368 79 (O) O
492 (Ǭ) 368 79 (O) O
493 (ǭ) 368 79 (O) O
496 (ǰ) 548 74 (J) J
497 (DZ) 675 452 (DŽ) Dz
498 (Dz) 675 452 (DŽ) Dz
499 (dz) 675 452 (DŽ) Dz
500 (Ǵ) 471 71 (G) G
501 (ǵ) 471 71 (G) G
504 (Ǹ) 540 78 (N) N
505 (ǹ) 540 78 (N) N
506 (Ǻ) 482 256 (Ā) A
507 (ǻ) 482 256 (Ā) A
508 (Ǽ) 482 256 (Ā) A
509 (ǽ) 482 256 (Ā) A
510 (Ǿ) 368 79 (O) O
511 (ǿ) 368 79 (O) O
512 (Ȁ) 482 256 (Ā) A
513 (ȁ) 482 256 (Ā) A
514 (Ȃ) 482 256 (Ā) A
515 (ȃ) 482 256 (Ā) A
516 (Ȅ) 457 69 (E) E
517 (ȅ) 457 69 (E) E
518 (Ȇ) 457 69 (E) E
519 (ȇ) 457 69 (E) E
520 (Ȉ) 478 73 (I) I
521 (ȉ) 478 73 (I) I
522 (Ȋ) 478 73 (I) I
523 (ȋ) 478 73 (I) I
524 (Ȍ) 368 79 (O) O
525 (ȍ) 368 79 (O) O
526 (Ȏ) 368 79 (O) O
527 (ȏ) 368 79 (O) O
528 (Ȑ) 485 82 (R) R
529 (ȑ) 485 82 (R) R
530 (Ȓ) 485 82 (R) R
531 (ȓ) 485 82 (R) R
532 (Ȕ) 493 85 (U) U
533 (ȕ) 493 85 (U) U
534 (Ȗ) 493 85 (U) U
535 (ȗ) 493 85 (U) U
536 (Ș) 543 83 (S) S
537 (ș) 543 83 (S) S
538 (Ț) 358 84 (T) T
539 (ț) 358 84 (T) T
542 (Ȟ) 631 72 (H) H
543 (ȟ) 631 72 (H) H
544 (Ƞ) 540 78 (N) N
545 (ȡ) 407 68 (D) D
548 (Ȥ) 528 90 (Z) Z
549 (ȥ) 528 90 (Z) Z
550 (Ȧ) 482 256 (Ā) A
551 (ȧ) 482 256 (Ā) A
552 (Ȩ) 457 69 (E) E
553 (ȩ) 457 69 (E) E
554 (Ȫ) 368 79 (O) O
555 (ȫ) 368 79 (O) O
556 (Ȭ) 368 79 (O) O
557 (ȭ) 368 79 (O) O
558 (Ȯ) 368 79 (O) O
559 (ȯ) 368 79 (O) O
560 (Ȱ) 368 79 (O) O
561 (ȱ) 368 79 (O) O
562 (Ȳ) 404 89 (Y) Y
563 (ȳ) 404 89 (Y) Y
564 (ȴ) 390 76 (L) L
565 (ȵ) 540 78 (N) N
566 (ȶ) 358 84 (T) T
570 (Ⱥ) 482 256 (Ā) A
571 (Ȼ) 553 67 (C) C
572 (ȼ) 553 67 (C) C
573 (Ƚ) 390 76 (L) L
574 (Ⱦ) 358 84 (T) T
575 (ȿ) 543 83 (S) S
576 (ɀ) 528 90 (Z) Z
579 (Ƀ) 488 66 (B) B
582 (Ɇ) 457 69 (E) E
583 (ɇ) 457 69 (E) E
584 (Ɉ) 548 74 (J) J
585 (ɉ) 548 74 (J) J
586 (Ɋ) 495 81 (Q) Q
587 (ɋ) 495 81 (Q) Q
588 (Ɍ) 485 82 (R) R
589 (ɍ) 485 82 (R) R
590 (Ɏ) 404 89 (Y) Y
591 (ɏ) 404 89 (Y) Y
595 (ɓ) 488 66 (B) B
597 (ɕ) 553 67 (C) C
598 (ɖ) 407 68 (D) D
599 (ɗ) 407 68 (D) D
605 (ɝ) 457 69 (E) E
607 (ɟ) 548 74 (J) J
608 (ɠ) 471 71 (G) G
614 (ɦ) 631 72 (H) H
616 (ɨ) 478 73 (I) I
619 (ɫ) 390 76 (L) L
620 (ɬ) 390 76 (L) L
621 (ɭ) 390 76 (L) L
624 (ɰ) 528 77 (M) M
625 (ɱ) 528 77 (M) M
626 (ɲ) 540 78 (N) N
627 (ɳ) 540 78 (N) N
634 (ɺ) 485 82 (R) R
635 (ɻ) 485 82 (R) R
636 (ɼ) 485 82 (R) R
637 (ɽ) 485 82 (R) R
638 (ɾ) 485 82 (R) R
639 (ɿ) 485 82 (R) R
642 (ʂ) 543 83 (S) S
644 (ʄ) 548 74 (J) J
648 (ʈ) 358 84 (T) T
651 (ʋ) 411 86 (V) V
656 (ʐ) 528 90 (Z) Z
657 (ʑ) 528 90 (Z) Z
669 (ʝ) 548 74 (J) J
672 (ʠ) 495 81 (Q) Q
686 (ʮ) 631 72 (H) H
687 (ʯ) 631 72 (H) H
688 (ʰ) 631 72 (H) H
689 (ʱ) 631 72 (H) H
690 (ʲ) 548 74 (J) J
691 (ʳ) 485 82 (R) R
693 (ʵ) 485 82 (R) R
695 (ʷ) 574 87 (W) W
696 (ʸ) 404 89 (Y) Y
737 (ˡ) 390 76 (L) L
738 (ˢ) 543 83 (S) S
739 (ˣ) 672 88 (X) X
837 (ͅ) 581 None Iota
913 (Α) 571 None Alpha
914 (Β) 516 None Beta
915 (Γ) 388 None Gamma
916 (Δ) 490 None Delta
917 (Ε) 740 None Epsilon
918 (Ζ) 464 None Zetta
919 (Η) 463 None Eta
920 (Θ) 568 None Theta
921 (Ι) 581 837 (ͅ) Iota
922 (Κ) 467 None Kappa
923 (Λ) 545 None Lambda
924 (Μ) 513 181 (µ) Miu
925 (Ν) 574 None Miu
926 (Ξ) 411 None Xi
927 (Ο) 800 None Omicron
928 (Π) 386 None Pi
929 (Ρ) 442 None Ro
931 (Σ) 539 None Sigma
932 (Τ) 434 None Tau
933 (Υ) 788 None Upsilon
934 (Φ) 469 None Phi
935 (Χ) 388 None Chi
936 (Ψ) 523 None Psi
937 (Ω) 614 None Ohm (???)
945 (α) 571 913 (Α) Alpha
946 (β) 516 914 (Β) Beta
947 (γ) 388 915 (Γ) Gamma
948 (δ) 490 916 (Δ) Delta
949 (ε) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
950 (ζ) 464 918 (Ζ) Zetta
951 (η) 463 919 (Η) Eta
952 (θ) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
953 (ι) 581 837 (ͅ) Iota
954 (κ) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
955 (λ) 545 923 (Λ) Lambda
956 (μ) 513 181 (µ) Miu
957 (ν) 574 925 (Ν) Miu
958 (ξ) 411 926 (Ξ) Xi
959 (ο) 800 927 (Ο) Omicron
960 (π) 386 928 (Π) Pi
961 (ρ) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
962 (ς) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
963 (σ) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
964 (τ) 434 932 (Τ) Tau
965 (υ) 788 933 (Υ) Upsilon
966 (φ) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
967 (χ) 388 935 (Χ) Chi
968 (ψ) 523 936 (Ψ) Psi
969 (ω) 580 None Omega
976 (ϐ) 516 914 (Β) Beta
977 (ϑ) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
981 (ϕ) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
982 (ϖ) 386 928 (Π) Pi
1008 (ϰ) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
1009 (ϱ) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
1012 (ϴ) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
1013 (ϵ) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
7443 (ᴓ) 368 79 (O) O
7462 (ᴦ) 388 915 (Γ) Gamma
7464 (ᴨ) 386 928 (Π) Pi
7465 (ᴩ) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
7466 (ᴪ) 523 936 (Ψ) Psi
7468 (ᴬ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7469 (ᴭ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7470 (ᴮ) 488 66 (B) B
7472 (ᴰ) 407 68 (D) D
7473 (ᴱ) 457 69 (E) E
7475 (ᴳ) 471 71 (G) G
7476 (ᴴ) 631 72 (H) H
7477 (ᴵ) 478 73 (I) I
7478 (ᴶ) 548 74 (J) J
7479 (ᴷ) 505 75 (K) K
7480 (ᴸ) 390 76 (L) L
7481 (ᴹ) 528 77 (M) M
7482 (ᴺ) 540 78 (N) N
7484 (ᴼ) 368 79 (O) O
7486 (ᴾ) 411 80 (P) P
7487 (ᴿ) 485 82 (R) R
7488 (ᵀ) 358 84 (T) T
7489 (ᵁ) 493 85 (U) U
7490 (ᵂ) 574 87 (W) W
7491 (ᵃ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7495 (ᵇ) 488 66 (B) B
7496 (ᵈ) 407 68 (D) D
7497 (ᵉ) 457 69 (E) E
7501 (ᵍ) 471 71 (G) G
7503 (ᵏ) 505 75 (K) K
7504 (ᵐ) 528 77 (M) M
7506 (ᵒ) 368 79 (O) O
7510 (ᵖ) 411 80 (P) P
7511 (ᵗ) 358 84 (T) T
7512 (ᵘ) 493 85 (U) U
7515 (ᵛ) 411 86 (V) V
7522 (ᵢ) 478 73 (I) I
7523 (ᵣ) 485 82 (R) R
7524 (ᵤ) 493 85 (U) U
7525 (ᵥ) 411 86 (V) V
7526 (ᵦ) 516 914 (Β) Beta
7527 (ᵧ) 388 915 (Γ) Gamma
7528 (ᵨ) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
7529 (ᵩ) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
7530 (ᵪ) 388 935 (Χ) Chi
7532 (ᵬ) 488 66 (B) B
7533 (ᵭ) 407 68 (D) D
7534 (ᵮ) 453 70 (F) F
7535 (ᵯ) 528 77 (M) M
7536 (ᵰ) 540 78 (N) N
7537 (ᵱ) 411 80 (P) P
7538 (ᵲ) 485 82 (R) R
7539 (ᵳ) 485 82 (R) R
7540 (ᵴ) 543 83 (S) S
7541 (ᵵ) 358 84 (T) T
7542 (ᵶ) 528 90 (Z) Z
7549 (ᵽ) 411 80 (P) P
7552 (ᶀ) 488 66 (B) B
7553 (ᶁ) 407 68 (D) D
7554 (ᶂ) 453 70 (F) F
7555 (ᶃ) 471 71 (G) G
7556 (ᶄ) 505 75 (K) K
7557 (ᶅ) 390 76 (L) L
7558 (ᶆ) 528 77 (M) M
7559 (ᶇ) 540 78 (N) N
7560 (ᶈ) 411 80 (P) P
7561 (ᶉ) 485 82 (R) R
7562 (ᶊ) 543 83 (S) S
7564 (ᶌ) 411 86 (V) V
7565 (ᶍ) 672 88 (X) X
7566 (ᶎ) 528 90 (Z) Z
7567 (ᶏ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7569 (ᶑ) 407 68 (D) D
7570 (ᶒ) 457 69 (E) E
7571 (ᶓ) 457 69 (E) E
7572 (ᶔ) 457 69 (E) E
7574 (ᶖ) 478 73 (I) I
7575 (ᶗ) 368 79 (O) O
7577 (ᶙ) 493 85 (U) U
7580 (ᶜ) 553 67 (C) C
7581 (ᶝ) 553 67 (C) C
7584 (ᶠ) 453 70 (F) F
7585 (ᶡ) 548 74 (J) J
7588 (ᶤ) 478 73 (I) I
7592 (ᶨ) 548 74 (J) J
7593 (ᶩ) 390 76 (L) L
7594 (ᶪ) 390 76 (L) L
7596 (ᶬ) 528 77 (M) M
7597 (ᶭ) 528 77 (M) M
7598 (ᶮ) 540 78 (N) N
7599 (ᶯ) 540 78 (N) N
7603 (ᶳ) 543 83 (S) S
7605 (ᶵ) 358 84 (T) T
7609 (ᶹ) 411 86 (V) V
7611 (ᶻ) 528 90 (Z) Z
7612 (ᶼ) 528 90 (Z) Z
7613 (ᶽ) 528 90 (Z) Z
7680 (Ḁ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7681 (ḁ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7682 (Ḃ) 488 66 (B) B
7683 (ḃ) 488 66 (B) B
7684 (Ḅ) 488 66 (B) B
7685 (ḅ) 488 66 (B) B
7686 (Ḇ) 488 66 (B) B
7687 (ḇ) 488 66 (B) B
7688 (Ḉ) 553 67 (C) C
7689 (ḉ) 553 67 (C) C
7690 (Ḋ) 407 68 (D) D
7691 (ḋ) 407 68 (D) D
7692 (Ḍ) 407 68 (D) D
7693 (ḍ) 407 68 (D) D
7694 (Ḏ) 407 68 (D) D
7695 (ḏ) 407 68 (D) D
7696 (Ḑ) 407 68 (D) D
7697 (ḑ) 407 68 (D) D
7698 (Ḓ) 407 68 (D) D
7699 (ḓ) 407 68 (D) D
7700 (Ḕ) 457 69 (E) E
7701 (ḕ) 457 69 (E) E
7702 (Ḗ) 457 69 (E) E
7703 (ḗ) 457 69 (E) E
7704 (Ḙ) 457 69 (E) E
7705 (ḙ) 457 69 (E) E
7706 (Ḛ) 457 69 (E) E
7707 (ḛ) 457 69 (E) E
7708 (Ḝ) 457 69 (E) E
7709 (ḝ) 457 69 (E) E
7710 (Ḟ) 453 70 (F) F
7711 (ḟ) 453 70 (F) F
7712 (Ḡ) 471 71 (G) G
7713 (ḡ) 471 71 (G) G
7714 (Ḣ) 631 72 (H) H
7715 (ḣ) 631 72 (H) H
7716 (Ḥ) 631 72 (H) H
7717 (ḥ) 631 72 (H) H
7718 (Ḧ) 631 72 (H) H
7719 (ḧ) 631 72 (H) H
7720 (Ḩ) 631 72 (H) H
7721 (ḩ) 631 72 (H) H
7722 (Ḫ) 631 72 (H) H
7723 (ḫ) 631 72 (H) H
7724 (Ḭ) 478 73 (I) I
7725 (ḭ) 478 73 (I) I
7726 (Ḯ) 478 73 (I) I
7727 (ḯ) 478 73 (I) I
7728 (Ḱ) 505 75 (K) K
7729 (ḱ) 505 75 (K) K
7730 (Ḳ) 505 75 (K) K
7731 (ḳ) 505 75 (K) K
7732 (Ḵ) 505 75 (K) K
7733 (ḵ) 505 75 (K) K
7734 (Ḷ) 390 76 (L) L
7735 (ḷ) 390 76 (L) L
7736 (Ḹ) 390 76 (L) L
7737 (ḹ) 390 76 (L) L
7738 (Ḻ) 390 76 (L) L
7739 (ḻ) 390 76 (L) L
7740 (Ḽ) 390 76 (L) L
7741 (ḽ) 390 76 (L) L
7742 (Ḿ) 528 77 (M) M
7743 (ḿ) 528 77 (M) M
7744 (Ṁ) 528 77 (M) M
7745 (ṁ) 528 77 (M) M
7746 (Ṃ) 528 77 (M) M
7747 (ṃ) 528 77 (M) M
7748 (Ṅ) 540 78 (N) N
7749 (ṅ) 540 78 (N) N
7750 (Ṇ) 540 78 (N) N
7751 (ṇ) 540 78 (N) N
7752 (Ṉ) 540 78 (N) N
7753 (ṉ) 540 78 (N) N
7754 (Ṋ) 540 78 (N) N
7755 (ṋ) 540 78 (N) N
7756 (Ṍ) 368 79 (O) O
7757 (ṍ) 368 79 (O) O
7758 (Ṏ) 368 79 (O) O
7759 (ṏ) 368 79 (O) O
7760 (Ṑ) 368 79 (O) O
7761 (ṑ) 368 79 (O) O
7762 (Ṓ) 368 79 (O) O
7763 (ṓ) 368 79 (O) O
7764 (Ṕ) 411 80 (P) P
7765 (ṕ) 411 80 (P) P
7766 (Ṗ) 411 80 (P) P
7767 (ṗ) 411 80 (P) P
7768 (Ṙ) 485 82 (R) R
7769 (ṙ) 485 82 (R) R
7770 (Ṛ) 485 82 (R) R
7771 (ṛ) 485 82 (R) R
7772 (Ṝ) 485 82 (R) R
7773 (ṝ) 485 82 (R) R
7774 (Ṟ) 485 82 (R) R
7775 (ṟ) 485 82 (R) R
7776 (Ṡ) 543 83 (S) S
7777 (ṡ) 543 83 (S) S
7778 (Ṣ) 543 83 (S) S
7779 (ṣ) 543 83 (S) S
7780 (Ṥ) 543 83 (S) S
7781 (ṥ) 543 83 (S) S
7782 (Ṧ) 543 83 (S) S
7783 (ṧ) 543 83 (S) S
7784 (Ṩ) 543 83 (S) S
7785 (ṩ) 543 83 (S) S
7786 (Ṫ) 358 84 (T) T
7787 (ṫ) 358 84 (T) T
7788 (Ṭ) 358 84 (T) T
7789 (ṭ) 358 84 (T) T
7790 (Ṯ) 358 84 (T) T
7791 (ṯ) 358 84 (T) T
7792 (Ṱ) 358 84 (T) T
7793 (ṱ) 358 84 (T) T
7794 (Ṳ) 493 85 (U) U
7795 (ṳ) 493 85 (U) U
7796 (Ṵ) 493 85 (U) U
7797 (ṵ) 493 85 (U) U
7798 (Ṷ) 493 85 (U) U
7799 (ṷ) 493 85 (U) U
7800 (Ṹ) 493 85 (U) U
7801 (ṹ) 493 85 (U) U
7802 (Ṻ) 493 85 (U) U
7803 (ṻ) 493 85 (U) U
7804 (Ṽ) 411 86 (V) V
7805 (ṽ) 411 86 (V) V
7806 (Ṿ) 411 86 (V) V
7807 (ṿ) 411 86 (V) V
7808 (Ẁ) 574 87 (W) W
7809 (ẁ) 574 87 (W) W
7810 (Ẃ) 574 87 (W) W
7811 (ẃ) 574 87 (W) W
7812 (Ẅ) 574 87 (W) W
7813 (ẅ) 574 87 (W) W
7814 (Ẇ) 574 87 (W) W
7815 (ẇ) 574 87 (W) W
7816 (Ẉ) 574 87 (W) W
7817 (ẉ) 574 87 (W) W
7818 (Ẋ) 672 88 (X) X
7819 (ẋ) 672 88 (X) X
7820 (Ẍ) 672 88 (X) X
7821 (ẍ) 672 88 (X) X
7822 (Ẏ) 404 89 (Y) Y
7823 (ẏ) 404 89 (Y) Y
7824 (Ẑ) 528 90 (Z) Z
7825 (ẑ) 528 90 (Z) Z
7826 (Ẓ) 528 90 (Z) Z
7827 (ẓ) 528 90 (Z) Z
7828 (Ẕ) 528 90 (Z) Z
7829 (ẕ) 528 90 (Z) Z
7830 (ẖ) 631 72 (H) H
7831 (ẗ) 358 84 (T) T
7832 (ẘ) 574 87 (W) W
7833 (ẙ) 404 89 (Y) Y
7834 (ẚ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7835 (ẛ) 543 83 (S) S
7836 (ẜ) 543 83 (S) S
7837 (ẝ) 543 83 (S) S
7840 (Ạ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7841 (ạ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7842 (Ả) 482 256 (Ā) A
7843 (ả) 482 256 (Ā) A
7844 (Ấ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7845 (ấ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7846 (Ầ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7847 (ầ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7848 (Ẩ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7849 (ẩ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7850 (Ẫ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7851 (ẫ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7852 (Ậ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7853 (ậ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7854 (Ắ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7855 (ắ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7856 (Ằ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7857 (ằ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7858 (Ẳ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7859 (ẳ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7860 (Ẵ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7861 (ẵ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7862 (Ặ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7863 (ặ) 482 256 (Ā) A
7864 (Ẹ) 457 69 (E) E
7865 (ẹ) 457 69 (E) E
7866 (Ẻ) 457 69 (E) E
7867 (ẻ) 457 69 (E) E
7868 (Ẽ) 457 69 (E) E
7869 (ẽ) 457 69 (E) E
7870 (Ế) 457 69 (E) E
7871 (ế) 457 69 (E) E
7872 (Ề) 457 69 (E) E
7873 (ề) 457 69 (E) E
7874 (Ể) 457 69 (E) E
7875 (ể) 457 69 (E) E
7876 (Ễ) 457 69 (E) E
7877 (ễ) 457 69 (E) E
7878 (Ệ) 457 69 (E) E
7879 (ệ) 457 69 (E) E
7880 (Ỉ) 478 73 (I) I
7881 (ỉ) 478 73 (I) I
7882 (Ị) 478 73 (I) I
7883 (ị) 478 73 (I) I
7884 (Ọ) 368 79 (O) O
7885 (ọ) 368 79 (O) O
7886 (Ỏ) 368 79 (O) O
7887 (ỏ) 368 79 (O) O
7888 (Ố) 368 79 (O) O
7889 (ố) 368 79 (O) O
7890 (Ồ) 368 79 (O) O
7891 (ồ) 368 79 (O) O
7892 (Ổ) 368 79 (O) O
7893 (ổ) 368 79 (O) O
7894 (Ỗ) 368 79 (O) O
7895 (ỗ) 368 79 (O) O
7896 (Ộ) 368 79 (O) O
7897 (ộ) 368 79 (O) O
7898 (Ớ) 368 79 (O) O
7899 (ớ) 368 79 (O) O
7900 (Ờ) 368 79 (O) O
7901 (ờ) 368 79 (O) O
7902 (Ở) 368 79 (O) O
7903 (ở) 368 79 (O) O
7904 (Ỡ) 368 79 (O) O
7905 (ỡ) 368 79 (O) O
7906 (Ợ) 368 79 (O) O
7907 (ợ) 368 79 (O) O
7908 (Ụ) 493 85 (U) U
7909 (ụ) 493 85 (U) U
7910 (Ủ) 493 85 (U) U
7911 (ủ) 493 85 (U) U
7912 (Ứ) 493 85 (U) U
7913 (ứ) 493 85 (U) U
7914 (Ừ) 493 85 (U) U
7915 (ừ) 493 85 (U) U
7916 (Ử) 493 85 (U) U
7917 (ử) 493 85 (U) U
7918 (Ữ) 493 85 (U) U
7919 (ữ) 493 85 (U) U
7920 (Ự) 493 85 (U) U
7921 (ự) 493 85 (U) U
7922 (Ỳ) 404 89 (Y) Y
7923 (ỳ) 404 89 (Y) Y
7924 (Ỵ) 404 89 (Y) Y
7925 (ỵ) 404 89 (Y) Y
7926 (Ỷ) 404 89 (Y) Y
7927 (ỷ) 404 89 (Y) Y
7928 (Ỹ) 404 89 (Y) Y
7929 (ỹ) 404 89 (Y) Y
7934 (Ỿ) 404 89 (Y) Y
7935 (ỿ) 404 89 (Y) Y
8126 (ι) 581 837 (ͅ) Iota
8208 (‐) 706 45 (-) Dash
8209 (‑) 706 45 (-) Dash
8210 (‒) 706 45 (-) Dash
8211 (–) 706 45 (-) Dash
8252 (‼) 1831 None Double exclamation mark
8255 (‿) 732 95 (_) Underscore
8256 (⁀) 732 95 (_) Underscore
8260 (⁄) 579 47 (/) Slash
8263 (⁇) 1985 None Question mark question mark
8264 (⁈) 2247 None Question mark exclamation mark
8265 (⁉) 2036 None Exclamation question mark
8276 (⁔) 732 95 (_) Underscore
8304 (⁰) 605 None Zero
8305 (ⁱ) 478 73 (I) I
8308 (⁴) 629 52 (4) Four
8309 (⁵) 680 53 (5) Five
8310 (⁶) 612 54 (6) Six
8311 (⁷) 377 55 (7) Seven
8312 (⁸) 479 56 (8) Eight
8313 (⁹) 587 57 (9) Nine
8314 (⁺) 396 43 (+) Plus
8315 (⁻) 706 45 (-) Dash
8316 (⁼) 779 61 (=) Equals
8317 (⁽) 1424 None Opening parenthases
8318 (⁾) 1526 None Closing parentheses
8319 (ⁿ) 540 78 (N) N
8320 (₀) 605 8304 (⁰) Zero
8321 (₁) 540 49 (1) One
8322 (₂) 415 50 (2) Two
8323 (₃) 513 51 (3) Three
8324 (₄) 629 52 (4) Four
8325 (₅) 680 53 (5) Five
8326 (₆) 612 54 (6) Six
8327 (₇) 377 55 (7) Seven
8328 (₈) 479 56 (8) Eight
8329 (₉) 587 57 (9) Nine
8330 (₊) 396 43 (+) Plus
8331 (₋) 706 45 (-) Dash
8332 (₌) 779 61 (=) Equals
8333 (₍) 1424 8317 (⁽) Opening parenthases
8334 (₎) 1526 8318 (⁾) Closing parentheses
8336 (ₐ) 482 256 (Ā) A
8337 (ₑ) 457 69 (E) E
8338 (ₒ) 368 79 (O) O
8339 (ₓ) 672 88 (X) X
8341 (ₕ) 631 72 (H) H
8342 (ₖ) 505 75 (K) K
8343 (ₗ) 390 76 (L) L
8344 (ₘ) 528 77 (M) M
8345 (ₙ) 540 78 (N) N
8346 (ₚ) 411 80 (P) P
8347 (ₛ) 543 83 (S) S
8348 (ₜ) 358 84 (T) T
8360 (₨) 633 None Rs
8361 (₩) 875 None Korean won
8364 (€) 598 None Euro
8377 (₹) 655 None Rupee
8448 (℀) 1227 None A slash C
8449 (℁) 1150 None A slash S
8450 (ℂ) 553 67 (C) C
8451 (℃) 553 67 (C) C
8453 (℅) 690 None Care of
8454 (℆) 1049 None C slash U
8457 (℉) 453 70 (F) F
8458 (ℊ) 471 71 (G) G
8459 (ℋ) 631 72 (H) H
8460 (ℌ) 631 72 (H) H
8461 (ℍ) 631 72 (H) H
8462 (ℎ) 631 72 (H) H
8463 (ℏ) 631 72 (H) H
8464 (ℐ) 478 73 (I) I
8465 (ℑ) 478 73 (I) I
8466 (ℒ) 390 76 (L) L
8467 (ℓ) 390 76 (L) L
8469 (ℕ) 540 78 (N) N
8470 (№) 430 None No
8473 (ℙ) 411 80 (P) P
8474 (ℚ) 495 81 (Q) Q
8475 (ℛ) 485 82 (R) R
8476 (ℜ) 485 82 (R) R
8477 (ℝ) 485 82 (R) R
8480 (℠) 622 None Sm
8481 (℡) 526 None Tel
8482 (™) 831 None Trademark
8484 (ℤ) 528 90 (Z) Z
8486 (Ω) 580 969 (ω) Omega
8488 (ℨ) 528 90 (Z) Z
8490 (K) 505 75 (K) K
8491 (Å) 482 256 (Ā) A
8492 (ℬ) 488 66 (B) B
8493 (ℭ) 553 67 (C) C
8495 (ℯ) 457 69 (E) E
8496 (ℰ) 457 69 (E) E
8497 (ℱ) 453 70 (F) F
8499 (ℳ) 528 77 (M) M
8500 (ℴ) 368 79 (O) O
8505 (ℹ) 965 None Information
8507 (℻) 657 None Fax
8517 (ⅅ) 407 68 (D) D
8518 (ⅆ) 407 68 (D) D
8519 (ⅇ) 457 69 (E) E
8520 (ⅈ) 478 73 (I) I
8521 (ⅉ) 548 74 (J) J
8528 (⅐) 818 None One seventh
8529 (⅑) 818 None One ninth
8530 (⅒) 854 None One tenth
8531 (⅓) 925 None One third
8532 (⅔) 1039 None Two thirds
8533 (⅕) 926 None One fifth
8534 (⅖) 1103 None Two fifths
8535 (⅗) 1128 None Three fifths
8536 (⅘) 1189 None Four fifths
8537 (⅙) 921 None One sixth
8538 (⅚) 1297 None Five sixths
8539 (⅛) 753 None One eighth
8540 (⅜) 1341 None Three eighths
8541 (⅝) 1385 None Five eighths
8542 (⅞) 1052 None Seven eighths
8543 (⅟) 906 None One slash
8544 (Ⅰ) 540 49 (1) One
8545 (Ⅱ) 415 50 (2) Two
8546 (Ⅲ) 513 51 (3) Three
8547 (Ⅳ) 629 52 (4) Four
8548 (Ⅴ) 680 53 (5) Five
8549 (Ⅵ) 612 54 (6) Six
8550 (Ⅶ) 377 55 (7) Seven
8551 (Ⅷ) 479 56 (8) Eight
8552 (Ⅸ) 587 57 (9) Nine
8553 (Ⅹ) 476 None Ten
8554 (Ⅺ) 477 None Eleven
8555 (Ⅻ) 683 None Twelve
8556 (Ⅼ) 566 None Fifty
8557 (Ⅽ) 821 None One hundred
8558 (Ⅾ) 968 None Five hundred
8559 (Ⅿ) 960 None One thousand
8560 (ⅰ) 540 49 (1) One
8561 (ⅱ) 415 50 (2) Two
8562 (ⅲ) 513 51 (3) Three
8563 (ⅳ) 629 52 (4) Four
8564 (ⅴ) 680 53 (5) Five
8565 (ⅵ) 612 54 (6) Six
8566 (ⅶ) 377 55 (7) Seven
8567 (ⅷ) 479 56 (8) Eight
8568 (ⅸ) 587 57 (9) Nine
8569 (ⅹ) 476 8553 (Ⅹ) Ten
8570 (ⅺ) 477 8554 (Ⅺ) Eleven
8571 (ⅻ) 683 8555 (Ⅻ) Twelve
8572 (ⅼ) 566 8556 (Ⅼ) Fifty
8573 (ⅽ) 821 8557 (Ⅽ) One hundred
8574 (ⅾ) 968 8558 (Ⅾ) Five hundred
8575 (ⅿ) 960 8559 (Ⅿ) One thousand
8585 (↉) 1483 None Zero slash three
8596 (↔) 1272 None Left right arrow
8597 (↕) 1027 None Up down arrow
8598 (↖) 1264 None North west arrow
8599 (↗) 1224 None North east arrow
8600 (↘) 1247 None South east arrow
8601 (↙) 1253 None South west arrow
8617 (↩) 1707 None Leftwards arrow with hook
8618 (↪) 1679 None Rightwards arrow with hook
8722 (−) 760 None Minus
8724 (∔) 396 43 (+) Plus
8725 (∕) 579 47 (/) Slash
8726 (∖) 836 92 (\) Backslash
8727 (∗) 850 None Asterisk
8729 (∙) 850 8727 (∗) Asterisk
8758 (∶) 656 58 (:) Colon
8800 (≠) 1047 None Does not equal
8804 (≤) 1559 None Less than or equal to
8805 (≥) 1579 None Greater than or equal to
8814 (≮) 713 60 (<) Less than
8815 (≯) 855 62 (>) Greater than
8986 (⌚) 717 None Watch
8987 (⌛) 909 None Hourglass
9000 (⌨) 781 None Keyboard
9167 (⏏) 1037 None Eject button
9193 (⏩) 2300 None Double right pointing triangles
9194 (⏪) 2437 None Double left pointing triangles
9195 (⏫) 2143 None Double up pointing triangles
9196 (⏬) 2369 None Double down pointing triangles
9197 (⏭) 1236 None Fast forward
9198 (⏮) 1362 None Fast rewind
9199 (⏯) 1271 None Play or pause
9200 (⏰) 1069 None Alarm clock
9201 (⏱) 1058 None Stopwatch
9202 (⏲) 691 None Clock
9203 (⏳) 909 8987 (⌛) Hourglass
9208 (⏸) 1171 None Pause button
9209 (⏹) 1185 None Stop button
9210 (⏺) 1145 None Record button
9312 (①) 540 49 (1) One
9313 (②) 415 50 (2) Two
9314 (③) 513 51 (3) Three
9315 (④) 629 52 (4) Four
9316 (⑤) 680 53 (5) Five
9317 (⑥) 612 54 (6) Six
9318 (⑦) 377 55 (7) Seven
9319 (⑧) 479 56 (8) Eight
9320 (⑨) 587 57 (9) Nine
9321 (⑩) 476 8553 (Ⅹ) Ten
9322 (⑪) 477 8554 (Ⅺ) Eleven
9323 (⑫) 683 8555 (Ⅻ) Twelve
9324 (⑬) 883 None Thirteen
9325 (⑭) 908 None Fourteen
9326 (⑮) 891 None Fifteen
9327 (⑯) 1006 None Sixteen
9328 (⑰) 1002 None Seventeen
9329 (⑱) 880 None Eighteen
9330 (⑲) 884 None Ninteen
9331 (⑳) 557 None Twenty
9332 (⑴) 2956 None Opening parenthases one closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9333 (⑵) 3001 None Opening parenthases two closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9334 (⑶) 2996 None Opening parenthases three closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9335 (⑷) 2930 None Opening parenthases four closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9336 (⑸) 3076 None Opening parenthases five closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9337 (⑹) 3142 None Opening parenthases six closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9338 (⑺) 3112 None Opening parenthases seven closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9339 (⑻) 2929 None Opening parenthases eight closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9340 (⑼) 2931 None Opening parenthases nine closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9341 (⑽) 3081 None Opening parenthases ten closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9342 (⑾) 3002 None Opening parenthases eleven closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9343 (⑿) 3311 None Opening parenthases twelve closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9344 (⒀) 3340 None Opening parenthases thirteen closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9345 (⒁) 3295 None Opening parenthases fourteen closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9346 (⒂) 3129 None Opening parenthases fifteen closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9347 (⒃) 3293 None Opening parenthases sixteen closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9348 (⒄) 3403 None Opening parenthases seventeen closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9349 (⒅) 3106 None Opening parenthases eighteen closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9350 (⒆) 3178 None Opening parenthases nineteen closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9351 (⒇) 3066 None Opening parenthases twenty closing parenthases (does not work anymore, outdated info)
9352 (⒈) 781 None One dot
9353 (⒉) 678 None Two dot
9354 (⒊) 772 None Three dot
9355 (⒋) 716 None Four dot
9356 (⒌) 774 None Five dot
9357 (⒍) 882 None Six dot
9358 (⒎) 743 None Seven dot
9359 (⒏) 692 None Eight dot
9360 (⒐) 838 None Nine dot
9361 (⒑) 718 None Ten dot
9362 (⒒) 794 None Eleven dot
9363 (⒓) 892 None Twelve dot
9364 (⒔) 1093 None Thirteen dot
9365 (⒕) 1178 None Fourteen dot
9366 (⒖) 1056 None Fifteen dot
9367 (⒗) 1082 None Sixteen dot
9368 (⒘) 1104 None Seventeen dot
9369 (⒙) 1104 None Eighteen dot
9370 (⒚) 1100 None Nineteen dot
9371 (⒛) 797 None Twenty dot
9372 (⒜) 2859 None Opening parenthases A closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9373 (⒝) 2878 None Opening parenthases B closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9374 (⒞) 2956 None Opening parenthases C closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9375 (⒟) 2865 None Opening parenthases D closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9376 (⒠) 2797 None Opening parenthases E closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9377 (⒡) 2834 None Opening parenthases F closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9378 (⒢) 2993 None Opening parenthases G closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9379 (⒣) 3047 None Opening parenthases H closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9380 (⒤) 2841 None Opening parenthases I closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9381 (⒥) 2980 None Opening parenthases J closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9382 (⒦) 2949 None Opening parenthases K closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9383 (⒧) 2870 None Opening parenthases L closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9384 (⒨) 2838 None Opening parenthases M closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9385 (⒩) 2816 None Opening parenthases N closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9386 (⒪) 2930 None Opening parenthases O closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9387 (⒫) 2967 None Opening parenthases P closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9388 (⒬) 2881 None Opening parenthases Q closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9389 (⒭) 2776 None Opening parenthases R closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9390 (⒮) 2889 None Opening parenthases S closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9391 (⒯) 2923 None Opening parenthases T closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9392 (⒰) 2843 None Opening parenthases U closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9393 (⒱) 2876 None Opening parenthases V closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9394 (⒲) 3248 None Opening parenthases W closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9395 (⒳) 2904 None Opening parenthases X closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9396 (⒴) 2849 None Opening parenthases Y closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9397 (⒵) 3119 None Opening parenthases Z closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
9398 (Ⓐ) 482 256 (Ā) A
9399 (Ⓑ) 488 66 (B) B
9400 (Ⓒ) 553 67 (C) C
9401 (Ⓓ) 407 68 (D) D
9402 (Ⓔ) 457 69 (E) E
9403 (Ⓕ) 453 70 (F) F
9404 (Ⓖ) 471 71 (G) G
9405 (Ⓗ) 631 72 (H) H
9406 (Ⓘ) 478 73 (I) I
9407 (Ⓙ) 548 74 (J) J
9408 (Ⓚ) 505 75 (K) K
9409 (Ⓛ) 390 76 (L) L
9410 (Ⓜ) 1570 None Incircled letter M
9411 (Ⓝ) 540 78 (N) N
9412 (Ⓞ) 368 79 (O) O
9413 (Ⓟ) 411 80 (P) P
9414 (Ⓠ) 495 81 (Q) Q
9415 (Ⓡ) 485 82 (R) R
9416 (Ⓢ) 543 83 (S) S
9417 (Ⓣ) 358 84 (T) T
9418 (Ⓤ) 493 85 (U) U
9419 (Ⓥ) 411 86 (V) V
9420 (Ⓦ) 574 87 (W) W
9421 (Ⓧ) 672 88 (X) X
9422 (Ⓨ) 404 89 (Y) Y
9423 (Ⓩ) 528 90 (Z) Z
9424 (ⓐ) 482 256 (Ā) A
9425 (ⓑ) 488 66 (B) B
9426 (ⓒ) 553 67 (C) C
9427 (ⓓ) 407 68 (D) D
9428 (ⓔ) 457 69 (E) E
9429 (ⓕ) 453 70 (F) F
9430 (ⓖ) 471 71 (G) G
9431 (ⓗ) 631 72 (H) H
9432 (ⓘ) 478 73 (I) I
9433 (ⓙ) 548 74 (J) J
9434 (ⓚ) 505 75 (K) K
9435 (ⓛ) 390 76 (L) L
9436 (ⓜ) 528 77 (M) M
9437 (ⓝ) 540 78 (N) N
9438 (ⓞ) 368 79 (O) O
9439 (ⓟ) 411 80 (P) P
9440 (ⓠ) 495 81 (Q) Q
9441 (ⓡ) 485 82 (R) R
9442 (ⓢ) 543 83 (S) S
9443 (ⓣ) 358 84 (T) T
9444 (ⓤ) 493 85 (U) U
9445 (ⓥ) 411 86 (V) V
9446 (ⓦ) 574 87 (W) W
9447 (ⓧ) 672 88 (X) X
9448 (ⓨ) 404 89 (Y) Y
9449 (ⓩ) 528 90 (Z) Z
9450 (⓪) 605 8304 (⁰) Zero
9642 (▪) 1453 None Small black square
9643 (▫) 1117 None Small square
9654 (▶) 1865 None Right pointing triangle
9664 (◀) 1892 None Left pointing triangle
9723 (◻) 1258 None Medium square
9724 (◼) 1541 None Medium black square
9725 (◽) 797 None Square
9726 (◾) 990 None Black square
9728 (☀) 607 None Sun
9729 (☁) 883 None Cloud
9730 (☂) 780 None Umbrella
9731 (☃) 879 None Snowman
9732 (☄) 636 None Comet
9742 (☎) 970 None Telephone
9745 (☑) 1059 None Checked box
9748 (☔) 1086 None Open umbrella
9749 (☕) 684 None Coffee
9752 (☘) 961 None Shamrock
9757 (☝) 1267 None Pointing finger
9760 (☠) 748 None Skull
9762 (☢) 1017 None Radioactive
9763 (☣) 1011 None Biohazard
9766 (☦) 1359 None Orthodox cross
9770 (☪) 1401 None Star and cresent
9774 (☮) 932 None Peace dove (should be Peace symbol)
9775 (☯) 777 None Yin yang
9784 (☸) 1156 None Wheel of dharma
9785 (☹) 1251 None Frowning face
9786 (☺) 1148 None Smiley face
9800 (♈) 892 None Aries
9801 (♉) 839 None Torus
9802 (♊) 832 None Gemini
9803 (♋) 798 None Cancer
9804 (♌) 713 None Leo
9805 (♍) 856 None Virgo
9806 (♎) 707 None Libra
9807 (♏) 1087 None Scorpius
9808 (♐) 1277 None Sagitirius
9809 (♑) 975 None Capricorn
9810 (♒) 972 None Aquarius
9811 (♓) 909 None Pisces
9824 (♠) 840 None Spade
9827 (♣) 614 None Club
9829 (♥) 612 None Heart
9830 (♦) 914 None Diamond
9832 (♨) 1106 None Hot springs
9851 (♻) 1560 None Recycling symbol
9855 (♿) 1435 None Wheelchair symbol
9874 (⚒) 1298 None Hammer and pick
9875 (⚓) 681 None Anchor
9876 (⚔) 860 None Swords
9878 (⚖) 894 None Scales
9879 (⚗) 771 None Alembic
9881 (⚙) 664 None Gear
9883 (⚛) 556 None Atom
9884 (⚜) 871 None Fleur-de-lis
9888 (⚠) 1452 None Warning sign
9889 (⚡) 1656 None High voltage sign
9898 (⚪) 875 None Circle
9899 (⚫) 1008 None Black circle
9904 (⚰) 690 None Coffin
9905 (⚱) 1260 None Funeral urn
9917 (⚽) 955 None Football
9918 (⚾) 963 None Baseball
9924 (⛄) 879 9731 (☃) Snowman
9925 (⛅) 1674 None Sun behind cloud
9928 (⛈) 1307 None Lightning showers (???)
9934 (⛎) 1189 None Ophiuchus
9935 (⛏) 871 None Pickaxe
9937 (⛑) 759 None Medic
9939 (⛓) 933 None Chains
9940 (⛔) 1559 None Do not enter sign
9961 (⛩) 831 None Shrine
9962 (⛪) 816 None Church
9968 (⛰) 784 None Mountain
9969 (⛱) 780 9730 (☂) Umbrella
9970 (⛲) 868 None Fountain
9971 (⛳) 1004 None Golf flag
9972 (⛴) 624 None Ferry
9973 (⛵) 947 None Sail boat
9975 (⛷) 533 None Skier
9976 (⛸) 1097 None Ice skate
9977 (⛹) 1599 None Basketball player
9978 (⛺) 547 None Tent
9981 (⛽) 931 None Petrol pump
9986 (✂) 1032 None Black scissors
9989 (✅) 1330 None White tick mark
9992 (✈) 998 None Airplane
9993 (✉) 811 None Envelope
9994 (✊) 1203 None Raised fist
9995 (✋) 1087 None Raised hand
9996 (✌) 1315 None Victory hand
9997 (✍) 740 None Writing
9999 (✏) 760 None Pencil
10002 (✒) 955 None Black pen
10004 (✔) 1325 None Black tick mark
10006 (✖) 1877 None Multiplication sign
10013 (✝) 1274 None Latin cross
10017 (✡) 1194 None Star of david
10024 (✨) 855 None Sparkles
10035 (✳) 998 None Asterisk
10036 (✴) 1022 None Black star
10052 (❄) 1003 None Snow flake
10055 (❇) 934 None Sparkle
10060 (❌) 973 None Cross mark
10062 (❎) 1561 None Cross mark in square
10067 (❓) 1529 None Black question mark
10068 (❔) 1345 None White question mark
10069 (❕) 1887 None White exclamation mark
10071 (❗) 1819 None Black exclamation mark
10083 (❣) 1244 None Profound heart
10084 (❤) 612 9829 (♥) Heart
10133 (➕) 1146 None Plus sign
10134 (➖) 1352 None Minus sign
10135 (➗) 1264 None Division sign
10145 (➡) 931 None Right arrow
10160 (➰) 956 None Curly loop
10175 (➿) 1088 None Loop-de-loop
10187 (⟋) 579 47 (/) Slash
10189 (⟍) 836 92 (\) Backslash
10548 (⤴) 1149 None Curved up arrow
10549 (⤵) 1307 None Curved down arrow
10741 (⧵) 836 92 (\) Backslash
10744 (⧸) 579 47 (/) Slash
10745 (⧹) 836 92 (\) Backslash
10868 (⩴) 1822 None Colon colon equals
10869 (⩵) 1427 None Equals equals
10870 (⩶) 1876 None Equals equals equals
11013 (⬅) 913 None Left arrow
11014 (⬆) 850 None Up arrow
11015 (⬇) 944 None Down arrow
11035 (⬛) 1312 None Big black square
11036 (⬜) 797 9725 (◽) Square
11088 (⭐) 727 None Star
11093 (⭕) 875 9898 (⚪) Circle
11360 (Ⱡ) 390 76 (L) L
11361 (ⱡ) 390 76 (L) L
11362 (Ɫ) 390 76 (L) L
11363 (Ᵽ) 411 80 (P) P
11364 (Ɽ) 485 82 (R) R
11365 (ⱥ) 482 256 (Ā) A
11366 (ⱦ) 358 84 (T) T
11367 (Ⱨ) 631 72 (H) H
11368 (ⱨ) 631 72 (H) H
11369 (Ⱪ) 505 75 (K) K
11370 (ⱪ) 505 75 (K) K
11371 (Ⱬ) 528 90 (Z) Z
11372 (ⱬ) 528 90 (Z) Z
11374 (Ɱ) 528 77 (M) M
11377 (ⱱ) 411 86 (V) V
11378 (Ⱳ) 574 87 (W) W
11379 (ⱳ) 574 87 (W) W
11380 (ⱴ) 411 86 (V) V
11384 (ⱸ) 457 69 (E) E
11385 (ⱹ) 485 82 (R) R
11386 (ⱺ) 368 79 (O) O
11388 (ⱼ) 548 74 (J) J
11389 (ⱽ) 411 86 (V) V
11390 (Ȿ) 543 83 (S) S
11391 (Ɀ) 528 90 (Z) Z
11799 (⸗) 706 45 (-) Dash
11802 (⸚) 706 45 (-) Dash
11834 (⸺) 706 45 (-) Dash
11835 (⸻) 706 45 (-) Dash
11840 (⹀) 706 45 (-) Dash
12336 (〰) 984 None Wavy dash
12349 (〽) 1635 None Part alternation mark
12951 (㊗) 1803 None Chinese for celebration (???)
12953 (㊙) 1644 None Chinese for secrecy (???)
42814 (Ꜿ) 553 67 (C) C
42815 (ꜿ) 553 67 (C) C
42816 (Ꝁ) 505 75 (K) K
42817 (ꝁ) 505 75 (K) K
42818 (Ꝃ) 505 75 (K) K
42819 (ꝃ) 505 75 (K) K
42820 (Ꝅ) 505 75 (K) K
42821 (ꝅ) 505 75 (K) K
42824 (Ꝉ) 390 76 (L) L
42825 (ꝉ) 390 76 (L) L
42826 (Ꝋ) 368 79 (O) O
42827 (ꝋ) 368 79 (O) O
42828 (Ꝍ) 368 79 (O) O
42829 (ꝍ) 368 79 (O) O
42832 (Ꝑ) 411 80 (P) P
42833 (ꝑ) 411 80 (P) P
42834 (Ꝓ) 411 80 (P) P
42835 (ꝓ) 411 80 (P) P
42836 (Ꝕ) 411 80 (P) P
42837 (ꝕ) 411 80 (P) P
42838 (Ꝗ) 495 81 (Q) Q
42839 (ꝗ) 495 81 (Q) Q
42840 (Ꝙ) 495 81 (Q) Q
42841 (ꝙ) 495 81 (Q) Q
42846 (Ꝟ) 411 86 (V) V
42847 (ꝟ) 411 86 (V) V
42894 (ꞎ) 390 76 (L) L
42896 (Ꞑ) 540 78 (N) N
42897 (ꞑ) 540 78 (N) N
42898 (Ꞓ) 553 67 (C) C
42899 (ꞓ) 553 67 (C) C
42900 (ꞔ) 553 67 (C) C
42901 (ꞕ) 631 72 (H) H
42902 (Ꞗ) 488 66 (B) B
42903 (ꞗ) 488 66 (B) B
42904 (Ꞙ) 453 70 (F) F
42905 (ꞙ) 453 70 (F) F
42912 (Ꞡ) 471 71 (G) G
42913 (ꞡ) 471 71 (G) G
42914 (Ꞣ) 505 75 (K) K
42915 (ꞣ) 505 75 (K) K
42916 (Ꞥ) 540 78 (N) N
42917 (ꞥ) 540 78 (N) N
42918 (Ꞧ) 485 82 (R) R
42919 (ꞧ) 485 82 (R) R
42920 (Ꞩ) 543 83 (S) S
42921 (ꞩ) 543 83 (S) S
42922 (Ɦ) 631 72 (H) H
42925 (Ɬ) 390 76 (L) L
42930 (Ʝ) 548 74 (J) J
43000 (ꟸ) 631 72 (H) H
43001 (ꟹ) 533 338 (Œ) Oe
43828 (ꬴ) 457 69 (E) E
43831 (ꬷ) 390 76 (L) L
43832 (ꬸ) 390 76 (L) L
43833 (ꬹ) 390 76 (L) L
43834 (ꬺ) 528 77 (M) M
43835 (ꬻ) 540 78 (N) N
43839 (ꬿ) 368 79 (O) O
43849 (ꭉ) 485 82 (R) R
43854 (ꭎ) 493 85 (U) U
43858 (ꭒ) 493 85 (U) U
43862 (ꭖ) 672 88 (X) X
43863 (ꭗ) 672 88 (X) X
43864 (ꭘ) 672 88 (X) X
43865 (ꭙ) 672 88 (X) X
43866 (ꭚ) 404 89 (Y) Y
43869 (ꭝ) 390 76 (L) L
43870 (ꭞ) 390 76 (L) L
43871 (ꭟ) 493 85 (U) U
64256 (ff) 619 None Ff
64257 (fi) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
64258 (fl) 486 None Fl
64259 (ffi) 364 None FFi
64260 (ffl) 763 None FFl
64261 (ſt) 784 None St
64262 (st) 784 64261 (ſt) St
64297 (﬩) 396 43 (+) Plus
65040 (︐) 432 None Comma
65043 (︓) 656 58 (:) Colon
65044 (︔) 1029 59 (;) Semicolon
65045 (︕) 1333 33 (!) Exclamation mark
65046 (︖) 1161 63 (?) Question mark
65049 (︙) 997 None Dot dot dot
65104 (﹐) 432 65040 (︐) Comma
65106 (﹒) 464 46 (.) Dot
65108 (﹔) 1029 59 (;) Semicolon
65109 (﹕) 656 58 (:) Colon
65110 (﹖) 1161 63 (?) Question mark
65111 (﹗) 1333 33 (!) Exclamation mark
65112 (﹘) 706 45 (-) Dash
65113 (﹙) 1424 8317 (⁽) Opening parenthases
65114 (﹚) 1526 8318 (⁾) Closing parentheses
65115 (﹛) 1076 None Opening brace
65116 (﹜) 1131 None Closing brace
65119 (﹟) 409 35 (#) Hash
65120 (﹠) 329 38 (&) And
65121 (﹡) 850 8727 (∗) Asterisk
65122 (﹢) 396 43 (+) Plus
65123 (﹣) 706 45 (-) Dash
65124 (﹤) 713 60 (<) Less than
65125 (﹥) 855 62 (>) Greater than
65126 (﹦) 779 61 (=) Equals
65128 (﹨) 836 92 (\) Backslash
65129 (﹩) 425 36 ($) Dollar
65130 (﹪) 631 37 (%) Percent
65131 (﹫) 370 64 (@) At
65281 (!) 1333 33 (!) Exclamation mark
65283 (#) 409 35 (#) Hash
65284 ($) 425 36 ($) Dollar
65285 (%) 631 37 (%) Percent
65286 (&) 329 38 (&) And
65291 (+) 396 43 (+) Plus
65293 (-) 706 45 (-) Dash
65294 (.) 464 46 (.) Dot
65295 (/) 579 47 (/) Slash
65296 (0) 605 8304 (⁰) Zero
65297 (1) 540 49 (1) One
65298 (2) 415 50 (2) Two
65299 (3) 513 51 (3) Three
65300 (4) 629 52 (4) Four
65301 (5) 680 53 (5) Five
65302 (6) 612 54 (6) Six
65303 (7) 377 55 (7) Seven
65304 (8) 479 56 (8) Eight
65305 (9) 587 57 (9) Nine
65306 (:) 656 58 (:) Colon
65307 (;) 1029 59 (;) Semicolon
65308 (<) 713 60 (<) Less than
65309 (=) 779 61 (=) Equals
65310 (>) 855 62 (>) Greater than
65311 (?) 1161 63 (?) Question mark
65312 (@) 370 64 (@) At
65313 (A) 528 65 (A) A
65314 (B) 488 66 (B) B
65315 (C) 553 67 (C) C
65316 (D) 407 68 (D) D
65317 (E) 457 69 (E) E
65318 (F) 453 70 (F) F
65319 (G) 471 71 (G) G
65320 (H) 631 72 (H) H
65321 (I) 478 73 (I) I
65322 (J) 548 74 (J) J
65323 (K) 505 75 (K) K
65324 (L) 390 76 (L) L
65325 (M) 528 77 (M) M
65326 (N) 540 78 (N) N
65327 (O) 368 79 (O) O
65328 (P) 411 80 (P) P
65329 (Q) 495 81 (Q) Q
65330 (R) 485 82 (R) R
65331 (S) 543 83 (S) S
65332 (T) 358 84 (T) T
65333 (U) 493 85 (U) U
65334 (V) 411 86 (V) V
65335 (W) 574 87 (W) W
65336 (X) 672 88 (X) X
65337 (Y) 404 89 (Y) Y
65338 (Z) 528 90 (Z) Z
65340 (\) 836 92 (\) Backslash
65342 (^) 633 94 (^) Carrot
65343 (_) 732 95 (_) Underscore
65345 (a) 528 65 (A) A
65346 (b) 488 66 (B) B
65347 (c) 553 67 (C) C
65348 (d) 407 68 (D) D
65349 (e) 457 69 (E) E
65350 (f) 453 70 (F) F
65351 (g) 471 71 (G) G
65352 (h) 631 72 (H) H
65353 (i) 478 73 (I) I
65354 (j) 548 74 (J) J
65355 (k) 505 75 (K) K
65356 (l) 390 76 (L) L
65357 (m) 528 77 (M) M
65358 (n) 540 78 (N) N
65359 (o) 368 79 (O) O
65360 (p) 411 80 (P) P
65361 (q) 495 81 (Q) Q
65362 (r) 485 82 (R) R
65363 (s) 543 83 (S) S
65364 (t) 358 84 (T) T
65365 (u) 493 85 (U) U
65366 (v) 411 86 (V) V
65367 (w) 574 87 (W) W
65368 (x) 672 88 (X) X
65369 (y) 404 89 (Y) Y
65370 (z) 528 90 (Z) Z
65504 (¢) 602 162 (¢) Cent
65505 (£) 662 163 (£) Pound
65506 (¬) 761 172 (¬) Negation
65507 ( ̄) 616 175 (¯) Macron
65508 (¦) 952 166 (¦) Broken bar
65509 (¥) 573 165 (¥) Yen
65510 (₩) 875 8361 (₩) Korean won
119808 (𝐀) 482 256 (Ā) A
119809 (𝐁) 488 66 (B) B
119810 (𝐂) 553 67 (C) C
119811 (𝐃) 407 68 (D) D
119812 (𝐄) 457 69 (E) E
119813 (𝐅) 453 70 (F) F
119814 (𝐆) 471 71 (G) G
119815 (𝐇) 631 72 (H) H
119816 (𝐈) 478 73 (I) I
119817 (𝐉) 548 74 (J) J
119818 (𝐊) 505 75 (K) K
119819 (𝐋) 390 76 (L) L
119820 (𝐌) 528 77 (M) M
119821 (𝐍) 540 78 (N) N
119822 (𝐎) 368 79 (O) O
119823 (𝐏) 411 80 (P) P
119824 (𝐐) 495 81 (Q) Q
119825 (𝐑) 485 82 (R) R
119826 (𝐒) 543 83 (S) S
119827 (𝐓) 358 84 (T) T
119828 (𝐔) 493 85 (U) U
119829 (𝐕) 411 86 (V) V
119830 (𝐖) 574 87 (W) W
119831 (𝐗) 672 88 (X) X
119832 (𝐘) 404 89 (Y) Y
119833 (𝐙) 528 90 (Z) Z
119834 (𝐚) 482 256 (Ā) A
119835 (𝐛) 488 66 (B) B
119836 (𝐜) 553 67 (C) C
119837 (𝐝) 407 68 (D) D
119838 (𝐞) 457 69 (E) E
119839 (𝐟) 453 70 (F) F
119840 (𝐠) 471 71 (G) G
119841 (𝐡) 631 72 (H) H
119842 (𝐢) 478 73 (I) I
119843 (𝐣) 548 74 (J) J
119844 (𝐤) 505 75 (K) K
119845 (𝐥) 390 76 (L) L
119846 (𝐦) 528 77 (M) M
119847 (𝐧) 540 78 (N) N
119848 (𝐨) 368 79 (O) O
119849 (𝐩) 411 80 (P) P
119850 (𝐪) 495 81 (Q) Q
119851 (𝐫) 485 82 (R) R
119852 (𝐬) 543 83 (S) S
119853 (𝐭) 358 84 (T) T
119854 (𝐮) 493 85 (U) U
119855 (𝐯) 411 86 (V) V
119856 (𝐰) 574 87 (W) W
119857 (𝐱) 672 88 (X) X
119858 (𝐲) 404 89 (Y) Y
119859 (𝐳) 528 90 (Z) Z
119860 (𝐴) 482 256 (Ā) A
119861 (𝐵) 488 66 (B) B
119862 (𝐶) 553 67 (C) C
119863 (𝐷) 407 68 (D) D
119864 (𝐸) 457 69 (E) E
119865 (𝐹) 453 70 (F) F
119866 (𝐺) 471 71 (G) G
119867 (𝐻) 631 72 (H) H
119868 (𝐼) 478 73 (I) I
119869 (𝐽) 548 74 (J) J
119870 (𝐾) 505 75 (K) K
119871 (𝐿) 390 76 (L) L
119872 (𝑀) 528 77 (M) M
119873 (𝑁) 540 78 (N) N
119874 (𝑂) 368 79 (O) O
119875 (𝑃) 411 80 (P) P
119876 (𝑄) 495 81 (Q) Q
119877 (𝑅) 485 82 (R) R
119878 (𝑆) 543 83 (S) S
119879 (𝑇) 358 84 (T) T
119880 (𝑈) 493 85 (U) U
119881 (𝑉) 411 86 (V) V
119882 (𝑊) 574 87 (W) W
119883 (𝑋) 672 88 (X) X
119884 (𝑌) 404 89 (Y) Y
119885 (𝑍) 528 90 (Z) Z
119886 (𝑎) 482 256 (Ā) A
119887 (𝑏) 488 66 (B) B
119888 (𝑐) 553 67 (C) C
119889 (𝑑) 407 68 (D) D
119890 (𝑒) 457 69 (E) E
119891 (𝑓) 453 70 (F) F
119892 (𝑔) 471 71 (G) G
119894 (𝑖) 478 73 (I) I
119895 (𝑗) 548 74 (J) J
119896 (𝑘) 505 75 (K) K
119897 (𝑙) 390 76 (L) L
119898 (𝑚) 528 77 (M) M
119899 (𝑛) 540 78 (N) N
119900 (𝑜) 368 79 (O) O
119901 (𝑝) 411 80 (P) P
119902 (𝑞) 495 81 (Q) Q
119903 (𝑟) 485 82 (R) R
119904 (𝑠) 543 83 (S) S
119905 (𝑡) 358 84 (T) T
119906 (𝑢) 493 85 (U) U
119907 (𝑣) 411 86 (V) V
119908 (𝑤) 574 87 (W) W
119909 (𝑥) 672 88 (X) X
119910 (𝑦) 404 89 (Y) Y
119911 (𝑧) 528 90 (Z) Z
119912 (𝑨) 482 256 (Ā) A
119913 (𝑩) 488 66 (B) B
119914 (𝑪) 553 67 (C) C
119915 (𝑫) 407 68 (D) D
119916 (𝑬) 457 69 (E) E
119917 (𝑭) 453 70 (F) F
119918 (𝑮) 471 71 (G) G
119919 (𝑯) 631 72 (H) H
119920 (𝑰) 478 73 (I) I
119921 (𝑱) 548 74 (J) J
119922 (𝑲) 505 75 (K) K
119923 (𝑳) 390 76 (L) L
119924 (𝑴) 528 77 (M) M
119925 (𝑵) 540 78 (N) N
119926 (𝑶) 368 79 (O) O
119927 (𝑷) 411 80 (P) P
119928 (𝑸) 495 81 (Q) Q
119929 (𝑹) 485 82 (R) R
119930 (𝑺) 543 83 (S) S
119931 (𝑻) 358 84 (T) T
119932 (𝑼) 493 85 (U) U
119933 (𝑽) 411 86 (V) V
119934 (𝑾) 574 87 (W) W
119935 (𝑿) 672 88 (X) X
119936 (𝒀) 404 89 (Y) Y
119937 (𝒁) 528 90 (Z) Z
119938 (𝒂) 482 256 (Ā) A
119939 (𝒃) 488 66 (B) B
119940 (𝒄) 553 67 (C) C
119941 (𝒅) 407 68 (D) D
119942 (𝒆) 457 69 (E) E
119943 (𝒇) 453 70 (F) F
119944 (𝒈) 471 71 (G) G
119945 (𝒉) 631 72 (H) H
119946 (𝒊) 478 73 (I) I
119947 (𝒋) 548 74 (J) J
119948 (𝒌) 505 75 (K) K
119949 (𝒍) 390 76 (L) L
119950 (𝒎) 528 77 (M) M
119951 (𝒏) 540 78 (N) N
119952 (𝒐) 368 79 (O) O
119953 (𝒑) 411 80 (P) P
119954 (𝒒) 495 81 (Q) Q
119955 (𝒓) 485 82 (R) R
119956 (𝒔) 543 83 (S) S
119957 (𝒕) 358 84 (T) T
119958 (𝒖) 493 85 (U) U
119959 (𝒗) 411 86 (V) V
119960 (𝒘) 574 87 (W) W
119961 (𝒙) 672 88 (X) X
119962 (𝒚) 404 89 (Y) Y
119963 (𝒛) 528 90 (Z) Z
119964 (𝒜) 482 256 (Ā) A
119966 (𝒞) 553 67 (C) C
119967 (𝒟) 407 68 (D) D
119970 (𝒢) 471 71 (G) G
119973 (𝒥) 548 74 (J) J
119974 (𝒦) 505 75 (K) K
119977 (𝒩) 540 78 (N) N
119978 (𝒪) 368 79 (O) O
119979 (𝒫) 411 80 (P) P
119980 (𝒬) 495 81 (Q) Q
119982 (𝒮) 543 83 (S) S
119983 (𝒯) 358 84 (T) T
119984 (𝒰) 493 85 (U) U
119985 (𝒱) 411 86 (V) V
119986 (𝒲) 574 87 (W) W
119987 (𝒳) 672 88 (X) X
119988 (𝒴) 404 89 (Y) Y
119989 (𝒵) 528 90 (Z) Z
119990 (𝒶) 482 256 (Ā) A
119991 (𝒷) 488 66 (B) B
119992 (𝒸) 553 67 (C) C
119993 (𝒹) 407 68 (D) D
119995 (𝒻) 453 70 (F) F
119997 (𝒽) 631 72 (H) H
119998 (𝒾) 478 73 (I) I
119999 (𝒿) 548 74 (J) J
120000 (𝓀) 505 75 (K) K
120001 (𝓁) 390 76 (L) L
120002 (𝓂) 528 77 (M) M
120003 (𝓃) 540 78 (N) N
120005 (𝓅) 411 80 (P) P
120006 (𝓆) 495 81 (Q) Q
120007 (𝓇) 485 82 (R) R
120008 (𝓈) 543 83 (S) S
120009 (𝓉) 358 84 (T) T
120010 (𝓊) 493 85 (U) U
120011 (𝓋) 411 86 (V) V
120012 (𝓌) 574 87 (W) W
120013 (𝓍) 672 88 (X) X
120014 (𝓎) 404 89 (Y) Y
120015 (𝓏) 528 90 (Z) Z
120016 (𝓐) 482 256 (Ā) A
120017 (𝓑) 488 66 (B) B
120018 (𝓒) 553 67 (C) C
120019 (𝓓) 407 68 (D) D
120020 (𝓔) 457 69 (E) E
120021 (𝓕) 453 70 (F) F
120022 (𝓖) 471 71 (G) G
120023 (𝓗) 631 72 (H) H
120024 (𝓘) 478 73 (I) I
120025 (𝓙) 548 74 (J) J
120026 (𝓚) 505 75 (K) K
120027 (𝓛) 390 76 (L) L
120028 (𝓜) 528 77 (M) M
120029 (𝓝) 540 78 (N) N
120030 (𝓞) 368 79 (O) O
120031 (𝓟) 411 80 (P) P
120032 (𝓠) 495 81 (Q) Q
120033 (𝓡) 485 82 (R) R
120034 (𝓢) 543 83 (S) S
120035 (𝓣) 358 84 (T) T
120036 (𝓤) 493 85 (U) U
120037 (𝓥) 411 86 (V) V
120038 (𝓦) 574 87 (W) W
120039 (𝓧) 672 88 (X) X
120040 (𝓨) 404 89 (Y) Y
120041 (𝓩) 528 90 (Z) Z
120042 (𝓪) 482 256 (Ā) A
120043 (𝓫) 488 66 (B) B
120044 (𝓬) 553 67 (C) C
120045 (𝓭) 407 68 (D) D
120046 (𝓮) 457 69 (E) E
120047 (𝓯) 453 70 (F) F
120048 (𝓰) 471 71 (G) G
120049 (𝓱) 631 72 (H) H
120050 (𝓲) 478 73 (I) I
120051 (𝓳) 548 74 (J) J
120052 (𝓴) 505 75 (K) K
120053 (𝓵) 390 76 (L) L
120054 (𝓶) 528 77 (M) M
120055 (𝓷) 540 78 (N) N
120056 (𝓸) 368 79 (O) O
120057 (𝓹) 411 80 (P) P
120058 (𝓺) 495 81 (Q) Q
120059 (𝓻) 485 82 (R) R
120060 (𝓼) 543 83 (S) S
120061 (𝓽) 358 84 (T) T
120062 (𝓾) 493 85 (U) U
120063 (𝓿) 411 86 (V) V
120064 (𝔀) 574 87 (W) W
120065 (𝔁) 672 88 (X) X
120066 (𝔂) 404 89 (Y) Y
120067 (𝔃) 528 90 (Z) Z
120068 (𝔄) 482 256 (Ā) A
120069 (𝔅) 488 66 (B) B
120071 (𝔇) 407 68 (D) D
120072 (𝔈) 457 69 (E) E
120073 (𝔉) 453 70 (F) F
120074 (𝔊) 471 71 (G) G
120077 (𝔍) 548 74 (J) J
120078 (𝔎) 505 75 (K) K
120079 (𝔏) 390 76 (L) L
120080 (𝔐) 528 77 (M) M
120081 (𝔑) 540 78 (N) N
120082 (𝔒) 368 79 (O) O
120083 (𝔓) 411 80 (P) P
120084 (𝔔) 495 81 (Q) Q
120086 (𝔖) 543 83 (S) S
120087 (𝔗) 358 84 (T) T
120088 (𝔘) 493 85 (U) U
120089 (𝔙) 411 86 (V) V
120090 (𝔚) 574 87 (W) W
120091 (𝔛) 672 88 (X) X
120092 (𝔜) 404 89 (Y) Y
120094 (𝔞) 482 256 (Ā) A
120095 (𝔟) 488 66 (B) B
120096 (𝔠) 553 67 (C) C
120097 (𝔡) 407 68 (D) D
120098 (𝔢) 457 69 (E) E
120099 (𝔣) 453 70 (F) F
120100 (𝔤) 471 71 (G) G
120101 (𝔥) 631 72 (H) H
120102 (𝔦) 478 73 (I) I
120103 (𝔧) 548 74 (J) J
120104 (𝔨) 505 75 (K) K
120105 (𝔩) 390 76 (L) L
120106 (𝔪) 528 77 (M) M
120107 (𝔫) 540 78 (N) N
120108 (𝔬) 368 79 (O) O
120109 (𝔭) 411 80 (P) P
120110 (𝔮) 495 81 (Q) Q
120111 (𝔯) 485 82 (R) R
120112 (𝔰) 543 83 (S) S
120113 (𝔱) 358 84 (T) T
120114 (𝔲) 493 85 (U) U
120115 (𝔳) 411 86 (V) V
120116 (𝔴) 574 87 (W) W
120117 (𝔵) 672 88 (X) X
120118 (𝔶) 404 89 (Y) Y
120119 (𝔷) 528 90 (Z) Z
120120 (𝔸) 482 256 (Ā) A
120121 (𝔹) 488 66 (B) B
120123 (𝔻) 407 68 (D) D
120124 (𝔼) 457 69 (E) E
120125 (𝔽) 453 70 (F) F
120126 (𝔾) 471 71 (G) G
120128 (𝕀) 478 73 (I) I
120129 (𝕁) 548 74 (J) J
120130 (𝕂) 505 75 (K) K
120131 (𝕃) 390 76 (L) L
120132 (𝕄) 528 77 (M) M
120134 (𝕆) 368 79 (O) O
120138 (𝕊) 543 83 (S) S
120139 (𝕋) 358 84 (T) T
120140 (𝕌) 493 85 (U) U
120141 (𝕍) 411 86 (V) V
120142 (𝕎) 574 87 (W) W
120143 (𝕏) 672 88 (X) X
120144 (𝕐) 404 89 (Y) Y
120146 (𝕒) 482 256 (Ā) A
120147 (𝕓) 488 66 (B) B
120148 (𝕔) 553 67 (C) C
120149 (𝕕) 407 68 (D) D
120150 (𝕖) 457 69 (E) E
120151 (𝕗) 453 70 (F) F
120152 (𝕘) 471 71 (G) G
120153 (𝕙) 631 72 (H) H
120154 (𝕚) 478 73 (I) I
120155 (𝕛) 548 74 (J) J
120156 (𝕜) 505 75 (K) K
120157 (𝕝) 390 76 (L) L
120158 (𝕞) 528 77 (M) M
120159 (𝕟) 540 78 (N) N
120160 (𝕠) 368 79 (O) O
120161 (𝕡) 411 80 (P) P
120162 (𝕢) 495 81 (Q) Q
120163 (𝕣) 485 82 (R) R
120164 (𝕤) 543 83 (S) S
120165 (𝕥) 358 84 (T) T
120166 (𝕦) 493 85 (U) U
120167 (𝕧) 411 86 (V) V
120168 (𝕨) 574 87 (W) W
120169 (𝕩) 672 88 (X) X
120170 (𝕪) 404 89 (Y) Y
120171 (𝕫) 528 90 (Z) Z
120172 (𝕬) 482 256 (Ā) A
120173 (𝕭) 488 66 (B) B
120174 (𝕮) 553 67 (C) C
120175 (𝕯) 407 68 (D) D
120176 (𝕰) 457 69 (E) E
120177 (𝕱) 453 70 (F) F
120178 (𝕲) 471 71 (G) G
120179 (𝕳) 631 72 (H) H
120180 (𝕴) 478 73 (I) I
120181 (𝕵) 548 74 (J) J
120182 (𝕶) 505 75 (K) K
120183 (𝕷) 390 76 (L) L
120184 (𝕸) 528 77 (M) M
120185 (𝕹) 540 78 (N) N
120186 (𝕺) 368 79 (O) O
120187 (𝕻) 411 80 (P) P
120188 (𝕼) 495 81 (Q) Q
120189 (𝕽) 485 82 (R) R
120190 (𝕾) 543 83 (S) S
120191 (𝕿) 358 84 (T) T
120192 (𝖀) 493 85 (U) U
120193 (𝖁) 411 86 (V) V
120194 (𝖂) 574 87 (W) W
120195 (𝖃) 672 88 (X) X
120196 (𝖄) 404 89 (Y) Y
120197 (𝖅) 528 90 (Z) Z
120198 (𝖆) 482 256 (Ā) A
120199 (𝖇) 488 66 (B) B
120200 (𝖈) 553 67 (C) C
120201 (𝖉) 407 68 (D) D
120202 (𝖊) 457 69 (E) E
120203 (𝖋) 453 70 (F) F
120204 (𝖌) 471 71 (G) G
120205 (𝖍) 631 72 (H) H
120206 (𝖎) 478 73 (I) I
120207 (𝖏) 548 74 (J) J
120208 (𝖐) 505 75 (K) K
120209 (𝖑) 390 76 (L) L
120210 (𝖒) 528 77 (M) M
120211 (𝖓) 540 78 (N) N
120212 (𝖔) 368 79 (O) O
120213 (𝖕) 411 80 (P) P
120214 (𝖖) 495 81 (Q) Q
120215 (𝖗) 485 82 (R) R
120216 (𝖘) 543 83 (S) S
120217 (𝖙) 358 84 (T) T
120218 (𝖚) 493 85 (U) U
120219 (𝖛) 411 86 (V) V
120220 (𝖜) 574 87 (W) W
120221 (𝖝) 672 88 (X) X
120222 (𝖞) 404 89 (Y) Y
120223 (𝖟) 528 90 (Z) Z
120224 (𝖠) 482 256 (Ā) A
120225 (𝖡) 488 66 (B) B
120226 (𝖢) 553 67 (C) C
120227 (𝖣) 407 68 (D) D
120228 (𝖤) 457 69 (E) E
120229 (𝖥) 453 70 (F) F
120230 (𝖦) 471 71 (G) G
120231 (𝖧) 631 72 (H) H
120232 (𝖨) 478 73 (I) I
120233 (𝖩) 548 74 (J) J
120234 (𝖪) 505 75 (K) K
120235 (𝖫) 390 76 (L) L
120236 (𝖬) 528 77 (M) M
120237 (𝖭) 540 78 (N) N
120238 (𝖮) 368 79 (O) O
120239 (𝖯) 411 80 (P) P
120240 (𝖰) 495 81 (Q) Q
120241 (𝖱) 485 82 (R) R
120242 (𝖲) 543 83 (S) S
120243 (𝖳) 358 84 (T) T
120244 (𝖴) 493 85 (U) U
120245 (𝖵) 411 86 (V) V
120246 (𝖶) 574 87 (W) W
120247 (𝖷) 672 88 (X) X
120248 (𝖸) 404 89 (Y) Y
120249 (𝖹) 528 90 (Z) Z
120250 (𝖺) 482 256 (Ā) A
120251 (𝖻) 488 66 (B) B
120252 (𝖼) 553 67 (C) C
120253 (𝖽) 407 68 (D) D
120254 (𝖾) 457 69 (E) E
120255 (𝖿) 453 70 (F) F
120256 (𝗀) 471 71 (G) G
120257 (𝗁) 631 72 (H) H
120258 (𝗂) 478 73 (I) I
120259 (𝗃) 548 74 (J) J
120260 (𝗄) 505 75 (K) K
120261 (𝗅) 390 76 (L) L
120262 (𝗆) 528 77 (M) M
120263 (𝗇) 540 78 (N) N
120264 (𝗈) 368 79 (O) O
120265 (𝗉) 411 80 (P) P
120266 (𝗊) 495 81 (Q) Q
120267 (𝗋) 485 82 (R) R
120268 (𝗌) 543 83 (S) S
120269 (𝗍) 358 84 (T) T
120270 (𝗎) 493 85 (U) U
120271 (𝗏) 411 86 (V) V
120272 (𝗐) 574 87 (W) W
120273 (𝗑) 672 88 (X) X
120274 (𝗒) 404 89 (Y) Y
120275 (𝗓) 528 90 (Z) Z
120276 (𝗔) 482 256 (Ā) A
120277 (𝗕) 488 66 (B) B
120278 (𝗖) 553 67 (C) C
120279 (𝗗) 407 68 (D) D
120280 (𝗘) 457 69 (E) E
120281 (𝗙) 453 70 (F) F
120282 (𝗚) 471 71 (G) G
120283 (𝗛) 631 72 (H) H
120284 (𝗜) 478 73 (I) I
120285 (𝗝) 548 74 (J) J
120286 (𝗞) 505 75 (K) K
120287 (𝗟) 390 76 (L) L
120288 (𝗠) 528 77 (M) M
120289 (𝗡) 540 78 (N) N
120290 (𝗢) 368 79 (O) O
120291 (𝗣) 411 80 (P) P
120292 (𝗤) 495 81 (Q) Q
120293 (𝗥) 485 82 (R) R
120294 (𝗦) 543 83 (S) S
120295 (𝗧) 358 84 (T) T
120296 (𝗨) 493 85 (U) U
120297 (𝗩) 411 86 (V) V
120298 (𝗪) 574 87 (W) W
120299 (𝗫) 672 88 (X) X
120300 (𝗬) 404 89 (Y) Y
120301 (𝗭) 528 90 (Z) Z
120302 (𝗮) 482 256 (Ā) A
120303 (𝗯) 488 66 (B) B
120304 (𝗰) 553 67 (C) C
120305 (𝗱) 407 68 (D) D
120306 (𝗲) 457 69 (E) E
120307 (𝗳) 453 70 (F) F
120308 (𝗴) 471 71 (G) G
120309 (𝗵) 631 72 (H) H
120310 (𝗶) 478 73 (I) I
120311 (𝗷) 548 74 (J) J
120312 (𝗸) 505 75 (K) K
120313 (𝗹) 390 76 (L) L
120314 (𝗺) 528 77 (M) M
120315 (𝗻) 540 78 (N) N
120316 (𝗼) 368 79 (O) O
120317 (𝗽) 411 80 (P) P
120318 (𝗾) 495 81 (Q) Q
120319 (𝗿) 485 82 (R) R
120320 (𝘀) 543 83 (S) S
120321 (𝘁) 358 84 (T) T
120322 (𝘂) 493 85 (U) U
120323 (𝘃) 411 86 (V) V
120324 (𝘄) 574 87 (W) W
120325 (𝘅) 672 88 (X) X
120326 (𝘆) 404 89 (Y) Y
120327 (𝘇) 528 90 (Z) Z
120328 (𝘈) 482 256 (Ā) A
120329 (𝘉) 488 66 (B) B
120330 (𝘊) 553 67 (C) C
120331 (𝘋) 407 68 (D) D
120332 (𝘌) 457 69 (E) E
120333 (𝘍) 453 70 (F) F
120334 (𝘎) 471 71 (G) G
120335 (𝘏) 631 72 (H) H
120336 (𝘐) 478 73 (I) I
120337 (𝘑) 548 74 (J) J
120338 (𝘒) 505 75 (K) K
120339 (𝘓) 390 76 (L) L
120340 (𝘔) 528 77 (M) M
120341 (𝘕) 540 78 (N) N
120342 (𝘖) 368 79 (O) O
120343 (𝘗) 411 80 (P) P
120344 (𝘘) 495 81 (Q) Q
120345 (𝘙) 485 82 (R) R
120346 (𝘚) 543 83 (S) S
120347 (𝘛) 358 84 (T) T
120348 (𝘜) 493 85 (U) U
120349 (𝘝) 411 86 (V) V
120350 (𝘞) 574 87 (W) W
120351 (𝘟) 672 88 (X) X
120352 (𝘠) 404 89 (Y) Y
120353 (𝘡) 528 90 (Z) Z
120354 (𝘢) 482 256 (Ā) A
120355 (𝘣) 488 66 (B) B
120356 (𝘤) 553 67 (C) C
120357 (𝘥) 407 68 (D) D
120358 (𝘦) 457 69 (E) E
120359 (𝘧) 453 70 (F) F
120360 (𝘨) 471 71 (G) G
120361 (𝘩) 631 72 (H) H
120362 (𝘪) 478 73 (I) I
120363 (𝘫) 548 74 (J) J
120364 (𝘬) 505 75 (K) K
120365 (𝘭) 390 76 (L) L
120366 (𝘮) 528 77 (M) M
120367 (𝘯) 540 78 (N) N
120368 (𝘰) 368 79 (O) O
120369 (𝘱) 411 80 (P) P
120370 (𝘲) 495 81 (Q) Q
120371 (𝘳) 485 82 (R) R
120372 (𝘴) 543 83 (S) S
120373 (𝘵) 358 84 (T) T
120374 (𝘶) 493 85 (U) U
120375 (𝘷) 411 86 (V) V
120376 (𝘸) 574 87 (W) W
120377 (𝘹) 672 88 (X) X
120378 (𝘺) 404 89 (Y) Y
120379 (𝘻) 528 90 (Z) Z
120380 (𝘼) 482 256 (Ā) A
120381 (𝘽) 488 66 (B) B
120382 (𝘾) 553 67 (C) C
120383 (𝘿) 407 68 (D) D
120384 (𝙀) 457 69 (E) E
120385 (𝙁) 453 70 (F) F
120386 (𝙂) 471 71 (G) G
120387 (𝙃) 631 72 (H) H
120388 (𝙄) 478 73 (I) I
120389 (𝙅) 548 74 (J) J
120390 (𝙆) 505 75 (K) K
120391 (𝙇) 390 76 (L) L
120392 (𝙈) 528 77 (M) M
120393 (𝙉) 540 78 (N) N
120394 (𝙊) 368 79 (O) O
120395 (𝙋) 411 80 (P) P
120396 (𝙌) 495 81 (Q) Q
120397 (𝙍) 485 82 (R) R
120398 (𝙎) 543 83 (S) S
120399 (𝙏) 358 84 (T) T
120400 (𝙐) 493 85 (U) U
120401 (𝙑) 411 86 (V) V
120402 (𝙒) 574 87 (W) W
120403 (𝙓) 672 88 (X) X
120404 (𝙔) 404 89 (Y) Y
120405 (𝙕) 528 90 (Z) Z
120406 (𝙖) 482 256 (Ā) A
120407 (𝙗) 488 66 (B) B
120408 (𝙘) 553 67 (C) C
120409 (𝙙) 407 68 (D) D
120410 (𝙚) 457 69 (E) E
120411 (𝙛) 453 70 (F) F
120412 (𝙜) 471 71 (G) G
120413 (𝙝) 631 72 (H) H
120414 (𝙞) 478 73 (I) I
120415 (𝙟) 548 74 (J) J
120416 (𝙠) 505 75 (K) K
120417 (𝙡) 390 76 (L) L
120418 (𝙢) 528 77 (M) M
120419 (𝙣) 540 78 (N) N
120420 (𝙤) 368 79 (O) O
120421 (𝙥) 411 80 (P) P
120422 (𝙦) 495 81 (Q) Q
120423 (𝙧) 485 82 (R) R
120424 (𝙨) 543 83 (S) S
120425 (𝙩) 358 84 (T) T
120426 (𝙪) 493 85 (U) U
120427 (𝙫) 411 86 (V) V
120428 (𝙬) 574 87 (W) W
120429 (𝙭) 672 88 (X) X
120430 (𝙮) 404 89 (Y) Y
120431 (𝙯) 528 90 (Z) Z
120432 (𝙰) 482 256 (Ā) A
120433 (𝙱) 488 66 (B) B
120434 (𝙲) 553 67 (C) C
120435 (𝙳) 407 68 (D) D
120436 (𝙴) 457 69 (E) E
120437 (𝙵) 453 70 (F) F
120438 (𝙶) 471 71 (G) G
120439 (𝙷) 631 72 (H) H
120440 (𝙸) 478 73 (I) I
120441 (𝙹) 548 74 (J) J
120442 (𝙺) 505 75 (K) K
120443 (𝙻) 390 76 (L) L
120444 (𝙼) 528 77 (M) M
120445 (𝙽) 540 78 (N) N
120446 (𝙾) 368 79 (O) O
120447 (𝙿) 411 80 (P) P
120448 (𝚀) 495 81 (Q) Q
120449 (𝚁) 485 82 (R) R
120450 (𝚂) 543 83 (S) S
120451 (𝚃) 358 84 (T) T
120452 (𝚄) 493 85 (U) U
120453 (𝚅) 411 86 (V) V
120454 (𝚆) 574 87 (W) W
120455 (𝚇) 672 88 (X) X
120456 (𝚈) 404 89 (Y) Y
120457 (𝚉) 528 90 (Z) Z
120458 (𝚊) 482 256 (Ā) A
120459 (𝚋) 488 66 (B) B
120460 (𝚌) 553 67 (C) C
120461 (𝚍) 407 68 (D) D
120462 (𝚎) 457 69 (E) E
120463 (𝚏) 453 70 (F) F
120464 (𝚐) 471 71 (G) G
120465 (𝚑) 631 72 (H) H
120466 (𝚒) 478 73 (I) I
120467 (𝚓) 548 74 (J) J
120468 (𝚔) 505 75 (K) K
120469 (𝚕) 390 76 (L) L
120470 (𝚖) 528 77 (M) M
120471 (𝚗) 540 78 (N) N
120472 (𝚘) 368 79 (O) O
120473 (𝚙) 411 80 (P) P
120474 (𝚚) 495 81 (Q) Q
120475 (𝚛) 485 82 (R) R
120476 (𝚜) 543 83 (S) S
120477 (𝚝) 358 84 (T) T
120478 (𝚞) 493 85 (U) U
120479 (𝚟) 411 86 (V) V
120480 (𝚠) 574 87 (W) W
120481 (𝚡) 672 88 (X) X
120482 (𝚢) 404 89 (Y) Y
120483 (𝚣) 528 90 (Z) Z
120488 (𝚨) 571 913 (Α) Alpha
120489 (𝚩) 516 914 (Β) Beta
120490 (𝚪) 388 915 (Γ) Gamma
120491 (𝚫) 490 916 (Δ) Delta
120492 (𝚬) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
120493 (𝚭) 464 918 (Ζ) Zetta
120494 (𝚮) 463 919 (Η) Eta
120495 (𝚯) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120496 (𝚰) 581 837 (ͅ) Iota
120497 (𝚱) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
120498 (𝚲) 545 923 (Λ) Lambda
120499 (𝚳) 513 181 (µ) Miu
120500 (𝚴) 574 925 (Ν) Miu
120501 (𝚵) 411 926 (Ξ) Xi
120502 (𝚶) 800 927 (Ο) Omicron
120503 (𝚷) 386 928 (Π) Pi
120504 (𝚸) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
120505 (𝚹) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120506 (𝚺) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
120507 (𝚻) 434 932 (Τ) Tau
120508 (𝚼) 788 933 (Υ) Upsilon
120509 (𝚽) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
120510 (𝚾) 388 935 (Χ) Chi
120511 (𝚿) 523 936 (Ψ) Psi
120512 (𝛀) 580 969 (ω) Omega
120514 (𝛂) 571 913 (Α) Alpha
120515 (𝛃) 516 914 (Β) Beta
120516 (𝛄) 388 915 (Γ) Gamma
120517 (𝛅) 490 916 (Δ) Delta
120518 (𝛆) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
120519 (𝛇) 464 918 (Ζ) Zetta
120520 (𝛈) 463 919 (Η) Eta
120521 (𝛉) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120522 (𝛊) 581 837 (ͅ) Iota
120523 (𝛋) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
120524 (𝛌) 545 923 (Λ) Lambda
120525 (𝛍) 513 181 (µ) Miu
120526 (𝛎) 574 925 (Ν) Miu
120527 (𝛏) 411 926 (Ξ) Xi
120528 (𝛐) 800 927 (Ο) Omicron
120529 (𝛑) 386 928 (Π) Pi
120530 (𝛒) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
120531 (𝛓) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
120532 (𝛔) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
120533 (𝛕) 434 932 (Τ) Tau
120534 (𝛖) 788 933 (Υ) Upsilon
120535 (𝛗) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
120536 (𝛘) 388 935 (Χ) Chi
120537 (𝛙) 523 936 (Ψ) Psi
120538 (𝛚) 580 969 (ω) Omega
120540 (𝛜) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
120541 (𝛝) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120542 (𝛞) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
120543 (𝛟) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
120544 (𝛠) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
120545 (𝛡) 386 928 (Π) Pi
120546 (𝛢) 571 913 (Α) Alpha
120547 (𝛣) 516 914 (Β) Beta
120548 (𝛤) 388 915 (Γ) Gamma
120549 (𝛥) 490 916 (Δ) Delta
120550 (𝛦) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
120551 (𝛧) 464 918 (Ζ) Zetta
120552 (𝛨) 463 919 (Η) Eta
120553 (𝛩) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120554 (𝛪) 581 837 (ͅ) Iota
120555 (𝛫) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
120556 (𝛬) 545 923 (Λ) Lambda
120557 (𝛭) 513 181 (µ) Miu
120558 (𝛮) 574 925 (Ν) Miu
120559 (𝛯) 411 926 (Ξ) Xi
120560 (𝛰) 800 927 (Ο) Omicron
120561 (𝛱) 386 928 (Π) Pi
120562 (𝛲) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
120563 (𝛳) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120564 (𝛴) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
120565 (𝛵) 434 932 (Τ) Tau
120566 (𝛶) 788 933 (Υ) Upsilon
120567 (𝛷) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
120568 (𝛸) 388 935 (Χ) Chi
120569 (𝛹) 523 936 (Ψ) Psi
120570 (𝛺) 580 969 (ω) Omega
120572 (𝛼) 571 913 (Α) Alpha
120573 (𝛽) 516 914 (Β) Beta
120574 (𝛾) 388 915 (Γ) Gamma
120575 (𝛿) 490 916 (Δ) Delta
120576 (𝜀) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
120577 (𝜁) 464 918 (Ζ) Zetta
120578 (𝜂) 463 919 (Η) Eta
120579 (𝜃) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120580 (𝜄) 581 837 (ͅ) Iota
120581 (𝜅) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
120582 (𝜆) 545 923 (Λ) Lambda
120583 (𝜇) 513 181 (µ) Miu
120584 (𝜈) 574 925 (Ν) Miu
120585 (𝜉) 411 926 (Ξ) Xi
120586 (𝜊) 800 927 (Ο) Omicron
120587 (𝜋) 386 928 (Π) Pi
120588 (𝜌) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
120589 (𝜍) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
120590 (𝜎) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
120591 (𝜏) 434 932 (Τ) Tau
120592 (𝜐) 788 933 (Υ) Upsilon
120593 (𝜑) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
120594 (𝜒) 388 935 (Χ) Chi
120595 (𝜓) 523 936 (Ψ) Psi
120596 (𝜔) 580 969 (ω) Omega
120598 (𝜖) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
120599 (𝜗) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120600 (𝜘) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
120601 (𝜙) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
120602 (𝜚) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
120603 (𝜛) 386 928 (Π) Pi
120604 (𝜜) 571 913 (Α) Alpha
120605 (𝜝) 516 914 (Β) Beta
120606 (𝜞) 388 915 (Γ) Gamma
120607 (𝜟) 490 916 (Δ) Delta
120608 (𝜠) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
120609 (𝜡) 464 918 (Ζ) Zetta
120610 (𝜢) 463 919 (Η) Eta
120611 (𝜣) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120612 (𝜤) 581 837 (ͅ) Iota
120613 (𝜥) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
120614 (𝜦) 545 923 (Λ) Lambda
120615 (𝜧) 513 181 (µ) Miu
120616 (𝜨) 574 925 (Ν) Miu
120617 (𝜩) 411 926 (Ξ) Xi
120618 (𝜪) 800 927 (Ο) Omicron
120619 (𝜫) 386 928 (Π) Pi
120620 (𝜬) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
120621 (𝜭) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120622 (𝜮) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
120623 (𝜯) 434 932 (Τ) Tau
120624 (𝜰) 788 933 (Υ) Upsilon
120625 (𝜱) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
120626 (𝜲) 388 935 (Χ) Chi
120627 (𝜳) 523 936 (Ψ) Psi
120628 (𝜴) 580 969 (ω) Omega
120630 (𝜶) 571 913 (Α) Alpha
120631 (𝜷) 516 914 (Β) Beta
120632 (𝜸) 388 915 (Γ) Gamma
120633 (𝜹) 490 916 (Δ) Delta
120634 (𝜺) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
120635 (𝜻) 464 918 (Ζ) Zetta
120636 (𝜼) 463 919 (Η) Eta
120637 (𝜽) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120638 (𝜾) 581 837 (ͅ) Iota
120639 (𝜿) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
120640 (𝝀) 545 923 (Λ) Lambda
120641 (𝝁) 513 181 (µ) Miu
120642 (𝝂) 574 925 (Ν) Miu
120643 (𝝃) 411 926 (Ξ) Xi
120644 (𝝄) 800 927 (Ο) Omicron
120645 (𝝅) 386 928 (Π) Pi
120646 (𝝆) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
120647 (𝝇) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
120648 (𝝈) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
120649 (𝝉) 434 932 (Τ) Tau
120650 (𝝊) 788 933 (Υ) Upsilon
120651 (𝝋) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
120652 (𝝌) 388 935 (Χ) Chi
120653 (𝝍) 523 936 (Ψ) Psi
120654 (𝝎) 580 969 (ω) Omega
120656 (𝝐) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
120657 (𝝑) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120658 (𝝒) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
120659 (𝝓) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
120660 (𝝔) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
120661 (𝝕) 386 928 (Π) Pi
120662 (𝝖) 571 913 (Α) Alpha
120663 (𝝗) 516 914 (Β) Beta
120664 (𝝘) 388 915 (Γ) Gamma
120665 (𝝙) 490 916 (Δ) Delta
120666 (𝝚) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
120667 (𝝛) 464 918 (Ζ) Zetta
120668 (𝝜) 463 919 (Η) Eta
120669 (𝝝) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120670 (𝝞) 581 837 (ͅ) Iota
120671 (𝝟) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
120672 (𝝠) 545 923 (Λ) Lambda
120673 (𝝡) 513 181 (µ) Miu
120674 (𝝢) 574 925 (Ν) Miu
120675 (𝝣) 411 926 (Ξ) Xi
120676 (𝝤) 800 927 (Ο) Omicron
120677 (𝝥) 386 928 (Π) Pi
120678 (𝝦) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
120679 (𝝧) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120680 (𝝨) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
120681 (𝝩) 434 932 (Τ) Tau
120682 (𝝪) 788 933 (Υ) Upsilon
120683 (𝝫) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
120684 (𝝬) 388 935 (Χ) Chi
120685 (𝝭) 523 936 (Ψ) Psi
120686 (𝝮) 580 969 (ω) Omega
120688 (𝝰) 571 913 (Α) Alpha
120689 (𝝱) 516 914 (Β) Beta
120690 (𝝲) 388 915 (Γ) Gamma
120691 (𝝳) 490 916 (Δ) Delta
120692 (𝝴) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
120693 (𝝵) 464 918 (Ζ) Zetta
120694 (𝝶) 463 919 (Η) Eta
120695 (𝝷) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120696 (𝝸) 581 837 (ͅ) Iota
120697 (𝝹) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
120698 (𝝺) 545 923 (Λ) Lambda
120699 (𝝻) 513 181 (µ) Miu
120700 (𝝼) 574 925 (Ν) Miu
120701 (𝝽) 411 926 (Ξ) Xi
120702 (𝝾) 800 927 (Ο) Omicron
120703 (𝝿) 386 928 (Π) Pi
120704 (𝞀) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
120705 (𝞁) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
120706 (𝞂) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
120707 (𝞃) 434 932 (Τ) Tau
120708 (𝞄) 788 933 (Υ) Upsilon
120709 (𝞅) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
120710 (𝞆) 388 935 (Χ) Chi
120711 (𝞇) 523 936 (Ψ) Psi
120712 (𝞈) 580 969 (ω) Omega
120714 (𝞊) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
120715 (𝞋) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120716 (𝞌) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
120717 (𝞍) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
120718 (𝞎) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
120719 (𝞏) 386 928 (Π) Pi
120720 (𝞐) 571 913 (Α) Alpha
120721 (𝞑) 516 914 (Β) Beta
120722 (𝞒) 388 915 (Γ) Gamma
120723 (𝞓) 490 916 (Δ) Delta
120724 (𝞔) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
120725 (𝞕) 464 918 (Ζ) Zetta
120726 (𝞖) 463 919 (Η) Eta
120727 (𝞗) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120728 (𝞘) 581 837 (ͅ) Iota
120729 (𝞙) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
120730 (𝞚) 545 923 (Λ) Lambda
120731 (𝞛) 513 181 (µ) Miu
120732 (𝞜) 574 925 (Ν) Miu
120733 (𝞝) 411 926 (Ξ) Xi
120734 (𝞞) 800 927 (Ο) Omicron
120735 (𝞟) 386 928 (Π) Pi
120736 (𝞠) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
120737 (𝞡) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120738 (𝞢) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
120739 (𝞣) 434 932 (Τ) Tau
120740 (𝞤) 788 933 (Υ) Upsilon
120741 (𝞥) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
120742 (𝞦) 388 935 (Χ) Chi
120743 (𝞧) 523 936 (Ψ) Psi
120744 (𝞨) 580 969 (ω) Omega
120746 (𝞪) 571 913 (Α) Alpha
120747 (𝞫) 516 914 (Β) Beta
120748 (𝞬) 388 915 (Γ) Gamma
120749 (𝞭) 490 916 (Δ) Delta
120750 (𝞮) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
120751 (𝞯) 464 918 (Ζ) Zetta
120752 (𝞰) 463 919 (Η) Eta
120753 (𝞱) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120754 (𝞲) 581 837 (ͅ) Iota
120755 (𝞳) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
120756 (𝞴) 545 923 (Λ) Lambda
120757 (𝞵) 513 181 (µ) Miu
120758 (𝞶) 574 925 (Ν) Miu
120759 (𝞷) 411 926 (Ξ) Xi
120760 (𝞸) 800 927 (Ο) Omicron
120761 (𝞹) 386 928 (Π) Pi
120762 (𝞺) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
120763 (𝞻) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
120764 (𝞼) 539 931 (Σ) Sigma
120765 (𝞽) 434 932 (Τ) Tau
120766 (𝞾) 788 933 (Υ) Upsilon
120767 (𝞿) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
120768 (𝟀) 388 935 (Χ) Chi
120769 (𝟁) 523 936 (Ψ) Psi
120770 (𝟂) 580 969 (ω) Omega
120772 (𝟄) 740 917 (Ε) Epsilon
120773 (𝟅) 568 920 (Θ) Theta
120774 (𝟆) 467 922 (Κ) Kappa
120775 (𝟇) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
120776 (𝟈) 442 929 (Ρ) Ro
120777 (𝟉) 386 928 (Π) Pi
120782 (𝟎) 605 8304 (⁰) Zero
120783 (𝟏) 540 49 (1) One
120784 (𝟐) 415 50 (2) Two
120785 (𝟑) 513 51 (3) Three
120786 (𝟒) 629 52 (4) Four
120787 (𝟓) 680 53 (5) Five
120788 (𝟔) 612 54 (6) Six
120789 (𝟕) 377 55 (7) Seven
120790 (𝟖) 479 56 (8) Eight
120791 (𝟗) 587 57 (9) Nine
120792 (𝟘) 605 8304 (⁰) Zero
120793 (𝟙) 540 49 (1) One
120794 (𝟚) 415 50 (2) Two
120795 (𝟛) 513 51 (3) Three
120796 (𝟜) 629 52 (4) Four
120797 (𝟝) 680 53 (5) Five
120798 (𝟞) 612 54 (6) Six
120799 (𝟟) 377 55 (7) Seven
120800 (𝟠) 479 56 (8) Eight
120801 (𝟡) 587 57 (9) Nine
120802 (𝟢) 605 8304 (⁰) Zero
120803 (𝟣) 540 49 (1) One
120804 (𝟤) 415 50 (2) Two
120805 (𝟥) 513 51 (3) Three
120806 (𝟦) 629 52 (4) Four
120807 (𝟧) 680 53 (5) Five
120808 (𝟨) 612 54 (6) Six
120809 (𝟩) 377 55 (7) Seven
120810 (𝟪) 479 56 (8) Eight
120811 (𝟫) 587 57 (9) Nine
120812 (𝟬) 605 8304 (⁰) Zero
120813 (𝟭) 540 49 (1) One
120814 (𝟮) 415 50 (2) Two
120815 (𝟯) 513 51 (3) Three
120816 (𝟰) 629 52 (4) Four
120817 (𝟱) 680 53 (5) Five
120818 (𝟲) 612 54 (6) Six
120819 (𝟳) 377 55 (7) Seven
120820 (𝟴) 479 56 (8) Eight
120821 (𝟵) 587 57 (9) Nine
120822 (𝟶) 605 8304 (⁰) Zero
120823 (𝟷) 540 49 (1) One
120824 (𝟸) 415 50 (2) Two
120825 (𝟹) 513 51 (3) Three
120826 (𝟺) 629 52 (4) Four
120827 (𝟻) 680 53 (5) Five
120828 (𝟼) 612 54 (6) Six
120829 (𝟽) 377 55 (7) Seven
120830 (𝟾) 479 56 (8) Eight
120831 (𝟿) 587 57 (9) Nine
126980 (🀄) 2030 None Red dragon mahjong tile
127183 (🃏) 1557 None Joker playing card
127232 (🄀) 971 None Zero dot
127233 (🄁) 996 None Zero comma
127234 (🄂) 793 None One comma
127235 (🄃) 686 None Two comma
127236 (🄄) 746 None Three comma
127237 (🄅) 685 None Four comma
127238 (🄆) 912 None Five comma
127239 (🄇) 891 None Six comma
127240 (🄈) 785 None Seven comma
127241 (🄉) 766 None Eight comma
127242 (🄊) 820 None Nine comma
127248 (🄐) 2859 9372 (⒜) Opening parenthases A closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127249 (🄑) 2878 9373 (⒝) Opening parenthases B closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127250 (🄒) 2956 9374 (⒞) Opening parenthases C closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127251 (🄓) 2865 9375 (⒟) Opening parenthases D closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127252 (🄔) 2797 9376 (⒠) Opening parenthases E closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127253 (🄕) 2834 9377 (⒡) Opening parenthases F closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127254 (🄖) 2993 9378 (⒢) Opening parenthases G closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127255 (🄗) 3047 9379 (⒣) Opening parenthases H closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127256 (🄘) 2841 9380 (⒤) Opening parenthases I closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127257 (🄙) 2980 9381 (⒥) Opening parenthases J closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127258 (🄚) 2949 9382 (⒦) Opening parenthases K closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127259 (🄛) 2870 9383 (⒧) Opening parenthases L closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127260 (🄜) 2838 9384 (⒨) Opening parenthases M closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127261 (🄝) 2816 9385 (⒩) Opening parenthases N closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127262 (🄞) 2930 9386 (⒪) Opening parenthases O closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127263 (🄟) 2967 9387 (⒫) Opening parenthases P closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127264 (🄠) 2881 9388 (⒬) Opening parenthases Q closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127265 (🄡) 2776 9389 (⒭) Opening parenthases R closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127266 (🄢) 2889 9390 (⒮) Opening parenthases S closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127267 (🄣) 2923 9391 (⒯) Opening parenthases T closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127268 (🄤) 2843 9392 (⒰) Opening parenthases U closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127269 (🄥) 2876 9393 (⒱) Opening parenthases V closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127270 (🄦) 3248 9394 (⒲) Opening parenthases W closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127271 (🄧) 2904 9395 (⒳) Opening parenthases X closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127272 (🄨) 2849 9396 (⒴) Opening parenthases Y closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127273 (🄩) 3119 9397 (⒵) Opening parenthases Z closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
127274 (🄪) 543 83 (S) S
127275 (🄫) 553 67 (C) C
127276 (🄬) 485 82 (R) R
127277 (🄭) 710 None CD
127278 (🄮) 892 None Wz
127280 (🄰) 482 256 (Ā) A
127281 (🄱) 488 66 (B) B
127282 (🄲) 553 67 (C) C
127283 (🄳) 407 68 (D) D
127284 (🄴) 457 69 (E) E
127285 (🄵) 453 70 (F) F
127286 (🄶) 471 71 (G) G
127287 (🄷) 631 72 (H) H
127288 (🄸) 478 73 (I) I
127289 (🄹) 548 74 (J) J
127290 (🄺) 505 75 (K) K
127291 (🄻) 390 76 (L) L
127292 (🄼) 528 77 (M) M
127293 (🄽) 540 78 (N) N
127294 (🄾) 368 79 (O) O
127295 (🄿) 411 80 (P) P
127296 (🅀) 495 81 (Q) Q
127297 (🅁) 485 82 (R) R
127298 (🅂) 543 83 (S) S
127299 (🅃) 358 84 (T) T
127300 (🅄) 493 85 (U) U
127301 (🅅) 411 86 (V) V
127302 (🅆) 574 87 (W) W
127303 (🅇) 672 88 (X) X
127304 (🅈) 404 89 (Y) Y
127305 (🅉) 528 90 (Z) Z
127306 (🅊) 769 None Hw
127307 (🅋) 559 None Mv
127308 (🅌) 611 None Sd
127309 (🅍) 652 None Ss
127310 (🅎) 768 None Ppv
127311 (🅏) 801 None Wc
127338 (🅪) 568 None Mc
127339 (🅫) 614 None Md
127344 (🅰) 1396 None Letter A in square
127345 (🅱) 1443 None Letter B in square
127358 (🅾) 1455 None Letter O in square
127359 (🅿) 1364 None Letter P in square
127374 (🆎) 1909 None Letters AB in square
127376 (🆐) 683 None Dj
127377 (🆑) 737 None Cl
127378 (🆒) 617 None Cool
127379 (🆓) 604 None Free
127380 (🆔) 734 None Id
127381 (🆕) 719 None New
127382 (🆖) 510 None Ng (strange pronounciation)
127383 (🆗) 827 None Ok
127384 (🆘) 1010 None SOS
127385 (🆙) 551 None Up
127386 (🆚) 905 None Versus
127489 (🈁) 1361 None Katakana koko
127490 (🈂) 1306 None Katakana sa
127514 (🈚) 1823 None Chinese for nothingness
127535 (🈯) 1504 None Chinese for finger
127538 (🈲) 1626 None Chinese for prohibition
127539 (🈳) 2760 None Chinese for emptyness or sky
127540 (🈴) 1558 None Chinese for unity
127541 (🈵) 1576 None Chinese for fullness
127542 (🈶) 1770 None Chinese for existence
127543 (🈷) 1458 None Chinese for moon
127544 (🈸) 1650 None Chinese for statement
127545 (🈹) 1476 None Chinese for division
127546 (🈺) 1664 None Chinese for management
127568 (🉐) 1955 None Chinese for equisition
127569 (🉑) 1959 None Chinese for posibility
127744 (🌀) 1092 None Cyclone
127745 (🌁) 637 None Foggy
127746 (🌂) 1188 None Closed umbrella
127747 (🌃) 1414 None City scape at night
127748 (🌄) 1799 None Sunrise over mountains
127749 (🌅) 1051 None Sunrise
127750 (🌆) 1584 None City scape at dusk
127751 (🌇) 1776 None City scape at sunset
127752 (🌈) 776 None Rainbow
127753 (🌉) 1069 None Bridge at night
127754 (🌊) 1088 None Ocean wave
127755 (🌋) 1117 None Volcano
127756 (🌌) 1042 None Milky way
127757 (🌍) 797 None Africa
127758 (🌎) 928 None Americas
127759 (🌏) 639 None Globe
127760 (🌐) 1269 None Meridian globe
127761 (🌑) 1066 None New moon
127762 (🌒) 1840 None Waxing crescent moon
127763 (🌓) 1074 None Quarter moon
127764 (🌔) 1724 None Waxing gibbous moon
127765 (🌕) 999 None Full moon
127766 (🌖) 1603 None Waning gibbous moon
127767 (🌗) 1495 None Last quarter moon
127768 (🌘) 1679 None Waning crescent moon
127769 (🌙) 1137 None Crescent moon
127770 (🌚) 1336 None New moon with face
127771 (🌛) 1650 None Quarter moon with face
127772 (🌜) 1936 None Last quarter moon with face
127773 (🌝) 1415 None Full moon with face
127774 (🌞) 1218 None Sun with face
127775 (🌟) 1189 None Glowing star
127776 (🌠) 1165 None Shooting star
127777 (🌡) 948 None Thermometer
127780 (🌤) 1447 None Sunny with clouds
127781 (🌥) 1447 127780 (🌤) Sunny with clouds
127782 (🌦) 2106 None Sunny with clouds and showers
127783 (🌧) 1009 None Rain cloud
127784 (🌨) 1078 None Snow cloud
127785 (🌩) 1108 None Thunderstorm
127786 (🌪) 892 None Tornado
127787 (🌫) 554 None Fog
127788 (🌬) 832 None Gale
127789 (🌭) 1163 None Hotdog
127790 (🌮) 663 None Taco
127791 (🌯) 863 None Buritto
127792 (🌰) 876 None Chesnut
127793 (🌱) 809 None Seedling
127794 (🌲) 1289 None Evergreen tree
127795 (🌳) 1423 None Deciduous tree
127796 (🌴) 1124 None Palm tree
127797 (🌵) 827 None Cactus
127798 (🌶) 841 None Hot pepper
127799 (🌷) 708 None Tulip
127800 (🌸) 1091 None Cherry blossom
127801 (🌹) 697 None Rose
127802 (🌺) 1019 None Hibiscus
127803 (🌻) 1002 None Sunflower
127804 (🌼) 721 None Blossom
127805 (🌽) 655 None Corn
127806 (🌾) 1088 None Ear of rice
127807 (🌿) 748 None Herb
127808 (🍀) 1288 None Full leaf clover
127809 (🍁) 1255 None Maple leaf
127810 (🍂) 975 None Fallen leaf
127811 (🍃) 1044 None Falling leaf
127812 (🍄) 850 None Mushroom
127813 (🍅) 882 None Tomato
127814 (🍆) 831 None Aubergine
127815 (🍇) 815 None Grapes
127816 (🍈) 641 None Melon
127817 (🍉) 1043 None Watermelon
127818 (🍊) 1086 None Tangerine
127819 (🍋) 671 None Lemon
127820 (🍌) 787 None Banana
127821 (🍍) 879 None Pineapple
127822 (🍎) 818 None Red apple
127823 (🍏) 901 None Green apple
127824 (🍐) 513 None Pair
127825 (🍑) 751 None Peach
127826 (🍒) 791 None Cherries
127827 (🍓) 901 None Strawberry
127828 (🍔) 913 None Hamburger
127829 (🍕) 1289 None Slice of pizza
127830 (🍖) 569 None Meat
127831 (🍗) 1089 None Poultry leg
127832 (🍘) 1213 None Rice cracker
127833 (🍙) 1063 None Rice bowl
127834 (🍚) 979 None Cooked rice
127835 (🍛) 974 None Curry rice
127836 (🍜) 1252 None Steaming bowl
127837 (🍝) 840 None Spaghetti
127838 (🍞) 659 None Bread
127839 (🍟) 743 None Chips
127840 (🍠) 1859 None Roasted sweet potato
127841 (🍡) 907 None Dango
127842 (🍢) 703 None Oden
127843 (🍣) 674 None Sushi
127844 (🍤) 985 None Fried shrimp
127845 (🍥) 962 None Fish cake
127846 (🍦) 1795 None Soft serve ice cream
127847 (🍧) 1121 None Shaved ice
127848 (🍨) 1063 None Ice cream
127849 (🍩) 876 None Donut
127850 (🍪) 726 None Cookie
127851 (🍫) 1209 None Chocolate bar
127852 (🍬) 836 None Sweet
127853 (🍭) 830 None Lolly pop
127854 (🍮) 804 None Custard
127855 (🍯) 939 None Honeypot
127856 (🍰) 970 None Shortcake
127857 (🍱) 1288 None Bento box
127858 (🍲) 1029 None Pot of food
127859 (🍳) 1059 None Frying an egg
127860 (🍴) 1118 None Fork and knife
127861 (🍵) 647 None Tea
127862 (🍶) 668 None Sake
127863 (🍷) 1014 None Wine glass
127864 (🍸) 1403 None Cocktail glass
127865 (🍹) 1260 None Tropical drink
127866 (🍺) 583 None Beer
127867 (🍻) 1583 None Clicking beer mugs
127868 (🍼) 1155 None Baby bottle
127869 (🍽) 566 None Dinner
127870 (🍾) 1374 None Champagne bottle
127871 (🍿) 994 None Popcorn
127872 (🎀) 619 None Ribbon
127873 (🎁) 728 None Present
127874 (🎂) 1364 None Birthday cake
127875 (🎃) 1116 None Jack o lantern
127876 (🎄) 1313 None Christmas tree
127877 (🎅) 1376 None Santa claus
127878 (🎆) 1089 None Fireworks
127879 (🎇) 845 None Sparkler
127880 (🎈) 713 None Baloon
127881 (🎉) 1008 None Party popper
127882 (🎊) 1281 None Confetti ball
127883 (🎋) 1269 None Tanabata tree
127884 (🎌) 1192 None Crossed flags
127885 (🎍) 1260 None Pine decoration
127886 (🎎) 1461 None Japanese dolls
127887 (🎏) 1184 None Carp streamer
127888 (🎐) 1059 None Wind chime
127889 (🎑) 1735 None Moon viewing ceremony
127890 (🎒) 729 None Satchel
127891 (🎓) 1394 None Graduation cap
127894 (🎖) 978 None Military medal
127895 (🎗) 1267 None Awareness ribbon
127897 (🎙) 977 None Microphone
127898 (🎚) 920 None Equalizer
127899 (🎛) 710 None Knobs
127902 (🎞) 1195 None Film frames
127903 (🎟) 1235 None Admission tickets
127904 (🎠) 1309 None Carusel horse
127905 (🎡) 1090 None Ferris wheel
127906 (🎢) 1085 None Rollercoaster
127907 (🎣) 766 None Fishing
127908 (🎤) 977 127897 (🎙) Microphone
127909 (🎥) 990 None Film camera
127910 (🎦) 707 None Cinema
127911 (🎧) 956 None Headphone
127912 (🎨) 1222 None Artist pallet
127913 (🎩) 834 None Top hat
127914 (🎪) 1024 None Circus tent
127915 (🎫) 608 None Ticket
127916 (🎬) 1021 None Clapper board
127917 (🎭) 1287 None Performing arts
127918 (🎮) 1137 None Video game
127919 (🎯) 829 None Bullseye
127920 (🎰) 1188 None Slot machine
127921 (🎱) 940 None Billiards
127922 (🎲) 812 None Dice
127923 (🎳) 699 None Bowling
127924 (🎴) 1391 None Hanafuda cards
127925 (🎵) 1284 None Musical note
127926 (🎶) 1441 None Musical notes
127927 (🎷) 1149 None Saxophone
127928 (🎸) 795 None Guitar
127929 (🎹) 912 None Piano
127930 (🎺) 830 None Trumpet
127931 (🎻) 908 None Violin
127932 (🎼) 1711 None Treble clef with staff
127933 (🎽) 1007 None Running shirt
127934 (🎾) 760 None Tennis
127935 (🎿) 811 None Skies
127936 (🏀) 1245 None Basketball
127937 (🏁) 1054 None Checkered flag
127938 (🏂) 1116 None Snowboarder
127939 (🏃) 993 None Man running
127940 (🏄) 853 None Surfer
127941 (🏅) 1172 None Sports medal
127942 (🏆) 761 None Trophy
127943 (🏇) 801 None Jockey
127944 (🏈) 1336 None American football
127945 (🏉) 1228 None Rugby football
127946 (🏊) 662 None Swimmer
127947 (🏋) 943 None Weightlifter
127948 (🏌) 892 None Golfer
127949 (🏍) 929 None Motobike
127950 (🏎) 1269 None Racing car
127951 (🏏) 655 None Cricket
127952 (🏐) 996 None Volleyball
127953 (🏑) 1111 None Field hockey
127954 (🏒) 1019 None Ice hockey
127955 (🏓) 1198 None Table tennis
127956 (🏔) 754 None Alps
127957 (🏕) 819 None Camping
127958 (🏖) 662 None Beach
127959 (🏗) 1575 None Building construction
127960 (🏘) 889 None Neighborhood
127961 (🏙) 840 None City scape
127962 (🏚) 1215 None Derilict house
127963 (🏛) 955 None Landmark
127964 (🏜) 633 None Desert
127965 (🏝) 1108 None Desert island
127966 (🏞) 1101 None National park
127967 (🏟) 795 None Stadium
127968 (🏠) 730 None House
127969 (🏡) 1243 None House with garden
127970 (🏢) 1114 None Office building
127971 (🏣) 1058 None Post office
127972 (🏤) 1663 None European post office
127973 (🏥) 983 None Hospital
127974 (🏦) 621 None Bank
127975 (🏧) 1016 None ATM
127976 (🏨) 892 None Hotel
127977 (🏩) 1132 None Love hotel
127978 (🏪) 1681 None Convenience store
127979 (🏫) 597 None School
127980 (🏬) 1356 None Department store
127981 (🏭) 811 None Factory
127982 (🏮) 1455 None Izakaya lantern
127983 (🏯) 1359 None Japanese castle
127984 (🏰) 1340 None European castle
127987 (🏳) 944 None White flag
127988 (🏴) 952 None Black flag
127989 (🏵) 754 None Rosette
127991 (🏷) 860 None Label
127992 (🏸) 923 None Badminton
127993 (🏹) 1131 None Bow and arrow
127994 (🏺) 730 None Amphora
127995 (🏻) 1078 None Fair skin
127996 (🏼) 1444 None Light brown skin
127997 (🏽) 1084 None Olive skin
127998 (🏾) 1277 None Brown skin
127999 (🏿) 1123 None Dark skin
128000 (🐀) 614 None Rat
128001 (🐁) 672 None Mouse
128002 (🐂) 784 None Ox
128003 (🐃) 1301 None Water buffalo
128004 (🐄) 500 None Cow
128005 (🐅) 822 None Tiger
128006 (🐆) 689 None Leopard
128007 (🐇) 654 None Rabbit
128008 (🐈) 737 None Cat
128009 (🐉) 664 None Dragon
128010 (🐊) 989 None Crocodile
128011 (🐋) 700 None Whale
128012 (🐌) 837 None Snail
128013 (🐍) 753 None Snake
128014 (🐎) 721 None Horse
128015 (🐏) 583 None Ram
128016 (🐐) 664 None Goat
128017 (🐑) 960 None Sheep
128018 (🐒) 754 None Monkey
128019 (🐓) 732 None Rooster
128020 (🐔) 720 None Chicken
128021 (🐕) 555 None Dog
128022 (🐖) 604 None Pig
128023 (🐗) 539 None Boar
128024 (🐘) 801 None Elephant (Sound like "Elephtant")
128025 (🐙) 956 None Octopus
128026 (🐚) 1093 None Spiral shell
128027 (🐛) 1036 None Centipede
128028 (🐜) 608 None Ant
128029 (🐝) 1021 None Honey bee
128030 (🐞) 1291 None Ladybug
128031 (🐟) 560 None Fish
128032 (🐠) 1202 None Tropical fish
128033 (🐡) 839 None Blowfish
128034 (🐢) 779 None Turtle
128035 (🐣) 1089 None Haching chick
128036 (🐤) 1095 None Baby chick
128037 (🐥) 1853 None Front facing baby chick
128038 (🐦) 627 None Bird
128039 (🐧) 788 None Penguin
128040 (🐨) 748 None Koala
128041 (🐩) 871 None Poodle
128042 (🐪) 597 None Camel
128043 (🐫) 597 128042 (🐪) Camel
128044 (🐬) 740 None Dolphin
128045 (🐭) 672 128001 (🐁) Mouse
128046 (🐮) 500 128004 (🐄) Cow
128047 (🐯) 822 128005 (🐅) Tiger
128048 (🐰) 654 128007 (🐇) Rabbit
128049 (🐱) 737 128008 (🐈) Cat
128050 (🐲) 664 128009 (🐉) Dragon
128051 (🐳) 1383 None Spouting whale
128052 (🐴) 721 128014 (🐎) Horse
128053 (🐵) 754 128018 (🐒) Monkey
128054 (🐶) 555 128021 (🐕) Dog
128055 (🐷) 604 128022 (🐖) Pig
128056 (🐸) 652 None Frog
128057 (🐹) 865 None Hamster
128058 (🐺) 726 None Wolf
128059 (🐻) 645 None Bear
128060 (🐼) 739 None Panda
128061 (🐽) 1039 None Pig nose
128062 (🐾) 1216 None Paw prints
128063 (🐿) 988 None Chipmunk
128064 (👀) 858 None Eyes
128065 (👁) 515 None Eye
128066 (👂) 553 None Ear
128067 (👃) 809 None Nose
128068 (👄) 648 None Mouth
128069 (👅) 589 None Tongue
128070 (👆) 1519 None Up pointing finger
128071 (👇) 1723 None Down pointing finger
128072 (👈) 1615 None Left pointing finger
128073 (👉) 1625 None Right pointing finger
128074 (👊) 642 None Fist
128075 (👋) 1136 None Waving hand
128076 (👌) 1371 None A OK hand
128077 (👍) 777 None Thumbs up
128078 (👎) 1147 None Thumbs down
128079 (👏) 1273 None Clapping hands
128080 (👐) 1138 None Open hands
128081 (👑) 675 None Crown
128082 (👒) 1295 None Womans hat
128083 (👓) 1023 None Eyeglasses
128084 (👔) 807 None Neck tie
128085 (👕) 884 None T-Shirt
128086 (👖) 957 None Jeans
128087 (👗) 694 None Dress
128088 (👘) 936 None Kimono
128089 (👙) 937 None Bikini
128090 (👚) 1504 None Womans clothes
128091 (👛) 660 None Purse
128092 (👜) 958 None Handbag
128093 (👝) 806 None Pouch
128094 (👞) 911 None Mans shoe
128095 (👟) 1010 None Athletic shoe
128096 (👠) 1179 None High heeled shoe
128097 (👡) 1225 None Womans sandal
128098 (👢) 1354 None Womans boots
128099 (👣) 1010 None Footprints
128100 (👤) 691 None Bust
128101 (👥) 1585 None Silhouetted busts
128102 (👦) 618 None Boy
128103 (👧) 778 None Girl
128104 (👨) 794 None Man
128105 (👩) 600 None Woman
128106 (👪) 711 None Family
128107 (👫) 2069 None Man and woman holding hands
128108 (👬) 1508 None Men holding hands
128109 (👭) 1761 None Women holding hands
128110 (👮) 1096 None Police officer
128111 (👯) 1861 None Woman with bunny ears
128112 (👰) 1202 None Bride with veil
128113 (👱) 794 128104 (👨) Man
128114 (👲) 1342 None Man with skullcap
128115 (👳) 1312 None Man with turban
128116 (👴) 1036 None Oldman
128117 (👵) 991 None Oldwoman
128118 (👶) 634 None Baby
128119 (👷) 1385 None Construction worker
128120 (👸) 875 None Princess
128121 (👹) 571 None Oni
128122 (👺) 761 None Tengu
128123 (👻) 657 None Ghost
128124 (👼) 1146 None Baby angel
128125 (👽) 634 None Alien
128126 (👾) 1153 None Alien monster
128127 (👿) 640 None Imp
128128 (💀) 748 9760 (☠) Skull
128129 (💁) 1586 None Woman tipping hand
128130 (💂) 739 None Guard
128131 (💃) 775 None Dancer
128132 (💄) 805 None Lipstick
128133 (💅) 958 None Nail polish
128134 (💆) 1808 None Woman getting massage
128135 (💇) 1656 None Woman getting haircut
128136 (💈) 1178 None Barber pole
128137 (💉) 937 None Syringe
128138 (💊) 589 None Pill
128139 (💋) 884 None Kiss mark
128140 (💌) 998 None Love letter
128141 (💍) 598 None Ring
128142 (💎) 1064 None Gemstone
128143 (💏) 658 None Kiss
128144 (💐) 772 None Bouquet
128145 (💑) 1126 None Couple with heart
128146 (💒) 719 None Wedding
128147 (💓) 1167 None Beating heart
128148 (💔) 1127 None Broken heart
128149 (💕) 1142 None Two hearts
128150 (💖) 1376 None Sparkling heart
128151 (💗) 1110 None Growing heart
128152 (💘) 1124 None Heart with arrow
128153 (💙) 1039 None Blue heart
128154 (💚) 1151 None Green heart
128155 (💛) 1127 None Yellow heart
128156 (💜) 1106 None Purple heart
128157 (💝) 1091 None Heart with ribbon
128158 (💞) 1618 None Revolving hearts
128159 (💟) 1417 None Heart decoration
128160 (💠) 1359 None Floral diamond
128161 (💡) 992 None Lightbulb
128162 (💢) 731 None Angry
128163 (💣) 463 None Bomb
128164 (💤) 835 None Sleepy
128165 (💥) 796 None Collision
128166 (💦) 1338 None Nervous sweat
128167 (💧) 761 None Droplet
128168 (💨) 842 None Speedy
128169 (💩) 506 None Poop
128170 (💪) 1572 None Flexed biceps
128171 (💫) 585 None Dizzy
128172 (💬) 1016 None Speech bubble
128173 (💭) 1006 None Thought bubble
128174 (💮) 1038 None White flower
128175 (💯) 940 None One hundred
128176 (💰) 911 None Moneybag
128177 (💱) 1568 None Currency exchange
128178 (💲) 1204 None Dollar sign
128179 (💳) 1210 None Credit card
128180 (💴) 1363 None Japanese yen
128181 (💵) 1755 None United states dollar
128182 (💶) 1150 None Euro on note
128183 (💷) 1203 None British pound
128184 (💸) 1494 None Money with wings
128185 (💹) 2055 None Japanese yen upwards trend
128186 (💺) 601 None Seat
128187 (💻) 1402 None Personal computer
128188 (💼) 982 None Briefcase
128189 (💽) 831 None Minidisc
128190 (💾) 1155 None Floppy disc
128191 (💿) 1262 None Optical disc
128192 (📀) 1072 None DVD
128193 (📁) 810 None Folder
128194 (📂) 1221 None Open folder
128195 (📃) 1163 None Curled paper
128196 (📄) 708 None Paper
128197 (📅) 795 None Calendar
128198 (📆) 1308 None Tear off calendar
128199 (📇) 1248 None Card index
128200 (📈) 1749 None Chart with upwards trend
128201 (📉) 2047 None Chart with downwards trend
128202 (📊) 957 None Bar chart
128203 (📋) 894 None Clipboard
128204 (📌) 792 None Pushpin
128205 (📍) 1082 None Round pushpin
128206 (📎) 868 None Paperclip
128207 (📏) 604 None Ruler
128208 (📐) 1425 None Triangular ruler
128209 (📑) 1370 None Bookmark tabs
128210 (📒) 675 None Ledger
128211 (📓) 834 None Notebook
128212 (📔) 1210 None Fancy notebook
128213 (📕) 1038 None Closed book
128214 (📖) 886 None Open book
128215 (📗) 974 None Green book
128216 (📘) 901 None Blue book
128217 (📙) 926 None Orange book
128218 (📚) 789 None Books
128219 (📛) 811 None Badge
128220 (📜) 825 None Scroll
128221 (📝) 612 None Memo
128222 (📞) 1475 None Telephone receiver
128223 (📟) 751 None Pager
128224 (📠) 800 None Fax
128225 (📡) 1235 None Sattelite antenna
128226 (📢) 890 None Megaphone
128227 (📣) 1432 None Cheering megaphone
128228 (📤) 941 None Outbox
128229 (📥) 911 None Inbox
128230 (📦) 857 None Package
128231 (📧) 782 None E-mail
128232 (📨) 1255 None Incoming envelope
128233 (📩) 1452 None Envelope with arrow
128234 (📪) 1494 None Closed letterbox
128235 (📫) 2439 None Closed letterbox with raised flag
128236 (📬) 1825 None Flaged open letterbox
128237 (📭) 1362 None Open letterbox
128238 (📮) 1202 None Postbox
128239 (📯) 1284 None Postal horn
128240 (📰) 968 None Newspaper
128241 (📱) 1249 None Mobile phone
128242 (📲) 1749 None Mobile phone with arrow
128243 (📳) 1302 None Vibration mode
128244 (📴) 1332 None Mobile phone off
128245 (📵) 1681 None No mobile phones
128246 (📶) 1363 None Antenna with bars
128247 (📷) 700 None Camera
128248 (📸) 700 128247 (📷) Camera
128249 (📹) 1242 None Video camera
128250 (📺) 862 None Television
128251 (📻) 833 None Radio
128252 (📼) 1169 None Video casette
128253 (📽) 1186 None Film projector
128255 (📿) 1115 None Prayer beads
128256 (🔀) 670 None Shuffle
128257 (🔁) 770 None Repeat
128258 (🔂) 1033 None Repeat one
128259 (🔃) 1212 None Looping arrows
128260 (🔄) 956 None Recycle
128261 (🔅) 1281 None Low brightness
128262 (🔆) 1202 None High brightness
128263 (🔇) 668 None Mute
128264 (🔈) 861 None Speaker
128265 (🔉) 966 None Low volume
128266 (🔊) 915 None High volume
128267 (🔋) 705 None Battery
128268 (🔌) 1306 None Electric plug
128269 (🔍) 1784 None Left magnifying glass
128270 (🔎) 1880 None Right magnifying glass
128271 (🔏) 1410 None Lock with ink pen
128272 (🔐) 1478 None Closed lock with key
128273 (🔑) 589 None Key
128274 (🔒) 605 None Lock
128275 (🔓) 957 None Open lock
128276 (🔔) 585 None Bell
128277 (🔕) 1701 None No notifications
128278 (🔖) 884 None Bookmark
128279 (🔗) 1086 None Link symbol
128280 (🔘) 1098 None Radio button
128281 (🔙) 948 None Back arrow
128282 (🔚) 777 None End arrow
128283 (🔛) 780 None On arrow
128284 (🔜) 863 None Soon arrow
128285 (🔝) 890 None Top arrow
128286 (🔞) 1145 None Adults only
128287 (🔟) 1319 None Keyboard key ten
128288 (🔠) 915 None Uppercase
128289 (🔡) 1007 None Lowercase
128290 (🔢) 808 None Numbers
128291 (🔣) 1442 None Special symbols
128292 (🔤) 1386 None Latin alphabet
128293 (🔥) 711 None Fire
128294 (🔦) 667 None Torch
128295 (🔧) 732 None Wrench
128296 (🔨) 618 None Hammer
128297 (🔩) 1238 None Nut and bolt
128298 (🔪) 679 None Knife
128299 (🔫) 678 None Gun
128300 (🔬) 1020 None Microscope
128301 (🔭) 903 None Telescope
128302 (🔮) 1192 None Crystal ball
128303 (🔯) 1533 None Hexagram with dot
128304 (🔰) 1294 None Newbie symbol
128305 (🔱) 989 None Trident
128306 (🔲) 1366 None Black square button
128307 (🔳) 1178 None Square button
128308 (🔴) 999 None Red circle
128309 (🔵) 1275 None Blue circle
128310 (🔶) 1248 None Orange diamond
128311 (🔷) 1178 None Blue diamond
128312 (🔸) 1583 None Small orange diamond
128313 (🔹) 1390 None Small blue diamond
128314 (🔺) 1308 None Red triangle
128315 (🔻) 1953 None Reversed red triangle
128316 (🔼) 1840 None Small red triangle
128317 (🔽) 2346 None Reversed small red triangle
128329 (🕉) 1022 None Om symbol
128330 (🕊) 932 9774 (☮) Peace dove
128331 (🕋) 657 None Kaaba
128332 (🕌) 844 None Mosque
128333 (🕍) 848 None Synagogue
128334 (🕎) 848 None Menorah
128336 (🕐) 981 None One o'clock
128337 (🕑) 982 None Two o'clock
128338 (🕒) 1020 None Three o'clock
128339 (🕓) 1076 None Four o'clock
128340 (🕔) 1184 None Five o'clock
128341 (🕕) 1180 None Six o'clock
128342 (🕖) 1141 None Seven o'clock
128343 (🕗) 1001 None Eight o'clock
128344 (🕘) 1011 None Nine o'clock
128345 (🕙) 1023 None Ten o'clock
128346 (🕚) 1125 None Eleven o'clock
128347 (🕛) 1273 None Twelve o'clock
128348 (🕜) 1033 None One thirty
128349 (🕝) 965 None Two thirty
128350 (🕞) 1146 None Three thirty
128351 (🕟) 975 None Four thirty
128352 (🕠) 1216 None Five thirty
128353 (🕡) 1274 None Six thirty
128354 (🕢) 1142 None Seven thirty
128355 (🕣) 968 None Eight thirty
128356 (🕤) 1137 None Nine thirty
128357 (🕥) 1118 None Ten thirty
128358 (🕦) 1156 None Eleven thirty
128359 (🕧) 1060 None Twelve thirty
128367 (🕯) 802 None Candle
128368 (🕰) 691 9202 (⏲) Clock
128371 (🕳) 774 None Hole
128372 (🕴) 1857 None Meditating businessman
128373 (🕵) 885 None Detective
128374 (🕶) 1259 None Sunglasses
128375 (🕷) 838 None Spider
128376 (🕸) 955 None Spiderweb
128377 (🕹) 824 None Joystick
128378 (🕺) 1255 None Man dancing
128391 (🖇) 1011 None Paperclips
128394 (🖊) 613 None Pen
128395 (🖋) 1045 None Fountain pen
128396 (🖌) 939 None Paintbrush
128397 (🖍) 630 None Crayon
128400 (🖐) 1087 9995 (✋) Raised hand
128405 (🖕) 1096 None Middle finger
128406 (🖖) 1206 None Vulcan salute
128420 (🖤) 989 None Black heart
128421 (🖥) 864 None Computer
128424 (🖨) 708 None Printer
128433 (🖱) 1323 None Computer mouse
128434 (🖲) 967 None Trackball
128444 (🖼) 1299 None Picture frame
128450 (🗂) 1481 None Index dividers
128451 (🗃) 1085 None Filebox
128452 (🗄) 1135 None File cabinet
128465 (🗑) 1310 None Waste basket
128466 (🗒) 837 None Notepad
128467 (🗓) 795 128197 (📅) Calendar
128476 (🗜) 847 None Compression
128477 (🗝) 589 128273 (🔑) Key
128478 (🗞) 968 128240 (📰) Newspaper
128481 (🗡) 707 None Dagger
128483 (🗣) 1109 None Speaking silhouette
128488 (🗨) 1016 128172 (💬) Speech bubble
128495 (🗯) 974 None Anger bubble
128499 (🗳) 1070 None Ballot box
128506 (🗺) 985 None World map
128507 (🗻) 1136 None Mount Fuji
128508 (🗼) 1205 None Tokyo tower
128509 (🗽) 1314 None Statue of liberty
128510 (🗾) 828 None Japan
128511 (🗿) 934 None Moyai
128512 (😀) 1148 9786 (☺) Smiley face
128513 (😁) 1148 9786 (☺) Smiley face
128514 (😂) 1148 9786 (☺) Smiley face
128515 (😃) 1148 9786 (☺) Smiley face
128516 (😄) 1148 9786 (☺) Smiley face
128517 (😅) 2077 None Embarrased smiley face
128518 (😆) 1148 9786 (☺) Smiley face
128519 (😇) 1318 None Angelic face
128520 (😈) 1192 None Devilish face
128521 (😉) 1197 None Winking face
128522 (😊) 1148 9786 (☺) Smiley face
128523 (😋) 1218 None Hungry face
128524 (😌) 1243 None Relieved face
128525 (😍) 1388 None Romantic face
128526 (😎) 1134 None Cool face
128527 (😏) 1243 None Smirking face
128528 (😐) 1305 None Neutral face
128529 (😑) 1416 None Speechless face
128530 (😒) 1292 None Unamused face
128531 (😓) 1182 None Sweating face
128532 (😔) 1232 None Pensive face
128533 (😕) 1368 None Confused face
128534 (😖) 1368 128533 (😕) Confused face
128535 (😗) 1147 None Kissing face
128536 (😘) 1147 128535 (😗) Kissing face
128537 (😙) 1147 128535 (😗) Kissing face
128538 (😚) 1147 128535 (😗) Kissing face
128539 (😛) 1158 None Sneering face
128540 (😜) 1138 None Playful face
128541 (😝) 1138 128540 (😜) Playful face
128542 (😞) 1470 None Dissapointed face
128543 (😟) 1090 None Worried face
128544 (😠) 1126 None Angry face
128545 (😡) 1260 None Pouting face
128546 (😢) 1182 None Crying face
128547 (😣) 1494 None Persevering face
128548 (😤) 1407 None Triumphant face
128549 (😥) 1470 128542 (😞) Dissapointed face
128550 (😦) 1251 9785 (☹) Frowning face
128551 (😧) 1270 None Anguished face
128552 (😨) 1299 None Fearful face
128553 (😩) 1139 None Weary face
128554 (😪) 1140 None Sleepy face
128555 (😫) 1123 None Tired face
128556 (😬) 1303 None Grimmacing face
128557 (😭) 1182 128546 (😢) Crying face
128558 (😮) 1149 None Shocked face
128559 (😯) 1416 128529 (😑) Speechless face
128560 (😰) 1281 None Distressed face
128561 (😱) 1229 None Scared face
128562 (😲) 1423 None Astonished face
128563 (😳) 1274 None Flushed face
128564 (😴) 1177 None Sleeping face
128565 (😵) 1033 None Dizzy face
128566 (😶) 1312 None Mouthless face
128567 (😷) 1054 None Sick face
128568 (😸) 1429 None Smiley cat face
128569 (😹) 1361 None Happy cat face
128570 (😺) 1429 128568 (😸) Smiley cat face
128571 (😻) 1633 None Romantic cat face
128572 (😼) 1594 None Smirking cat face
128573 (😽) 1461 None Kissing cat face
128574 (😾) 1500 None Pouting cat face
128575 (😿) 1475 None Crying cat face
128576 (🙀) 1400 None Weary cat face
128577 (🙁) 1251 9785 (☹) Frowning face
128578 (🙂) 1148 9786 (☺) Smiley face
128579 (🙃) 1573 None Upside down face
128580 (🙄) 1479 None Rolling eyes face
128581 (🙅) 1908 None Woman crossing arms
128582 (🙆) 1860 None Woman gesturing OK
128583 (🙇) 1080 None Bowing deeply
128584 (🙈) 1656 None See no evil monkey
128585 (🙉) 1761 None Hear no evil monkey
128586 (🙊) 1879 None Speak no evil monkey
128587 (🙋) 1600 None Rasing one hand
128588 (🙌) 2121 None Celebratory hands in the air
128589 (🙍) 733 None Frowning
128590 (🙎) 791 None Pouting
128591 (🙏) 1210 None Folded hands
128640 (🚀) 687 None Rocket
128641 (🚁) 855 None Helicopter
128642 (🚂) 1485 None Steam locomotive
128643 (🚃) 1069 None Railway car
128644 (🚄) 1294 None High speed train
128645 (🚅) 1160 None Bullet train
128646 (🚆) 728 None Train
128647 (🚇) 819 None Metro
128648 (🚈) 931 None Light rail
128649 (🚉) 838 None Station
128650 (🚊) 570 None Tram
128651 (🚋) 1078 None Tram car
128652 (🚌) 638 None Bus
128653 (🚍) 638 128652 (🚌) Bus
128654 (🚎) 920 None Trolleybus
128655 (🚏) 929 None Bus stop
128656 (🚐) 828 None Minibus
128657 (🚑) 1004 None Ambulence
128658 (🚒) 1210 None Fire engine
128659 (🚓) 1181 None Police car
128660 (🚔) 1181 128659 (🚓) Police car
128661 (🚕) 849 None Taxi
128662 (🚖) 849 128661 (🚕) Taxi
128663 (🚗) 775 None Car
128664 (🚘) 775 128663 (🚗) Car
128665 (🚙) 1087 None SUV
128666 (🚚) 674 None Van
128667 (🚛) 1277 None Articulated lorry
128668 (🚜) 802 None Tractor
128669 (🚝) 1017 None Monorail
128670 (🚞) 1372 None Mountain railway
128671 (🚟) 1493 None Suspension railway
128672 (🚠) 1437 None Mountain cableway
128673 (🚡) 1368 None Aerial tramway
128674 (🚢) 656 None Ship
128675 (🚣) 731 None Rowboat
128676 (🚤) 972 None Speedboat
128677 (🚥) 1033 None Traffic light
128678 (🚦) 1656 None Vertical traffic light
128679 (🚧) 1615 None Construction sign
128680 (🚨) 1094 None Police light
128681 (🚩) 1943 None Triangular flag on post
128682 (🚪) 594 None Door
128683 (🚫) 1561 None No entry sign
128684 (🚬) 824 None Cigarette
128685 (🚭) 1621 None No smoking symbol
128686 (🚮) 2001 None Put litter in its place symbol
128687 (🚯) 1450 None Do not litter symbol
128688 (🚰) 1773 None Drinkable water symbol
128689 (🚱) 1979 None Undrinkable water symbol
128690 (🚲) 881 None Bicycle
128691 (🚳) 1279 None No bicycles
128692 (🚴) 1130 None Bicyclist
128693 (🚵) 1606 None Mountain bicyclist
128694 (🚶) 1004 None Man walking
128695 (🚷) 1450 None No pedestrians
128696 (🚸) 1330 None Children crossing
128697 (🚹) 1161 None Men symbol
128698 (🚺) 1328 None Women symbol
128699 (🚻) 1165 None Public toilet
128700 (🚼) 1359 None Baby symbol
128701 (🚽) 900 None Toilet (Strange pronounciation)
128702 (🚾) 1261 None Water closet
128703 (🚿) 750 None Shower
128704 (🛀) 709 None Bath
128705 (🛁) 758 None Bathtub
128706 (🛂) 1609 None Passport control
128707 (🛃) 993 None Customs
128708 (🛄) 1103 None Baggage claim
128709 (🛅) 1056 None Left luggage
128715 (🛋) 787 None Lounge
128716 (🛌) 528 None Bed
128717 (🛍) 770 None Bags
128718 (🛎) 585 128276 (🔔) Bell
128719 (🛏) 528 128716 (🛌) Bed
128720 (🛐) 1180 None Place of worship
128721 (🛑) 1101 None Red octogon
128722 (🛒) 1030 None Shopping trolley
128736 (🛠) 1309 None Hammer and wrench
128737 (🛡) 747 None Shield
128738 (🛢) 1201 None Oil drum
128739 (🛣) 997 None Motorway
128740 (🛤) 981 None Railway
128741 (🛥) 920 None Motorboat
128745 (🛩) 1336 None Small airplane
128747 (🛫) 980 None Departures
128748 (🛬) 993 None Arrivals
128752 (🛰) 883 None Sattelite
128755 (🛳) 960 None Cruise ship
128756 (🛴) 909 None Kick scooter
128757 (🛵) 1100 None Motor scooter
128758 (🛶) 731 128675 (🚣) Rowboat
128759 (🛷) 556 None Sled
128760 (🛸) 1187 None Flying saucer
128761 (🛹) 1028 None Skate board
129296 (🤐) 1450 None Mouth shut face
129297 (🤑) 1456 None Dollar bills face
129298 (🤒) 1054 128567 (😷) Sick face
129299 (🤓) 1042 None Nerd face
129300 (🤔) 1287 None Thoughtful face
129301 (🤕) 1102 None Injured face
129302 (🤖) 848 None Robot
129303 (🤗) 1186 None Hugging face
129304 (🤘) 1260 None Rock on gesture
129311 (🤟) 1373 None Love you gesture
129318 (🤦) 1508 None Person facepalming
129320 (🤨) 1239 None Raised eyebrow
129321 (🤩) 1147 None Starstruck
129322 (🤪) 1110 None Zany face
129323 (🤫) 1228 None Shushing face
129324 (🤬) 1126 128544 (😠) Angry face
129325 (🤭) 1299 None Hand over mouth
129326 (🤮) 1246 None Vomiting face
129327 (🤯) 1154 None Mind blown
129328 (🤰) 1206 None Pregnant woman
129329 (🤱) 1546 None Woman breast feeding
129330 (🤲) 1418 None Palms up together
129332 (🤴) 890 None Prince
129333 (🤵) 633 None Groom
129334 (🤶) 1400 None Mrs. Claus
129335 (🤷) 1164 None Persong shrugging
129336 (🤸) 947 None Cartwheel
129337 (🤹) 736 None Juggler
129338 (🤺) 822 None Fencer
129340 (🤼) 1214 None People wrestling
129341 (🤽) 1419 None Waterpolo player
129342 (🤾) 1223 None Handball player
129344 (🥀) 1100 None Wilted flower
129345 (🥁) 623 None Drum
129346 (🥂) 1395 None Clinking glasses
129347 (🥃) 1114 None Tumbler glass
129348 (🥄) 817 None Spoon
129349 (🥅) 677 None Goal
129351 (🥇) 965 None Gold medal
129352 (🥈) 948 None Silver medal
129353 (🥉) 982 None Bronze medal
129354 (🥊) 1161 None Boxing glove
129355 (🥋) 1947 None Martial arts uniform
129356 (🥌) 1324 None Curling stone
129357 (🥍) 744 None Lacrosse
129358 (🥎) 1122 None Softball
129359 (🥏) 806 None Frisbee
129360 (🥐) 860 None Croissant
129361 (🥑) 1035 None Avodaco (should be avocado)
129362 (🥒) 847 None Cucumber
129363 (🥓) 712 None Bacon
129364 (🥔) 795 None Potato
129365 (🥕) 686 None Carrot
129366 (🥖) 705 None Baguette
129367 (🥗) 693 None Salad
129368 (🥘) 777 None Food
129369 (🥙) 1368 None Stuffed flat bread
129370 (🥚) 556 None Egg
129371 (🥛) 593 None Milk
129372 (🥜) 746 None Peanut
129373 (🥝) 619 None Kiwi
129374 (🥞) 1071 None Pancakes
129375 (🥟) 949 None Dumpling
129376 (🥠) 1150 None Fortune cookie
129377 (🥡) 1488 None Takeaway box
129378 (🥢) 988 None Chopsticks
129379 (🥣) 1228 None Bowl with spoon
129380 (🥤) 548 None Cup
129381 (🥥) 875 None Coconut
129382 (🥦) 782 None Broccoli
129383 (🥧) 546 None Pie
129384 (🥨) 748 None Pretzel
129385 (🥩) 1024 None Cut of meat
129386 (🥪) 892 None Sandwich
129387 (🥫) 1052 None Canned food
129388 (🥬) 1257 None Leafy green
129389 (🥭) 934 None Mango
129390 (🥮) 1002 None Mooncake
129391 (🥯) 606 None Bagel
129392 (🥰) 1835 None Smiling face with hearts
129395 (🥳) 1078 None Party face
129396 (🥴) 1238 None Woozy face
129397 (🥵) 1048 None Hot face
129398 (🥶) 1094 None Cold face
129402 (🥺) 959 None Sad face
129404 (🥼) 967 None Lab coat
129405 (🥽) 861 None Goggles
129406 (🥾) 1121 None Hiking boot
129407 (🥿) 893 None Flat shoe
129408 (🦀) 783 None Crab
129409 (🦁) 684 None Lion
129410 (🦂) 880 None Scorpion
129411 (🦃) 737 None Turkey
129412 (🦄) 967 None Unicorn
129413 (🦅) 703 None Eagle
129414 (🦆) 628 None Duck
129415 (🦇) 658 None Bat
129416 (🦈) 740 128044 (🐬) Dolphin
129417 (🦉) 550 None Owl
129418 (🦊) 859 None Fox
129419 (🦋) 1009 None Butterfly
129420 (🦌) 637 None Dear
129421 (🦍) 670 None Gorilla
129422 (🦎) 973 None Salamander
129423 (🦏) 1124 None Rhinoceros
129424 (🦐) 862 None Shrimp
129425 (🦑) 956 128025 (🐙) Octopus
129426 (🦒) 780 None Giraffe
129427 (🦓) 593 None Zebra
129428 (🦔) 877 None Hedgehog
129429 (🦕) 1033 None Sauropod
129430 (🦖) 919 None T-rex
129431 (🦗) 655 127951 (🏏) Cricket
129432 (🦘) 1005 None Kangaroo
129433 (🦙) 989 None Laama
129434 (🦚) 827 None Peacock
129435 (🦛) 1122 None Hippopotomus
129436 (🦜) 687 None Parrot
129437 (🦝) 837 None Racoon
129438 (🦞) 869 None Lobster
129439 (🦟) 1157 None Mosquito
129440 (🦠) 881 None Microbe
129441 (🦡) 705 None Badger
129442 (🦢) 757 None Swan
129456 (🦰) 804 None Red hair
129457 (🦱) 885 None Curly hair
129458 (🦲) 670 None Bald
129459 (🦳) 860 None White hair
129460 (🦴) 614 None Bone
129461 (🦵) 538 None Leg
129462 (🦶) 669 None Foot
129463 (🦷) 650 None Tooth
129464 (🦸) 937 None Superhero
129465 (🦹) 879 None Supervillan
129472 (🧀) 762 None Cheese
129473 (🧁) 928 None Cupcake
129474 (🧂) 688 None Salt
129488 (🧐) 1297 None Face with monacle
129489 (🧑) 699 None Person
129490 (🧒) 779 None Child
129491 (🧓) 1165 None Older person
129492 (🧔) 1242 None Man with beard
129493 (🧕) 1723 None Woman with head scarf
129494 (🧖) 1642 None Person in steamy room
129495 (🧗) 1194 None Rock climber
129496 (🧘) 1733 None Person in lotus position
129497 (🧙) 775 None Mage
129498 (🧚) 720 None Fairy
129499 (🧛) 792 None Vampire
129500 (🧜) 950 None Merperson
129501 (🧝) 530 None Elf
129502 (🧞) 861 None Genie
129503 (🧟) 761 None Zombie
129504 (🧠) 701 None Brain
129505 (🧡) 1079 None Orange heart
129506 (🧢) 512 None Cap
129507 (🧣) 757 None Scarf
129508 (🧤) 681 None Gloves
129509 (🧥) 618 None Coat
129510 (🧦) 811 None Socks
129511 (🧧) 967 None Red envelope
129512 (🧨) 1053 None Dynamite
129513 (🧩) 881 None Jigsaw
129514 (🧪) 978 None Test tube
129515 (🧫) 1040 None Petri dish
129516 (🧬) 766 None DNA
129517 (🧭) 879 None Campus
129518 (🧮) 913 None Abacus
129519 (🧯) 1661 None Fire extinguisher
129520 (🧰) 1185 None Toolbox
129521 (🧱) 510 None Brick
129522 (🧲) 753 None Magnet
129523 (🧳) 732 None Luggage
129524 (🧴) 755 None Lotion
129525 (🧵) 692 None Thread
129526 (🧶) 652 None Yarn
129527 (🧷) 868 128206 (📎) Paperclip
129528 (🧸) 922 None Teddy bear
129529 (🧹) 657 None Broom
129530 (🧺) 903 None Basket
129531 (🧻) 1254 None Toilet roll
129532 (🧼) 668 None Soap
129533 (🧽) 827 None Sponge
129534 (🧾) 752 None Receipt
129535 (🧿) 1195 None Nazar amulet
1048736 (􀂠) 708 None Space
1048746 (􀂪) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048754 (􀂲) 415 50 (2) Two
1048755 (􀂳) 513 51 (3) Three
1048761 (􀂹) 540 49 (1) One
1048762 (􀂺) 368 79 (O) O
1048764 (􀂼) 1225 None One slash four
1048765 (􀂽) 1217 None One slash two
1048766 (􀂾) 1259 None Three slash four
1048768 (􀃀) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048769 (􀃁) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048770 (􀃂) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048771 (􀃃) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048772 (􀃄) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048773 (􀃅) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048774 (􀃆) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048775 (􀃇) 553 67 (C) C
1048776 (􀃈) 457 69 (E) E
1048777 (􀃉) 457 69 (E) E
1048778 (􀃊) 457 69 (E) E
1048779 (􀃋) 457 69 (E) E
1048780 (􀃌) 478 73 (I) I
1048781 (􀃍) 478 73 (I) I
1048782 (􀃎) 478 73 (I) I
1048783 (􀃏) 478 73 (I) I
1048785 (􀃑) 540 78 (N) N
1048786 (􀃒) 368 79 (O) O
1048787 (􀃓) 368 79 (O) O
1048788 (􀃔) 368 79 (O) O
1048789 (􀃕) 368 79 (O) O
1048790 (􀃖) 368 79 (O) O
1048792 (􀃘) 368 79 (O) O
1048793 (􀃙) 493 85 (U) U
1048794 (􀃚) 493 85 (U) U
1048795 (􀃛) 493 85 (U) U
1048796 (􀃜) 493 85 (U) U
1048797 (􀃝) 404 89 (Y) Y
1048799 (􀃟) 652 127309 (🅍) Ss
1048800 (􀃠) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048801 (􀃡) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048802 (􀃢) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048803 (􀃣) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048804 (􀃤) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048805 (􀃥) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048806 (􀃦) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048807 (􀃧) 553 67 (C) C
1048808 (􀃨) 457 69 (E) E
1048809 (􀃩) 457 69 (E) E
1048810 (􀃪) 457 69 (E) E
1048811 (􀃫) 457 69 (E) E
1048812 (􀃬) 478 73 (I) I
1048813 (􀃭) 478 73 (I) I
1048814 (􀃮) 478 73 (I) I
1048815 (􀃯) 478 73 (I) I
1048817 (􀃱) 540 78 (N) N
1048818 (􀃲) 368 79 (O) O
1048819 (􀃳) 368 79 (O) O
1048820 (􀃴) 368 79 (O) O
1048821 (􀃵) 368 79 (O) O
1048822 (􀃶) 368 79 (O) O
1048824 (􀃸) 368 79 (O) O
1048825 (􀃹) 493 85 (U) U
1048826 (􀃺) 493 85 (U) U
1048827 (􀃻) 493 85 (U) U
1048828 (􀃼) 493 85 (U) U
1048829 (􀃽) 404 89 (Y) Y
1048831 (􀃿) 404 89 (Y) Y
1048832 (􀄀) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048833 (􀄁) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048834 (􀄂) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048835 (􀄃) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048836 (􀄄) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048837 (􀄅) 482 256 (Ā) A
1048838 (􀄆) 553 67 (C) C
1048839 (􀄇) 553 67 (C) C
1048840 (􀄈) 553 67 (C) C
1048841 (􀄉) 553 67 (C) C
1048842 (􀄊) 553 67 (C) C
1048843 (􀄋) 553 67 (C) C
1048844 (􀄌) 553 67 (C) C
1048845 (􀄍) 553 67 (C) C
1048846 (􀄎) 407 68 (D) D
1048847 (􀄏) 407 68 (D) D
1048848 (􀄐) 407 68 (D) D
1048849 (􀄑) 407 68 (D) D
1048850 (􀄒) 457 69 (E) E
1048851 (􀄓) 457 69 (E) E
1048852 (􀄔) 457 69 (E) E
1048853 (􀄕) 457 69 (E) E
1048854 (􀄖) 457 69 (E) E
1048855 (􀄗) 457 69 (E) E
1048856 (􀄘) 457 69 (E) E
1048857 (􀄙) 457 69 (E) E
1048858 (􀄚) 457 69 (E) E
1048859 (􀄛) 457 69 (E) E
1048860 (􀄜) 471 71 (G) G
1048861 (􀄝) 471 71 (G) G
1048862 (􀄞) 471 71 (G) G
1048863 (􀄟) 471 71 (G) G
1048864 (􀄠) 471 71 (G) G
1048865 (􀄡) 471 71 (G) G
1048866 (􀄢) 471 71 (G) G
1048867 (􀄣) 471 71 (G) G
1048868 (􀄤) 631 72 (H) H
1048869 (􀄥) 631 72 (H) H
1048870 (􀄦) 631 72 (H) H
1048871 (􀄧) 631 72 (H) H
1048872 (􀄨) 478 73 (I) I
1048873 (􀄩) 478 73 (I) I
1048874 (􀄪) 478 73 (I) I
1048875 (􀄫) 478 73 (I) I
1048876 (􀄬) 478 73 (I) I
1048877 (􀄭) 478 73 (I) I
1048878 (􀄮) 478 73 (I) I
1048879 (􀄯) 478 73 (I) I
1048880 (􀄰) 478 73 (I) I
1048882 (􀄲) 635 306 (IJ) Ij
1048883 (􀄳) 635 306 (IJ) Ij
1048884 (􀄴) 548 74 (J) J
1048885 (􀄵) 548 74 (J) J
1048886 (􀄶) 505 75 (K) K
1048887 (􀄷) 505 75 (K) K
1048889 (􀄹) 390 76 (L) L
1048890 (􀄺) 390 76 (L) L
1048891 (􀄻) 390 76 (L) L
1048892 (􀄼) 390 76 (L) L
1048893 (􀄽) 390 76 (L) L
1048894 (􀄾) 390 76 (L) L
1048895 (􀄿) 390 76 (L) L
1048896 (􀅀) 390 76 (L) L
1048897 (􀅁) 390 76 (L) L
1048898 (􀅂) 390 76 (L) L
1048899 (􀅃) 540 78 (N) N
1048900 (􀅄) 540 78 (N) N
1048901 (􀅅) 540 78 (N) N
1048902 (􀅆) 540 78 (N) N
1048903 (􀅇) 540 78 (N) N
1048904 (􀅈) 540 78 (N) N
1048905 (􀅉) 540 78 (N) N
1048908 (􀅌) 368 79 (O) O
1048909 (􀅍) 368 79 (O) O
1048910 (􀅎) 368 79 (O) O
1048911 (􀅏) 368 79 (O) O
1048912 (􀅐) 368 79 (O) O
1048913 (􀅑) 368 79 (O) O
1048914 (􀅒) 533 338 (Œ) Oe
1048915 (􀅓) 533 338 (Œ) Oe
1048916 (􀅔) 485 82 (R) R
1048917 (􀅕) 485 82 (R) R
1048918 (􀅖) 485 82 (R) R
1048919 (􀅗) 485 82 (R) R
1048920 (􀅘) 485 82 (R) R
1048921 (􀅙) 485 82 (R) R
1048922 (􀅚) 543 83 (S) S
1048923 (􀅛) 543 83 (S) S
1048924 (􀅜) 543 83 (S) S
1048925 (􀅝) 543 83 (S) S
1048926 (􀅞) 543 83 (S) S
1048927 (􀅟) 543 83 (S) S
1048928 (􀅠) 543 83 (S) S
1048929 (􀅡) 543 83 (S) S
1048930 (􀅢) 358 84 (T) T
1048931 (􀅣) 358 84 (T) T
1048932 (􀅤) 358 84 (T) T
1048933 (􀅥) 358 84 (T) T
1048934 (􀅦) 358 84 (T) T
1048935 (􀅧) 358 84 (T) T
1048936 (􀅨) 493 85 (U) U
1048937 (􀅩) 493 85 (U) U
1048938 (􀅪) 493 85 (U) U
1048939 (􀅫) 493 85 (U) U
1048940 (􀅬) 493 85 (U) U
1048941 (􀅭) 493 85 (U) U
1048942 (􀅮) 493 85 (U) U
1048943 (􀅯) 493 85 (U) U
1048944 (􀅰) 493 85 (U) U
1048945 (􀅱) 493 85 (U) U
1048946 (􀅲) 493 85 (U) U
1048947 (􀅳) 493 85 (U) U
1048948 (􀅴) 574 87 (W) W
1048949 (􀅵) 574 87 (W) W
1048950 (􀅶) 404 89 (Y) Y
1048951 (􀅷) 404 89 (Y) Y
1048952 (􀅸) 404 89 (Y) Y
1048953 (􀅹) 528 90 (Z) Z
1048954 (􀅺) 528 90 (Z) Z
1048955 (􀅻) 528 90 (Z) Z
1048956 (􀅼) 528 90 (Z) Z
1048957 (􀅽) 528 90 (Z) Z
1048958 (􀅾) 528 90 (Z) Z
1048959 (􀅿) 543 83 (S) S
1048960 (􀆀) 488 66 (B) B
1048961 (􀆁) 488 66 (B) B
1048962 (􀆂) 488 66 (B) B
1048963 (􀆃) 488 66 (B) B
1048967 (􀆇) 553 67 (C) C
1048968 (􀆈) 553 67 (C) C
1048970 (􀆊) 407 68 (D) D
1048971 (􀆋) 407 68 (D) D
1048972 (􀆌) 407 68 (D) D
1048977 (􀆑) 453 70 (F) F
1048978 (􀆒) 453 70 (F) F
1048979 (􀆓) 471 71 (G) G
1048983 (􀆗) 478 73 (I) I
1048984 (􀆘) 505 75 (K) K
1048985 (􀆙) 505 75 (K) K
1048986 (􀆚) 390 76 (L) L
1048989 (􀆝) 540 78 (N) N
1048990 (􀆞) 540 78 (N) N
1048991 (􀆟) 368 79 (O) O
1048992 (􀆠) 368 79 (O) O
1048993 (􀆡) 368 79 (O) O
1048996 (􀆤) 411 80 (P) P
1048997 (􀆥) 411 80 (P) P
1049003 (􀆫) 358 84 (T) T
1049004 (􀆬) 358 84 (T) T
1049005 (􀆭) 358 84 (T) T
1049006 (􀆮) 358 84 (T) T
1049007 (􀆯) 493 85 (U) U
1049008 (􀆰) 493 85 (U) U
1049010 (􀆲) 411 86 (V) V
1049011 (􀆳) 404 89 (Y) Y
1049012 (􀆴) 404 89 (Y) Y
1049013 (􀆵) 528 90 (Z) Z
1049014 (􀆶) 528 90 (Z) Z
1049028 (􀇄) 675 452 (DŽ) Dz
1049029 (􀇅) 675 452 (DŽ) Dz
1049030 (􀇆) 675 452 (DŽ) Dz
1049031 (􀇇) 631 455 (LJ) Lj
1049032 (􀇈) 631 455 (LJ) Lj
1049033 (􀇉) 631 455 (LJ) Lj
1049034 (􀇊) 753 458 (NJ) Nj
1049035 (􀇋) 753 458 (NJ) Nj
1049036 (􀇌) 753 458 (NJ) Nj
1049037 (􀇍) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049038 (􀇎) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049039 (􀇏) 478 73 (I) I
1049040 (􀇐) 478 73 (I) I
1049041 (􀇑) 368 79 (O) O
1049042 (􀇒) 368 79 (O) O
1049043 (􀇓) 493 85 (U) U
1049044 (􀇔) 493 85 (U) U
1049045 (􀇕) 493 85 (U) U
1049046 (􀇖) 493 85 (U) U
1049047 (􀇗) 493 85 (U) U
1049048 (􀇘) 493 85 (U) U
1049049 (􀇙) 493 85 (U) U
1049050 (􀇚) 493 85 (U) U
1049051 (􀇛) 493 85 (U) U
1049052 (􀇜) 493 85 (U) U
1049054 (􀇞) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049055 (􀇟) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049056 (􀇠) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049057 (􀇡) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049058 (􀇢) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049059 (􀇣) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049060 (􀇤) 471 71 (G) G
1049061 (􀇥) 471 71 (G) G
1049062 (􀇦) 471 71 (G) G
1049063 (􀇧) 471 71 (G) G
1049064 (􀇨) 505 75 (K) K
1049065 (􀇩) 505 75 (K) K
1049066 (􀇪) 368 79 (O) O
1049067 (􀇫) 368 79 (O) O
1049068 (􀇬) 368 79 (O) O
1049069 (􀇭) 368 79 (O) O
1049072 (􀇰) 548 74 (J) J
1049073 (􀇱) 675 452 (DŽ) Dz
1049074 (􀇲) 675 452 (DŽ) Dz
1049075 (􀇳) 675 452 (DŽ) Dz
1049076 (􀇴) 471 71 (G) G
1049077 (􀇵) 471 71 (G) G
1049080 (􀇸) 540 78 (N) N
1049081 (􀇹) 540 78 (N) N
1049082 (􀇺) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049083 (􀇻) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049084 (􀇼) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049085 (􀇽) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049086 (􀇾) 368 79 (O) O
1049087 (􀇿) 368 79 (O) O
1049088 (􀈀) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049089 (􀈁) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049090 (􀈂) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049091 (􀈃) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049092 (􀈄) 457 69 (E) E
1049093 (􀈅) 457 69 (E) E
1049094 (􀈆) 457 69 (E) E
1049095 (􀈇) 457 69 (E) E
1049096 (􀈈) 478 73 (I) I
1049097 (􀈉) 478 73 (I) I
1049098 (􀈊) 478 73 (I) I
1049099 (􀈋) 478 73 (I) I
1049100 (􀈌) 368 79 (O) O
1049101 (􀈍) 368 79 (O) O
1049102 (􀈎) 368 79 (O) O
1049103 (􀈏) 368 79 (O) O
1049104 (􀈐) 485 82 (R) R
1049105 (􀈑) 485 82 (R) R
1049106 (􀈒) 485 82 (R) R
1049107 (􀈓) 485 82 (R) R
1049108 (􀈔) 493 85 (U) U
1049109 (􀈕) 493 85 (U) U
1049110 (􀈖) 493 85 (U) U
1049111 (􀈗) 493 85 (U) U
1049112 (􀈘) 543 83 (S) S
1049113 (􀈙) 543 83 (S) S
1049114 (􀈚) 358 84 (T) T
1049115 (􀈛) 358 84 (T) T
1049118 (􀈞) 631 72 (H) H
1049119 (􀈟) 631 72 (H) H
1049120 (􀈠) 540 78 (N) N
1049121 (􀈡) 407 68 (D) D
1049124 (􀈤) 528 90 (Z) Z
1049125 (􀈥) 528 90 (Z) Z
1049126 (􀈦) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049127 (􀈧) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049128 (􀈨) 457 69 (E) E
1049129 (􀈩) 457 69 (E) E
1049130 (􀈪) 368 79 (O) O
1049131 (􀈫) 368 79 (O) O
1049132 (􀈬) 368 79 (O) O
1049133 (􀈭) 368 79 (O) O
1049134 (􀈮) 368 79 (O) O
1049135 (􀈯) 368 79 (O) O
1049136 (􀈰) 368 79 (O) O
1049137 (􀈱) 368 79 (O) O
1049138 (􀈲) 404 89 (Y) Y
1049139 (􀈳) 404 89 (Y) Y
1049140 (􀈴) 390 76 (L) L
1049141 (􀈵) 540 78 (N) N
1049142 (􀈶) 358 84 (T) T
1049146 (􀈺) 482 256 (Ā) A
1049147 (􀈻) 553 67 (C) C
1049148 (􀈼) 553 67 (C) C
1049149 (􀈽) 390 76 (L) L
1049150 (􀈾) 358 84 (T) T
1049151 (􀈿) 543 83 (S) S
1049152 (􀉀) 528 90 (Z) Z
1049155 (􀉃) 488 66 (B) B
1049158 (􀉆) 457 69 (E) E
1049159 (􀉇) 457 69 (E) E
1049160 (􀉈) 548 74 (J) J
1049161 (􀉉) 548 74 (J) J
1049162 (􀉊) 495 81 (Q) Q
1049163 (􀉋) 495 81 (Q) Q
1049164 (􀉌) 485 82 (R) R
1049165 (􀉍) 485 82 (R) R
1049166 (􀉎) 404 89 (Y) Y
1049167 (􀉏) 404 89 (Y) Y
1049171 (􀉓) 488 66 (B) B
1049173 (􀉕) 553 67 (C) C
1049174 (􀉖) 407 68 (D) D
1049175 (􀉗) 407 68 (D) D
1049181 (􀉝) 457 69 (E) E
1049183 (􀉟) 548 74 (J) J
1049184 (􀉠) 471 71 (G) G
1049190 (􀉦) 631 72 (H) H
1049192 (􀉨) 478 73 (I) I
1049195 (􀉫) 390 76 (L) L
1049196 (􀉬) 390 76 (L) L
1049197 (􀉭) 390 76 (L) L
1049200 (􀉰) 528 77 (M) M
1049201 (􀉱) 528 77 (M) M
1049202 (􀉲) 540 78 (N) N
1049203 (􀉳) 540 78 (N) N
1049210 (􀉺) 485 82 (R) R
1049211 (􀉻) 485 82 (R) R
1049212 (􀉼) 485 82 (R) R
1049213 (􀉽) 485 82 (R) R
1049214 (􀉾) 485 82 (R) R
1049215 (􀉿) 485 82 (R) R
1049218 (􀊂) 543 83 (S) S
1049220 (􀊄) 548 74 (J) J
1049224 (􀊈) 358 84 (T) T
1049227 (􀊋) 411 86 (V) V
1049232 (􀊐) 528 90 (Z) Z
1049233 (􀊑) 528 90 (Z) Z
1049245 (􀊝) 548 74 (J) J
1049248 (􀊠) 495 81 (Q) Q
1049262 (􀊮) 631 72 (H) H
1049263 (􀊯) 631 72 (H) H
1049264 (􀊰) 631 72 (H) H
1049265 (􀊱) 631 72 (H) H
1049266 (􀊲) 548 74 (J) J
1049267 (􀊳) 485 82 (R) R
1049269 (􀊵) 485 82 (R) R
1049271 (􀊷) 574 87 (W) W
1049272 (􀊸) 404 89 (Y) Y
1049313 (􀋡) 390 76 (L) L
1049314 (􀋢) 543 83 (S) S
1049315 (􀋣) 672 88 (X) X
1049470 (􀍾) 1029 59 (;) Semicolon
1049994 (􀖊) 706 45 (-) Dash
1050046 (􀖾) 706 45 (-) Dash
1053696 (􁐀) 706 45 (-) Dash
1054336 (􁚀) 708 1048736 (􀂠) Space
1054726 (􁠆) 706 45 (-) Dash
1056019 (􁴓) 368 79 (O) O
1056044 (􁴬) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056045 (􁴭) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056046 (􁴮) 488 66 (B) B
1056048 (􁴰) 407 68 (D) D
1056049 (􁴱) 457 69 (E) E
1056051 (􁴳) 471 71 (G) G
1056052 (􁴴) 631 72 (H) H
1056053 (􁴵) 478 73 (I) I
1056054 (􁴶) 548 74 (J) J
1056055 (􁴷) 505 75 (K) K
1056056 (􁴸) 390 76 (L) L
1056057 (􁴹) 528 77 (M) M
1056058 (􁴺) 540 78 (N) N
1056060 (􁴼) 368 79 (O) O
1056062 (􁴾) 411 80 (P) P
1056063 (􁴿) 485 82 (R) R
1056064 (􁵀) 358 84 (T) T
1056065 (􁵁) 493 85 (U) U
1056066 (􁵂) 574 87 (W) W
1056067 (􁵃) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056071 (􁵇) 488 66 (B) B
1056072 (􁵈) 407 68 (D) D
1056073 (􁵉) 457 69 (E) E
1056077 (􁵍) 471 71 (G) G
1056079 (􁵏) 505 75 (K) K
1056080 (􁵐) 528 77 (M) M
1056082 (􁵒) 368 79 (O) O
1056086 (􁵖) 411 80 (P) P
1056087 (􁵗) 358 84 (T) T
1056088 (􁵘) 493 85 (U) U
1056091 (􁵛) 411 86 (V) V
1056098 (􁵢) 478 73 (I) I
1056099 (􁵣) 485 82 (R) R
1056100 (􁵤) 493 85 (U) U
1056101 (􁵥) 411 86 (V) V
1056108 (􁵬) 488 66 (B) B
1056109 (􁵭) 407 68 (D) D
1056110 (􁵮) 453 70 (F) F
1056111 (􁵯) 528 77 (M) M
1056112 (􁵰) 540 78 (N) N
1056113 (􁵱) 411 80 (P) P
1056114 (􁵲) 485 82 (R) R
1056115 (􁵳) 485 82 (R) R
1056116 (􁵴) 543 83 (S) S
1056117 (􁵵) 358 84 (T) T
1056118 (􁵶) 528 90 (Z) Z
1056125 (􁵽) 411 80 (P) P
1056128 (􁶀) 488 66 (B) B
1056129 (􁶁) 407 68 (D) D
1056130 (􁶂) 453 70 (F) F
1056131 (􁶃) 471 71 (G) G
1056132 (􁶄) 505 75 (K) K
1056133 (􁶅) 390 76 (L) L
1056134 (􁶆) 528 77 (M) M
1056135 (􁶇) 540 78 (N) N
1056136 (􁶈) 411 80 (P) P
1056137 (􁶉) 485 82 (R) R
1056138 (􁶊) 543 83 (S) S
1056140 (􁶌) 411 86 (V) V
1056141 (􁶍) 672 88 (X) X
1056142 (􁶎) 528 90 (Z) Z
1056143 (􁶏) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056145 (􁶑) 407 68 (D) D
1056146 (􁶒) 457 69 (E) E
1056147 (􁶓) 457 69 (E) E
1056148 (􁶔) 457 69 (E) E
1056150 (􁶖) 478 73 (I) I
1056151 (􁶗) 368 79 (O) O
1056153 (􁶙) 493 85 (U) U
1056156 (􁶜) 553 67 (C) C
1056157 (􁶝) 553 67 (C) C
1056160 (􁶠) 453 70 (F) F
1056161 (􁶡) 548 74 (J) J
1056164 (􁶤) 478 73 (I) I
1056168 (􁶨) 548 74 (J) J
1056169 (􁶩) 390 76 (L) L
1056170 (􁶪) 390 76 (L) L
1056172 (􁶬) 528 77 (M) M
1056173 (􁶭) 528 77 (M) M
1056174 (􁶮) 540 78 (N) N
1056175 (􁶯) 540 78 (N) N
1056179 (􁶳) 543 83 (S) S
1056181 (􁶵) 358 84 (T) T
1056185 (􁶹) 411 86 (V) V
1056187 (􁶻) 528 90 (Z) Z
1056188 (􁶼) 528 90 (Z) Z
1056189 (􁶽) 528 90 (Z) Z
1056256 (􁸀) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056257 (􁸁) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056258 (􁸂) 488 66 (B) B
1056259 (􁸃) 488 66 (B) B
1056260 (􁸄) 488 66 (B) B
1056261 (􁸅) 488 66 (B) B
1056262 (􁸆) 488 66 (B) B
1056263 (􁸇) 488 66 (B) B
1056264 (􁸈) 553 67 (C) C
1056265 (􁸉) 553 67 (C) C
1056266 (􁸊) 407 68 (D) D
1056267 (􁸋) 407 68 (D) D
1056268 (􁸌) 407 68 (D) D
1056269 (􁸍) 407 68 (D) D
1056270 (􁸎) 407 68 (D) D
1056271 (􁸏) 407 68 (D) D
1056272 (􁸐) 407 68 (D) D
1056273 (􁸑) 407 68 (D) D
1056274 (􁸒) 407 68 (D) D
1056275 (􁸓) 407 68 (D) D
1056276 (􁸔) 457 69 (E) E
1056277 (􁸕) 457 69 (E) E
1056278 (􁸖) 457 69 (E) E
1056279 (􁸗) 457 69 (E) E
1056280 (􁸘) 457 69 (E) E
1056281 (􁸙) 457 69 (E) E
1056282 (􁸚) 457 69 (E) E
1056283 (􁸛) 457 69 (E) E
1056284 (􁸜) 457 69 (E) E
1056285 (􁸝) 457 69 (E) E
1056286 (􁸞) 453 70 (F) F
1056287 (􁸟) 453 70 (F) F
1056288 (􁸠) 471 71 (G) G
1056289 (􁸡) 471 71 (G) G
1056290 (􁸢) 631 72 (H) H
1056291 (􁸣) 631 72 (H) H
1056292 (􁸤) 631 72 (H) H
1056293 (􁸥) 631 72 (H) H
1056294 (􁸦) 631 72 (H) H
1056295 (􁸧) 631 72 (H) H
1056296 (􁸨) 631 72 (H) H
1056297 (􁸩) 631 72 (H) H
1056298 (􁸪) 631 72 (H) H
1056299 (􁸫) 631 72 (H) H
1056300 (􁸬) 478 73 (I) I
1056301 (􁸭) 478 73 (I) I
1056302 (􁸮) 478 73 (I) I
1056303 (􁸯) 478 73 (I) I
1056304 (􁸰) 505 75 (K) K
1056305 (􁸱) 505 75 (K) K
1056306 (􁸲) 505 75 (K) K
1056307 (􁸳) 505 75 (K) K
1056308 (􁸴) 505 75 (K) K
1056309 (􁸵) 505 75 (K) K
1056310 (􁸶) 390 76 (L) L
1056311 (􁸷) 390 76 (L) L
1056312 (􁸸) 390 76 (L) L
1056313 (􁸹) 390 76 (L) L
1056314 (􁸺) 390 76 (L) L
1056315 (􁸻) 390 76 (L) L
1056316 (􁸼) 390 76 (L) L
1056317 (􁸽) 390 76 (L) L
1056318 (􁸾) 528 77 (M) M
1056319 (􁸿) 528 77 (M) M
1056320 (􁹀) 528 77 (M) M
1056321 (􁹁) 528 77 (M) M
1056322 (􁹂) 528 77 (M) M
1056323 (􁹃) 528 77 (M) M
1056324 (􁹄) 540 78 (N) N
1056325 (􁹅) 540 78 (N) N
1056326 (􁹆) 540 78 (N) N
1056327 (􁹇) 540 78 (N) N
1056328 (􁹈) 540 78 (N) N
1056329 (􁹉) 540 78 (N) N
1056330 (􁹊) 540 78 (N) N
1056331 (􁹋) 540 78 (N) N
1056332 (􁹌) 368 79 (O) O
1056333 (􁹍) 368 79 (O) O
1056334 (􁹎) 368 79 (O) O
1056335 (􁹏) 368 79 (O) O
1056336 (􁹐) 368 79 (O) O
1056337 (􁹑) 368 79 (O) O
1056338 (􁹒) 368 79 (O) O
1056339 (􁹓) 368 79 (O) O
1056340 (􁹔) 411 80 (P) P
1056341 (􁹕) 411 80 (P) P
1056342 (􁹖) 411 80 (P) P
1056343 (􁹗) 411 80 (P) P
1056344 (􁹘) 485 82 (R) R
1056345 (􁹙) 485 82 (R) R
1056346 (􁹚) 485 82 (R) R
1056347 (􁹛) 485 82 (R) R
1056348 (􁹜) 485 82 (R) R
1056349 (􁹝) 485 82 (R) R
1056350 (􁹞) 485 82 (R) R
1056351 (􁹟) 485 82 (R) R
1056352 (􁹠) 543 83 (S) S
1056353 (􁹡) 543 83 (S) S
1056354 (􁹢) 543 83 (S) S
1056355 (􁹣) 543 83 (S) S
1056356 (􁹤) 543 83 (S) S
1056357 (􁹥) 543 83 (S) S
1056358 (􁹦) 543 83 (S) S
1056359 (􁹧) 543 83 (S) S
1056360 (􁹨) 543 83 (S) S
1056361 (􁹩) 543 83 (S) S
1056362 (􁹪) 358 84 (T) T
1056363 (􁹫) 358 84 (T) T
1056364 (􁹬) 358 84 (T) T
1056365 (􁹭) 358 84 (T) T
1056366 (􁹮) 358 84 (T) T
1056367 (􁹯) 358 84 (T) T
1056368 (􁹰) 358 84 (T) T
1056369 (􁹱) 358 84 (T) T
1056370 (􁹲) 493 85 (U) U
1056371 (􁹳) 493 85 (U) U
1056372 (􁹴) 493 85 (U) U
1056373 (􁹵) 493 85 (U) U
1056374 (􁹶) 493 85 (U) U
1056375 (􁹷) 493 85 (U) U
1056376 (􁹸) 493 85 (U) U
1056377 (􁹹) 493 85 (U) U
1056378 (􁹺) 493 85 (U) U
1056379 (􁹻) 493 85 (U) U
1056380 (􁹼) 411 86 (V) V
1056381 (􁹽) 411 86 (V) V
1056382 (􁹾) 411 86 (V) V
1056383 (􁹿) 411 86 (V) V
1056384 (􁺀) 574 87 (W) W
1056385 (􁺁) 574 87 (W) W
1056386 (􁺂) 574 87 (W) W
1056387 (􁺃) 574 87 (W) W
1056388 (􁺄) 574 87 (W) W
1056389 (􁺅) 574 87 (W) W
1056390 (􁺆) 574 87 (W) W
1056391 (􁺇) 574 87 (W) W
1056392 (􁺈) 574 87 (W) W
1056393 (􁺉) 574 87 (W) W
1056394 (􁺊) 672 88 (X) X
1056395 (􁺋) 672 88 (X) X
1056396 (􁺌) 672 88 (X) X
1056397 (􁺍) 672 88 (X) X
1056398 (􁺎) 404 89 (Y) Y
1056399 (􁺏) 404 89 (Y) Y
1056400 (􁺐) 528 90 (Z) Z
1056401 (􁺑) 528 90 (Z) Z
1056402 (􁺒) 528 90 (Z) Z
1056403 (􁺓) 528 90 (Z) Z
1056404 (􁺔) 528 90 (Z) Z
1056405 (􁺕) 528 90 (Z) Z
1056406 (􁺖) 631 72 (H) H
1056407 (􁺗) 358 84 (T) T
1056408 (􁺘) 574 87 (W) W
1056409 (􁺙) 404 89 (Y) Y
1056410 (􁺚) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056411 (􁺛) 543 83 (S) S
1056412 (􁺜) 543 83 (S) S
1056413 (􁺝) 543 83 (S) S
1056416 (􁺠) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056417 (􁺡) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056418 (􁺢) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056419 (􁺣) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056420 (􁺤) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056421 (􁺥) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056422 (􁺦) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056423 (􁺧) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056424 (􁺨) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056425 (􁺩) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056426 (􁺪) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056427 (􁺫) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056428 (􁺬) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056429 (􁺭) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056430 (􁺮) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056431 (􁺯) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056432 (􁺰) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056433 (􁺱) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056434 (􁺲) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056435 (􁺳) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056436 (􁺴) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056437 (􁺵) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056438 (􁺶) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056439 (􁺷) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056440 (􁺸) 457 69 (E) E
1056441 (􁺹) 457 69 (E) E
1056442 (􁺺) 457 69 (E) E
1056443 (􁺻) 457 69 (E) E
1056444 (􁺼) 457 69 (E) E
1056445 (􁺽) 457 69 (E) E
1056446 (􁺾) 457 69 (E) E
1056447 (􁺿) 457 69 (E) E
1056448 (􁻀) 457 69 (E) E
1056449 (􁻁) 457 69 (E) E
1056450 (􁻂) 457 69 (E) E
1056451 (􁻃) 457 69 (E) E
1056452 (􁻄) 457 69 (E) E
1056453 (􁻅) 457 69 (E) E
1056454 (􁻆) 457 69 (E) E
1056455 (􁻇) 457 69 (E) E
1056456 (􁻈) 478 73 (I) I
1056457 (􁻉) 478 73 (I) I
1056458 (􁻊) 478 73 (I) I
1056459 (􁻋) 478 73 (I) I
1056460 (􁻌) 368 79 (O) O
1056461 (􁻍) 368 79 (O) O
1056462 (􁻎) 368 79 (O) O
1056463 (􁻏) 368 79 (O) O
1056464 (􁻐) 368 79 (O) O
1056465 (􁻑) 368 79 (O) O
1056466 (􁻒) 368 79 (O) O
1056467 (􁻓) 368 79 (O) O
1056468 (􁻔) 368 79 (O) O
1056469 (􁻕) 368 79 (O) O
1056470 (􁻖) 368 79 (O) O
1056471 (􁻗) 368 79 (O) O
1056472 (􁻘) 368 79 (O) O
1056473 (􁻙) 368 79 (O) O
1056474 (􁻚) 368 79 (O) O
1056475 (􁻛) 368 79 (O) O
1056476 (􁻜) 368 79 (O) O
1056477 (􁻝) 368 79 (O) O
1056478 (􁻞) 368 79 (O) O
1056479 (􁻟) 368 79 (O) O
1056480 (􁻠) 368 79 (O) O
1056481 (􁻡) 368 79 (O) O
1056482 (􁻢) 368 79 (O) O
1056483 (􁻣) 368 79 (O) O
1056484 (􁻤) 493 85 (U) U
1056485 (􁻥) 493 85 (U) U
1056486 (􁻦) 493 85 (U) U
1056487 (􁻧) 493 85 (U) U
1056488 (􁻨) 493 85 (U) U
1056489 (􁻩) 493 85 (U) U
1056490 (􁻪) 493 85 (U) U
1056491 (􁻫) 493 85 (U) U
1056492 (􁻬) 493 85 (U) U
1056493 (􁻭) 493 85 (U) U
1056494 (􁻮) 493 85 (U) U
1056495 (􁻯) 493 85 (U) U
1056496 (􁻰) 493 85 (U) U
1056497 (􁻱) 493 85 (U) U
1056498 (􁻲) 404 89 (Y) Y
1056499 (􁻳) 404 89 (Y) Y
1056500 (􁻴) 404 89 (Y) Y
1056501 (􁻵) 404 89 (Y) Y
1056502 (􁻶) 404 89 (Y) Y
1056503 (􁻷) 404 89 (Y) Y
1056504 (􁻸) 404 89 (Y) Y
1056505 (􁻹) 404 89 (Y) Y
1056510 (􁻾) 404 89 (Y) Y
1056511 (􁻿) 404 89 (Y) Y
1056751 (􁿯) 1159 None Grave accent
1056768 (􂀀) 708 1048736 (􀂠) Space
1056769 (􂀁) 708 1048736 (􀂠) Space
1056770 (􂀂) 708 1048736 (􀂠) Space
1056771 (􂀃) 708 1048736 (􀂠) Space
1056772 (􂀄) 708 1048736 (􀂠) Space
1056773 (􂀅) 708 1048736 (􀂠) Space
1056774 (􂀆) 708 1048736 (􀂠) Space
1056775 (􂀇) 708 1048736 (􀂠) Space
1056776 (􂀈) 708 1048736 (􀂠) Space
1056777 (􂀉) 708 1048736 (􀂠) Space
1056778 (􂀊) 708 1048736 (􀂠) Space
1056784 (􂀐) 706 45 (-) Dash
1056785 (􂀑) 706 45 (-) Dash
1056786 (􂀒) 706 45 (-) Dash
1056787 (􂀓) 706 45 (-) Dash
1056788 (􂀔) 706 45 (-) Dash
1056789 (􂀕) 706 45 (-) Dash
1056804 (􂀤) 464 46 (.) Dot
1056805 (􂀥) 620 None Dot dot
1056806 (􂀦) 997 65049 (︙) Dot dot dot
1056808 (􂀨) 863 None Line feed
1056809 (􂀩) 1482 None Line feed line feed
1056815 (􂀯) 708 1048736 (􀂠) Space
1056828 (􂀼) 2530 None Exclamation mark exclamation mark
1056831 (􂀿) 732 95 (_) Underscore
1056832 (􂁀) 732 95 (_) Underscore
1056836 (􂁄) 579 47 (/) Slash
1056839 (􂁇) 1985 8263 (⁇) Question mark question mark
1056840 (􂁈) 2247 8264 (⁈) Question mark exclamation mark
1056841 (􂁉) 2204 None Exclamation mark question mark
1056852 (􂁔) 732 95 (_) Underscore
1056863 (􂁟) 708 1048736 (􀂠) Space
1056880 (􂁰) 605 8304 (⁰) Zero
1056881 (􂁱) 478 73 (I) I
1056884 (􂁴) 629 52 (4) Four
1056885 (􂁵) 680 53 (5) Five
1056886 (􂁶) 612 54 (6) Six
1056887 (􂁷) 377 55 (7) Seven
1056888 (􂁸) 479 56 (8) Eight
1056889 (􂁹) 587 57 (9) Nine
1056890 (􂁺) 396 43 (+) Plus
1056891 (􂁻) 706 45 (-) Dash
1056892 (􂁼) 779 61 (=) Equals
1056893 (􂁽) 1424 8317 (⁽) Opening parenthases
1056894 (􂁾) 1526 8318 (⁾) Closing parentheses
1056895 (􂁿) 540 78 (N) N
1056896 (􂂀) 605 8304 (⁰) Zero
1056897 (􂂁) 540 49 (1) One
1056898 (􂂂) 415 50 (2) Two
1056899 (􂂃) 513 51 (3) Three
1056900 (􂂄) 629 52 (4) Four
1056901 (􂂅) 680 53 (5) Five
1056902 (􂂆) 612 54 (6) Six
1056903 (􂂇) 377 55 (7) Seven
1056904 (􂂈) 479 56 (8) Eight
1056905 (􂂉) 587 57 (9) Nine
1056906 (􂂊) 396 43 (+) Plus
1056907 (􂂋) 706 45 (-) Dash
1056908 (􂂌) 779 61 (=) Equals
1056909 (􂂍) 1424 8317 (⁽) Opening parenthases
1056910 (􂂎) 1526 8318 (⁾) Closing parentheses
1056912 (􂂐) 482 256 (Ā) A
1056913 (􂂑) 457 69 (E) E
1056914 (􂂒) 368 79 (O) O
1056915 (􂂓) 672 88 (X) X
1056917 (􂂕) 631 72 (H) H
1056918 (􂂖) 505 75 (K) K
1056919 (􂂗) 390 76 (L) L
1056920 (􂂘) 528 77 (M) M
1056921 (􂂙) 540 78 (N) N
1056922 (􂂚) 411 80 (P) P
1056923 (􂂛) 543 83 (S) S
1056924 (􂂜) 358 84 (T) T
1056936 (􂂨) 633 8360 (₨) Rs
1057024 (􂄀) 1227 8448 (℀) A slash C
1057025 (􂄁) 1150 8449 (℁) A slash S
1057026 (􂄂) 553 67 (C) C
1057027 (􂄃) 553 67 (C) C
1057029 (􂄅) 1228 None C slash show
1057030 (􂄆) 1049 8454 (℆) C slash U
1057033 (􂄉) 453 70 (F) F
1057034 (􂄊) 471 71 (G) G
1057035 (􂄋) 631 72 (H) H
1057036 (􂄌) 631 72 (H) H
1057037 (􂄍) 631 72 (H) H
1057038 (􂄎) 631 72 (H) H
1057039 (􂄏) 631 72 (H) H
1057040 (􂄐) 478 73 (I) I
1057041 (􂄑) 478 73 (I) I
1057042 (􂄒) 390 76 (L) L
1057043 (􂄓) 390 76 (L) L
1057045 (􂄕) 540 78 (N) N
1057046 (􂄖) 430 8470 (№) No
1057049 (􂄙) 411 80 (P) P
1057050 (􂄚) 495 81 (Q) Q
1057051 (􂄛) 485 82 (R) R
1057052 (􂄜) 485 82 (R) R
1057053 (􂄝) 485 82 (R) R
1057056 (􂄠) 622 8480 (℠) Sm
1057057 (􂄡) 526 8481 (℡) Tel
1057058 (􂄢) 625 None Tm
1057060 (􂄤) 528 90 (Z) Z
1057064 (􂄨) 528 90 (Z) Z
1057066 (􂄪) 505 75 (K) K
1057067 (􂄫) 482 256 (Ā) A
1057068 (􂄬) 488 66 (B) B
1057069 (􂄭) 553 67 (C) C
1057071 (􂄯) 457 69 (E) E
1057072 (􂄰) 457 69 (E) E
1057073 (􂄱) 453 70 (F) F
1057075 (􂄳) 528 77 (M) M
1057076 (􂄴) 368 79 (O) O
1057081 (􂄹) 478 73 (I) I
1057083 (􂄻) 657 8507 (℻) Fax
1057093 (􂅅) 407 68 (D) D
1057094 (􂅆) 407 68 (D) D
1057095 (􂅇) 457 69 (E) E
1057096 (􂅈) 478 73 (I) I
1057097 (􂅉) 548 74 (J) J
1057104 (􂅐) 1300 None One slash seven
1057105 (􂅑) 1242 None One slash nine
1057106 (􂅒) 1156 None One slash Ten
1057107 (􂅓) 1235 None One slash three
1057108 (􂅔) 1198 None Two slash three
1057109 (􂅕) 1377 None One slash five
1057110 (􂅖) 1362 None Two slash five
1057111 (􂅗) 1544 None Three slash five
1057112 (􂅘) 1429 None Four slash five
1057113 (􂅙) 1419 None One slash six
1057114 (􂅚) 1610 None Five slash six
1057115 (􂅛) 1246 None One slash eight
1057116 (􂅜) 1346 None Three slash eight
1057117 (􂅝) 1429 None Five slash eight
1057118 (􂅞) 1367 None Seven slash eight
1057119 (􂅟) 906 8543 (⅟) One slash
1057120 (􂅠) 478 73 (I) I
1057121 (􂅡) 415 50 (2) Two
1057122 (􂅢) 513 51 (3) Three
1057123 (􂅣) 416 None Iv
1057124 (􂅤) 411 86 (V) V
1057125 (􂅥) 430 None Vi
1057126 (􂅦) 586 None Seven
1057127 (􂅧) 760 None Viii (sounds like Vaiai)
1057128 (􂅨) 538 None Ix (sounds like Iks)
1057129 (􂅩) 672 88 (X) X
1057130 (􂅪) 411 926 (Ξ) Xi
1057131 (􂅫) 683 8555 (Ⅻ) Twelve
1057132 (􂅬) 390 76 (L) L
1057133 (􂅭) 553 67 (C) C
1057134 (􂅮) 407 68 (D) D
1057135 (􂅯) 528 77 (M) M
1057136 (􂅰) 478 73 (I) I
1057137 (􂅱) 415 50 (2) Two
1057138 (􂅲) 513 51 (3) Three
1057139 (􂅳) 416 1057123 (􂅣) Iv
1057140 (􂅴) 411 86 (V) V
1057141 (􂅵) 430 1057125 (􂅥) Vi
1057142 (􂅶) 586 1057126 (􂅦) Seven
1057143 (􂅷) 760 1057127 (􂅧) Viii (sounds like Vaiai)
1057144 (􂅸) 538 1057128 (􂅨) Ix (sounds like Iks)
1057145 (􂅹) 672 88 (X) X
1057146 (􂅺) 411 926 (Ξ) Xi
1057147 (􂅻) 683 8555 (Ⅻ) Twelve
1057148 (􂅼) 390 76 (L) L
1057149 (􂅽) 553 67 (C) C
1057150 (􂅾) 407 68 (D) D
1057151 (􂅿) 528 77 (M) M
1057161 (􂆉) 1483 8585 (↉) Zero slash three
1057298 (􂈒) 706 45 (-) Dash
1057300 (􂈔) 396 43 (+) Plus
1057301 (􂈕) 579 47 (/) Slash
1057302 (􂈖) 836 92 (\) Backslash
1057303 (􂈗) 850 8727 (∗) Asterisk
1057305 (􂈙) 850 8727 (∗) Asterisk
1057376 (􂉠) 779 61 (=) Equals
1057390 (􂉮) 713 60 (<) Less than
1057391 (􂉯) 855 62 (>) Greater than
1057888 (􂑠) 540 49 (1) One
1057889 (􂑡) 415 50 (2) Two
1057890 (􂑢) 513 51 (3) Three
1057891 (􂑣) 629 52 (4) Four
1057892 (􂑤) 680 53 (5) Five
1057893 (􂑥) 612 54 (6) Six
1057894 (􂑦) 377 55 (7) Seven
1057895 (􂑧) 479 56 (8) Eight
1057896 (􂑨) 587 57 (9) Nine
1057897 (􂑩) 476 8553 (Ⅹ) Ten
1057898 (􂑪) 477 8554 (Ⅺ) Eleven
1057899 (􂑫) 683 8555 (Ⅻ) Twelve
1057900 (􂑬) 883 9324 (⑬) Thirteen
1057901 (􂑭) 908 9325 (⑭) Fourteen
1057902 (􂑮) 891 9326 (⑮) Fifteen
1057903 (􂑯) 1006 9327 (⑯) Sixteen
1057904 (􂑰) 1002 9328 (⑰) Seventeen
1057905 (􂑱) 880 9329 (⑱) Eighteen
1057906 (􂑲) 884 9330 (⑲) Ninteen
1057907 (􂑳) 557 9331 (⑳) Twenty
1057908 (􂑴) 2956 9332 (⑴) Opening parenthases one closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057909 (􂑵) 3001 9333 (⑵) Opening parenthases two closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057910 (􂑶) 2996 9334 (⑶) Opening parenthases three closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057911 (􂑷) 2930 9335 (⑷) Opening parenthases four closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057912 (􂑸) 3076 9336 (⑸) Opening parenthases five closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057913 (􂑹) 3142 9337 (⑹) Opening parenthases six closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057914 (􂑺) 3112 9338 (⑺) Opening parenthases seven closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057915 (􂑻) 2929 9339 (⑻) Opening parenthases eight closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057916 (􂑼) 2931 9340 (⑼) Opening parenthases nine closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057917 (􂑽) 3081 9341 (⑽) Opening parenthases ten closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057918 (􂑾) 3002 9342 (⑾) Opening parenthases eleven closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057919 (􂑿) 3311 9343 (⑿) Opening parenthases twelve closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057920 (􂒀) 3340 9344 (⒀) Opening parenthases thirteen closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057921 (􂒁) 3295 9345 (⒁) Opening parenthases fourteen closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057922 (􂒂) 3129 9346 (⒂) Opening parenthases fifteen closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057923 (􂒃) 3293 9347 (⒃) Opening parenthases sixteen closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057924 (􂒄) 3403 9348 (⒄) Opening parenthases seventeen closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057925 (􂒅) 3106 9349 (⒅) Opening parenthases eighteen closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057926 (􂒆) 3178 9350 (⒆) Opening parenthases nineteen closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057927 (􂒇) 3066 9351 (⒇) Opening parenthases twenty closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057928 (􂒈) 781 9352 (⒈) One dot
1057929 (􂒉) 678 9353 (⒉) Two dot
1057930 (􂒊) 772 9354 (⒊) Three dot
1057931 (􂒋) 716 9355 (⒋) Four dot
1057932 (􂒌) 774 9356 (⒌) Five dot
1057933 (􂒍) 882 9357 (⒍) Six dot
1057934 (􂒎) 743 9358 (⒎) Seven dot
1057935 (􂒏) 692 9359 (⒏) Eight dot
1057936 (􂒐) 838 9360 (⒐) Nine dot
1057937 (􂒑) 718 9361 (⒑) Ten dot
1057938 (􂒒) 794 9362 (⒒) Eleven dot
1057939 (􂒓) 892 9363 (⒓) Twelve dot
1057940 (􂒔) 1093 9364 (⒔) Thirteen dot
1057941 (􂒕) 1178 9365 (⒕) Fourteen dot
1057942 (􂒖) 1056 9366 (⒖) Fifteen dot
1057943 (􂒗) 1082 9367 (⒗) Sixteen dot
1057944 (􂒘) 1104 9368 (⒘) Seventeen dot
1057945 (􂒙) 1104 9369 (⒙) Eighteen dot
1057946 (􂒚) 1100 9370 (⒚) Nineteen dot
1057947 (􂒛) 797 9371 (⒛) Twenty dot
1057948 (􂒜) 2859 9372 (⒜) Opening parenthases A closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057949 (􂒝) 2878 9373 (⒝) Opening parenthases B closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057950 (􂒞) 2956 9374 (⒞) Opening parenthases C closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057951 (􂒟) 2865 9375 (⒟) Opening parenthases D closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057952 (􂒠) 2797 9376 (⒠) Opening parenthases E closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057953 (􂒡) 2834 9377 (⒡) Opening parenthases F closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057954 (􂒢) 2993 9378 (⒢) Opening parenthases G closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057955 (􂒣) 3047 9379 (⒣) Opening parenthases H closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057956 (􂒤) 2841 9380 (⒤) Opening parenthases I closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057957 (􂒥) 2980 9381 (⒥) Opening parenthases J closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057958 (􂒦) 2949 9382 (⒦) Opening parenthases K closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057959 (􂒧) 2870 9383 (⒧) Opening parenthases L closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057960 (􂒨) 2838 9384 (⒨) Opening parenthases M closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057961 (􂒩) 2816 9385 (⒩) Opening parenthases N closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057962 (􂒪) 2930 9386 (⒪) Opening parenthases O closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057963 (􂒫) 2967 9387 (⒫) Opening parenthases P closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057964 (􂒬) 2881 9388 (⒬) Opening parenthases Q closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057965 (􂒭) 2776 9389 (⒭) Opening parenthases R closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057966 (􂒮) 2889 9390 (⒮) Opening parenthases S closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057967 (􂒯) 2923 9391 (⒯) Opening parenthases T closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057968 (􂒰) 2843 9392 (⒰) Opening parenthases U closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057969 (􂒱) 2876 9393 (⒱) Opening parenthases V closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057970 (􂒲) 3248 9394 (⒲) Opening parenthases W closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057971 (􂒳) 2904 9395 (⒳) Opening parenthases X closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057972 (􂒴) 2849 9396 (⒴) Opening parenthases Y closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057973 (􂒵) 3119 9397 (⒵) Opening parenthases Z closing parenthases (doesn't work anymore)
1057974 (􂒶) 482 256 (Ā) A
1057975 (􂒷) 488 66 (B) B
1057976 (􂒸) 553 67 (C) C
1057977 (􂒹) 407 68 (D) D
1057978 (􂒺) 457 69 (E) E
1057979 (􂒻) 453 70 (F) F
1057980 (􂒼) 471 71 (G) G
1057981 (􂒽) 631 72 (H) H
1057982 (􂒾) 478 73 (I) I
1057983 (􂒿) 548 74 (J) J
1057984 (􂓀) 505 75 (K) K
1057985 (􂓁) 390 76 (L) L
1057986 (􂓂) 528 77 (M) M
1057987 (􂓃) 540 78 (N) N
1057988 (􂓄) 368 79 (O) O
1057989 (􂓅) 411 80 (P) P
1057990 (􂓆) 495 81 (Q) Q
1057991 (􂓇) 485 82 (R) R
1057992 (􂓈) 543 83 (S) S
1057993 (􂓉) 358 84 (T) T
1057994 (􂓊) 493 85 (U) U
1057995 (􂓋) 411 86 (V) V
1057996 (􂓌) 574 87 (W) W
1057997 (􂓍) 672 88 (X) X
1057998 (􂓎) 404 89 (Y) Y
1057999 (􂓏) 528 90 (Z) Z
1058000 (􂓐) 482 256 (Ā) A
1058001 (􂓑) 488 66 (B) B
1058002 (􂓒) 553 67 (C) C
1058003 (􂓓) 407 68 (D) D
1058004 (􂓔) 457 69 (E) E
1058005 (􂓕) 453 70 (F) F
1058006 (􂓖) 471 71 (G) G
1058007 (􂓗) 631 72 (H) H
1058008 (􂓘) 478 73 (I) I
1058009 (􂓙) 548 74 (J) J
1058010 (􂓚) 505 75 (K) K
1058011 (􂓛) 390 76 (L) L
1058012 (􂓜) 528 77 (M) M
1058013 (􂓝) 540 78 (N) N
1058014 (􂓞) 368 79 (O) O
1058015 (􂓟) 411 80 (P) P
1058016 (􂓠) 495 81 (Q) Q
1058017 (􂓡) 485 82 (R) R
1058018 (􂓢) 543 83 (S) S
1058019 (􂓣) 358 84 (T) T
1058020 (􂓤) 493 85 (U) U
1058021 (􂓥) 411 86 (V) V
1058022 (􂓦) 574 87 (W) W
1058023 (􂓧) 672 88 (X) X
1058024 (􂓨) 404 89 (Y) Y
1058025 (􂓩) 528 90 (Z) Z
1058026 (􂓪) 605 8304 (⁰) Zero
1059444 (􂩴) 1822 10868 (⩴) Colon colon equals
1059445 (􂩵) 1427 10869 (⩵) Equals equals
1059446 (􂩶) 1876 10870 (⩶) Equals equals equals
1059936 (􂱠) 390 76 (L) L
1059937 (􂱡) 390 76 (L) L
1059938 (􂱢) 390 76 (L) L
1059939 (􂱣) 411 80 (P) P
1059940 (􂱤) 485 82 (R) R
1059941 (􂱥) 482 256 (Ā) A
1059942 (􂱦) 358 84 (T) T
1059943 (􂱧) 631 72 (H) H
1059944 (􂱨) 631 72 (H) H
1059945 (􂱩) 505 75 (K) K
1059946 (􂱪) 505 75 (K) K
1059947 (􂱫) 528 90 (Z) Z
1059948 (􂱬) 528 90 (Z) Z
1059950 (􂱮) 528 77 (M) M
1059953 (􂱱) 411 86 (V) V
1059954 (􂱲) 574 87 (W) W
1059955 (􂱳) 574 87 (W) W
1059956 (􂱴) 411 86 (V) V
1059960 (􂱸) 457 69 (E) E
1059961 (􂱹) 485 82 (R) R
1059962 (􂱺) 368 79 (O) O
1059964 (􂱼) 548 74 (J) J
1059965 (􂱽) 411 86 (V) V
1059966 (􂱾) 543 83 (S) S
1059967 (􂱿) 528 90 (Z) Z
1060375 (􂸗) 706 45 (-) Dash
1060378 (􂸚) 706 45 (-) Dash
1060410 (􂸺) 706 45 (-) Dash
1060411 (􂸻) 706 45 (-) Dash
1060416 (􂹀) 706 45 (-) Dash
1060864 (􃀀) 708 1048736 (􀂠) Space
1060892 (􃀜) 706 45 (-) Dash
1060912 (􃀰) 706 45 (-) Dash
1061024 (􃂠) 706 45 (-) Dash
1061376 (􃈀) 2633 None Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061377 (􃈁) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061378 (􃈂) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061379 (􃈃) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061380 (􃈄) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061381 (􃈅) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061382 (􃈆) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061383 (􃈇) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061384 (􃈈) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061385 (􃈉) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061386 (􃈊) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061387 (􃈋) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061388 (􃈌) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061389 (􃈍) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061390 (􃈎) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061391 (􃈏) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061392 (􃈐) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061393 (􃈑) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061394 (􃈒) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061395 (􃈓) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061396 (􃈔) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061397 (􃈕) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061398 (􃈖) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061399 (􃈗) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061400 (􃈘) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061401 (􃈙) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061402 (􃈚) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061403 (􃈛) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061404 (􃈜) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061405 (􃈝) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061406 (􃈞) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061408 (􃈠) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061409 (􃈡) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061410 (􃈢) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061411 (􃈣) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061412 (􃈤) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061413 (􃈥) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061414 (􃈦) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061415 (􃈧) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061416 (􃈨) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061417 (􃈩) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061418 (􃈪) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061419 (􃈫) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061420 (􃈬) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061421 (􃈭) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061422 (􃈮) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061423 (􃈯) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061424 (􃈰) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061425 (􃈱) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061426 (􃈲) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061427 (􃈳) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061428 (􃈴) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061429 (􃈵) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061430 (􃈶) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061431 (􃈷) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061432 (􃈸) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061433 (􃈹) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061434 (􃈺) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061435 (􃈻) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061436 (􃈼) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061437 (􃈽) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061438 (􃈾) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061439 (􃈿) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061440 (􃉀) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061441 (􃉁) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061442 (􃉂) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061443 (􃉃) 2633 1061376 (􃈀) Opening parenthases closing parenthases
1061456 (􃉐) 127 None T (very short ???)
1061457 (􃉑) 870 None Twenty one
1061458 (􃉒) 885 None Twenty two
1061459 (􃉓) 850 None Twenty three
1061460 (􃉔) 916 None Twenty four
1061461 (􃉕) 1011 None Twenty five
1061462 (􃉖) 1029 None Twenty six
1061463 (􃉗) 923 None Twenty seven
1061464 (􃉘) 844 None Twenty eight
1061465 (􃉙) 1035 None Twenty nine
1061466 (􃉚) 591 None Thirty
1061467 (􃉛) 889 None Thirty one
1061468 (􃉜) 821 None Thirty two
1061469 (􃉝) 869 None Thirty three
1061470 (􃉞) 931 None Thirty four
1061471 (􃉟) 1017 None Thirty five
1061553 (􃊱) 1057 None Thirty six
1061554 (􃊲) 973 None Thirty seven
1061555 (􃊳) 893 None Thirty eight
1061556 (􃊴) 1078 None Thirty nine
1061557 (􃊵) 581 None Fourty
1061558 (􃊶) 855 None Fourty one
1061559 (􃊷) 804 None Fourty two
1061560 (􃊸) 918 None Fourty three
1061561 (􃊹) 874 None Fourty four
1061562 (􃊺) 984 None Fourty five
1061563 (􃊻) 1023 None Fourty six
1061564 (􃊼) 970 None Fourty seven
1061565 (􃊽) 836 None Fourty eight
1061566 (􃊾) 1020 None Fourty nine
1061567 (􃊿) 566 8556 (Ⅼ) Fifty
1061568 (􃋀) 540 49 (1) One
1061569 (􃋁) 415 50 (2) Two
1061570 (􃋂) 513 51 (3) Three
1061571 (􃋃) 629 52 (4) Four
1061572 (􃋄) 680 53 (5) Five
1061573 (􃋅) 612 54 (6) Six
1061574 (􃋆) 377 55 (7) Seven
1061575 (􃋇) 479 56 (8) Eight
1061576 (􃋈) 587 57 (9) Nine
1061577 (􃋉) 476 8553 (Ⅹ) Ten
1061578 (􃋊) 477 8554 (Ⅺ) Eleven
1061579 (􃋋) 683 8555 (Ⅻ) Twelve
1061580 (􃋌) 853 None HG
1061581 (􃋍) 627 None Eg (???)
1061582 (􃋎) 252 None Ev
1061583 (􃋏) 769 None Ltd
1061720 (􃍘) 605 8304 (⁰) Zero
1061721 (􃍙) 540 49 (1) One
1061722 (􃍚) 415 50 (2) Two
1061723 (􃍛) 513 51 (3) Three
1061724 (􃍜) 629 52 (4) Four
1061725 (􃍝) 680 53 (5) Five
1061726 (􃍞) 612 54 (6) Six
1061727 (􃍟) 377 55 (7) Seven
1061728 (􃍠) 479 56 (8) Eight
1061729 (􃍡) 587 57 (9) Nine
1061730 (􃍢) 476 8553 (Ⅹ) Ten
1061731 (􃍣) 477 8554 (Ⅺ) Eleven
1061732 (􃍤) 683 8555 (Ⅻ) Twelve
1061733 (􃍥) 883 9324 (⑬) Thirteen
1061734 (􃍦) 908 9325 (⑭) Fourteen
1061735 (􃍧) 891 9326 (⑮) Fifteen
1061736 (􃍨) 1006 9327 (⑯) Sixteen
1061737 (􃍩) 1002 9328 (⑰) Seventeen
1061738 (􃍪) 880 9329 (⑱) Eighteen
1061739 (􃍫) 884 9330 (⑲) Ninteen
1061740 (􃍬) 557 9331 (⑳) Twenty
1061741 (􃍭) 870 1061457 (􃉑) Twenty one
1061742 (􃍮) 885 1061458 (􃉒) Twenty two
1061743 (􃍯) 850 1061459 (􃉓) Twenty three
1061744 (􃍰) 916 1061460 (􃉔) Twenty four
1061745 (􃍱) 293 None Pha (very short ???)
1061746 (􃍲) 280 None Da (short ???)
1061747 (􃍳) 368 79 (O) O
1061748 (􃍴) 521 None Ba
1061749 (􃍵) 230 None Of
1061750 (􃍶) 678 None PC
1061751 (􃍷) 665 None DM
1061752 (􃍸) 958 None DM2
1061753 (􃍹) 884 None DM3
1061754 (􃍺) 493 85 (U) U
1061760 (􃎀) 393 None Pa
1061761 (􃎁) 443 None Na
1061762 (􃎂) 482 256 (Ā) A
1061763 (􃎃) 559 None Ma
1061764 (􃎄) 517 None Ka
1061765 (􃎅) 798 None Kb
1061766 (􃎆) 599 None Mb
1061767 (􃎇) 771 None Gb
1061768 (􃎈) 556 None Cal
1061769 (􃎉) 782 None KCal
1061770 (􃎊) 585 None Pf
1061771 (􃎋) 509 None Nf
1061772 (􃎌) 453 70 (F) F
1061773 (􃎍) 471 71 (G) G
1061774 (􃎎) 696 None Mg
1061775 (􃎏) 793 None Kg
1061776 (􃎐) 560 None Hertz
1061777 (􃎑) 1131 None Kilo hertz
1061778 (􃎒) 817 None MHZ
1061779 (􃎓) 1048 None Giga hertz
1061780 (􃎔) 985 None THZ
1061781 (􃎕) 390 76 (L) L
1061782 (􃎖) 412 None Ml
1061783 (􃎗) 688 None Dl
1061784 (􃎘) 824 None Kl
1061785 (􃎙) 654 None FM
1061786 (􃎚) 565 None NM
1061787 (􃎛) 528 77 (M) M
1061788 (􃎜) 130 None Mm (very short m)
1061789 (􃎝) 648 None Cm
1061790 (􃎞) 980 None Km
1061791 (􃎟) 585 None M2 (???)
1061792 (􃎠) 823 None Cm2
1061793 (􃎡) 862 None M2
1061794 (􃎢) 968 None Km2
1061795 (􃎣) 453 None 3 (???)
1061796 (􃎤) 1088 None Cm3
1061797 (􃎥) 664 None M3
1061798 (􃎦) 890 None Km3
1061799 (􃎧) 1032 None M slash S
1061800 (􃎨) 1360 None M slash S2
1061801 (􃎩) 393 1061760 (􃎀) Pa
1061802 (􃎪) 339 None Kpa
1061803 (􃎫) 622 None Mpa
1061804 (􃎬) 333 None Gpa (pronounced in same style as 1061802)
1061805 (􃎭) 445 None Rad
1061806 (􃎮) 1209 None Rad slash S
1061807 (􃎯) 1503 None Rad slash S2
1061808 (􃎰) 528 None Ps
1061809 (􃎱) 562 None Ns
1061810 (􃎲) 543 83 (S) S
1061811 (􃎳) 741 None Ms
1061812 (􃎴) 520 None Pv
1061813 (􃎵) 536 None Nv
1061814 (􃎶) 411 86 (V) V
1061815 (􃎷) 559 127307 (🅋) Mv
1061816 (􃎸) 611 None Kv
1061817 (􃎹) 559 127307 (🅋) Mv
1061818 (􃎺) 862 None Pw
1061819 (􃎻) 779 None Nw
1061820 (􃎼) 574 87 (W) W
1061821 (􃎽) 792 None Mw
1061822 (􃎾) 813 None Kw
1061823 (􃎿) 792 1061821 (􃎽) Mw
1061824 (􃏀) 505 75 (K) K
1061825 (􃏁) 528 77 (M) M
1061826 (􃏂) 950 None AM
1061827 (􃏃) 554 None BQ
1061828 (􃏄) 799 None CC
1061829 (􃏅) 710 127277 (🄭) CD
1061830 (􃏆) 1396 None C slash KG
1061831 (􃏇) 881 None Co dot
1061832 (􃏈) 835 None DB
1061833 (􃏉) 306 None Jay
1061834 (􃏊) 504 None Gha (short ???)
1061835 (􃏋) 731 None HP
1061836 (􃏌) 466 None In
1061837 (􃏍) 703 None KK
1061838 (􃏎) 980 1061790 (􃎞) Km
1061839 (􃏏) 687 None Kt
1061840 (􃏐) 606 None Lm
1061841 (􃏑) 515 None Ln
1061842 (􃏒) 587 None Log
1061843 (􃏓) 757 None Lx
1061844 (􃏔) 599 1061766 (􃎆) Mb
1061845 (􃏕) 408 None Mil
1061846 (􃏖) 481 None Mole
1061847 (􃏗) 777 None Ph
1061848 (􃏘) 599 None PM
1061849 (􃏙) 792 None PPM
1061850 (􃏚) 577 None Pr
1061851 (􃏛) 740 None Sr (expanded to "Senior")
1061852 (􃏜) 650 None Sv
1061853 (􃏝) 949 None Wb
1061854 (􃏞) 1280 None V slash M
1061855 (􃏟) 1234 None A slash M
1061856 (􃏠) 540 49 (1) One
1061857 (􃏡) 415 50 (2) Two
1061858 (􃏢) 513 51 (3) Three
1061859 (􃏣) 629 52 (4) Four
1061860 (􃏤) 680 53 (5) Five
1061861 (􃏥) 612 54 (6) Six
1061862 (􃏦) 377 55 (7) Seven
1061863 (􃏧) 479 56 (8) Eight
1061864 (􃏨) 587 57 (9) Nine
1061865 (􃏩) 476 8553 (Ⅹ) Ten
1061866 (􃏪) 477 8554 (Ⅺ) Eleven
1061867 (􃏫) 683 8555 (Ⅻ) Twelve
1061868 (􃏬) 883 9324 (⑬) Thirteen
1061869 (􃏭) 908 9325 (⑭) Fourteen
1061870 (􃏮) 891 9326 (⑮) Fifteen
1061871 (􃏯) 1006 9327 (⑯) Sixteen
1061872 (􃏰) 1002 9328 (⑰) Seventeen
1061873 (􃏱) 880 9329 (⑱) Eighteen
1061874 (􃏲) 884 9330 (⑲) Ninteen
1061875 (􃏳) 557 9331 (⑳) Twenty
1061876 (􃏴) 870 1061457 (􃉑) Twenty one
1061877 (􃏵) 885 1061458 (􃉒) Twenty two
1061878 (􃏶) 850 1061459 (􃉓) Twenty three
1061879 (􃏷) 916 1061460 (􃉔) Twenty four
1061880 (􃏸) 1011 1061461 (􃉕) Twenty five
1061881 (􃏹) 1029 1061462 (􃉖) Twenty six
1061882 (􃏺) 923 1061463 (􃉗) Twenty seven
1061883 (􃏻) 844 1061464 (􃉘) Twenty eight
1061884 (􃏼) 1035 1061465 (􃉙) Twenty nine
1061885 (􃏽) 591 1061466 (􃉚) Thirty
1061886 (􃏾) 889 1061467 (􃉛) Thirty one
1061887 (􃏿) 504 None Gal
1091390 (􊜾) 553 67 (C) C
1091391 (􊜿) 553 67 (C) C
1091392 (􊝀) 505 75 (K) K
1091393 (􊝁) 505 75 (K) K
1091394 (􊝂) 505 75 (K) K
1091395 (􊝃) 505 75 (K) K
1091396 (􊝄) 505 75 (K) K
1091397 (􊝅) 505 75 (K) K
1091400 (􊝈) 390 76 (L) L
1091401 (􊝉) 390 76 (L) L
1091402 (􊝊) 368 79 (O) O
1091403 (􊝋) 368 79 (O) O
1091404 (􊝌) 368 79 (O) O
1091405 (􊝍) 368 79 (O) O
1091408 (􊝐) 411 80 (P) P
1091409 (􊝑) 411 80 (P) P
1091410 (􊝒) 411 80 (P) P
1091411 (􊝓) 411 80 (P) P
1091412 (􊝔) 411 80 (P) P
1091413 (􊝕) 411 80 (P) P
1091414 (􊝖) 495 81 (Q) Q
1091415 (􊝗) 495 81 (Q) Q
1091416 (􊝘) 495 81 (Q) Q
1091417 (􊝙) 495 81 (Q) Q
1091422 (􊝞) 411 86 (V) V
1091423 (􊝟) 411 86 (V) V
1091470 (􊞎) 390 76 (L) L
1091472 (􊞐) 540 78 (N) N
1091473 (􊞑) 540 78 (N) N
1091474 (􊞒) 553 67 (C) C
1091475 (􊞓) 553 67 (C) C
1091476 (􊞔) 553 67 (C) C
1091477 (􊞕) 631 72 (H) H
1091478 (􊞖) 488 66 (B) B
1091479 (􊞗) 488 66 (B) B
1091480 (􊞘) 453 70 (F) F
1091481 (􊞙) 453 70 (F) F
1091488 (􊞠) 471 71 (G) G
1091489 (􊞡) 471 71 (G) G
1091490 (􊞢) 505 75 (K) K
1091491 (􊞣) 505 75 (K) K
1091492 (􊞤) 540 78 (N) N
1091493 (􊞥) 540 78 (N) N
1091494 (􊞦) 485 82 (R) R
1091495 (􊞧) 485 82 (R) R
1091496 (􊞨) 543 83 (S) S
1091497 (􊞩) 543 83 (S) S
1091498 (􊞪) 631 72 (H) H
1091501 (􊞭) 390 76 (L) L
1091506 (􊞲) 548 74 (J) J
1091576 (􊟸) 631 72 (H) H
1091577 (􊟹) 533 338 (Œ) Oe
1092404 (􊬴) 457 69 (E) E
1092407 (􊬷) 390 76 (L) L
1092408 (􊬸) 390 76 (L) L
1092409 (􊬹) 390 76 (L) L
1092410 (􊬺) 528 77 (M) M
1092411 (􊬻) 540 78 (N) N
1092415 (􊬿) 368 79 (O) O
1092425 (􊭉) 485 82 (R) R
1092430 (􊭎) 493 85 (U) U
1092434 (􊭒) 493 85 (U) U
1092438 (􊭖) 672 88 (X) X
1092439 (􊭗) 672 88 (X) X
1092440 (􊭘) 672 88 (X) X
1092441 (􊭙) 672 88 (X) X
1092442 (􊭚) 404 89 (Y) Y
1092445 (􊭝) 390 76 (L) L
1092446 (􊭞) 390 76 (L) L
1092447 (􊭟) 493 85 (U) U
1112832 (􏬀) 619 64256 (ff) Ff
1112833 (􏬁) 469 934 (Φ) Phi
1112834 (􏬂) 486 64258 (fl) Fl
1112835 (􏬃) 364 64259 (ffi) FFi
1112836 (􏬄) 763 64260 (ffl) FFl
1112837 (􏬅) 784 64261 (ſt) St
1112838 (􏬆) 784 64261 (ſt) St
1112873 (􏬩) 396 43 (+) Plus
1113616 (􏸐) 432 65040 (︐) Comma
1113619 (􏸓) 656 58 (:) Colon
1113620 (􏸔) 1029 59 (;) Semicolon
1113621 (􏸕) 1333 33 (!) Exclamation mark
1113622 (􏸖) 1161 63 (?) Question mark
1113625 (􏸙) 997 65049 (︙) Dot dot dot
1113648 (􏸰) 620 1056805 (􂀥) Dot dot
1113649 (􏸱) 706 45 (-) Dash
1113650 (􏸲) 706 45 (-) Dash
1113651 (􏸳) 732 95 (_) Underscore
1113652 (􏸴) 732 95 (_) Underscore
1113653 (􏸵) 1424 8317 (⁽) Opening parenthases
1113654 (􏸶) 1526 8318 (⁾) Closing parentheses
1113655 (􏸷) 1076 65115 (﹛) Opening brace
1113656 (􏸸) 1131 65116 (﹜) Closing brace
1113671 (􏹇) 1115 None Opening bracket
1113672 (􏹈) 1131 None Closing bracket
1113677 (􏹍) 732 95 (_) Underscore
1113678 (􏹎) 732 95 (_) Underscore
1113679 (􏹏) 732 95 (_) Underscore
1113680 (􏹐) 432 65040 (︐) Comma
1113682 (􏹒) 464 46 (.) Dot
1113684 (􏹔) 1029 59 (;) Semicolon
1113685 (􏹕) 656 58 (:) Colon
1113686 (􏹖) 1161 63 (?) Question mark
1113687 (􏹗) 1333 33 (!) Exclamation mark
1113688 (􏹘) 706 45 (-) Dash
1113689 (􏹙) 1424 8317 (⁽) Opening parenthases
1113690 (􏹚) 1526 8318 (⁾) Closing parentheses
1113691 (􏹛) 1076 65115 (﹛) Opening brace
1113692 (􏹜) 1131 65116 (﹜) Closing brace
1113695 (􏹟) 409 35 (#) Hash
1113696 (􏹠) 329 38 (&) And
1113697 (􏹡) 850 8727 (∗) Asterisk
1113698 (􏹢) 396 43 (+) Plus
1113699 (􏹣) 706 45 (-) Dash
1113700 (􏹤) 713 60 (<) Less than
1113701 (􏹥) 855 62 (>) Greater than
1113702 (􏹦) 779 61 (=) Equals
1113704 (􏹨) 836 92 (\) Backslash
1113705 (􏹩) 425 36 ($) Dollar
1113706 (􏹪) 631 37 (%) Percent
1113707 (􏹫) 370 64 (@) At
1113857 (􏼁) 1333 33 (!) Exclamation mark
1113858 (􏼂) 524 None Quote
1113859 (􏼃) 409 35 (#) Hash
1113860 (􏼄) 425 36 ($) Dollar
1113861 (􏼅) 631 37 (%) Percent
1113862 (􏼆) 329 38 (&) And
1113863 (􏼇) 802 None Apostrophe
1113864 (􏼈) 1424 8317 (⁽) Opening parenthases
1113865 (􏼉) 1526 8318 (⁾) Closing parentheses
1113866 (􏼊) 850 8727 (∗) Asterisk
1113867 (􏼋) 396 43 (+) Plus
1113868 (􏼌) 432 65040 (︐) Comma
1113869 (􏼍) 706 45 (-) Dash
1113870 (􏼎) 464 46 (.) Dot
1113871 (􏼏) 579 47 (/) Slash
1113872 (􏼐) 605 8304 (⁰) Zero
1113873 (􏼑) 540 49 (1) One
1113874 (􏼒) 415 50 (2) Two
1113875 (􏼓) 513 51 (3) Three
1113876 (􏼔) 629 52 (4) Four
1113877 (􏼕) 680 53 (5) Five
1113878 (􏼖) 612 54 (6) Six
1113879 (􏼗) 377 55 (7) Seven
1113880 (􏼘) 479 56 (8) Eight
1113881 (􏼙) 587 57 (9) Nine
1113882 (􏼚) 656 58 (:) Colon
1113883 (􏼛) 1029 59 (;) Semicolon
1113884 (􏼜) 713 60 (<) Less than
1113885 (􏼝) 779 61 (=) Equals
1113886 (􏼞) 855 62 (>) Greater than
1113887 (􏼟) 1161 63 (?) Question mark
1113888 (􏼠) 370 64 (@) At
1113889 (􏼡) 482 256 (Ā) A
1113890 (􏼢) 488 66 (B) B
1113891 (􏼣) 553 67 (C) C
1113892 (􏼤) 407 68 (D) D
1113893 (􏼥) 457 69 (E) E
1113894 (􏼦) 453 70 (F) F
1113895 (􏼧) 471 71 (G) G
1113896 (􏼨) 631 72 (H) H
1113897 (􏼩) 478 73 (I) I
1113898 (􏼪) 548 74 (J) J
1113899 (􏼫) 505 75 (K) K
1113900 (􏼬) 390 76 (L) L
1113901 (􏼭) 528 77 (M) M
1113902 (􏼮) 540 78 (N) N
1113903 (􏼯) 368 79 (O) O
1113904 (􏼰) 411 80 (P) P
1113905 (􏼱) 495 81 (Q) Q
1113906 (􏼲) 485 82 (R) R
1113907 (􏼳) 543 83 (S) S
1113908 (􏼴) 358 84 (T) T
1113909 (􏼵) 493 85 (U) U
1113910 (􏼶) 411 86 (V) V
1113911 (􏼷) 574 87 (W) W
1113912 (􏼸) 672 88 (X) X
1113913 (􏼹) 404 89 (Y) Y
1113914 (􏼺) 528 90 (Z) Z
1113915 (􏼻) 1115 1113671 (􏹇) Opening bracket
1113916 (􏼼) 836 92 (\) Backslash
1113917 (􏼽) 1131 1113672 (􏹈) Closing bracket
1113918 (􏼾) 633 94 (^) Carrot
1113919 (􏼿) 732 95 (_) Underscore
1113920 (􏽀) 1159 1056751 (􁿯) Grave accent
1113921 (􏽁) 482 256 (Ā) A
1113922 (􏽂) 488 66 (B) B
1113923 (􏽃) 553 67 (C) C
1113924 (􏽄) 407 68 (D) D
1113925 (􏽅) 457 69 (E) E
1113926 (􏽆) 453 70 (F) F
1113927 (􏽇) 471 71 (G) G
1113928 (􏽈) 631 72 (H) H
1113929 (􏽉) 478 73 (I) I
1113930 (􏽊) 548 74 (J) J
1113931 (􏽋) 505 75 (K) K
1113932 (􏽌) 390 76 (L) L
1113933 (􏽍) 528 77 (M) M
1113934 (􏽎) 540 78 (N) N
1113935 (􏽏) 368 79 (O) O
1113936 (􏽐) 411 80 (P) P
1113937 (􏽑) 495 81 (Q) Q
1113938 (􏽒) 485 82 (R) R
1113939 (􏽓) 543 83 (S) S
1113940 (􏽔) 358 84 (T) T
1113941 (􏽕) 493 85 (U) U
1113942 (􏽖) 411 86 (V) V
1113943 (􏽗) 574 87 (W) W
1113944 (􏽘) 672 88 (X) X
1113945 (􏽙) 404 89 (Y) Y
1113946 (􏽚) 528 90 (Z) Z
1113947 (􏽛) 1076 65115 (﹛) Opening brace
1113948 (􏽜) 1070 None Vertical bar
1113949 (􏽝) 1131 65116 (﹜) Closing brace
1113950 (􏽞) 551 126 (~) Tilde

48 (0) is does not produce audio by itself, however ("a0") works

Shortest: 193 (Á): 121ms

Longest: 9348 (⒄): 3403ms

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