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Created May 26, 2009 14:42
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Testing Authlogic with Cucumber
Cucumber is a Integration test harness, so your features should be
specifying who can authenticate via what URLs and your steps should be
exercising the controllers an filters that enforce those features.
The point being, you should be going through your views and hitting
the database, checking to see if the http response body contains what
you expect to see and not worrying about directly testing authlogic
# Authentication.feature
Feature: Application users are authenticated
In Order To: restrict application access to authorized users
A: User
Should: Authenticate themselves to the application
To: Protect Revenue
Scenario: All visitors must authenticate
Given I do have an user named "myuser"
And the user is not authenticated
When the user visits the application URL
Then they should see the user authentication page
Scenario: User authenticates successfully
Given I do have an user named "myuser"
When they visit the user authentication page
And they enter the username "myuser"
And they enter the password "myuser-password"
And they press the authenticate button
Then they should see an authentication success message
Scenario: Only authenticated users may visit application pages
Given I do have an user named "myuser"
And the user is not authenticated
When they visit a valid internal URL
Then they should see an authentication request message
And they should see the user authentication page
The steps specific to authentication are in the
authentication_steps.rb file. Related steps are also found in the
user_steps.rb and webrat_steps.files. For reasons having to do with
multilingual support and decoupling the page design from integration
tests, I tend to check against ccs attributes (class=, div= and id=)
rather than page display contents. I also test generated route names
and not static url strings, so I use root_url rather than "/".
Authorisation is handled separately form authentication. Thus what I
have looks somewhat like this:
When /end the session/ do
When /enter (?:a|the) password "(.*)"/ do |pass|
# webrat step
# ccs id=input_user_password
Then "I fill in \"input_user_password\" with \"#{pass}\""
When /enter (?:a|the) password confirmation "(.*)"/ do |pass|
Then "I fill in \"input_user_password_confirmation\" with \"#{pass}
When /enter the username "(.*)"/ do |name|
Then "I fill in \"input_user_username\" with \"#{name}\""
When /press the authenticate button/ do
#button label - replace with css selector value
Then "I press \"Authenticate\""
When /see (?:an|the) authentication required message/ do
# response.body =~ - replace with ccs selector
Then "I should see \"You must be authenticated\""
When /see (?:an|the) authentication action/ do
When /see (?:an|the) authentication notice message/ do
When /see (?:an|the) authentication request message/ do
When /see (?:an|the) authentication success message/ do
# example of rspec synax - requires rspec, rspec-rails and webrat
When /terminates current session/ do
# webrat step - replace label with ccs selector value
Then "I follow \"End Current Session\""
When /user authentication page/ do
visit new_user_session_url
When /user named "(.*)" authenticates/ do |name|
visit new_user_session_url
Then "see an authentication request message"
Then "enter the username \"#{name}\""
Then "enter the password \"#{name}-password\""
Then "press the authenticate button"
Then "see an authentication success message"
When /user named "(.*)" is authenticated/ do |name|
Then "user named \"#{name}\" authenticates"
When /(?:user|visitor) is not authenticated/ do
visit root_url
if response.body.match('authenticated_session_header')
Then "terminates current session"
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