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Last active August 3, 2016 17:22
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  • Save mrinalwadhwa/a80c9a10ace1893673d089ac120fb0d5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mrinalwadhwa/a80c9a10ace1893673d089ac120fb0d5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function prompt_color(){
case $# in
3) echo -en "\[\033[$2\]\[\033[$3\]\[$1\033[0m\]";;
2) echo -en "\[\033[$2\]$1\[\033[0m\]";;
1) echo -en "$1";;
*) echo -en "";;
function git_branch(){
ref=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) || return
echo "${ref#refs/heads/}"
function git_is_dirty(){
test -n "$(git status --porcelain)"
function build_prompt(){
local last_command=$? # Capture exit status of teh last command
PS1="\n" # Start with a line break
# If the last command failed
if [[ "$last_command" != "0" ]]; then
# Add a red prefix to the prompt
PS1+="$(prompt_color " " "31m" "41m" )"
# If the current folder is a git repo
if [ "$(git_branch)" != "" ]; then
local fg2="30m"
local bg2="46m"
local fg21="36m"
local bg21="40m"
if git_is_dirty; then
# if there are uncommitted changes, make the git branch part brighter
# Add the current git branch to the prompt
PS1+="$(prompt_color "  \$(git_branch) " "$fg2" "$bg2" )"
PS1+="$(prompt_color "" "$fg21" "$bg21" )"
local fg1="m"
local bg1="40m"
local fg10="30m"
local fg0="m"
# Show the current path
PS1+="$(prompt_color " \w " "$fg1" "$bg1" )$(prompt_color "" "$fg10") "
PS1+="\n\n$(prompt_color "» " "$fg0")"
PS2="$(prompt_color "» " "$fg0")"
export PROMPT_COMMAND='build_prompt'
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