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Created July 25, 2012 02:46
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Wordpress site deployment using capistrano
set :application, ''
set :deploy_to, "/srv/"
set :domain, ""
set :user, "deploymentuser"
set :scm, :git
set :repository, ""
set :branch, :master
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
set :copy_exclude, ['.git']
ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true
ssh_options[:keys] = %w(~/.ssh/id_rsa)
set :use_sudo, false
role :web, "" # Your HTTP server, Apache/etc
role :app, "" # This may be the same as your `Web` server
set :copy_exclude, [".git", ".DS_Store", ".gitignore", ".gitmodules", "wp-content/uploads", "sitemap.xml", "sitemap.xml.gz"]
after "deploy:update_code" do
run "ln -nfs #{release_path}/wp-config.php.production #{release_path}/wp-config.php"
run "ln -nfs #{release_path}/.htaccess.production #{release_path}/.htaccess"
['uploads', 'wp-content/uploads'],
['plugins', 'wp-content/plugins'],
['upgrade', 'wp-content/upgrade'],
['w3tc', 'wp-content/w3tc'],
['w3-total-cache-config.php', 'wp-content/w3-total-cache-config.php'],
['plugins/w3-total-cache/wp-content/advanced-cache.php', 'wp-content/advanced-cache.php'],
['sitemap.xml', 'sitemap.xml'],
['sitemap.xml.gz', 'sitemap.xml.gz']
].each do |arr|
run "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/#{arr.first} #{release_path}/#{arr.last}"
run "chmod g-w #{release_path}/wp-content"
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