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Last active May 4, 2023 08:27
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Check Fast clone Health with Veeam
$verbose=$False;if ($args[0] -eq "-verbose" -or $args[0] -eq "--v") {$verbose=$True;write-output ""}
$info="Started "+(date)
write-output $info
$disp="Check for fastclone in backup logs for server "+(hostname)
write-output $disp
$jobs=(Get-VBRJob | ?{$_.jobtype -eq "Backup"})
foreach ($j in ($jobs)) {
if ($j.findlastsession().iscompleted) {$tmp="Processing"} else {$tmp="Skipped"}
Name=($j.LogNameMainPart) ;
LatestStart=$j.findlastsession().progress.StartTimeLocal.tostring("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
LatestStop=$j.findlastsession().progress.StopTimeLocal.tostring("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
Running=(-not $j.findlastsession().iscompleted);
write-output $data | ft
Write-host "Scanning..."
foreach ($d in ($data)) {
try {$log=Get-Content $($logpath + "\" + $" ","_") + "\Job*.log") -erroraction stop}
catch {$data[$i].Result="File missing"}
$log=(gc -erroraction silentlycontinue $($logpath + "\" + $" ","_") + "\Job*.log") | %{$_ -replace '^\[(..).(..).(....)','[$3-$2-$1'} | %{ if ([regex]::match($_,'^\[[0-9]{4}.[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\]').Value -gt "["+$d.LatestStart) {$_}})
Write-host $
if ($data[$i].Result -eq "Processing") {
$last = ($log | Select-String -Pattern ".*fast clone" -AllMatches | select-object -last 1)
#$last = ($log | %{if ([regex]::match($_,".*fast clone")){$_}}| select-object -last 1)
if ($last -eq $null) {
$data[$i].Result="Not Found !"
else {
$data[$i].Result = $last.tostring().substring(0,21)
write-output ""
$data | out-gridview -title "$disp"
$data | ft
$info="Ended "+(date)
write-output $info
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