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Created March 31, 2023 07:40
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import requests
import base64
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
import pandas as pd
# Disable SSL certificate validation warning
# Set credentials for authentication
user = "administrator"
password = 'Password'
pair = f"{user}:{password}"
encoded_creds = base64.b64encode(pair.encode('ascii')).decode('ascii')
basic_auth_value = f"Basic {encoded_creds}"
# Set headers for authentication
headers = {
'Authorization': basic_auth_value
# Disable SSL certificate validation
import ssl
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
# Authenticate and obtain session key
logon ='https://localhost:9398/api/sessionMngr/?v=latest', headers=headers, verify=False)
response_headers = logon.headers
session_key = response_headers.get('X-RestSvcSessionId'.upper())
# Set the URL to the BackupTaskSession API endpoint
url = 'https://localhost:9398/api/query?type=BackupTaskSession'
# Set headers with the session key
headers2 = {
'X-RestSvcSessionId': session_key
# Send a GET request to the URL with the session key
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers2, verify=False)
# Create an empty DataFrame with the required columns
columns = ['Name', 'State', 'Result', 'CreationTimeUTC', 'EndTimeUTC', 'TotalSize', 'Reason']
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
# Parse the XML data
xml = ET.fromstring(response.content)
# Loop through each link and retrieve data
for link in xml.iter('{}Link'):
if link.get('Href').endswith('?format=Entity'):
response = requests.get(link.get('Href'), headers=headers2, verify=False)
xml_response = ET.fromstring(response.content)
for backup_task_session in xml_response.iter('{}BackupTaskSession'):
reason_element = backup_task_session.find('{}Reason')
reason_value = reason_element.text if reason_element is not None else "N/A"
result_element = backup_task_session.find('{}Result')
result_value = result_element.text if result_element is not None else "N/A"
state_element = backup_task_session.find('{}State')
state_value = state_element.text if state_element is not None else "N/A"
CreationTimeUTC_element = backup_task_session.find('{}CreationTimeUTC')
CreationTimeUTC_value = CreationTimeUTC_element.text if CreationTimeUTC_element is not None else "N/A"
EndTimeUTC_element = backup_task_session.find('{}EndTimeUTC')
EndTimeUTC_value = EndTimeUTC_element.text if EndTimeUTC_element is not None else "N/A"
TotalSize_element = backup_task_session.find('{}TotalSize')
TotalSize_value = TotalSize_element.text if TotalSize_element is not None else "N/A"
name_element = name_value = xml_response.attrib['VmDisplayName']
name_value = name_element if name_element is not None else "N/A"
# Append the values to the DataFrame
df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame({
'Name': name_value,
'State': state_value,
'Result': result_value,
'CreationTimeUTC': CreationTimeUTC_value,
'EndTimeUTC': EndTimeUTC_value,
'TotalSize': TotalSize_value,
'Reason': reason_value
}, index=[0])], ignore_index=True)
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