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Created July 2, 2021 04:14
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Functions to add and retrieve metadata to postgresql database
#' @title Generate Data Dictionary Table
#' @param table character table name
#' @param schema character schema name
#' @param db
#' @param con database connection object
#' @param ...
#' @importFrom DBI dbGetQuery dbDisconnect
#' @importFrom getdata con_postgresql
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join mutate
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data_dict('rrt_sites')
data_dict <- function(table, schema = 'public', db = 'postgresql', con = NULL, ...){
if (is.null(con)) {
con <- con_postgresql()
dict <- paste('select ordinal_position as position,',
'case when character_maximum_length is not null',
'then character_maximum_length',
'else numeric_precision end as max_length,',
'column_default as default_value',
'from information_schema.columns',
glue("where table_name = '{table}'"),
glue("and table_schema = '{schema}'"),
'order by ordinal_position;',
sep = ' ') %>%
DBI::dbGetQuery(con, .)
descriptions <- paste('SELECT c.table_schema,c.table_name,c.column_name,pgd.description',
'FROM pg_catalog.pg_statio_all_tables as st',
'inner join pg_catalog.pg_description pgd on (pgd.objoid=st.relid)',
'inner join information_schema.columns c on (pgd.objsubid=c.ordinal_position',
'and c.table_schema=st.schemaname and c.table_name=st.relname)',
glue("WHERE c.table_name = '{table}'"),
glue("AND c.table_schema = '{schema}'"),
sep = ' ') %>%
DBI::dbGetQuery(con, .)
if (DELETE_CON) DBI::dbDisconnect(con)
if (nrow(descriptions) > 0) {
data_dict <- left_join(dict, descriptions, by = 'column_name') %>%
mutate(table_schema = schema,
table_name = table)
} else {
data_dict <- dict %>%
mutate(table_schema = schema,
table_name = table,
description = as.character(NA))
#' @title Add field description to database
#' @param table character table name
#' @param field character field name
#' @param description character description of field
#' @param schema character schema name
#' @param db
#' @param con database connection object
#' @param ...
#' @export
#' @examples
add_field_description <- function(table, field, description, schema = 'public', db = 'postgresql', con = NULL, ...){
if (is.null(con)) {
con <- con_postgresql()
glue("comment on column {schema}{table}.{field} is '{description}';") %>%
DBI::dbSendQuery(con, .)
if (DELETE_CON) DBI::dbDisconnect(con)
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