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WooCommerce -> Popularity custom sorting based on last 30days of sales
if (!wp_next_scheduled('set_last_month_product_sales_hook')) {
wp_schedule_event(time(), 'daily', 'set_last_month_product_sales_hook');
add_action('set_last_month_product_sales_hook', 'cc_set_last_month_sales');
function cc_set_last_month_sales()
$orders = wc_get_orders(
'limit' => -1,
'status' => array_map('wc_get_order_status_name', wc_get_is_paid_statuses()),
'date_after' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 month')),
'return' => 'ids',
$identifiers = array();
foreach ($orders as $order) {
$items = wc_get_order($order)->get_items();
foreach ($items as $item) {
array_push($identifiers, $item->get_product_id());
$counted_sales = array_count_values($identifiers);
$keys = array();
foreach ($counted_sales as $key => $val) {
array_push($keys, $val);
add_post_meta($key, 'wc_last_month_sales', $val);
function cc_add_postmeta_ordering_args($sort_args)
$orderby_value = isset($_GET['orderby']) ? wc_clean($_GET['orderby']) : apply_filters('woocommerce_default_catalog_orderby', get_option('woocommerce_default_catalog_orderby'));
switch ($orderby_value) {
case 'popularity':
$sort_args['orderby'] = 'meta_value';
$sort_args['order'] = 'asc';
$sort_args['meta_key'] = 'wc_last_month_sales';
return $sort_args;
add_filter('woocommerce_get_catalog_ordering_args', 'cc_add_postmeta_ordering_args');
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mrkaluzny commented May 20, 2022

@kosarlukascz This can be solved by adding a 0 value to all products before each run of the loop.

function handle_unordered_items()
  $products_ids = get_posts( array(
        'post_type'        => 'product',
        'numberposts'      => -1,
        'post_status'      => 'publish',
        'fields'           => 'ids',
        'meta_query'       => array( array(
            'key'     => 'wc_last_month_sales',
            'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS',
        ) )
    ) );

  foreach($product_ids as $product_id) {
    add_post_meta($product_id, 'wc_last_month_sales', 0);

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Dear mrkaluzny,
How can I apply these code?which file I need to update?

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I add the code to theme functions.php is not work, how can I do? waiting for your reply, many thanks

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