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Last active July 30, 2022 15:00
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A quick Idris implementation of @mstksg's "dependent Haskell" neural networks
module Main
import Data.Vect
-- %hide transpose
dot : Num a => Vect n a -> Vect n a -> a
dot va vb = foldr (+) 0 $ zipWith (*) va vb
Matrix : (rows : Nat) -> (cols : Nat) -> Type -> Type
Matrix r c a = Vect r (Vect c a)
data Layer : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type where
MkLayer : (biases : Vect o a)
-> (weights : Matrix o i a)
-> Layer i o a
infixr 5 :>:
data Network : Nat -> List Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type where
Output : Layer i o a
-> Network i [] o a
(:>:) : Layer i h a
-> Network h hs o a
-> Network i (h :: hs) o a
infixl 9 .*
(.*) : Num a => Matrix m n a -> Vect n a -> Vect m a
mat .* vec = map (dot vec) mat
Num a => Num (Vect n a) where
(+) = liftA2 (+)
(*) = liftA2 (*)
fromInteger {n} = replicate n . fromInteger
interface Scalable a where
scale : Double -> a -> a
Scalable Double where
scale = (*)
Scalable a => Scalable (Vect n a) where
scale lambda = map (scale lambda)
infixl 9 #*#
(#*#) : Num a => Matrix i j a -> Matrix j k a -> Matrix i k a
A #*# B = map (\Aj => map (dot Aj) (transpose B)) A
Neg a => Neg (Vect n a) where
(-) = liftA2 (-)
negate = map negate
abs = map abs
sigmoidD : Double -> Double
sigmoidD a = 1 / (1 + exp (-a))
sigmoidD' : Double -> Double
sigmoidD' a = let s = sigmoidD a
in s * (1 - s)
sigmoid : Vect n Double -> Vect n Double
sigmoid = map sigmoidD
sigmoid' : Vect n Double -> Vect n Double
sigmoid' = map sigmoidD'
calc : Vect i Double
-> Vect o Double
-> Matrix o i Double
-> Vect o Double
calc input bias weights = weights .* input + bias
runLayer : Vect i Double
-> Layer i o Double
-> Vect o Double
runLayer input (MkLayer bias weights) = calc input bias weights
runLayerS : Vect i Double
-> Layer i o Double
-> Vect o Double
runLayerS input layer = sigmoid $ runLayer input layer
feedForward : Vect i Double
-> Network i hs o Double
-> Vect o Double
feedForward input (l :>: ls) = let input' = (runLayerS input l)
in feedForward input' ls
feedForward input (Output layer) = runLayerS input layer
outer : Num a
=> Vect m a
-> Vect n a
-> Matrix m n a
outer vm vn = (transpose [vm]) #*# [vn]
predictionError : Vect i Double
-> Vect o Double
-> Network i hs o Double
-> Vect o Double
predictionError input target net = target - (feedForward input net)
backprop : Double
-> Vect i Double
-> Vect o Double
-> Network i hs o Double
-> Network i hs o Double
backprop eta input target net = fst (go input target net)
go : Vect i Double
-> Vect o Double
-> Network i hs o Double
-> (Network i hs o Double, Vect i Double)
go input target (layer@(MkLayer bias weights) :>: rest) =
let y = runLayer input layer
output = sigmoid y
(rest', dWs') = go output target rest
dEdy = (sigmoid' y) * dWs'
bias' = bias - (eta `scale` dEdy)
weights' = weights - (eta `scale` (outer dEdy input))
layer' = (MkLayer bias' weights')
dWs = (transpose weights) .* dEdy
in (layer' :>: rest', dWs)
go input target (Output layer@(MkLayer bias weights)) =
let y = runLayer input layer
output = sigmoid y
dEdy = (sigmoid' y) * (output - target)
bias' = bias - (eta `scale` dEdy)
weights' = weights - (eta `scale` (outer dEdy input))
layer' = (MkLayer bias' weights')
dWs = (transpose weights) .* dEdy
in (Output layer', dWs)
initialNet : Network 2 [2] 2 Double
initialNet = first :>: second
where first = MkLayer [0.35, 0.35]
[ [0.15, 0.20]
, [0.25, 0.30]
second = Output
$ MkLayer [0.60, 0.60]
[ [0.40, 0.45]
, [0.50, 0.55]
input : Vect 2 Double
input = [0.05,0.10]
-- should be "target", but meh
output : Vect 2 Double
output = [0.01,0.99]
main : IO ()
main =
let step = backprop 0.5 input output
errorF = predictionError input output
states = iterate step initialNet
in putStrLn . unlines $ map (show . errorF) (take 100 states)
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