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Created June 9, 2017 18:39
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Lazy tagless optimization
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module Tagless where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Debug.Trace
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
class NumP r where
lit :: Int -> r
add :: r -> r -> r
mul :: r -> r -> r
neg :: r -> r
instance NumP Int where
lit = id
add = (+)
mul = (*)
neg = negate
instance NumP String where
lit = show
add a b = "(" ++ a ++ " + " ++ b ++ ")"
mul a b = "(" ++ a ++ " * " ++ b ++ ")"
neg s = "(-" ++ s ++ ")"
term =
(lit 3)
(neg (lit 4))
(lit 5)
(lit 5)
(lit 5)
(mul (neg (lit 1)) (neg (lit 2)))
(add (lit 0) (mul (lit 0) (lit 5)))))))))))
eval :: Int -> Int
eval = id
view :: String -> String
view = id
-- | "Negation pushdown" transformation
data ONegCtx = Pos | Neg
negCtx Pos = Neg
negCtx Neg = Pos
pushLit n Pos = lit n
pushLit n Neg = neg (lit n)
instance NumP a => NumP (ONegCtx -> a) where
lit = pushLit
neg e = e . negCtx
mul a b ctx = mul (a ctx) (b ctx)
add a b ctx = add (a ctx) (b ctx)
instance NumP a => NumP (Reader ONegCtx a) where
lit = asks . pushLit
neg e = asks (runReader e . negCtx)
add a b = asks $ \ctx -> add (runReader a ctx) (runReader b ctx)
mul a b = asks $ \ctx -> mul (runReader a ctx) (runReader b Pos)
simplifyNegs :: Reader ONegCtx t -> t
simplifyNegs e = runReader e Pos
-- Optimizations using properties of 0
data OZeroCtx = Zero | NotZero
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance (NumP a) =>
NumP (a, OZeroCtx) where
lit n =
( lit n
, if n == 0
then Zero
else NotZero)
neg (_, Zero) = (lit 0, Zero)
neg (n, NotZero) = (neg n, NotZero)
add (_, Zero) b = b
add a (_, Zero) = a
-- FIXME: what about a + (-a)?
add (a, NotZero) (b, NotZero) = (add a b, NotZero)
mul a@(_, Zero) _ = a
mul _ b@(_, Zero) = b
mul (a, NotZero) (b, NotZero) = (mul a b, NotZero)
simplifyZeros :: (a, OZeroCtx) -> a
simplifyZeros = fst
loopy = add (lit 1) (mul (lit 1) (add (mul (lit 0) loopy) (lit 5)))
simplified = simplifyZeros . simplifyNegs
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