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Created May 15, 2011 07:38
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Save mrlannigan/972950 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. #2235 rev1
<?php // answer to #2235 by Julian Lannigan (
function coauthor_add_to_wardrobe_link() {
$currentUrl = "http".(($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "s" : "")."://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].(($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") ? ":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] : "").$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; //Gets current page url
if (defined('COAUTHORS_PLUS_VERSION')) {
global $current_user;
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
//Check if they have requested to be an author
if (isset($_REQUEST['addToWardrobe']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['addToWardrobe']) && $_REQUEST['addToWardrobe'] > 0) {
if (!is_coauthor_for_post($current_user->user_login, $_REQUEST['addToWardrobe'])) {
$cAuthors = array();
foreach (get_coauthors($_REQUEST['addToWardrobe']) as $theAuthor) {
$cAuthors[] = $theAuthor->user_login;
$cAuthors[] = $current_user->user_login;
$cObj = new coauthors_plus();
$cObj->add_coauthors($_REQUEST['addToWardrobe'], $cAuthors);
$statusMsg = "This has been added to your wardrobe!";
//Display link
if (isset($statusMsg) && $statusMsg != "" && isset($_REQUEST['addToWardrobe']) && $_REQUEST['addToWardrobe'] == $post->ID) {
//They just added it to the wardrobe
echo $statusMsg;
} elseif (is_coauthor_for_post($current_user->user_login, $post->ID)) {
//They are already a coauthor.
echo "This is already in your wardrobe.";
} else {
//They are not a coauthor yet.
$currentUrl = preg_replace('/([?&])addToWardrobe=[^&]+(&|$)/','$1',$url); //remove the get var in the url
echo "<a href=\"".$currentUrl."?addToWardrobe={$post->ID}\">Add this to your wardrobe.</a>";
} else {
//This is totally optional, but you could output
// something here that says "Login to add to your wardrobe"
echo "<a href=\"".wp_login_url($currentUrl)."\">Login to add to your wardrobe</a>";
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