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Forked from haoel/
Last active March 5, 2022 02:41
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React.js Github Repo Spammed


React's official website made a banner, which offers visitors a way to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine.


Then, many people went to the React.js Github repository and opened a lot of spam issues with anti-US and anti-Ukrainian comments in an apparent form of digital protest. The messages are in English and Mandarin.
然后,很多人到React.js Github 仓库中开了很多带有反美国和反乌克兰 issue,进行一种数字化的抗议。这些信息是用英语和普通话写的。


React.js Response

Dan Abramov , a member of the React team wrote a comment as below.
React团队的核心主力成员 Dan Abramov 进行了如下的回应。

Note: The original post - issue#23402 has been deleted.
注:原帖 issue#23402 已被删除。

Hi there. 各位,

People in Ukraine are in the middle of a severe humanitarian crisis. According to UN, a million of people have become refugees this week. It is widely reported that many people, including kids, are sheltering in basements, traveling in freezing temperatures, and are short on supplies. This is why we would like to encourage everyone using React to help those in need.


It is true that we have not responded to every humanitarian disaster. There is no single objective threshold of scale, and we’ve only started doing these banners recently. However, this is not a zero-sum activity. First, we are only a single project, and there are other projects which may choose different causes (or not support any causes at all). Second, getting the message out about one crisis does not hurt people affected by a different crisis. This is why the “whataboutism” is mostly a distraction, and we will not spend time seriously entertaining it.

我们确实没有对每一次人道主义灾难作出回应。这个世界没有单一的衡量标准,而且我们最近才开始做这些标语。然而,这并不是一项“零和活动”。首先,我们只是一个项目,还有其他项目可能选择不同的理由(或者根本不支持任何理由)。其次,将一个危机的信息传播出去并不会伤害到受另一个危机影响的人。这就是为什么 "whataboutism"(“那又怎么说”论) 主要是用来分散注意力,所以,我们不会在这种观点上花时间在认真对待。

The Meta Open Source teams have collectively taken a stance in supporting humanitarian aid to Ukraine. The React team supports this stance. You are free to suggest other causes to support in the future. However, spamming the repo with duplicate issues and comments is disruptive. This violates the GitHub the terms of service, and GitHub will be removing this type of content. There is nothing more we would like to say on this at this point, so we will be locking this issue.


Thank you! 谢谢你!


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