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Created July 9, 2015 09:44
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GamepadList {0: undefined, 1: Gamepad, 2: undefined, 3: undefined, length: 4}0: undefined1: Gamepadaxes: Array[4]buttons: Array[16]connected: trueid: "Xbox 360 Controller (XInput STANDARD GAMEPAD)"index: 1mapping: "standard"timestamp: 728__proto__: Gamepadaxes: (...)get axes: () { [native code] }arguments: nullcaller: nulllength: 0name: ""__proto__: Empty() {}apply: apply() { [native code] }arguments: nullbind: bind() { [native code] }call: call() { [native code] }caller: nullconstructor: Function() { [native code] }length: 0name: "Empty"toString: toString() { [native code] }__proto__: Object<function scope><function scope>Global: WindowInfinity: Infinity$: (e,t){return new x.fn.init(e,t,r)}AnalyserNode: AnalyserNode() { [native code] }AnimationEvent: AnimationEvent() { [native code] }ApplicationCache: ApplicationCache() { [native code] }ApplicationCacheErrorEvent: ApplicationCacheErrorEvent() { [native code] }Array: Array() { [native code] }ArrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer() { [native code] }Attr: Attr() { [native code] }Audio: HTMLAudioElement() { [native code] }AudioBuffer: AudioBuffer() { [native code] }AudioBufferSourceNode: AudioBufferSourceNode() { [native code] }AudioContext: AudioContext() { [native code] }AudioDestinationNode: AudioDestinationNode() { [native code] }AudioListener: AudioListener() { [native code] }AudioNode: AudioNode() { [native code] }AudioParam: AudioParam() { [native code] }AudioProcessingEvent: AudioProcessingEvent() { [native code] }AutocompleteErrorEvent: AutocompleteErrorEvent() { [native code] }BarProp: BarProp() { [native code] }BatteryManager: BatteryManager() { [native code] }BeforeUnloadEvent: BeforeUnloadEvent() { [native code] }BiquadFilterNode: BiquadFilterNode() { [native code] }Blob: Blob() { [native code] }Boolean: Boolean() { [native code] }CDATASection: CDATASection() { [native code] }CSS: CSSCSSFontFaceRule: CSSFontFaceRule() { [native code] }CSSImportRule: CSSImportRule() { [native code] }CSSKeyframeRule: CSSKeyframeRule() { [native code] }CSSKeyframesRule: CSSKeyframesRule() { [native code] }CSSMediaRule: CSSMediaRule() { [native code] }CSSPageRule: CSSPageRule() { [native code] }CSSRule: CSSRule() { [native code] }CSSRuleList: CSSRuleList() { [native code] }CSSStyleDeclaration: CSSStyleDeclaration() { [native code] }CSSStyleRule: CSSStyleRule() { [native code] }CSSStyleSheet: CSSStyleSheet() { [native code] }CSSSupportsRule: CSSSupportsRule() { [native code] }CSSUnknownRule: CSSUnknownRule() { [native code] }CSSViewportRule: CSSViewportRule() { [native code] }Cache: Cache() { [native code] }CacheStorage: CacheStorage() { [native code] }CanvasGradient: CanvasGradient() { [native code] }CanvasPattern: CanvasPattern() { [native code] }CanvasRenderingContext2D: CanvasRenderingContext2D() { [native code] }ChannelMergerNode: ChannelMergerNode() { [native code] }ChannelSplitterNode: ChannelSplitterNode() { [native code] }CharacterData: CharacterData() { [native code] }ClientRect: ClientRect() { [native code] }ClientRectList: ClientRectList() { [native code] }ClipboardEvent: ClipboardEvent() { [native code] }CloseEvent: CloseEvent() { [native code] }Comment: Comment() { [native code] }CompositionEvent: CompositionEvent() { [native code] }ConvolverNode: ConvolverNode() { [native code] }Crypto: Crypto() { [native code] }CryptoKey: CryptoKey() { [native code] }CustomEvent: CustomEvent() { [native code] }DOMError: DOMError() { [native code] }DOMException: DOMException() { [native code] }DOMImplementation: DOMImplementation() { [native code] }DOMParser: DOMParser() { [native code] }DOMSettableTokenList: DOMSettableTokenList() { [native code] }DOMStringList: DOMStringList() { [native code] }DOMStringMap: DOMStringMap() { [native code] }DOMTokenList: DOMTokenList() { [native code] }DataTransfer: DataTransfer() { [native code] }DataTransferItem: DataTransferItem() { [native code] }DataTransferItemList: DataTransferItemList() { [native code] }DataView: DataView() { [native code] }Date: Date() { [native code] }DelayNode: DelayNode() { [native code] }DeviceMotionEvent: DeviceMotionEvent() { [native code] }DeviceOrientationEvent: DeviceOrientationEvent() { [native code] }Document: Document() { [native code] }DocumentFragment: DocumentFragment() { [native code] }DocumentType: DocumentType() { [native code] }DynamicsCompressorNode: DynamicsCompressorNode() { [native code] }Element: Element() { [native code] }Error: Error() { [native code] }ErrorEvent: ErrorEvent() { [native code] }EvalError: EvalError() { [native code] }Event: Event() { [native code] }EventSource: EventSource() { [native code] }EventTarget: EventTarget() { [native code] }File: File() { [native code] }FileError: FileError() { [native code] }FileList: FileList() { [native code] }FileReader: FileReader() { [native code] }Float32Array: Float32Array() { [native code] }Float64Array: Float64Array() { [native code] }FocusEvent: FocusEvent() { [native code] }FontFace: FontFace() { [native code] }FormData: FormData() { [native code] }Function: Function() { [native code] }GainNode: GainNode() { [native code] }Gamepad: Gamepad() { [native code] }GamepadButton: GamepadButton() { [native code] }GamepadEvent: GamepadEvent() { [native code] }HTMLAllCollection: HTMLAllCollection() { [native code] }HTMLAnchorElement: HTMLAnchorElement() { [native code] }HTMLAppletElement: HTMLAppletElement() { [native code] }HTMLAreaElement: HTMLAreaElement() { [native code] }HTMLAudioElement: HTMLAudioElement() { [native code] }HTMLBRElement: HTMLBRElement() { [native code] }HTMLBaseElement: HTMLBaseElement() { [native code] }HTMLBodyElement: HTMLBodyElement() { [native code] }HTMLButtonElement: HTMLButtonElement() { [native code] }HTMLCanvasElement: HTMLCanvasElement() { [native code] }HTMLCollection: HTMLCollection() { [native code] }HTMLContentElement: HTMLContentElement() { [native code] }HTMLDListElement: HTMLDListElement() { [native code] }HTMLDataListElement: HTMLDataListElement() { [native code] }HTMLDetailsElement: HTMLDetailsElement() { [native code] }HTMLDialogElement: HTMLDialogElement() { [native code] }HTMLDirectoryElement: HTMLDirectoryElement() { [native code] }HTMLDivElement: HTMLDivElement() { [native code] }HTMLDocument: HTMLDocument() { [native code] }HTMLElement: HTMLElement() { [native code] }HTMLEmbedElement: HTMLEmbedElement() { [native code] }HTMLFieldSetElement: HTMLFieldSetElement() { [native code] }HTMLFontElement: HTMLFontElement() { [native code] }HTMLFormControlsCollection: HTMLFormControlsCollection() { [native code] }HTMLFormElement: HTMLFormElement() { [native code] }HTMLFrameElement: HTMLFrameElement() { [native code] }HTMLFrameSetElement: HTMLFrameSetElement() { [native code] }HTMLHRElement: HTMLHRElement() { [native code] }HTMLHeadElement: HTMLHeadElement() { [native code] }HTMLHeadingElement: HTMLHeadingElement() { [native code] }HTMLHtmlElement: HTMLHtmlElement() { [native code] }HTMLIFrameElement: HTMLIFrameElement() { [native code] }HTMLImageElement: HTMLImageElement() { [native code] }HTMLInputElement: HTMLInputElement() { [native code] }HTMLKeygenElement: HTMLKeygenElement() { [native code] }HTMLLIElement: HTMLLIElement() { [native code] }HTMLLabelElement: HTMLLabelElement() { [native code] }HTMLLegendElement: HTMLLegendElement() { [native code] }HTMLLinkElement: HTMLLinkElement() { [native code] }HTMLMapElement: HTMLMapElement() { [native code] }HTMLMarqueeElement: HTMLMarqueeElement() { [native code] }HTMLMediaElement: HTMLMediaElement() { [native code] }HTMLMenuElement: HTMLMenuElement() { [native code] }HTMLMetaElement: HTMLMetaElement() { [native code] }HTMLMeterElement: HTMLMeterElement() { [native code] }HTMLModElement: HTMLModElement() { [native code] }HTMLOListElement: HTMLOListElement() { [native code] }HTMLObjectElement: HTMLObjectElement() { [native code] }HTMLOptGroupElement: HTMLOptGroupElement() { [native code] }HTMLOptionElement: HTMLOptionElement() { [native code] }HTMLOptionsCollection: HTMLOptionsCollection() { [native code] }HTMLOutputElement: HTMLOutputElement() { [native code] }HTMLParagraphElement: HTMLParagraphElement() { [native code] }HTMLParamElement: HTMLParamElement() { [native code] }HTMLPictureElement: HTMLPictureElement() { [native code] }HTMLPreElement: HTMLPreElement() { [native code] }HTMLProgressElement: HTMLProgressElement() { [native code] }HTMLQuoteElement: HTMLQuoteElement() { [native code] }HTMLScriptElement: HTMLScriptElement() { [native code] }HTMLSelectElement: HTMLSelectElement() { [native code] }HTMLShadowElement: HTMLShadowElement() { [native code] }HTMLSourceElement: HTMLSourceElement() { [native code] }HTMLSpanElement: HTMLSpanElement() { [native code] }HTMLStyleElement: HTMLStyleElement() { [native code] }HTMLTableCaptionElement: HTMLTableCaptionElement() { [native code] }HTMLTableCellElement: HTMLTableCellElement() { [native code] }HTMLTableColElement: HTMLTableColElement() { [native code] }HTMLTableElement: HTMLTableElement() { [native code] }HTMLTableRowElement: HTMLTableRowElement() { [native code] }HTMLTableSectionElement: HTMLTableSectionElement() { [native code] }HTMLTemplateElement: HTMLTemplateElement() { [native code] }HTMLTextAreaElement: HTMLTextAreaElement() { [native code] }HTMLTitleElement: HTMLTitleElement() { [native code] }HTMLTrackElement: HTMLTrackElement() { [native code] }HTMLUListElement: HTMLUListElement() { [native code] }HTMLUnknownElement: HTMLUnknownElement() { [native code] }HTMLVideoElement: HTMLVideoElement() { [native code] }HashChangeEvent: HashChangeEvent() { [native code] }Headers: Headers() { [native code] }History: History() { [native code] }IDBCursor: IDBCursor() { [native code] }IDBCursorWithValue: IDBCursorWithValue() { [native code] }IDBDatabase: IDBDatabase() { [native code] }IDBFactory: IDBFactory() { [native code] }IDBIndex: IDBIndex() { [native code] }IDBKeyRange: IDBKeyRange() { [native code] }IDBObjectStore: IDBObjectStore() { [native code] }IDBOpenDBRequest: IDBOpenDBRequest() { [native code] }IDBRequest: IDBRequest() { [native code] }IDBTransaction: IDBTransaction() { [native code] }IDBVersionChangeEvent: IDBVersionChangeEvent() { [native code] }Image: HTMLImageElement() { [native code] }ImageBitmap: ImageBitmap() { [native code] }ImageData: ImageData() { [native code] }InputMethodContext: InputMethodContext() { [native code] }Int8Array: Int8Array() { [native code] }Int16Array: Int16Array() { [native code] }Int32Array: Int32Array() { [native code] }Intl: ObjectJSON: JSONKeyboardEvent: KeyboardEvent() { [native code] }Location: Location() { [native code] }MIDIAccess: MIDIAccess() { [native code] }MIDIConnectionEvent: MIDIConnectionEvent() { [native code] }MIDIInput: MIDIInput() { [native code] }MIDIInputMap: MIDIInputMap() { [native code] }MIDIMessageEvent: MIDIMessageEvent() { [native code] }MIDIOutput: MIDIOutput() { [native code] }MIDIOutputMap: MIDIOutputMap() { [native code] }MIDIPort: MIDIPort() { [native code] }Map: Map() { [native code] }Math: MathConstructorMediaElementAudioSourceNode: MediaElementAudioSourceNode() { [native code] }MediaEncryptedEvent: MediaEncryptedEvent() { [native code] }MediaError: MediaError() { [native code] }MediaKeyError: MediaKeyError() { [native code] }MediaKeyEvent: MediaKeyEvent() { [native code] }MediaKeyMessageEvent: MediaKeyMessageEvent() { [native code] }MediaKeySession: MediaKeySession() { [native code] }MediaKeyStatusMap: MediaKeyStatusMap() { [native code] }MediaKeySystemAccess: MediaKeySystemAccess() { [native code] }MediaKeys: MediaKeys() { [native code] }MediaList: MediaList() { [native code] }MediaQueryList: MediaQueryList() { [native code] }MediaQueryListEvent: MediaQueryListEvent() { [native code] }MediaSource: MediaSource() { [native code] }MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode: MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode() { [native code] }MediaStreamAudioSourceNode: MediaStreamAudioSourceNode() { [native code] }MediaStreamEvent: MediaStreamEvent() { [native code] }MediaStreamTrack: MediaStreamTrack() { [native code] }MessageChannel: MessageChannel() { [native code] }MessageEvent: MessageEvent() { [native code] }MessagePort: MessagePort() { [native code] }MimeType: MimeType() { [native code] }MimeTypeArray: MimeTypeArray() { [native code] }MouseEvent: MouseEvent() { [native code] }MutationEvent: MutationEvent() { [native code] }MutationObserver: MutationObserver() { [native code] }MutationRecord: MutationRecord() { [native code] }NaN: NaNNamedNodeMap: NamedNodeMap() { [native code] }Navigator: Navigator() { [native code] }Node: Node() { [native code] }NodeFilter: NodeFilter() { [native code] }NodeIterator: NodeIterator() { [native code] }NodeList: NodeList() { [native code] }Notification: Notification() { [native code] }Number: Number() { [native code] }Object: Object() { [native code] }OfflineAudioCompletionEvent: OfflineAudioCompletionEvent() { [native code] }OfflineAudioContext: OfflineAudioContext() { [native code] }Option: HTMLOptionElement() { [native code] }OscillatorNode: OscillatorNode() { [native code] }PageTransitionEvent: PageTransitionEvent() { [native code] }Path2D: Path2D() { [native code] }Performance: Performance() { [native code] }PerformanceEntry: PerformanceEntry() { [native code] }PerformanceMark: PerformanceMark() { [native code] }PerformanceMeasure: PerformanceMeasure() { [native code] }PerformanceNavigation: PerformanceNavigation() { [native code] }PerformanceResourceTiming: PerformanceResourceTiming() { [native code] }PerformanceTiming: PerformanceTiming() { [native code] }PeriodicWave: PeriodicWave() { [native code] }PermissionStatus: PermissionStatus() { [native code] }Permissions: Permissions() { [native code] }Plugin: Plugin() { [native code] }PluginArray: PluginArray() { [native code] }PopStateEvent: PopStateEvent() { [native code] }ProcessingInstruction: ProcessingInstruction() { [native code] }ProgressEvent: ProgressEvent() { [native code] }Promise: Promise() { [native code] }PushManager: PushManager() { [native code] }PushSubscription: PushSubscription() { [native code] }RTCIceCandidate: RTCIceCandidate() { [native code] }RTCSessionDescription: RTCSessionDescription() { [native code] }RadioNodeList: RadioNodeList() { [native code] }Range: Range() { [native code] }RangeError: RangeError() { [native code] }ReadableByteStream: ReadableByteStream() { [native code] }ReadableStream: ReadableStream() { [native code] }ReferenceError: ReferenceError() { [native code] }RegExp: RegExp() { [native code] }Request: Request() { [native code] }Response: Response() { [native code] }SVGAElement: SVGAElement() { [native code] }SVGAngle: SVGAngle() { [native code] }SVGAnimateElement: SVGAnimateElement() { [native code] }SVGAnimateMotionElement: SVGAnimateMotionElement() { [native code] }SVGAnimateTransformElement: SVGAnimateTransformElement() { [native code] }SVGAnimatedAngle: SVGAnimatedAngle() { [native code] }SVGAnimatedBoolean: SVGAnimatedBoolean() { [native code] }SVGAnimatedEnumeration: SVGAnimatedEnumeration() { [native code] }SVGAnimatedInteger: SVGAnimatedInteger() { [native code] }SVGAnimatedLength: SVGAnimatedLength() { [native code] }SVGAnimatedLengthList: SVGAnimatedLengthList() { [native code] }SVGAnimatedNumber: SVGAnimatedNumber() { [native code] }SVGAnimatedNumberList: SVGAnimatedNumberList() { [native code] }SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio: SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio() { [native code] }SVGAnimatedRect: SVGAnimatedRect() { [native code] }SVGAnimatedString: SVGAnimatedString() { [native code] }SVGAnimatedTransformList: SVGAnimatedTransformList() { [native code] }SVGAnimationElement: SVGAnimationElement() { [native code] }SVGCircleElement: SVGCircleElement() { [native code] }SVGClipPathElement: SVGClipPathElement() { [native code] }SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement: SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement() { [native code] }SVGCursorElement: SVGCursorElement() { [native code] }SVGDefsElement: SVGDefsElement() { [native code] }SVGDescElement: SVGDescElement() { [native code] }SVGDiscardElement: SVGDiscardElement() { [native code] }SVGElement: SVGElement() { [native code] }SVGEllipseElement: SVGEllipseElement() { [native code] }SVGFEBlendElement: SVGFEBlendElement() { [native code] }SVGFEColorMatrixElement: SVGFEColorMatrixElement() { [native code] }SVGFEComponentTransferElement: SVGFEComponentTransferElement() { [native code] }SVGFECompositeElement: SVGFECompositeElement() { [native code] }SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement: SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement() { [native code] }SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement: SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement() { [native code] }SVGFEDisplacementMapElement: SVGFEDisplacementMapElement() { [native code] }SVGFEDistantLightElement: SVGFEDistantLightElement() { [native code] }SVGFEDropShadowElement: SVGFEDropShadowElement() { [native code] }SVGFEFloodElement: SVGFEFloodElement() { [native code] }SVGFEFuncAElement: SVGFEFuncAElement() { [native code] }SVGFEFuncBElement: SVGFEFuncBElement() { [native code] }SVGFEFuncGElement: SVGFEFuncGElement() { [native code] }SVGFEFuncRElement: SVGFEFuncRElement() { [native code] }SVGFEGaussianBlurElement: SVGFEGaussianBlurElement() { [native code] }SVGFEImageElement: SVGFEImageElement() { [native code] }SVGFEMergeElement: SVGFEMergeElement() { [native code] }SVGFEMergeNodeElement: SVGFEMergeNodeElement() { [native code] }SVGFEMorphologyElement: SVGFEMorphologyElement() { [native code] }SVGFEOffsetElement: SVGFEOffsetElement() { [native code] }SVGFEPointLightElement: SVGFEPointLightElement() { [native code] }SVGFESpecularLightingElement: SVGFESpecularLightingElement() { [native code] }SVGFESpotLightElement: SVGFESpotLightElement() { [native code] }SVGFETileElement: SVGFETileElement() { [native code] }SVGFETurbulenceElement: SVGFETurbulenceElement() { [native code] }SVGFilterElement: SVGFilterElement() { [native code] }SVGForeignObjectElement: SVGForeignObjectElement() { [native code] }SVGGElement: SVGGElement() { [native code] }SVGGeometryElement: SVGGeometryElement() { [native code] }SVGGradientElement: SVGGradientElement() { [native code] }SVGGraphicsElement: SVGGraphicsElement() { [native code] }SVGImageElement: SVGImageElement() { [native code] }SVGLength: SVGLength() { [native code] }SVGLengthList: SVGLengthList() { [native code] }SVGLineElement: SVGLineElement() { [native code] }SVGLinearGradientElement: SVGLinearGradientElement() { [native code] }SVGMPathElement: SVGMPathElement() { [native code] }SVGMarkerElement: SVGMarkerElement() { [native code] }SVGMaskElement: SVGMaskElement() { [native code] }SVGMatrix: SVGMatrix() { [native code] }SVGMetadataElement: SVGMetadataElement() { [native code] }SVGNumber: SVGNumber() { [native code] }SVGNumberList: SVGNumberList() { [native code] }SVGPathElement: SVGPathElement() { [native code] }SVGPathSeg: SVGPathSeg() { [native code] }SVGPathSegArcAbs: SVGPathSegArcAbs() { [native code] }SVGPathSegArcRel: SVGPathSegArcRel() { [native code] }SVGPathSegClosePath: SVGPathSegClosePath() { [native code] }SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs: SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs() { [native code] }SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel: SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel() { [native code] }SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs: SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs() { [native code] }SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel: SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel() { [native code] }SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs: SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs() { [native code] }SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel: SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel() { [native code] }SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs: SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs() { [native code] }SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel: SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel() { [native code] }SVGPathSegLinetoAbs: SVGPathSegLinetoAbs() { [native code] }SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs: SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs() { [native code] }SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel: SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel() { [native code] }SVGPathSegLinetoRel: SVGPathSegLinetoRel() { [native code] }SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs: SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs() { [native code] }SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel: SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel() { [native code] }SVGPathSegList: SVGPathSegList() { [native code] }SVGPathSegMovetoAbs: SVGPathSegMovetoAbs() { [native code] }SVGPathSegMovetoRel: SVGPathSegMovetoRel() { [native code] }SVGPatternElement: SVGPatternElement() { [native code] }SVGPoint: SVGPoint() { [native code] }SVGPointList: SVGPointList() { [native code] }SVGPolygonElement: SVGPolygonElement() { [native code] }SVGPolylineElement: SVGPolylineElement() { [native code] }SVGPreserveAspectRatio: SVGPreserveAspectRatio() { [native code] }SVGRadialGradientElement: SVGRadialGradientElement() { [native code] }SVGRect: SVGRect() { [native code] }SVGRectElement: SVGRectElement() { [native code] }SVGRenderingIntent: SVGRenderingIntent() { [native code] }SVGSVGElement: SVGSVGElement() { [native code] }SVGScriptElement: SVGScriptElement() { [native code] }SVGSetElement: SVGSetElement() { [native code] }SVGStopElement: SVGStopElement() { [native code] }SVGStringList: SVGStringList() { [native code] }SVGStyleElement: SVGStyleElement() { [native code] }SVGSwitchElement: SVGSwitchElement() { [native code] }SVGSymbolElement: SVGSymbolElement() { [native code] }SVGTSpanElement: SVGTSpanElement() { [native code] }SVGTextContentElement: SVGTextContentElement() { [native code] }SVGTextElement: SVGTextElement() { [native code] }SVGTextPathElement: SVGTextPathElement() { [native code] }SVGTextPositioningElement: SVGTextPositioningElement() { [native code] }SVGTitleElement: SVGTitleElement() { [native code] }SVGTransform: SVGTransform() { [native code] }SVGTransformList: SVGTransformList() { [native code] }SVGUnitTypes: SVGUnitTypes() { [native code] }SVGUseElement: SVGUseElement() { [native code] }SVGViewElement: SVGViewElement() { [native code] }SVGViewSpec: SVGViewSpec() { [native code] }SVGZoomEvent: SVGZoomEvent() { [native code] }Screen: () { [native code] }ScriptProcessorNode: ScriptProcessorNode() { [native code] }SecurityPolicyViolationEvent: SecurityPolicyViolationEvent() { [native code] }Selection: Selection() { [native code] }ServiceWorker: ServiceWorker() { [native code] }ServiceWorkerContainer: ServiceWorkerContainer() { [native code] }ServiceWorkerRegistration: ServiceWorkerRegistration() { [native code] }Set: Set() { [native code] }ShadowRoot: ShadowRoot() { [native code] }SharedWorker: SharedWorker() { [native code] }SpeechSynthesisEvent: SpeechSynthesisEvent() { [native code] }SpeechSynthesisUtterance: SpeechSynthesisUtterance() { [native code] }Storage: Storage() { [native code] }StorageEvent: StorageEvent() { [native code] }String: String() { [native code] }StyleSheet: StyleSheet() { [native code] }StyleSheetList: StyleSheetList() { [native code] }SubtleCrypto: SubtleCrypto() { [native code] }Symbol: Symbol() { [native code] }SyntaxError: SyntaxError() { [native code] }Text: Text() { [native code] }TextDecoder: TextDecoder() { [native code] }TextEncoder: TextEncoder() { [native code] }TextEvent: TextEvent() { [native code] }TextMetrics: TextMetrics() { [native code] }TextTrack: TextTrack() { [native code] }TextTrackCue: TextTrackCue() { [native code] }TextTrackCueList: TextTrackCueList() { [native code] }TextTrackList: TextTrackList() { [native code] }TimeRanges: TimeRanges() { [native code] }Touch: Touch() { [native code] }TouchEvent: TouchEvent() { [native code] }TouchList: TouchList() { [native code] }TrackEvent: TrackEvent() { [native code] }TransitionEvent: TransitionEvent() { [native code] }TreeWalker: TreeWalker() { [native code] }TypeError: TypeError() { [native code] }UIEvent: UIEvent() { [native code] }URIError: URIError() { [native code] }URL: URL() { [native code] }Uint8Array: Uint8Array() { [native code] }Uint8ClampedArray: Uint8ClampedArray() { [native code] }Uint16Array: Uint16Array() { [native code] }Uint32Array: Uint32Array() { [native code] }VTTCue: VTTCue() { [native code] }ValidityState: ValidityState() { [native code] }WaveShaperNode: WaveShaperNode() { [native code] }WeakMap: WeakMap() { [native code] }WeakSet: WeakSet() { [native code] }WebGLActiveInfo: WebGLActiveInfo() { [native code] }WebGLBuffer: WebGLBuffer() { [native code] }WebGLContextEvent: WebGLContextEvent() { [native code] }WebGLFramebuffer: WebGLFramebuffer() { [native code] }WebGLProgram: WebGLProgram() { [native code] }WebGLRenderbuffer: WebGLRenderbuffer() { [native code] }WebGLRenderingContext: WebGLRenderingContext() { [native code] }WebGLShader: WebGLShader() { [native code] }WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat: WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat() { [native code] }WebGLTexture: WebGLTexture() { [native code] }WebGLUniformLocation: WebGLUniformLocation() { [native code] }WebKitAnimationEvent: AnimationEvent() { [native code] }WebKitCSSMatrix: WebKitCSSMatrix() { [native code] }WebKitMutationObserver: MutationObserver() { [native code] }WebKitTransitionEvent: TransitionEvent() { [native code] }WebSocket: WebSocket() { [native code] }WheelEvent: WheelEvent() { [native code] }Window: Window() { [native code] }Worker: Worker() { [native code] }XMLDocument: XMLDocument() { [native code] }XMLHttpRequest: XMLHttpRequest() { [native code] }XMLHttpRequestEventTarget: XMLHttpRequestEventTarget() { [native code] }XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent: XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent() { [native code] }XMLHttpRequestUpload: XMLHttpRequestUpload() { [native code] }XMLSerializer: XMLSerializer() { [native code] }XPathEvaluator: XPathEvaluator() { [native code] }XPathExpression: XPathExpression() { [native code] }XPathResult: XPathResult() { [native code] }XSLTProcessor: XSLTProcessor() { [native code] }allowedControllers: ObjectallowedPlayers: Array[4]applicationCache: ApplicationCachecaches: CacheStoragechrome: ObjectclientInformation: Navigatorclosed: falseconsole: ConsolecontrolType: ""crypto: CryptodecodeURI: decodeURI() { [native code] }decodeURIComponent: decodeURIComponent() { [native code] }defaultStatus: ""defaultstatus: ""devicePixelRatio: 1document: documentencodeURI: encodeURI() { [native code] }encodeURIComponent: encodeURIComponent() { [native code] }escape: escape() { [native code] }eval: eval() { [native code] }event: undefinedexternal: ObjectframeElement: nullframes: WindowgamepadSupport: ObjectgetParameterByName: getParameterByName(name) {history: HistoryindexedDB: IDBFactoryinnerHeight: 995innerWidth: 1254isFinite: isFinite() { [native code] }isNaN: isNaN() { [native code] }jQuery: (e,t){return new x.fn.init(e,t,r)}length: 0localStorage: Storagelocation: Locationlocationbar: BarPropmenubar: BarPropname: ""navigator: NavigatoroffscreenBuffering: trueopener: nullouterHeight: 1080outerWidth: 1920pageXOffset: 0pageYOffset: 0parent: WindowparseFloat: parseFloat() { [native code] }parseInt: parseInt() { [native code] }performance: Performancepersonalbar: BarProppiwikTracker: undefinedpkBaseURL: ""pnumber: ""scaleSize: ""screen: ObjectscreenLeft: 0screenTop: 0screenX: 0screenY: 0scrollX: 0scrollY: 0scrollbars: BarPropself: WindowsessionStorage: StoragespeechSynthesis: SpeechSynthesisstatus: ""statusbar: BarPropstyleMedia: StyleMediaswitchClass: switchClass(elem, switchWhat, switchTo) {tester: Objecttoolbar: BarProptop: Windowundefined: undefinedunescape: unescape() { [native code] }webkitAudioContext: AudioContext() { [native code] }webkitIDBCursor: IDBCursor() { [native code] }webkitIDBDatabase: IDBDatabase() { [native code] }webkitIDBFactory: IDBFactory() { [native code] }webkitIDBIndex: IDBIndex() { [native code] }webkitIDBKeyRange: IDBKeyRange() { [native code] }webkitIDBObjectStore: IDBObjectStore() { [native code] }webkitIDBRequest: IDBRequest() { [native code] }webkitIDBTransaction: IDBTransaction() { [native code] }webkitIndexedDB: IDBFactorywebkitMediaStream: MediaStream() { [native code] }webkitOfflineAudioContext: OfflineAudioContext() { [native code] }webkitRTCPeerConnection: RTCPeerConnection() { [native code] }webkitSpeechGrammar: SpeechGrammar() { [native code] }webkitSpeechGrammarList: SpeechGrammarList() { [native code] }webkitSpeechRecognition: SpeechRecognition() { [native code] }webkitSpeechRecognitionError: SpeechRecognitionError() { [native code] }webkitSpeechRecognitionEvent: SpeechRecognitionEvent() { [native code] }webkitStorageInfo: DeprecatedStorageInfowebkitURL: URL() { [native code] }window: Window__proto__: Windowbuttons: (...)get buttons: () { [native code] }connected: (...)get connected: () { [native code] }constructor: Gamepad() { [native code] }id: (...)get id: () { [native code] }index: (...)get index: () { [native code] }mapping: (...)get mapping: () { [native code] }timestamp: (...)get timestamp: () { [native code] }__proto__: Object2: undefined3: undefinedlength: 4__proto__: GamepadList
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