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Created October 15, 2020 14:19
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Programatically export and/or delete Heroku dataclips
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# there were a handful of clips that I didn't want to delete versus hundreds that I did,
# so I just removed the UUIDs of the clips I wanted to keep from uuids.txt by hand
cat uuids.txt | while read uuid
curl \
-H "authorization: Bearer $(heroku auth:token)" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"query":"mutation DeleteDataclip($clipId: ID!) { deleteClip(clipId: $clipId) }","variables":{"clipId":"'$uuid'"}}' \
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# dump a JSON file with a UUID, title and the most recent SQL for every clip
curl \
-H "authorization: Bearer $(heroku auth:token)" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-d '{ "query": "query { listClips { id title versions(limit: 1) { sql } } }" }' \ \
> clips.json
# also munge the output JSON into a text list of just UUIDs for additional manipulation
less clips.json|\
python -m json.tool|\ # get attributes on their own lines
grep \"id\"|\ # filter for just the lines with UUIDs
awk '{print substr($2,2,length($2)-3)}'\ # awk out just the UUID
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We decided that using Heroku's Dataclips was an anti-pattern at our company and needed a way to get rid of all of the crufty clips that were still sitting around. They don't make it easy to either export the queries or do any sort of bulk operations, so... a little reverse-engineering of their GraphQL endpoints and a shell script came to the rescue here.

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It goes without saying that this is neither a sanctioned usage nor a stable API, so it may break without warning. C'est la vie.

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