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Created March 20, 2014 01:39
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Save mrmiller/9655594 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dumps Breakpad symbols for the contents of an Apple update installer. Given a
path to an Apple update installer as a .dmg or a path to a specific package
within the disk image, PackageSymbolDumper mounts, traverses, and dumps symbols
for all applicable frameworks and dylibs found within.
Required tools for Linux:
xar (
xpwn's dmg (
Created on Apr 11, 2012
@author: mrmiller
import argparse
import logging
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
from DumpBreakpadSymbols import dump_breakpad_symbols
def mount_dmg(dmg_extractor, path, mount_point):
Mount a disk image at a given mount point.
@param path: a path to the disk image file (.dmg)
@param mount_point: path at which the image should be mounted
@raise subprocess.CalledProcessError if there is an error mounting
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
subprocess.check_call(['hdiutil', 'attach', path, '-nobrowse', '-mountpoint', mount_point, '-plist'])
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
subprocess.check_call([dmg_extractor, 'extract', path,])
subprocess.check_call(['mount', '-o', 'loop',, mount_point])
def unmount_dmg(mount_point):
Unmount a mounted disk image given its mount point.
@param mount_point: path where the image is mounted, e.g. "/Volumes/test"
@raise subprocess.CalledProcessError if there is an error unmounting
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
subprocess.check_call(['hdiutil', 'detach', mount_point])
subprocess.check_call(['umount', mount_point])
def expand_pkg(pkg_path, out_path):
Expands the contents of an installer package to some directory.
@param pkg_path: a path to an installer package (.pkg)
@param out_path: a path to hold the package contents
subprocess.check_call('cd "{dest}" && xar -x -f "{src}"'.format(src=pkg_path, dest=out_path), shell=True)
def filter_files(function, path):
Returns a list of file paths matching a filter function by walking the
hierarchy rooted at path.
@param function: a function taking in a filename that returns true to
include the path
@param path: the root path of the hierarchy to traverse
filtered_files = []
for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(path):
paths = map(lambda filename:os.path.join(root, filename), files)
filtered_files.extend(filter(function, paths))
return filtered_files
def find_packages(path):
Returns a list of installer packages (as determined by the .pkg extension)
found within path.
@param path: root path to search for .pkg files
return filter_files(lambda filename:
os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.pkg',
def find_payloads(path):
Returns a list of possible installer package payload paths.
@param path: root path for an installer package
return filter_files(lambda filename:
'Payload' in filename or '.pax.gz' in filename,
def extract_payload(payload_path, output_path):
Extracts the contents of an installer package payload to a given directory.
@param payload_path: path to an installer package's payload
@param output_path: output path for the payload's contents
subprocess.check_call('cd {dest} && bzcat {gzip} | pax -r -k -s ":^/::"'.format(gzip=payload_path, dest=output_path), shell=True)
def dump_symbols(dump_syms, root, dest):
Dumps Breakpad symbols from a directory tree based at root using dump_syms.
@param dump_syms: path to the dump_syms executable
@param root: the root directory of the hierarchy to walk for binaries
@param dest: the destination directory for the Breakpad symbols
dump_breakpad_symbols(dump_syms, root, dest)
def shutil_error_handler(caller, path, excinfo):
logging.error('Could not remove "{path}": {info}'.format(path=path, info=excinfo))
def dump_symbols_from_payload(dump_syms, payload_path, dest):
Dumps all the symbols found inside the payload of an installer package.
@param dump_syms: path to the dump_syms executable
@param payload_path: path to an installer package's payload
@param dest: output path for symbols
temp_dir = None
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()'Extracting payload to {path}.'.format(path=temp_dir))
extract_payload(payload_path, temp_dir)
# dump the symbols for the payload contents
system_library = os.path.join('System', 'Library')
subdirectories = [os.path.join(system_library, 'Frameworks'), os.path.join(system_library, 'PrivateFrameworks'), os.path.join('usr', 'lib')]
paths_to_dump = map(lambda d: os.path.join(temp_dir, d), subdirectories)
for path in paths_to_dump:
if os.path.exists(path):
dump_symbols(dump_syms, path, dest)
if temp_dir is not None:
shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, onerror=shutil_error_handler)
def dump_symbols_from_package(dump_syms, pkg, dest):
Dumps all the symbols found inside an installer package.
@param dump_syms: path to the dump_syms executable
@param pkg: path to an installer package
@param dest: output path for symbols
temp_dir = None
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
expand_pkg(pkg, temp_dir)
# check for any subpackages
subpackages = find_packages(temp_dir)
for subpackage in subpackages:
logging.warning('UNTESTED: Found subpackage at: ' + ',\n'.join(subpackage))
dump_symbols_from_package(dump_syms, subpackage, dest)
# dump symbols from any payloads (only expecting one) in the package
payloads = find_payloads(temp_dir)'Found payloads at: ' + ',\n'.join(payloads))
for payload in payloads:
dump_symbols_from_payload(dump_syms, payload, dest)
if temp_dir is not None:
shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, onerror=shutil_error_handler)
def main(args):
if not os.path.exists(args.updater):
logging.error('Invalid path to update disk image or package')
if not os.path.exists(
logging.error('Invalid path to destination')
mount_point = None
# if the updater path points to a dmg (as determined by its extension),
# mount the image and find any possible packages inside
if os.path.splitext(args.updater)[1] == '.dmg':
mount_point = tempfile.mkdtemp()
mount_dmg(args.dmg, args.updater, mount_point)
pkg_paths = find_packages(mount_point)
pkg_paths = [args.updater]'Found packages at: ' + ',\n'.join(pkg_paths))
for pkg in pkg_paths:
dump_symbols_from_package(args.dump_syms, pkg,
# if we mounted an image, unmount it and delete the temp mount point
if mount_point is not None:
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Extracts Breakpad symbols from a Mac OS X support update.')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--search', default='./', type=str, help='a comma-separated list of relative paths (including their subdirectories) to search')
parser.add_argument('--dmg', default='dmg', type=str, help='path to the xpwn dmg extractor, if running on Linux')
parser.add_argument('--dump_syms', default='dump_syms', type=str, help='path to the Breakpad dump_syms executable')
parser.add_argument('updater', type=str, help='path to an updater dmg or a pkg')
parser.add_argument('to', default='./', type=str, help='destination path for the symbols')
args = parser.parse_args()
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