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mrmurphy /
Created February 26, 2020 04:27
open React;
let onChangeText = (updator, event) => {
let v =;
updator(_ => v);
let make = () => {
// State
[@bs.module] external bent('headers, 'response) : (
~method: @bs.string] [
| `GET
| `PUT
~format: [@bs.string] [
| `string
| `buffer
mrmurphy /
Last active August 29, 2019 16:05
Using ADTs to form invariants around application logic.
// These types enhance safety around binary data that we want to synthesize onto
// a record, but store in S3 instead of in Postgres. If the encoder for the
// wrapping type requires that a field has a type of `S3Data.Outgoing.t`, then
// the type system will ensure that the data has been loaded up from S3 before
// it gets sent back to the user. In the same way, if the wrapping type uses
// `Incoming.t` at the API layer, and just `t` at the database layer, then the
// type system ensures that some action has been taken to save the binary to S3
// before writing to the database.
module Saved = {
mrmurphy / Layer 0.json
Created August 27, 2019 15:58
Keyboardio Layout Backup
"keymap": [
"keyCode": 41,
"label": "Esc"
"keyCode": 30,
"label": "1"
mrmurphy / File.txt
Created June 29, 2019 17:20
Bloom Built Upgrade from JSX 2 to JSX 3 (Reason React)
Alternative migration path for JSX 2 to JSX 3 Reason React
This migration was really slick. We just ran it on the files we needed migrated (you can’t just pass files as args to the executable, you’ve got to pipe the names in)
module Gift =
let name = "gift";
type data = {
quantity: int,
total: string,
year: int,
code: string,

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am mrmurphy on github.
  • I am murphyrandle ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 3507 3BDF F37D 7B17 C16B B354 2904 F387 57B7 F1BB

To claim this, I am signing this object:

open Pom;
type middleware('context, 'result) =
(Express.Request.t, Express.Response.t, 'context) =>
pomWithError('result, Express.complete);
type handler('context) =
(Express.Request.t, Express.Response.t, 'context) => pom(Express.complete);
let _onError500 =
type pomWithError('data, 'err) = Js.Promise.t(Result.t('data, 'err));
type pom('data) = pomWithError('data, unit);
module JsPromise = {
let make = () => {
let resolver = ref(ignore);
let p =
Js.Promise.make((~resolve, ~reject as _) =>
resolver := (a => resolve(. a))
mrmurphy / ynab_to_db.js
Created February 23, 2019 05:10
A little program to save your YNAB transactions to a SQLite Database for fast and easy querying
const ynab = require("ynab");
const SQL = require("sql-template-strings");
const sqlite = require("sqlite");
let personalAccessToken = process.env.YNAB_ACCESS_TOKEN;
let client = new ynab.API(personalAccessToken);
async function go() {
const db = await"./transactions.sqlite");