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Created May 23, 2012 15:59
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Vagrant Post-Install
# **** is a script executed after Debian/Ubuntu has been
# installed and restarted. There is no user interaction so all commands must
# be able to run in a non-interactive mode.
# If any package install time questions need to be set, you can use
# `preeseed.cfg` to populate the settings.
### Setup Variables
# The version of Ruby to be installed supporting the Chef and Puppet gems
# The base path to the Ruby used for the Chef and Puppet gems
# The non-root user that will be created. By vagrant conventions, this should
# be `"vagrant"`.
# Enable truly non interactive apt-get installs
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
# Determine the platform (i.e. Debian or Ubuntu) and platform version
platform="$(lsb_release -i -s)"
platform_version="$(lsb_release -s -r)"
# Run the script in debug mode
set -x
### Customize Sudoers
# The main user (`vagrant` in our case) needs to have **password-less** sudo
# access as described in the Vagrant base box
# [documentation](
# This user belongs to the `admin`/`sudo` group, so we'll change that line.
sed -i -e '/Defaults\s\+env_reset/a Defaults\texempt_group=admin' /etc/sudoers
case "$platform" in
sed -i -e 's/%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL/%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL/g' /etc/sudoers
groupadd -r admin || true
usermod -a -G admin $account
sed -i -e 's/%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL/%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL/g' /etc/sudoers
### Installing Ruby
#### Compiling Ruby
# The choice was made by the Vagrant and VeeWee authors to compile a Ruby from
# source so that the user of this base box can install their own Rubies using
# packages, RVM, source, etc. It will be installed into $ruby_home so as not
# to collide with /usr/local.
# Currently we must install Ruby 1.8 since Puppet doesn't fully support Ruby
# 1.9 yet.
# Install packages necessary to compile Ruby from source
case "$platform" in
apt-get -y install build-essential zlib1g-dev libssl-dev \
libreadline5-dev make curl git-core
apt-get -y install build-essential zlib1g-dev libssl-dev \
libreadline-dev make curl git-core
# Use ruby-build to install Ruby
git clone $clone_dir
$clone_dir/bin/ruby-build "$ruby_ver" "$ruby_home"
rm -rf $clone_dir
unset clone_dir
### Installing Chef and Puppet Gems
# Install prerequisite gems used by Chef and Puppet
${ruby_home}/bin/gem install polyglot net-ssh-gateway mime-types --no-ri --no-rdoc
# The Vagrant base box
# [documentation](
# specifies that both the Puppet and Chef gems should be installed to qualify
# as a complete Vagrant base box.
${ruby_home}/bin/gem install chef --no-ri --no-rdoc
${ruby_home}/bin/gem install puppet --no-ri --no-rdoc
# Add the Puppet group so Puppet runs without issue
groupadd puppet
# If a packaged Ruby or RVM is installed then the path to the Chef and Puppet
# binaries will be "lost". To guard against this, we'll add the compiled Ruby's
# bin directory to PATH.
echo "PATH=\$PATH:${ruby_home}/bin" >/etc/profile.d/
### Vagrant SSH Keys
# Since Vagrant only supports key-based authentication for SSH, we must
# set up the vagrant user to use key-based authentication. We can get the
# public key used by the Vagrant gem directly from its Github repository.
mkdir -p $vssh
chmod 700 $vssh
(cd $vssh &&
wget --no-check-certificate \
'' \
-O $vssh/authorized_keys)
chmod 0600 $vssh/authorized_keys
chown -R ${account}:vagrant $vssh
unset vssh
### VirtualBox Guest Additions
# The netboot installs the VirtualBox support (old) so we have to remove it
apt-get -y remove virtualbox-ose-guest-dkms
apt-get -y remove virtualbox-ose-guest-utils
# The Guest Additions installer will require the use of the linux headers, so
# we'll install it for the moment
apt-get -y install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
# Now use the current VirtualBox guest additions that VeeWee uploaded, mount,
# and install it
VBOX_VERSION=$(cat /home/${account}/.vbox_version)
mount -o loop /home/$account/VBoxGuestAdditions_$VBOX_VERSION.iso /mnt
yes|sh /mnt/
umount /mnt
# Cleanup the downloaded ISO
rm -f /home/$account/VBoxGuestAdditions_$VBOX_VERSION.iso
# Remove the linux headers to keep things pristine
apt-get -y remove linux-headers-$(uname -r)
### Misc. Tweaks
# Install NFS client
apt-get -y install nfs-common
# Tweak sshd to prevent DNS resolution (speed up logins)
echo 'UseDNS no' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# Customize the message of the day
case "$platform" in
echo 'Welcome to your Vagrant-built virtual machine.' > /var/run/motd
echo 'Welcome to your Vagrant-built virtual machine.' > /etc/motd.tail
# Record when the basebox was built
date > /etc/vagrant_box_build_time
### Clean up
# Remove the build tools to keep things pristine
apt-get -y remove build-essential make curl git-core
apt-get -y autoremove
apt-get -y clean
# Removing leftover leases and persistent rules
rm -f /var/lib/dhcp3/*
# Make sure Udev doesn't block our network, see:
rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
mkdir /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
rm -rf /dev/.udev/
rm /lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules
# Add a 2 sec delay to the interface up, to make the dhclient happy
echo "pre-up sleep 2" >> /etc/network/interfaces
# Remove any temporary work files, including the script
rm -f /home/${account}/{*.iso,postinstall*.sh}
### Compress Image Size
# Zero out the free space to save space in the final image
dd if=/dev/zero of=/EMPTY bs=1M
rm -f /EMPTY
# And we're done.
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mmbrian commented Sep 25, 2013

thank you so much for sharing this here! saved my day!

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