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Created August 12, 2012 14:49
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A small program to look through a Python source directory, pull out the class hierarchy, and generate a .dot file. It also produces a .pdf file using the dot program.
import re
import networkx as nx
import os
prog = re.compile("class (?P<subclass>\w+)\((?P<superclasses>[\s\w,]+)\):")
def grep_stream(location):
return os.popen(
'find %s -name "*.py" | xargs grep -h "^class \w*\([\w\s][\s\w,]*\)"'%location)
def nx_from_stream(f):
assert isinstance(f, file)
G = nx.DiGraph()
for line in f:
match = prog.match(line)
if not match:
subclass = match.groupdict()['subclass']
for superclass in match.groupdict()['superclasses'].split(','):
G.add_edge(superclass.strip(), subclass)
return G
if __name__ == "__main__":
from sys import argv, exit
if len(argv) == 3:
location, name = argv[1:]
print "Usage:\n%s sympy/core/ core\nevince core.pdf"%argv[0]
stream = grep_stream(location)
G = nx_from_stream(stream)
Gpd = nx.to_pydot(G)
os.system("dot -Tpdf -o %s.pdf"%(name, name))
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Here are some examples of the sympy code repository

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Here are some examples of the sympy code repository

(the previous link was relative)

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