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Last active July 5, 2021 00:25
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Dagger 2 cheatsheet
abstract class ActivitiesModule {
@ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = [MainActivityModule::class])
abstract fun contributeMainActivity(): MainActivity
// Other activities come here, same as above.
dependencies {
// Dagger 2
implementation ''
kapt ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
kapt ''
modules = [
// Other modules here.
interface ApplicationComponent : AndroidInjector<MyApplication> {
interface Factory : AndroidInjector.Factory<MyApplication>
abstract class FragmentsModule {
@ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = [MyFragmentModule::class])
abstract fun contributeMyFragment(): MyFragment
// Other fragments come here, same as above
class MyApplication : DaggerApplication() {
override fun applicationInjector(): AndroidInjector<out DaggerApplication> {
return DaggerApplicationComponent.builder().build()
class MyFragmentModule {
fun provideMyViewModel(fragment: MyFragment, provider: Provider<MyViewModelImpl>): MyViewModel {
return ViewModelProviders.of(fragment, object : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T = provider.get() as T
// Other @Provides functions here.
interface MyViewModel {
// Stuff needed by the UI.
class MyViewModelImpl @Inject constructor(private val dependency: Dependency): ViewModel(), MyViewModel {
// ViewModel related stuff. (LiveData, etc)
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