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Last active December 13, 2016 05:58
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debug Server responded with information on how to contact device. Opening communication channel...
debug contacting device
debug Contacting url - wss://[MY_MINI_SERIAL]&friendlyId=[MY_FRIENDLY_ID]&forceConnect=false
debug this.deviceSocket = [object WebSocket]
debug deviceSocket.onopen
debug Event {isTrusted: true, type: "open", target: WebSocket, currentTarget: WebSocket, eventPhase: 2…}
debug sendMessage RemoteMessage {id: "s0", type: "COMMAND", packageName: "com.clover.remote.protocol.websocket", method: "DISCOVERY_REQUEST", payload: "{"method":"DISCOVERY_REQUEST","version":0}"…}
debug sendMessage RemoteMessage {id: "s1", type: "COMMAND", packageName: "com.clover.remote.protocol.websocket", method: "TX_START", payload: "{"method":"TX_START","version":0,"payIntent":{"act…Prompt":false,"requiresRemoteConfirmation":true}}"…}
debug Object {id: "10707", method: "TX_START_RESPONSE", packageName: "com.clover.remote.protocol.websocket", payload: "{"externalPaymentId":"JFDBNAFSPYT7F","order":"{\"t…s":true,"method":"TX_START_RESPONSE","version":1}", type: "COMMAND"}
in device start
CloverDeviceEvent {message: "Customer is tipping…", code: undefined, eventState: "ADD_TIP", inputOptions: Array[1]}
debug Connection appears to be response in 42740 milliseconds
in device error
CloverDeviceErrorEvent {message: "Connection appears to be response in 42740 milliseconds", code: undefined, type: "COMMUNICATION"}
debug Clearing ping thread
debug CloseEvent {wasClean: false, code: 1006, reason: "", type: "close", target: WebSocket…}bubbles: falsecancelBubble: falsecancelable: falsecode: 1006composed: falsecurrentTarget: WebSocketdefaultPrevented: falseeventPhase: 0path: Array[0]reason: ""returnValue: truesrcElement: WebSockettarget: WebSockettimeStamp: 56776.87type: "close"wasClean: false__proto__: CloseEvent
debug sendMessage RemoteMessage {id: "s2", type: "COMMAND", packageName: "com.clover.remote.protocol.websocket", method: "KEY_PRESS", payload: "{"method":"KEY_PRESS","version":0,"keyPress":"ESC"}"…}
in device error
CloverDeviceErrorEvent {message: "Could not send message : {"id":"s2","type":"COMMAN…"remoteApplicationID":"net.petexec.clover:1.0.0"}", code: "UnknownError", type: "COMMUNICATION"}
info Calling disconnectFromDevice
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